Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

cum Carthaginenfibus ginians, according to the fieri. Scipio his con- pleafure of Scipio. Scipio ditionibus dedit, ne granted it upon these terms,

that they fhould have no more than 30 ships, should give 500 thousand pounds of filver, and restore the prifoners and deferters.

amplius quam xxx. naves haberent, quingenta millia pondo argenti darent, captivos & perfugas redderent. 22. Interim Anni. 22. In the mean time, bale veniente ad Afri- upon Annibal's coming to cam; pax turbata eft; Africa, the peace was inmulta hoftilia ab Afris terrupted, and many hoftilfacta funt. Legati tamen ites committed by the Afeorum ex urbe veni- ricans. Yet their Amentes, a Romanis cap- baffadors, as they were ti funt, & jubente coming from the city Scipione dimiffi. An- Rome, were taken by the nibal quoque,frequen- Romans, and by Scipio's tibus præliis victus a order difmiffed. Annibal Scipione, petiit etiam too being conquered in fevipfe pacem. Cum eral battles by Scipio, begventum effet ad collo- ged peace himfelf too. quium, iifdem condi- When they came to a con. tionibus data eft qui- ference upon it, it was bus prius : addita granted upon the fame quingentis millibus terms as before; only a pondo argenti, c. mil- hundred thousand libra lia librarum propter were added to the five hunnovam perfidiam, Car- dred thousand pound weight thaginenfibus conditi- of filver for their late difplicuerunt, treachery. Thefe articles jufferuntque Anniba- difpleafed the Carthaginlem pugnare. Infer- ians, and they ordered Antur a Scipione, & Maf- nibal to fight. The war finiffa alio rege Nu- is carried by Scipio,




midarum, qui amici- and Maffiniffa, another tiam cum Scipione fe- King of the Numidians, cerat, Carthagini bel- who had made an alliance Annibal tres with Scipio, up to Carexploratores ad Scipi- thage itself. Annibal fent onis caftra mifit: quos three fpies to Scipio's camp, captos Scipio circum- whom being feized, Scipio duci per caftra juffit, ordered to be led round the oftendique eis totum camp, and the whole army exercitum; mox etiam to be fhewn them, and then prandium dari dimit. a dinner to be given them, tique, ut renunciarent and difmiffed, that they Annibali quæ apud might tell Annibal what Romanos vidiffent. they had feen amongst the


23. Interea prælium 23. In the mean time a ab utroque duce in- battle was prepared for by ftru&tum eft, quale both generals,fuch as fcarce vix ulla memoria fu ever was in any age; when it: quum peritiffimi vi- thefe moft skilful men drew ri copias fuas ad bel- out their troops to the fight. lum educerent. Scipio Scipio comes off conqueror. victor recedit, pene Annibal himfelf being well ipfo Annibale capto nigh taken who got off qui primum cum mul. at firft with many horfe, tis equitibus, deinde then with twenty, and at cum XX. poftremo last with but four. 201 cum quatuor evafit. thousand pounds of filver Inventa in caftris An- were found in Annibal's nibalis argenti pon- camp, and eight hundred do xx. millia, auri of gold, with other bagoctingenta, cætera gage in great plenty. After fupellectili copiofa. that battle a peace was Poft id certamen pax made with the Carthagin cum Carthaginenfibus

[merged small][ocr errors]


facta eft. Scipio Ro- ians. Scipio returned to mam rediit, & ingenti Rome, and triumphed in gloria triumphavit, at great glory, and begun to que Africanus ex eo be called from thence Afappellari cœptus eft. ricanus. The fecond CarFinem accepit fecun- thaginian war had an end. dum Punicum bellum, *19 years after it begun. poft annum nonum decimum quam cœpe


* A period was put to this war in its 18th year, that is, 553 from the building of Rome, just 200 years before Christ.


[blocks in formation]

Tico bello fequu.

tum eft Macedonicum ed, the *Macedonian folcontra Philippum re- lowed againft King Philip.


2. Quingentefimo & 2. In the 551ft year quinquagefimo primo from the building of the anno ab urbe condita, city, T. Quintius FlamT. Quintius Flaminius inius is fent against King adverfus Philippum Philip. He managed his regem mittitur: res affairs fucessfully: a peace profpere geffit; pax was granted him upon ei data eft his legibus, thefe terms, that he fhould ne Græciæ civitatibus, not make war upon the quas Romani contra cities of Greece which the eum defenderant, bel- Romans had defended alum inferret, ut capti- gainft him, that he should vos & transfugas red- reftore the prifoners and deret, quinquaginta deferters, fhould have only folum

*The Macedonian war begun 13 years before the conclusion of the Carthaginian.

+ Livy fays in the 550th.

T. Quintius Flaminius was not the first commander that was fent into Macedonia after the end of the Punick war, but the third.

folum naves haberet, 50 fhips, and deliver up reliquas Romanis red- the reft to the Romans; deret per annos de- fhould pay for ten years, cem quaterna millia four thousand pound weight pondo argenti præfta. of filver, and give his fon ret, & obfidem daret Demetrius as an hoftage. filium fuum Demetri. T. Quintius likewife made um. Titus Quintius war upon the Lacedemo


Lacedæmoniis nians, conquered their intulit bellum; ducem prince Nabis, and admiteorum Nabidem vicit: ted him to a peace upon what & quibus voluit con- terms he thought fit; and ditionibus, in fidem led before his chariot the accepit ingenti glo- moft noble hoftages, Demeria duxit ante currum trius the fon of Philip, and nobiliffimos obfides, Armenes the fon of Nabis.



filium, & Armenem



an war was ended, the
Syrian followed against
King Antiochus; when
Publius Cornelius Scipio


3. Tranfa&to bello 3. After the Macedoni Macedonico, tum eft Syriacum contra Antiochum regem, P. Cornelio Scipione, M. Acilio Glabrione and Marcus Acilius GlaConfulibus. Huic brio were Confuls. Antiocho Annibal fe nibal had joined himfelf junxerat, Carthaginem to this Antiochus, quitting patriam fuam, ne Ro- his native place Carthage, manis traderetur, re- left he fhould be delivered linquens. M. Acilius up to the Romans. M. Glabrio in Achaia Acilius Glabrio fought fucpugnavit bene. Caftra cefsfully in Achaia. The regis Antiochi no&tur. camp of King Antiochus na pugna capta funt: was taken in a battle by

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