In reply, I am instructed to acquaint you, that the ber to use his influence to obtain as large an accession as printed draft to which you allude, has been forwarded by this Government to the Government of India, and is understood to be now before the Legislative Council. I am, Gentlemen, your most obedt. servt. Offg. Sec. to the Govt. of Bengal. Revenue Department Fort William, 1st May, 1838. } It was resolved that a second application be made to Government. At the above meetings, the following gentlemen have been elected members of the Society: possible to its numbers, so, that it may, in a short time, Hony. Secretaries. The translation of the above report in Bengallee was also read by the pundit of the Society, for the explanation of those who do not understand English. Wm. Martin, Esq., C. F. Dumaine, Esq., P. J. Paul, Esq. R. Salano, Esq., James Furlong, Esq., John An application from Moonshee Mohamed Ameer, Cair, Esq. W. N. Hedger, Esq., W. Storm, Esq., expressing his opinion in favour of the Persian language, John Bell, Esq., John H. Brightman, Esq., H. Harris, was also read by the secretaries in Bengallee and Eng Esq., D. Andrew, Esq. A. C. Dunlop, Esq., J. Hum-lish, which was replyed to, by the following gentlefrays, Esq, George Palmer, Esq., W. F. Fergusson Esq., men:-Baboo Dwarkanauth Tagore, Rajah RadhaBaboo Ramdhun Bunerjee, James Fergusson, Esq., G. caunt Bahadoor, Mr. W. Fergusson, and G. Prinsep, Vint, Esq., J. H. Haines, Esq., Rustomjee Cowasjee, Esq. Esq., Ranee Soorjamoney Deby, Rajah Bejoygovind After a considerable discussion on the merits of the Sing, Mirza Mahomed Mehendy Ispahani, D. W. H. petition, the following resolution was proposed by G. A. Speed, Esq., M. Larrulota, Esq., W. Patrick, Esq, Prinsep, Esq. That this meeting generally concur in Thomas Tweedie, Esq., C. A. Cantor, Esq., W. R. the opinion expressed in the petition, that it would be Logan Esq., Chuecoram Sing, Joykissen Mookerjee, desirable to make the Bengallee the language of the Rajah of Tipperah, Dewan Mahomed Ally, Baboo courts in Bengal, and the Oordoo that of the courts of Sibjoy Tagore, Gourkisson Roy Chowdry, Moonshee Behar and upper-provinces; but as the question affects Dalabally, Cally comul Roy, Caliypersaud Roy, G. not the landed interests alone, but all the community, Higgins, Esq., J. H. Arratoon, Esq., Baboo Bissum- this meeting do not think it a subject proper to be taken bhur Roy, Rajah Gungadhur Roy, Baboo Chundercant up separately by the Landholders' Society. This was Choudry, Edward Preston, Esq., John Russell, Esq., seconded by Baboo Dwarkanauth Tagore, and carried Robert Watson, Esq., Baboo Essenchunder Banerjee, unanimously. After offering the usual thanks to the R. Thomas, Esq., Mirza Mahomed Mehendy Musky, chairman, the meeting dissolved. J. C. Miller, Esq., Baboo Neelrutten Holdar, Allan Gilmore, Esq., J. McKilligan, Esq., James, Hastie, Esq., Baboo Essenchunder Kanoongoe, Moulovee Cuiram Hussen, Moulovee Carramutally, Baboo Collykincur Paulit, G, T. F. Speed, Esq., W. Carr, Esq., II.J. Leighton, Esq.. James Colquhoun, Esq, Colvin Campbell, Esq., Henry Roe, Esq., being 65 in number, and making the present number of members 161. Proceedings of a meeting of the committee, held at the Society's office, No. 3, Clive-street-ghuut, on Monday, the 4th instant. PRESENT. Rajah Kallykissen Bahadoor; Baboo Prosoonocoomar Tagore; G. Vint, Esq.; Baboo Ramcomul Sen; The committee in thus giving you a short summary Cowar Suttchurn Ghosaul, and W. C. Hurry, Esq. of their proceedings beg to remark, that they have not The gentlemen proposed at the last meeting of the confined themesives to the monthly meetings pre-committee, to be the members of the Society, were scribed by the rules of the Society, but have met and unanimously elected. transacted business every week since its formation, being anxious to bring it into extensive operation as speedily as possible. In the short time that has elapsed, they have obtained the recognition of the Society by Govern ment, and the permission to address through their secretaries; they have organized permanent sub-committees of correspondence for every district in Bengal, and appointed three sub-committees for special purpose of importance, vis. G. Vint, Esq., W. Storm, Esq., and Baboo Ramcomul Sen, formed a sub-committee for examining a paper of grievances of the landholders, received from Baboo Mothooranauth Mullick. The following gentlemen were proposed as members: Proposed by G. Vint, Esq. and seconded by Baboo Ramcomul Sen. J. F. Leith, Esq.; J. Bræ, Esq. of Hatberea, Jessore: Gilson Rowe, Esq. Charnerandie, Jessore; Jas. Dalrymple, Esq. Surda, Nattore; and A. H. Sim, Esq. Union Bank, Calcutta. Proposed by Baboo Ramcomul Sen, and seconded by G. Vint, Esq. Thomas Palmer Esq. Proposed by Baboo Prosoonocoomar