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an institution of learning, where youth could be thoroughly educated on Christian principles, and where their morals and habits could be preserved from the dangers of evil association. Students can here fully complete their studies; or they can be prepared for advanced classes-the junior and senior-at any of the colleges or universities of the country; or be fitted to enter upon the study of a profession or the active business of life During their entire course, the most wholesome moral and religious influcnces are sought to be exercised over them.

It is a fixed and unvarying rule, that every branch taught at the school is to be studied faithfully and well. To effect this object, every effort is made to insure ability and faithfulness on the part of the instructors and diligence and improvement on the part of the scholars. Great pains are taken, by the internal regulations of the school, in each particular department, to train the students to habits of method, neatness, and punctuality, so important in every business or profession and so indispensable to the comfort and convenience of individuals.

Education of the mind, however, and the formation of business-habits, are by no means the sole or most important aim of the school. Whilst these receive constant and proper attention, it is at all times borne in mind that the morals and the manners of the students are by no means to be neglected.

To make mere scholars or exact men of business is not the sole duty of the Christian teacher. He has much nobler ends in view. No exertions are to be spared to secure those just named; but at the same time he is to be diligent to bring those intrusted to his care under the influence of religious principle. He is not only to labour to make them useful men, but, so far as in him lies, he is to endeavour to make them Christian gentlemen, gentlemen as well in feelings and principles as in outward conduct and manners.

For these important ends the school was established by the trustees of the Theological Seminary, in 1839, in obedience to a resolution of the Diocesan Convention, and placed under the care of the Rev. William N. Pendleton, who opened it in October of that year. The number of pupils soon became large; and, besides superior intellectual training, the blessings of divine grace were very richly bestowed upon them, about forty having in the first few years made a creditable profession of religion, and some of these having afterward entered the ministry of the Church. This prosperity continued until the years 1843-44, when, chiefly through a general pecuniary embarrassment, which injured almost every literary institution in the country and ruined some, it became necessary to close the High School for one year.

In the fall of 1845 it was reopened by the Rev. E. A. Dalrymple, who had been appointed its rector at the Convention in May preceding, and whose energy and skill, under the blessing of a good Providence, soon restored it to its former prosperity. After a most laborious devotion to

his duties for about seven years, the failure of his health constrained him to resign, leaving the institution in a condition promising permanent success. In the summer of 1852, the Rev. John P. McGuire, its present rector, was appointed his successor, and is now nearly at the close of his fifth session. The number of pupils-between seventy and eighty-is about what it has been for years; it is still among the very first as an institution of learning; the fruits of grace are still gathered to an encouraging extent, some twenty having been added to the Communion of the Church during the last session, and others now expecting soon to be confirmed, thus in the highest sense accomplishing the purpose for which the school was originally established.




EXTRACT from a letter of the Rev. Dr. Berrian, of New York, to Mrs. Jane Washington, of Mount Vernon, in answer to some inquiries about General Washington during his residence in New York as President of the United States :

"About a fortnight since I was administering the Communion to a sick daughter of Major Popham, and, after the service was over, happening to speak on this subject, I was greatly rejoiced to obtain the information which you so earnestly desired.

"Major Popham served under General Washington during the Revolutionary War, and I believe he was brought as near to him as their difference of rank would admit, being himself a man of great respectability, and connected by marriage with the Morrises, one of the first families in the country. He has still an erect and military air, and a body but little broken at his advanced age. His memory does not seem to be impaired

nor his mind to be enfeebled."

To the above I can add my own testimony, having in different ways become acquainted with the character of Major Popham, and having visited him about the same time mentioned by Dr. Berrian.

Extract from Major Popham's Letter to Mrs. Jane Washington

NEW YORK, March 14, 1839.

