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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" IF two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the... "
The definitions, postulates, axioms, and enunciations of the propositions of ... - Σελίδα 8
των Euclides - 1848 - 42 σελίδες
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Euclid's Elements of Geometry: From the Latin Translation of Commandine. To ...

Euclid, John Keill - 1723 - 436 σελίδες
...the one -u> ill be greater than the Bafe of the other; which was to be demonftrated. PROPOSITION XXV, THEOREM. If two Triangles have two Sides of the one equal to two Sides of the other, each to each, and the Bafe of the one greater than the Bafe of the other ; they fh all alfo have the Angles, contain1d...

Euclid's Elements of Geometry,: From the Latin Translation of Commandine. To ...

Euclid, John Keill - 1733 - 446 σελίδες
...equal to it. Where^ fore the Angle BAC is neceflarily greater than the Angle EDF. If) therefore, two Triangles have two Sides of the one equal to two Sides of the- other, eachto each, and the Bafe of the one greater than the Bafe of the other ; they Jhall alfo have...

The Elements of Euclid: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have Long Ago ...

Robert Simson - 1762 - 488 σελίδες
...Which was to be done. PROP. XXIV. THE OR. TF two triangles have two fides of the one equal to two fides of the other, each to each, but the angle contained by the two fides of one of them greater than the angle contained by the two fides equal to them, of the other;...

Euclid's Elements of Geometry: From the Latin Translation of Commandine. To ...

John Keill - 1772 - 462 σελίδες
...having the fame Ends which the firjl Right Lines have; which was to be demonftrated. PROPOSITION VIII. THEOREM. . If two Triangles have two Sides of the one equal to two Sides of the other, each to each, and the Bafes equal, then the Angles contained under the eoual Sides will be equal. LET the two Triangles...

The Geometrician: Containing Essays on Plane Geometry, and Trigonometry ...

Benjamin Donne - 1775 - 336 σελίδες
...; much more then muft л. BDC be Г ¿_ A. Q^ ED PI.2.FI 92- THEOREM 14. If two Triangles ABC, DEF, have two Sides of the one equal to two Sides of the other, each to eacbi viz. AB — DE, and AC — DF; eut the contained Angle of one greater than the contained Angle...

The Elements of Euclid, Viz: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have ...

Robert Simson - 1775 - 534 σελίδες
...to be done. PROP. XXIV. THEO R. SeeN. TF two triangles have two fides of the one equal to two fides of the other, each to each, but the angle contained by the two fides of one of them greater than the angle contained by the two fides equal to them, of the other...

The First Six Books: Together with the Eleventh and Twelfth

Euclid - 1781 - 552 σελίδες
...PROP. XXIV. THEO R. S«'eti. TF two triangles have two fides of the one equal to two •*• fides of the other, each to each, but the angle contained by the two Tides of one ot them greater than the angle contained by the two fides equal to them, of the other;...

Euclid's Elements of Geometry: From the Latin Translation of Commandine, to ...

John Keill - 1782 - 472 σελίδες
...equal to it. Wherefore the Angle BAC is neceflarily greater than the Angle EDF. If, therefore, two Triangles have two Sides of the one equal to two Sides of the tiber, each ts each, and the Baje of the one greater than the Bafe of the other ; they jhatl alfo have...

Elements of Geometry: Containing the First Six Books of Euclid, with Two ...

John Playfair - 1795 - 462 σελίδες
...Which was to be done. PROP. XXIV. THEO R. IF two triangles have two fides of the one equal to two fides of the other, each to each, but the angle contained by the two fides of one of them greater than the angle contained by the two fides equal to them, of the other...

The Elements of Euclid: Viz. the First Six Books, with the Eleventh and ...

Alexander Ingram - 1799 - 374 σελίδες
...Which was to be done. PROP. XXIV. THEOR. IF two triangles have two fides of the one equal to two fides of the other, each to -each, but the angle contained by the two fides of one of them, greater than the angle contained by the two fides equal to them, of the other...

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