Tagore, and seconded by Rajah Kally kissen Bahadoor. Messrs. George Prinsep, Moonshee Mohumed Ameer and Suttochurn Ghosaul have been elected to consider the resumption petition, and prepare a letter to Govern- Baboo Bhoyrobchunder Chowdry zemindar of Myment to accompany it. Rajah Radhacaunt Bahadoor, munsing; W. Thompson Esq; Roy Pronkisson Mitter, Rajah Kallykissen Bahadoor, and Baboo Ramcomul of Barrasut; W. Wolby, Esq.; J. Smith, Esq.; A. Sen are to take into consideration the very important subject of public instruction, which though it may not be considered as directly within the province of the Society, as in various ways closely connected with its objects. Your committee feeling deeply the importance of general co-operation, in order to make the Society really Porteous, Esq.; Baboo Debendernauth Tagore ; Baboo Oodit Prokas Sing, Rajah of Buxar. Proposed by Cowar Suttchurn Ghosaul, and seconded Baboo Sreenauth Bremah.. Read a letter from Mr. | Supreme Government in the legislative department to F. J. Halliday, officiating secretary to the Government that effect. of Bengal, in reply to the application for a copy of the draft resumption Law. The committee to meet again this day fortnight. Resolved, an application to be made with reference to the suggestion contained in the above letter to the P. TAGORE. Hurkaru, June 7.]. Hony. Secretaries: AMERICAN ICE. To the Editor of the Bengal Hurkaru, the climate, and I am directed to submit to your Honour Sir, I am directed by the committee for promoting in Council, correct copies of the circular, which the the importation of American Ice, to forward to you the accompanying resolutions, which will, of themselve, explain the object proposed, and the circumstances in which it has originated. Should you deem it right to aid the views of the committee, may I solicit the favour of your transmitting to me your opinion in writing for the purpose of its being submitted to the Government. I have the honour to remain, Sir, your obedient servant, LONGUEVILLE CLARKE, Chairman of the committee. Esplanade Row, July 1837. committee issued, and the answers which they have received. The letter of the committee distinctly stated the object which they had in view, and that the opiaions were to be submitted to the Government. Of the twenty-two answers which they received, twenty-one treat a permanent supply of ice in Calcutta, as of great importance to the public health. It was about a year ago, that the committee from carefully watching the receipts and expenditure of the speculation, began to entertain fears, that the sale of ice in Calcutta might not remunerate Mr. Tudor, its spirited Rosolved. It appearing that Mr. Tudor experi-importer; they believed that the undertaking might be ences great difficulty in procuring vessels to carry cargoes injured, and not benefitted, by raising the price, as that of ice, and for which he is obliged to pay double freight, would diminish the sale, and if the sale were not rapid, the importation might be greatly promoted, if the Gov-loss would be inevitable, from the perishable nature of ernment would offer an encouragement to ship-owners by a remission of port duties, a plan which has been successfully adopted by the authorities at Havannah. Resolved. That the true ground for soliciting the Government to offer this bounty to vessels landing ice, is the opinion of the medical profession of its vast import ance to the public health, especially in cases of fever so incidental to this climate. the article. The committee were aware, that the Govera ment of Havannah had for the last eighteen years, secured, a permanent supply of ice for that settlement, by giving Mr. Tudor a monopoly for its importation, and remitting all port and pilotage duties on vessels this plan originated at the suggestions of the medical landing a cargo of ice; and they were also aware, that profession. It was under these circumstances the committee proposed to adopt a similar course, but forbore Resolved. Some medical gentlemen of the first making any application until they found Mr. Tudor eneminence, having offered to favour the committee with tertaining doubts of his own success. Mr. Tudor has their opinions in writing on the great importance of a never been apprized of the fears, or intentions of the permanent supply of ice to the public health, that a committee, but these fears have been realized, by the circular be addressed to all the members of the profes- following paragraph in a letter from that gentleman, dated sion at the presidency, soliciting their opinions on the the 15th of February: "The profits at best are very subject, for the purpose of being submitted to the Gov-small-expenditures, of every kind, very heavy. After a ernment in aid of the intended application by the com mittee. TO THE HONOURABLE THE PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL HONOURABLE SIR, -I have been directed by the committee for encouraging the importation of American ice into Calcutta, to solicit most respectfully the aid of the Government, in promoting the undertaking. The grounds on which the committee urge this request are, that the importation of ice is of the greatest importance to the public health, and that the success of the undertaking is endangered, unless assistance be afforded. shipment of twelve cargoes, aud the consumption of four years of time, the debtor side of the ice account to India exceeds the credit side, and it is still a business of hope and expectations." Under these circumstances the committee respectfully submit to your Honour in Council, that the opinions of so many eminent medical men, decidedly establish, how important it is to the public health of the capital to secure a permanent supply of ice. The experience of the committee, and the statement of Mr. Tudor, shew that after four years' trial, and expenditure has not been covered by the receipts, and they are fully convinced, that increasing the price would not afford a remedy. It is under the latter circumstances, and on the former ground, the committee venture to appeal to the Govern ment for aid. The chief obstacles which Mr. Tudor has to encoun The committee are well aware of the unremitting attention bestowed by Government to the great object of public health, and of the vast sums expended for this ter, are the objections of ship-owners to carry cargoes of purpose. They therefore believe, that if they can clear-ice, and the very high freight which they charge. It ly establish that the importation of ice is of immense appears to the committee that these difficulties might consequence to the health of this great capital, that the be in a great measure removed, by the adoption of the assistance which they seek will meet with favourable consideration. The committee have obtained the opinions of all the principal medical practitioners in Calcutta, regarding plan pursued at Havannah, and if the port and pilotage charges were remitted to eight vessels every year, pro vided they landed not less that one hundred tons of ice, ship-owners would be desirous of taking the cargoes But while the committee, in the best exercise of that Government can seldom have a such judgment and experience as they possess, ven- opportunity of conferring a most incalculable benefit more favourable ture to offer this suggestion, they trust that it may not opon the inhabitaats of all ranks and conditions of this deprive the undertaking of the benefit of any other plan, town and neighbourhood, than by holding out every which may seem to your Honour in Council more expe- inducement for the importation, and the reduction for the dient. price of ice. I have the honour to remain, with great respect, Calcutta, 8th June, 1838. No. 1. To LONGUEVILLE CLARKE, Esq., &c. I do not speak of this article as a luxury merely, but as a most important and essential remedial agent in a vast variety of diseases, both medical and surgical. The substitutes to which physicians and surgeons have for ages been in the habit of resorting, for the relief of many of the formidable diseases of this country, are not to be compared in efficiency to the pure water ice; besides which, they were always very limited in their use or application, in consequence of the expenSIR,-In reply to your letter of this day's date, call-sive nature of the materials of which cold or cooling mixing for my opinion as to the importance of a permanent supply of ice to the public, I beg to state, that I cousider it would be a very great blessing indeed, if the use of the commodity, could be placed within reach of the poorer classess of the community. tures were formed. By relieving the vessels importing ice to this town, of the various duties to which they were now liable, Government will confer a lasting boon upon all classes of the community of this place. I am, Sir, your most obdt. servt. S. NICOLSON, Surg. Genl. Hosp. A press of business obliges me to be succinct in my It is not the higher ranks of Europeans and rich natives reply. As an article of luxury, I need not expatiate alone who use ice; on the contrary, I have been upon the use of ice. It lies more within my province to credibly informed, that the greater number of purchas declare, that the article is a therapeutic agent of im-ers of the first cargo of ice, were dirgees who crowded mense value in the treatment of a variety of ailments that to the ice house every afternoon, to provide themselves urgently demand the aid of the surgeon, no less than of with a small portion, ere they commenced their seven the physician. This is especially the case on occasions miles' walk home. where the preparation