Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

three females. The charge against him was his supposed fore give the following extract from the account which predilection towards the English.

had just reached our hands:

Colesberg, 4th March, The Governor of Rangoon was, in a little way, also Agreeably to the wish of Dingaan, as respects the indulging his taste for the "advancement of the human emigrant farmers settling in his territory, Pieter race. He had ordered for execution a man convicted Retief proceeded to take possession of such lands as that of stealing three rupees, and had himself tortured an chief had previously pointed out for the purpose. After individual for the purpose of extorting confession. The a tiresome journey, and having passed through numbers of British merchants are forbade to approach this great Dingaan's people, with the most friendly intercourse, man with their shoes on. Fifty thousand baskets of they arrived at a spot in the vicinity of Port Natal, paddy had been sent to Ava, and all the dried buffaloe where they established their head-quarters, and on which hides. The latter were intended to make shields of. An they purposed to build a fort, &c. Two days after their opinion was gaining ground, that Tharrawadie was de-arrival, Retief made known his intention of lacating on termined to refuse compliance with the Yandaboo trea- separate places such families as might wish to be so placed. ty, and, as a precautionary measure to guard against On the fourth day these persons assembled with their internal commotion, he has made away with the young waggons and families, amounting in all to two hundred prince, who might have been a ralying cry for the op. and seventy souls, men, women, and children. On the posite party in Ava. fifth day they left head-quarters, and, on the night of the seventh day, they were surrounded, and attacked by a commando of Dingaan's people,and all perished, including PIETER RETIEF!



Intelligence of this dreadful catastrophe has been DREADFUL MASSACRE OF THE EMIGRANT FARMERS.received by Mr. Maritz (formerly of Graaff-Reinet), By the mail which arrived this morning from the nor-and by him it has been forwarded to farmers residing on thern frontier, we have received the appalling intelligence the Riet and Modder rivers, together with a communiof the massacre of Mr. PIETER RETIEF, together with cation that he wishes as many as are capable to join him 270 persons, comprising men, women, and children! If for the the account furnished us be correct, the Zoolu Chief, remaining at Reties head-quarters. In consequence, purpose of giving assistance to the emigrants Dingaa, must, with the most subtle treachery, have however, of a rumour that all are killed, the farmers are inveigled the emigrants into his territories, and, having rather tardy in their movements, and some doubt is exacquired their confidence, he must, at a moment when pressed as to whither they will proceed. thrown off their guard by his specious kindness, scat

tered and comparatively defenceless, have committed "I have this intelligence on the authority of a gentlethis savage butchery. This is a true sample of native man of unboubted respectability, who has actually read character, and shews what Europeans may expect when the document, spoke to Maritz on the subject, and who left to their tender mercies. At present time will not heard the aged people bewailing the loss of the children." permit us to dwell upon this painful subject; we there--Graham's Town Journal, March 8.






The steam committee in publishing the following report of Col. Barr's proceedings in Egypt, have to congratulate the subscribers to the fund, and the public in general, on the near completion of arrangements which will so greatly tend to facilitate the transit, and promote the comfort of passengers, proceeding to England via the Red Sea.

It will be in the recollection of the subscribers that Col. Barr, under instructions from the committee, took with him from hence and also purchased in Egypt, sundry articles, consisting of small tents, sedan chairs, covered chairs for ladies and children; tables, small table chairs and cooking utensils; a portion of which he left at Cossier, to be distributed on the route between that place and Thebes; and the remainder he dis posed of between Suez and Cairo. These will be found sufficient for the accommodation of such passeng. ers as are likely to proceed by these routes, before the more extended improvements are brought into operation. Immediately on his arrival in Egypt, Col. Barr communicated, as requested by the committee, with Col. Campbell, the consul-general there, who entered warmly into our project and addressed to Boghoz Bey, the minister, a long official letter to be submitted to the Pacha, on the subject of the erection of suitable build. ings between Suez and Cairo.

five months after the 20th April, at which time the £1,000 was paid to the contractors.

The following regulations as to the time of starting from Suez and Cairo, the rate of travelling, and the fares to be charged, were also arranged.


From Cairo.-If more than a sufficient number of passengers for one van are anxious to proceed to Suez; the first van to start within 48 hours before the departure of the steamer from Suez, and the second within twelve hours after the first. If only sufficient passengers for one van, to start thirty-six hours before the departure of the steamer; or as may otherwise be agreed on by the majority of passengers.

