Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

the most part farmers to gentlemen, or at the least wise artificers; and with grazing, frequenting of markets, and keeping of servants (not idle servants as the gentlemen doo, but such as get both their owne and part of their master's living), do come to great welth, that manie of them are able and doo buie the lands of unthriftie gentlemen, and often setting their sonnes to the schooles, to the Universities, and to the Ins of Court; or otherwise leaving them sufficient lands whereupon they may live without labour, doo make them by those means to become gentlemen: these were they that in times past made all France afraid; and albeit they be not called master, as Gentlemen are, or Sir, as to Knights apperteineth, but onelie John and Thomas, &c. yet have they beene found to heive doone verie good service: and the Kings of England in foughten battles, were weont to remaine among them (who were their footmen), as the French Kings did amongst their horsemen: the Prince thereby shewing where his cheefe strength did consist."


The farmer's coadjutor in domestic, economy-the English housewife, was, a personage of no small consequence; for as Tusser, the rural poet, has observed-

"Housekeeping and husbandry, if it be good,

Must love one another as cousins in blood:

The wife, too, must husband as well

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thou can."

"Next unto her holiness and sanctity of life," says Markham,* "it is meet that our English housewife be a woman of great modesty and temperance, as well inwardly as outwardly; inwardly, as in her carriage and behaviour towards her husband, wherein she shall shun all violence of rage, passion, and humour, and outwardly courteous to her neighbours and dependents. Let her garments be comely and strong, made as well to preserve her health as to adorn the person, altogether with out toyish garnishes, or the gloss of light colours, and as far from the vanity of new and fantastic fashions as near to the comely imitation of modest ma• English Housewife, &c, 1693.

trons. She must be watchful, diligent, witty, pleasant, constant in friendship, full of good neighbourhood," &c. Her other qualifications, he states, were to consist in an intimacy with domestic physic, with cookery, with the disti)lation of waters, the making and preserving of wines, making and dyeing of cloth, malting, brewing, baking, &c.

THE RURAL CLERGYMAN. The country clergyman, during the Catholic era, and for a considerable time afterwards, was distinguished by the appellation of Sir, a title which Shakspeare has uniformly bestowed on the inferior orders of this profession; as Sir Hugh, in "The Merry Wives of Windsor," Sir Topas, in " Twelfth Night;" Sir Oliver, in "As You Like it," &c. This custom, which was not entirely discontinued till the reign of Charles II. owes its origin to the language of our Universities, which confers the designation of Domisius on those who have taken their first degree of Bachelor of Arts, and not, as has been supposed, to any claim which the clergy had to the Order of Knighthood. Harrison, before quoted, draws the following comparison between the apparel of the clergyman in his day, and in the preceding times of Popery:

"The apparell of our clergymen," says he, "is comlie, and, in truth, more decent than ever it, was in the Popish Church, before the Universities bound their graduates unto a suitable attire, afterwards usurped also by the blind Sir Johns. For if you peruse well my Chronologie, you shall find that they went either in diverse colours, like plaiers, or in garments of light hew, shoes piked, their hair crisped, their as yellow, red, green, &c. with their girdles armed with silver, their shoes, spurres, bridles, &c. buckled with like metall; their apparell, for the most part, of silke, and richlie furred; their cappes laced and buttoned with gold; so that, to meet a priest in those daies, was to behold a peacocke that spreadeth his taile, when he danceth before

the henne."

From the character of the country clergyman, the transition is easy to

that of

THE RURAL PEDAGOGUE; OR, SCHOOLMASTER OF ANCIENT TIMES. This character frequently combined, in the sixteenth century, the reputation

of conjurer with that of schoolmaster. Pinch, one of these, is thus described in "The Comedy of Errors :"They brought one Pinch, a hungry, lean-faced villain,

A mere anatomy, a mountebank, A thread-bare juggler and a fortuneteller,

A needy, hollow-eyed, sharp-looking wretch,

A living dead man; this pernicious slave,

Forsooth, took on him as a conjuror." Ben Jonson also alludes to this union of occupation when he says, "I would have ne'er a cunning schoolmaster in England; I mean a cunning man as a schoolmaster—that is, a conjuror."