MY DEAR MADAM:-You will doubtless be not a little surprised at receiving a letter from an individual whose name may possibly never have

reached you; but an accidental circumstance has given me the extreme pleasure of introducing myself to your notice. In a conversation with the Rev. Dr. Berrian a few days since, he informed me that he had lately paid a visit to Mount Vernon, and that Mrs. Washington had expressed a wish to have a doubt removed from her mind, which had long oppressed her, as to the certainty of the General's having attended the Communion while. residing in the city of New York subsequent to the Revolution. As nearly all the remnants of those days are now sleeping with their fathers, it is not very probable that at this late day an individual can be found who could satisfy this pious wish of your virtuous heart, except the writer. It was my great good fortune to have attended St. Paul's Church in this city with the General during the whole period of his residence in New York as President of the United States. The pew of Chief-Justice Morris was situated next to that of the President, close to whom I constantly sat in Judge Morris's pew, and I am as confident as a memory now labouring under the pressure of fourscore years and seven can make me, that the President had more than once-I believe I may say often-attended at the sacramental table, at which I had the privilege and happiness to kneel with him. And I am aided in my associations by my elder daughter, who distinctly recollects her grandmamma-Mrs. Morris-often mention that fact with great pleasure. Indeed, I am further confirmed in my assurance by the perfect recollection of the President's uniform deportment during divine service in church. The steady seriousness of his manner, the solemn, audible, but subdued tone of voice in which he read and repeated the responses, the Christian humility which overspread and adorned the native dignity of the saviour of his country, at once exhibited him a pattern to all who had the honour of access to him. It was my good fortune, my dear madam, to have had frequent intercourse with him. It is my pride and boast to have seen him in various situations,—in the flush of victory, in the field and in the tent,-in the church and at the altar, always himself, ever the same.

Letter from General Lewis, of Augusta county, Virginia, to the Rev. Mr Dana, of Alexandria.

LEWISTOWN, December 14, 1855. Reverend and DEAR SIR:-When (some weeks ago) I had the pleasure of seeing you in Alexandria, and in our conversation the subject of the religious opinions and character of General Washington was spoken of, I repeated to you the substance of what I had heard from the late General Robert Porterfield, of Augusta, and which at your request I promised to reduce to writing at some leisure moment and send to you. I proceed now to redeem the promise. Some short time before the death of General Porterfield, I made him a visit and spent a night at his house. He related many interesting facts that had occurred within his own observation in

the war of the Revolution, particularly in the Jersey campaign and the encampment of the army at Valley Forge. He said that his official duty. (being brigade-inspector) frequently brought him in contact with General Washington. Upon one occasion, some emergency (which he mentioned) induced him to dispense with the usual formality, and he went directly to General Washington's apartment, where he found him on his knees, engaged in his morning's devotions. He said that he mentioned the cir cumstance to General Hamilton, who replied that such was his constant habit. I remarked that I had lately heard Mr.

say, on the authority

of Mr., that General Washington was subject to violent fits of passion, and that he then swore terribly. General Porterfield said the charge was false; that he had known General Washington personally for many years, had frequently been in his presence under very exciting circumstances, and had never heard him swear an oath, or in any way to profane the name of God. "Tell Mr. from me," said he, "that he had much better be reading his Bible than repeating such slanders on the character of General Washington. General Washington," said he, "was a pious man, and a member of your Church, [the Episcopal.] I saw him myself on his knees receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in Church, in Philadelphia." He specified the time and place. My impression is that Christ Church was the place, and Bishop White, as he afterward was, the minister. This is, to the best of my recollection, an accurate statement of what I heard from General Porterfield on the subject. I am, sir, with great respect, very truly yours,


[In relation to what is said about the paroxysms of passion and terrible swearing of General Washington, we have something very special to say. We have heard of this many years since, and think we are able to trace it to its true source.

The following extract from a late synopsis of General Washington's private letters to his secretary,-Mr. Tobias Lear,-by the Hon. Richard Rush, of Philadelphia, will throw some light on the subject:-]

"An anecdote I derived from Colonel Lear shortly before his death in 1816 may here be related, showing the height to which his [General Washington's] passion would rise, yet be controlled. It belongs to his domestic life which I am dealing with, having occurred under his own roof, whilst it marks public feeling the most intense and points to the moral of his life. I give it in Colonel Lear's words as nearly as I can, having made a note of them at the time.

Toward the close of a winter's day in 1791, an officer in uniform was scen to dismount in front of the President's in Philadelphia, and, giving the bridle to his servant, knock at the door of his mansion. Learning from the porter that the President was at dinner, he said he was on public business and had despatches for the President. A servant was sent into

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