From Suez.-The first van to start six hours after the landing of the first lady passengers from the steamer ; -the second twelve hours after the first; if the number of In event of there being no lady passengers exceed ten. passengers, then the first van to start six hours after the landing of the first ten male passengers.-Ladies to have always prior claim as to proceeding by the first or subsequent carriages.

The right of male passengers, without families, to a similar choice, to be hereafter determined by the steam committee. Every facility to be afforded to such ladies or gentlemen as may wish to perform the whole, or any part, of the journey by saddle, in place of car


20 hours actual travelling, or less if practicable. 21-3 hours stoppage at the centre station.

Pending the expected answer to this communication;riage conveyance. which on the assurance of Boghoz Bey, the committee have every reason to believe will be favourable; arrangements were entered into with Messrs. Hill and Raven, of Cairo, to provide the necessary establishment of carriages and baggage, waggons, &c., for conveying the desert.-This agreement propassengers across vides, that in consideration of the sum of £1,000 Sierling, Messrs. Hill and Raven engage to procure and

hold on account of the steam committee.

4 Light vans with canvas or woollen awnings and stuffed seats.

2 Luggage waggons.

40 Mules.

5 Sets of harness for light vans of 4 mules each. 3 Sets of harness for luggage waggons of 6 mules each and to keep up the following establishment: 6 Carriage drivers.

15 Assistants at station-houses.

1 Harness mender, and

2 Shoeing smiths; one at Suez and one at the centre station house.

The whole to be kept in a thorough and efficient state

do. at the other stations.

The votes of a majority of passengers by any carriage, may extend the period of halting at the mid-way station for any number of hours, not exceeding twelve; or of departure from Cairo or Suez for six additional hours. This latitude be necessary at particular seasons.


From Cairo to Suez and from Suez to

Cairo, for Ladies or Gentlemen.. £ 6 0 0 Childern under 10 years of age


300 300

The above to include the carriage of one cwt. of luggage for each lady or gentleman, and cwt. for each child or servant, with provisions, attendance, &c.-but not including wines, spirits, beer to go by the luggage.. Extra luggage waggons, and be charged at the rate of five shillings per cwt.

To procure the carriages, in conformity with the above agreement, Mr. Raven was about to proceed to England, at the period of Col. Barr's departure from

With regard to the buildings between Suez and | hours as they please. From thence a ten hours' drive in Cairo, plans have been prepared of a centre station and a comfortable open, or close carriage, over an excellent four intermediate ones in the desert, which are now be- road, will take them to the half-way house, whence an fore the committee, all of which Messrs. Hilland Raven additional drive of 9 or 13 hours brings them to Cairo, offer to contract to build, for the sum of 5,117 dollars, where they will find comfortable accommodations in the or about 12,000 rupees. The centre station to contain one English hotel. room of 24 feet by 18, and 5 sleeping apartments of 14. by 12, and 15 feet high, with stabling and other requisite buildings; the whole protected and enclosed by a wall 15 feet high to he built of stone, in a subsantial and workmanlike manner. A water tank also to be added sufficiently large for the use of the mules.

The intermediate bungalows to be built with walls twelve feet high, and to have stabling attached; together with water tanks, the whole to be built in the same sub-stantial manner as the centre station,

At the date of Col. Barr's departure from Cairo, Col. "Campbell had not received any positive answer from the Pacha, relative to the erection of these buildings, but in a letter dated Alexandria the 11th April, he writes to Col. Barr, that" the Pacha, who is now in the Delta, has written; in a letter received yesterday; that he will arrange everything satisfactorily with me respecting those buildings on his arrival at Alexandria, which will be in a few days. His arrival however will probably not be in time for me to communicate to you, before the departure of the expected steamer, any arrangements which the Pacha may make with me, and therefore I fear that 1 shall not be able to let you or the Bombay steam committee, know the result before the steamer which will leave Suez in the ensuing month.

"Nothing, of course, can be undertaken in the way of building or forming establishments of any kind or nature, between Suez and Cairo, until I shall obtain the Pacha's sanction to that effect."