Of their incapacity, Peacham, speak

His religion is a part of his copyhold, which he takes from his landlord, and refers it wholly to his discretion; yet if he give him leave, he is a good Christian to his power, that is, comes to Church in his best clothes, and sits there with his neighbours, where he is capable of only two prayers, for rain and fair weather. His compliment with his neighbour is a good thump on the back, and his salutation commonly some blunt curse. He is à niggard all the week, except only market day, where, if his corn sell well, he thinks he may be drunk with a good conscience. For death he is never troubled, and if he get in but his harvest before; let it come when it will he cares not."


ing of bad masters, near this period GILES IN LUNNUN TO HIS (1620), declares, "it is a general plague and complaint of the whole land; for, for one discrete and able teacher, you shall finde twenty ignorant and carelesse; and who, where they make one scholar, mar ten.”

And he afterwards adds, "I had, I remember, myselfe (near St. Albans, in Hertfordshire, where I was born), a master, who, by no intreaty would teach any scholler he had, farther than his father had learned before him; as, if he had onely learnt to reade English, the sonne, though he went with him seven years, should goe no further. His reason was, they would prove saucy rogues, and controule their fathers; yet there are they that often times have our hopefull gentry under their charge and tuition, to bring them in science and civility."


Bishop Earle has touched this homely subject with singular point and spirit. "A plain country fellow is one that manures his ground well, but lets himself lye fallow and untilled. He has reason enough to do his business, and not enough to be idle or melancholy. He seems to have the punishment of Nebuchadnezzar, for his conversation is among beasts, and his tallons none of the shortest, only he eats not grass, because he loves not sallets. His hand guides the plough, and the plough his thoughts, and his ditch and landmark is the very mound of his meditations. He expostulates with his oxen very understandingly, and speaks gee and ree better than English.

Dear Dick.


You remember that our old sarvant, Nan, used to boast that how she'd been in Lunnun, and that Lunnun bridge had beautiful shops upon it, and was a'-most a mile long. Now don't believe a word on't: for I travelled over it on a stage coach yesternight, i' the evening, and dang me if I could see a single shop, an' as for the length on't, suppose you walk acrosour straw-yard thro' the pytal to the church porch, why that he's just the distance. Well, to give you a bit of a history o' my time, since I left home. You must know that I got down at the Spread Eagle in Grase Church Street, as they call it, but didn't stop there, 'cause you know Ant Betty lives in Common Garden-so I swung my rapper over my arm, ar'd my way, and walked down Lumber Street-but just as I got by the Mansion House, where the Lord Mare lives, as you have heard father say, I was shoved down i' the gutter by some o' these here cockneys who were carrying news-papers to the Post Office-however, 'twas no use grumbling, so I was helped up by a very civil gentleman, who directed me to go straight up Cheapside, you 'ae heard father talk o' Cheapside; well, just as I was walking up Cheapside, I puts my hand in my coat pocket to fetch out my hankerchief as I thought, but these here Lunnuners had begun their tricks, for dang me if I had e'er a rag to wipe my nose with--just i' this

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nick o' time I was coming in sight o'
St. Pauls, and looking a little askant
at a heap o' beautiful things in a win-
dow, when bang came the corner of a
butcher's trow i' my mouth, and down
I went backwards with all my teeth,
as I thought, rattling down my throat
-the folks crowded round me, and the
fellow swore I wanted to upset his
trow, and before I was fairly up, he
knocked me down again-" Fair
play," said a very civil gentleman who
offered to take care o' my coat for me
-which I hugged tight under my arm
"You are able to beat this ruffin"
said he-this I thought was very kind,
so I gave him my coat-and, after a
round or two, knocked the butcher
down in my turn-up came a Charley,
"Who's making all this row," said
he,"-the butcher sneaked off.
"Where's the gentleman with my
rapper?" said I-"That I know no-
thing about," said the Charley, who
lugged me to the watch-house, where
they kept me all night, but discharged
me i' the morning with paying five shil-
lings. Don't tell mother I was forced
to rip up my watch fob to pay-for
these here pickpockets had got all my
loose silver. At last I got down to
Ant Betty's. This is all I have to say
at present. Ant Betty sends her koind
love-so no more at present from your
Lovin brother.