of artificial cold mixtures, would be operose, incur delay-be inaccessible to many on account of the expense, &c. and after all, the substance not be suited for direct application as well internally as to Calcutta, 2d August, 1837. various parts of the external surface of the body, as ice. Purposely omitting all but affections of imminent danger, I content myself with observing, that there are cases of hemerrahiage where during the hot-season espe- affections, is one of the most certain remedies we posThere can be no doubt that ice in cerebral and other cially, the application of ice, and of ice only might save sess: and the only means in some affections, on which life. In certain fevers, with great determination to the we can rely for the prevention of a fatal result. head, and burning heat, the application of ice lessens vascular action, and soothes the sense of rending pain in the No. 4. FREDERICK CORBYN, Garrison Surgeon. brain, bringing not only relief, but a tendency to repose. Fort William, August 5th, 1837. The same remark applies still more forcibly to the dentition fevers of children, in whom the sensorial excitement and tendency to organiclesim, are still greater than in adults. In internal inflammation, the surgeon in this climate does not possess a more soothing or more patent resolvent, and in cases of stangulated hernia, though such are not frequently heard of amongst us, ice might literally be worth its weight in gold. I might adduce other instances, but time will not permit, I have the honour to be, dear Sir, yours faithfully, -8th June, 1838. J. GRANT. No 2. To L. CLARKE, Esq. Chairman I. C. SIR,-In compliance with the request contained in your circular, I have to state that cold is undoubtedly a most powerful remedial agent in many cases of medical, surgical, and obstitrical diseases, and ice, affords an easy expeditious, safe, very convenient and effectual means of applying it. In my opinion, in this point of view, ice is as valuable, as it is, as a comfort and luxury, in this torrid climate, and even in these respects it promotes health and makes life worthy having. I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedt. servt. Chowringhee, August 8, 1837. No 3. To L. CLARKE, Esq. Chairman I. C. SIR,-With reference to our conversation the other No. 5. Chowringhee, 1st August, 1837, SIR,-In reply to your circular of the 20th ultimo, which incessant occupation has hitherto prevented me from attending to, I have no hesitation in stating it as my opinion, that a permanent supply of ice in such a climate as this, would not only be one of the greatest luxuries, but one of the greatest benefits, which could be conferred on a large portion of the population of Calcutta. Where disease in every form is so fearfully rapid in its progress, and so frequently attended with great determination of blood to the head, &c. the advanages of having at all times at command, a remedy of the greatest efficacy in subduing high vascular excitement, need only be mentioned to be duly appreciated. the expression of an opinion, being all you require, I I might enter much into detail on such a subject, but. shall conclude by hoping your committee may succeed in persuading Government to hold out every induce of so much importance to us all. ment in their power, to the accomplishment of an object, Believe me, yours faithfully, To L. CLARKE, Esq., &c. &c. No. 6. A. GARDEN. To L. CLARKE, Esq., Chairman, Ice Committee. SIR,-With reference to your letter of the 20th ulti use of ice in a medical point of view to the community of the cholera patient, has also been relieved by it, of of Calcutta, I beg, in reply, to state, that I consider it of which I have been witness to many instances. essential benefit in many cases of disease incidental to this climate, especially in fevers and inflammatory female is liable in this country, I can bear ample tes In the long train of diseases to which the delicate affections, and likewise to a large class of invalids, whose digestive organs are in an impaired and debilitated state, arising from effects of climate and other causes, an affection, which, amongst the community, prevails to no small extent. I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, Calcutta, 14th August, 1837. No. 7. To L. CLARKE, Esq., Chairman, Ice Committee. I have the honor to be, Sir, your most obedient servant, No. 8. J. R. MARTIN. timony to the value of ice in these complaints. Numerous other proofs most convincing and satisfactory, of the ethicacy of ice, could be adduced by me ; but which I consider, unnecessary after what I have already stated in its favor. In one word, I regard the importation of American ice as one of the greatest blessings bestowed upon the people of this metropolis, both in a medicinal point of view, as well as an article