The committee have every reason to believe that the Pacha will himself undertake the erection of these buildings, but in the event of his declining to do so it will be necessary to place at the disposal of Col. Campbell, the requisite funds for carrying on the work on his ob. taining His Highness's sanction to do so. In the mean time, however, a sufficient number of tents have been provided as substitutes for the buildings; and as the contract with Messrs. Hill and Raven, comes into operation on the 1st of October, passengers on landing at Suez, from and after that date, will find there a branch of the Cairo hotel, where they can remain comfortably, free of all expense (except for wines, &c.) for as many

between Cosseir and Thebes, likely to be visited by so With a view also to improving the communication many passengers from India, Col. Barr communicated with a Mr. Prisse, a civil engineer, formerly in the Pacha's employ, now resident at Luxor, and obtained from him plans for a building at Luxor, another at Cosseir, and four intermediate ones in the desert, the erection of which he offers to superintend and conduct. Mr. Prisse estimates the expense of these buildings as under for a house at Luxor, as per plan.

Ditto at Cosseir ditto....


4 intermediate houses at £175 each.....





He states, however, that it is difficult to estimate correctly the expense of building in Egypt, where the price of labour and materials varies so much, but he feels confident that the cost of those he proposes, would not exceed, under any circumstances, £1,700.

of boats both for the Nile and Canal, to be placed The Pacha had also given orders to build a number under the entire control of the consuls, allowing them to fix a fair scale of passage-money. As we may reasonably expect, from the management under which they will be placed that these boats will be kept in a proper states of cleanliness, this act of the Pacha's will prove one of the greatest boons he could grant to the traveller through his dominions. His Highness had further inNile and Canal, as soon as they can be prepared, and timated his intention of having small steamers on the has, in fact, promised to afford every facility for the state in conclusion, that an accomodation building at transit of passengers. The committee have only to Mocha or Aden, if the latter should be selected as the coal depôt, appears to be absolutely necessary for the comfort of passengers, as all complain of the discom fort of having to remain on board the steamer while the coals are being taken in. C. B. SKINNER, Actg. Sec.

Bombay, 17th May, 1838.

[Bombay Courier, April 19.- Hurkaru, June 2.


We invite the attention of our readers to a letter addressed to the Honourble the President of the Council of India, by the committee appointed by a public meeting at the Town-hall to communicate with the Government, respecting trial by jury in civil cases in the Supreme Court, and the answer of Mr. R. D. Mangles, the officiating Secretary to the Government of India. The case of British subjects is strongly and clearly put; and the delay and dilatoriness of the "powers that be" not spared. The answer is anything but satisfactory; for the committee are told to wait the result of the deliberations of the Law Commission ers," who are engaged in the consideration of the existing law of procedure in all the Courts of India and in framing a code for the future regulation of the same;" and consequently ten years hence we may possibly hear a recommendation of jury trial in civil cases has gone home for the opinions of the Court of Directors, and

Board of Control, and in ten years more, we may, if we are in good luck, ascertain what those opinions may be. Six years have been consumed already, and the only progress we have made is the receipt of an assurance, that "the best attention of the Legislative Council will be given to our wishes," which means, being translated," open your mouth and shut your eyes and see what the gods will send you."

Calcutta, May 21, 1838.

HON'BLE SIR,-We beg permission to address you as the committee appointed by a public meeting of the inhabitants of Calcutta, convened for the purpose of promoting trial by jury in civil cases in Her Majesty's Supreme Court of Judicature for this presidency. Our