P.S. John Green talked o' commin to Lunnun, so read my letter to him, 'cause then he'll know better. Ant Betty is going to shew me all the curosities-so you'll hear from me again



[Continued from page 349.]

VICTORY NOT THE RESULT OF NUMBERS. It is not the number which gives the victory. Alexander conquered 300,000 Persians with 20,000 Macedonians, I had a particular success in daring enterprises.

THE CODE NAPOLEON.-Before my civil code there were no laws, but there existed about five or six thousand volumes written upon the laws, so that the Judges could conscientiously decide causes without understanding them.

HOMER'S ILIAD.-Why was Homer prefered by all the nations of Asia? Because he described the most memorable war of the first people in Europe

against the most flourishing nation. His poem is almost the only monument of that celebrated period.

DEATH OF PICHEGRU.-I have always been surprised, that the murder of Pichegru was imputed to me; he was nothing better than the other conspirators. I had a Court to try, and soldiers to shoot him. I never did any thing that was useless.

PROJECTED INVASION OF ENGLAND.I did not form the plan of landing in England "because I had nothing else to do," as it has been reported I said: I did not collect 200,000 men upon the coast of Boulogne, and spend eighty millions to amuse the Parisian loungers: the plan was serious-the landing possible: but Villeneuve's fleet unsettled, the whole. Besides, the English Cabinet hastened to rekindle the war on the continent.

THE DEFEAT AT LEIPSIC.-After the day of Leipsic, I might have laid waste the country between the enemy and myself, as Wellington had done in Portugal, and Louis XIV in the Palatinate: the right of war justified me in doing it, but I would not seek my safety by such means. My soldiers, by defeating the Bavarians at Hanau, shewed that I might rely on their bravery.

GOOD GOVERNMENT.-The names and form of Government signify, in reality, very little. Provided that justice be rendered to all citizens, that their right to the protection, the burthens, and sacrifices and rewards, be equal, the State is well governed.

THE PURSUIT OF PLEASURE.-Those who seek for happiness in pomp and dissipation, are like persons who prefor the splendour of wax candles to the light of the sun.

RUSSIA.-If I had overcome the coalition, Russia would have become as foreign to Europe as the kingdom of Thibet. By these means I should have freed the world from being overrun by the Cossacks.

PUBLIC WORSHIP.--Public worship is to religion what splendour is to a Court. The vulgar compute the credit of a courtier by the number of his footmen: the mob judge of the divine power by that of the priests.

THE CONSERVATORY SENATE.-The Senate, which I named Conservatory, signed its extinction with my own.

THE INFERNAL MACHINE.--I had the authors of the infernal machine transported: they were old practitioners

in conspiracies, of whom it was necessary to cleanse France. Since that time I remained undisturbed, the bulk of respectable people thanked me for it. THE FRENCH NAVY.-In 1805 I had eighty ships of the line, without reckoning the frigates: but I had neither sailors nor officers. My admirals played at hide and seek with the English; Louis distinguished himself. Villeneuve was a good officer, nevertheless he made nothing but blunders. He ran out of Cadiz like a madman-the death of Nelson could not make amends for the loss of my fleet. Villeneuve killed himself at a tavern in Rennes : according to custom, the honor of it was attributed to me. Indeed he had shewn signs of madness throughout the jour


REPOSE OF EUROPE.-It is said that my downfal has ensured the tranquility of Europe: they forget that it is indebted to me for its repose. I brought the revolution to an end. Now the Cabinets are steering without a compass.

AMBITION.-Whoever practises virtue only in the hope of acquiring fame, is near to vice.

RICH AND POOR.-The unequal distribution of wealth is anti-social and subversive of order: it crushes industry and emulation. The aristocracy of the great estates was only good in the feudal system.

DUTY OF A SOVEREIGN.-A Sovereign ought to take special care that wealth be not too unequally divided: for, then he will neither have poor people to keep in check, nor rich people to defend.

PARDONING CRIMINALS.-When I was a Sovereign, I never made use of my privilege of pardoning without having had cause to repent of it.

