THE LIFE of the rev. Charles Wesley, M. A. LATE STUDENT OF CHRISTCHURCH, OXFORD, COLLECTED FROM HIS PRIVATE JOURNAL. BY JOHN WHITEHEAD, M. D. AUTHOR OF THE DISCOURSE DELIVERED AT THE REV. JOHN WESLEY'S FUNERAL, THE SECOND EDITION, IMPROVED. In labours more abundant- A workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing PAUL Dublin: PRINTED AND SOLD BY JOHN JONES, 90, BRIDE-STREET, 1805. ADVERTISEMENT: THE REV. CHARLES WESLEY'S Life having been published in London, separate from DOCTOR WHITEHEAD'S larger Work, the Publisher of the present Edition, desirous also of accommodating those who may not find it convenient to purchase the Lives of the Rev. Messrs. WESLEYS', in two octavo volumes, or who are already possessed of Dr. COKE and Mr. MOORE's Life of Mr. WESLEY, offers this interesting volume for their perusal, hoping it may meet general acceptation. 99, Bride-street. Dublin? June 9th, 1805.} CONTENTS. Sect. I. Of his Birth and Education until his Sect. II. Of Mr. Charles Wesley's Voyage to THE LIFE OF THE Rev. Charles Wesley, A. M. CHAPTER I. SECTION I. Of his Birth, and Education until his Ordination in 1735. MR. Charles Wesley was born December 18th, 1708, old style, several weeks before his time, at Epworth in Lincolnshire; being about five years younger than his` brother John Wesley, and about sixteen younger than Samuel. He appeared dead rather than alive, when he was born. He did not cry, nor open his and was eyes, kept wrapt up in soft wool until the time when he should have been born according to the usual course of nature, and then he opened his eyes and cried. He received the first rudiments of learning at home, under the pious care of his mother, as all the other children did. In 1716 he was sent to Westminster school, and placed under the care of his eldest brother Samuel Wesley, an High Church man, who educated him in his own principles. He was exceedingly sprightly |