object is to entreat the favourable and immediate atten- of introducing trial by jury in civil cases, while the tion of Government to the prayer of the inhabitants of fact of Mr. Justice Grant having been a member of the this city, a prayer important in its object, often urged, committee up to the time that he became a Judge of the powerfully supported, yet long left without any reply. Supreme Court, at once establishes, that the judges of In 1726, British Law was first introduced into India, the Supreme Court, consider, the introduction of juries and in 1774 the Supreme Court was founded in Calcutta, in civil cases of essential consequence. with the same number of judges and similar jurisdic- The recommendation of the president of the Board tion as the King's Bench in England. With British of Commissioners to apply to the Legislative Council, Law, and a British Court, the inhabitants had hoped at least establishes that the highest authority in Engthat trial by jury, which is the grand characteristic of land, did not object to the proposal. The numerous that law, and the invariable practice of these Courts, signatures of the barristers, officers of Court, and had also been given to this city, but in 1779 the judges attornies to the petitions; prove, that the experience determined, that except in cri inal cases, they had no of the profession was strongly in favour of the measure. authority to try by jury. In consequence of this deterSuch, Honourable Sir, are the facts under which we mination a petition was presented by the inhabitants of address you, and respectfully entreat your early atten❤ this city to the legislature, against a court being estab-tion to the prayer of the inhabitants of this city. We lished," who should be at once judges and jury, do submit in plain, but we trust in becoming language, and invested with uncontrolled and indefinite powers, that the strength of our case is almost unparallelled. such as no men were to be trusted with." This peti- The capital of British India is now praying for the intion was presented, but was not followed up by any troduction of that system, which is the most ancient, substantive motion, for then one great obstacle existed and the most prized in the British Constitution, a system to granting its prayer, which has long since been remov-closely identified with the cherished punchyat of the ed, the want of a sufficient number of capable jurymen. natives, and forming as it were a link still further to On the 14th of April 1832, a public meeting was unite the European and native subjects of Her Maconvened at the Town-hall to petition Parliament for a jesty. The introduction of this system has been stronglegislative enactment, for trial by Jury in civil cases. ly advocated by the judges of the very Court in which The requisition to the Sheriff was signed by the unpre- it is to take effect, it has been advocated by the bar, the cedented number of 312 persons, comprehending every mercantile firm in Calcutta, and 162 of the most opulent natives. One of the present judges of the Court, the Hon'ble Mr. Justice Grant, took a most prominent part at the meeting, and all the resolutions were carried with only one dissentient voice, and 3,108 inhabitants of Calcutta, signed the petition to the King and Legislature,

officers, and the attornies, and three times in the last
eight years have the citizens publicly assembled and
petitioned the Crown, the Legislature, and the local
Government, to grant them that trial by jury, which
ought to be inseparable from British rule, and which
is rapidly introducing into every country through
which knowledge, freedom, and tolerance, are dis-

We have the honour to remain, Hon'ble Sir,
Your obedient humble servants,




The Right Hon'ble Charles Grant presented this petition to His Majesty and to the House of Commons and the Marquis of Lansdowne to the House of Lords. Mr. Grant, as President of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, addressed a letter dated November 1834, to M. Longueville Clarke, the chairman of the committee, recommending an application to the Governor General and the Legislative Council, as pos sessing full powers to comply with the prayer of the petition. In consequence of this recommendation, a second public meeting was convened by the high Sherff at the Town-hall on the 8th of July 1835, at which a petition was unanimously voted to the Hon'ble Sir Charles Theo- To LONGUEVILLE CLARKE, ESQ. AND OTHERS.

philus Metelafe, then Governor General, praying for an Act of Council, granting trial by jury in civil cases, and which petition was singed on behalf on the inhabitants by the high Sheriff of the city.

No legislative enactment having been passed, and the Right Honourable Lord Auckland having arrived as Governor General, a third public meeting of the inhabitants of Calcutta was convened at the Town-hall on the 12th of April 1836. At this meeting a petition to the Governor General was unanimously voted, and presented to him personally by the high Sheriff, and the whole committee, on which occasion, his lordship was pleased to say, that the petition should be laid before he Law Commissioners and their attention called to its great importance.



"the committee appointed by a pub lic meeting of the inhabitants of Calcutta, convened for the purpose of promoting trial by jury in civil cases in Her Majesty's Supreme Court of Judicature for this presidency."

Legislative Department.

GENTLEMEN,-I am directed by the Hon'ble the President in Council, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated the 21st instant, and to inform you, in reply, that at a time when the Indian law commissioners are immediately engaged in the consideration of the existing law of procedure in all the Courts of India, and in framing a code for the future regulation of the From that time to the present no legislative enact-same, his honour in council does not think it proper to 'ment has been passed, no communication has been made forestal the results of their deliberations upon a general to the committee, and trial by jury in civil cases has subject of such great importance, by introducing internot been introduced into Calcutta. mediately a charge in the mode of administering civil justice in the Supreme Court of Calcutta.