THE MARSHAL GROUCHY.-Grouchy thought to whitewash himself at my expense:-it is no less true, that he offered to deliver the Duke of Angouleme into my hands at Paris, if I wished it. I treated the latter as a loyal enemy, because I esteemed him.

POWERFUL ARGUMENTS.-I prefer a powerful argument to eloquence of style. Things are better than words.

UNEQUAL DISTRIBUTION of HONOUR. -When honours are scattered with a plentiful hand, many unworthy people will pick them up, and merit will withdraw itself. Nobody will go to fetch his commission on the field of battle, if he can get it in the ante-chamber.

FRENCH SOLDIERS.-Since Charle magne, the infantry of armies has always been bad. Under my reign, there was not a French Grenadier who did not think himself capable of conquering the enemy himself.

KINGS AND THEIR MINISTERS.-There are many people who imagine that they have the talent of governing, merely because they do govern.

A WEAK PRINCE,-A weak and irresolute prince will sink into contempt: but he will fare worse if he is governed by a silly and despised minister.

REMARKABLE DAYS.-I have had three fine days in my life, Marengo, Austerlitz, and Jena: unless one chooses to add as the fourth, the day when I gave the Emperor of Austria an audience in a ditch.

[To be continued.]


To cause the joyous laugh
To circle gaily round the group,
Shaking fat sides.
Old Play.


A short time since, a woman in the potteries sending for a fresh supply of snuff, was asked by her husband"What she had done with the half ounce she had in the morning?" "Half ounce!" exclaimed his rib-"What is that for a woman giving suck?"


A couple of lovers, very lately, being about to unite themselves in holy matrimony, in the village of Tideswell, in Chester, invited many of their friends

to witness the celebration thereof. The bridegroom and party were assembled had not yet made her debut, and all on the wished-for morn, but the bride were ready to exclaim

"Our patience no longer the feast can delay"

however, willing to make every allowance for the bride's timidity and extra duties at the toilet, they waited, and waited, and waited, expecting every moment that she would make her appearance in all the gaité de cœur natural on such occasions. At length their impatiencc was relieved by the entrance of a nurse, with a "great thumping boy"-to which the spinster had just given birth.


A late Duke of Norfolk, much attached to the bottle, one masquerade night asked Foote (who was his intimate) "What new character he should go in ? "Go sober," said Foote.


A gentleman meeting his friend, who had been for some time labouring under a fit of the gout, inquired after his health. His gouty friend answered "So, so." "I am sorry you are no better," replied the gentleman, "for I had hoped you had recovered in to-to."

A VERY PEREMPTORY ORDER. When the late illustrious Chevalier Taylor was enumerating the honours conferred on him by the different Princes of Europe, and orders that he had received from different kings, a gentleman present remarked that he had not named the King of Prussia, and added, "I suppose, sir, he never gave you any order." You are mistaken, sir," replied the chevalier, "he gave me a very peremptory order to quit his dominions."


A certain lady waited on a physician, in great trouble, about her daughter; "What ails her?" said the doctor. "Alas doctor! I canot tell; but she has lost her humour, her looks, her stomach; her strength consumes every day, so as we fear she cannot live." "Why do you not marry her?" "Alas, doctor! that we would fain do, and have offered her as good a match as she could ever expect; but she will not hear of marrying." "Is there no other, do you think, that she would be content to marry?"--" Ah, doctor! that is it that troubles us; for there is a young gentleman we doubt not she loves, that her father and I can never consent to."-"Why, look you,madam," replied the doctor gravely, (being among all his books in his closet), "then the case is this; your daughter would marry one man, and you would have her marry another? in all my books I find no remedy for such a disease as this!"

[blocks in formation]

TAKE BACK YOUR WREATH. Take back your wreath, your sunny wreath,

"Tis mockery to give it me! The summer's bloom, the summer's breath,

Are not what should be offered me. For though those flowers may fade and fall,

How very sweet their life has been! And fragrant still the coronal, Though dead the blush and sear the green.

They are perhaps an offering

For flowers are not made for the spring, To scatter on my funeral stone; Which only blight and blast has known.

But take some veil in darkness wove,

And fling its shadow o'er my brow, It will be like a cloud which love Has thrown around my past and


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