In addition to the above detail, shewing the unanimous wish and continued efforts of the inhabitants of this city to obtain trial by jury, we beg to refer to the repeated charges of chief justice Ryan to the Grand Juries, especially in the 12th of April 1828, and also to the charges of Chief Justice Grey, and Mr. Justice Franks,

2d. I am instructed to add, that a copy of your letter under reply, will be forwarded to the law commissioners and that, as stated in the para. 2, of Mr. Secretary Macnaghten's letter to Mr. Cockerell, dated the 30th of May 1836,on the final consideration of the questions as to

[blocks in formation]

Government, and support it by a separate representation. It was resolved, that Government should be applied to, for a copy of the draft resumption law, which is understood to have been printed. The answer of to communicate with it having been received, was read, Government to the request of the Society, to be allowed and is as follows:

No. 501.

Rajah Radhakant Bahadoor; Rajah Kallykissen Bahadoor; Rajah Rajnarain Roy Bahadoor Cower Suttchurn Ghosaul; Baboo Ramrutten Roy; W. Storm, Esq.; Baboo Callykinker Pallit; G. Vint, Esq.; Baboo Dwarkanauth Tagore; Baboo Prosonoocoomar Tagore; To W. C. HURRY, Esq. AND BABOO PROSONOOCOOMAB W. F. Fergusson, Esq.; G. Prinsep, Esq.; W. C. Hurry, Esq.; D. Hare, Esq.; J. Humfrays, Esq. and Moonshee Mahomed Ameer.

Baboo Kannoylall Tagore and several other members and visitors, upwards of 60 individuals.

Rajah Kallykissen Bahadoor was called to the chair. The secretary read a short report of the proceedings of the committee since the last general meeting, and which is as follows:

The committee beg leave to lay before the Society, the following short report of their proceedings since the last general meeting.


Gentlemen, I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 7th instant, enclosing the prospectus of a Society to be called the Landholders' Society, and requesting permission to address the Government, through the medium of the Society's secreta. ry, in the same manner as is done by the Chamber of Commerce.

In reply, I am directed to state, that the Hon'ble the deputy Governor of Bengal will always be disposed to receive and consider the representations of any class of the inhabitants, affecting their own interests or the good of the community.

The communications of the Landholders' Society upon matters connected with the lands, revenue, and judicial departments of government, must be addressed in due course, through the secretary of those depart

Their first meeting was held at the Town-hall on the 27th March, when an establishment was voted for carrying on the business of the Society, and Mr. Dickens was requested to find some gentleman willing to undertake the office of secretary. The Union Bank was requested to act as treasurer, and it was ordered that a ments. respectful letter be addressed to Government, informing them of the establishment of the Society, soliciting to be allowed to communicate with Government through the secretary of the Society on all subjects connected with the general interests of the landholders, n the same manner that the Chamber of Commerce does now on matters relating to trade.

An application was presented by the provisional secretary, requesting the Society to memorialize the Government, to introduce the Vernacular language into the proceeding of the Sudder instead of the Oordo, as contemplated at present.

On the 2d of April, the committee met at Mr. Hurry's office, that gentleman having agreed to act as European secretary, and having offered the Society the use of apartments in his house, No. 3, Clive-street ghaut. Baboo Prosonoocoomar Tagore also consented to continue to act as secretary for the native languages.

The following gentleman were elected additional members of the committee :

Baboo Pranauth Chowdry; Baboo Callynauth Roy Chowdry; Baboo Mothoornauth Mullick; Baboo Shumbo chunder Mitter; Rajah Burrodacaunt Roy; and Baboo Radhamadhub Banerjee.

A list of districts was submitted to the meeting, in order to form sub-committees of correspondence.

On the 23d April, the committee took into considera

I am, Gentlemen, your obedient servant,
(Signed) H. T. PRINSEP,
Sec. to the Govt. of Bengal.

General Department.

Fort William, 11th April, 1838.}

On the 7th of May the committee were increased to the twenty-four, by adding six European members, as


G. Vint, Esq.; W. Storm, Esq.; Robert Watson, Esq.; James Hastie, Esq.; J. McKilligan, Esq.; and W. Fergusson, Esq.

They determined, that the question of vernacular language be discussed at a general meeting in consequence of its importance, and this-day (the 28th) was accordingly fixed for the purpose.

On the 14th May, the distribution of the sub-com. mittees was completed. On the 21st May, the answer of Government to the letter, requesting a copy of the draft resumption regulation was read, and is as follows: To W. C. HURRY, ESQ. aud BABOO PROSSONOCOOMAR TAGORE,

Hony. Secys. of the Landholders' Society. Gentlemen,-1 am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th ultimo, applying for a

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