of comfort and luxury. God bless the ice. I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedt. servt. Calcutta, August 1837. No. 9. In all cases of febrile excitement, more especially those attended with fixed determination of blood to the head, i look upon the command of a supply of ice, as one of the most valuable and safest of our remedies; it enables us more effectually, than any other application we possess, to reduce, and keep down, the immoderate circulation, and encreased nervous irritability which is commonly destructive of life, in cases of fever; to effect which, without it, all our endeavours are in vain, and which it is our most anxious abject to effect. As a topical agent, in many ordinary affections, its efficacy is undoubted, and when within our reach, one of which we are always glad to avail ourselves; but it is in fevers, and the acute attacks, common to this climate, that its advantages are most apparent, and Government could In all ages cold has been regarded by physicians, as in no manner shew its care and regard to the well-beone of the most powerful means of allaying the worsting, and protection of its servants and subjects at large, symptoms of inflammatory diseases, and is at present universally used by medical practitioners in all civiliz. To L. CLARKE, Esq. Chairman, Ice Committee. SIR,-In answer to your letter of the 20th ultimo, I have the honor to submit to you my opinion, on the great importance of a permanent supply of ice to the public health," for the information of the committee for promoting the importation of American ice. ed countries. How invaluable therefore must such a remedy prove in a country like this, (sent to us in its beautifully-congealed form,) with a high temperature of the atmosphere, where inflammatory diseases are so abundant, and assume so formidable an array of alarming symptoms. In the ardent fevers which hourly present themselves in this city, with great determination to the head and other cavities of the body; intense thirst, a burning and dry state of the skin; great restlessness and general uneasiness, with a pulse upwards of 120, the application of iced water is at once a sure means of subduing these symptoms, and affording to the patient the most speedy, grateful, and soothing relief, next to blood-letting, and purgatives. I consider cold effusion to be the next most powerful agent in the cure of fever, and, therefore, a prodigious acquisition to medical practice in this country. In the diseases of infants, the value of ice is incalcula. ble, especially in dentition, where there is such enor. mous determination to the head, and which so frequent. ly and rapidly terminate in convulsions and death, there is no means which relieves heat, and distention, by emptying the large vessels of the brain so effectual ly and so safely, as the application of iced-water to the head, and I can declare, that many parents in this city, owe the existence of their offspring to the judicious use of the invaluable remedy. In that state of debility following acute disease, the patient has been kept alive again, and again, by dipping toasted bread in iced water, when nothing else would remain on the stomach. In the irritable stomach also, which is so frequent and distressing a symptom of acute disease, I have seldom failed to allay it, by giving from time to time, a tea-spoon-full of iced water, the parched mouth and intense thirst so well, as by affording its most liberal assistance, in promoting the importation of a constant supply of an article, of such active powers, and great value, in the treatment of these diseases, characteristic of, and incidental to, the country. A. R. JACKSON, M. D., Offg A. H. C. H. C. Dispensary, 11th August, 1837. No. 10. Esplanade Row, 24th July, 1837. SIR,-In answer to your circular of July 20th, wishing my opinion in writing, as to the importance and use of ice in a madical or surgical point of view, I beg to state for the imformation of the Ice Committee, and the Government, that I consider its use to be truly valuable. and of very great importance, not only in fevers, but in various other disorders, both surgical, and medical, and that there are some cases, in which a substitute for ice cannot be obtained. I have within the last few days had two such cases under my care. I have frequently used ice in this country, and have had many years experience of its utility both in public and private practice in England. I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedt. servt. To L. CLARKE, Esq., Chairman, Ice Committee. No. 11. SIR,-In reply to your note relative to the benefits to be derived from ice, as applied to medical purposes, I, beg to offer it as my opinion, founded on actual obser ation, that ice in fevers and cases of hemorrhage, is for words to express my sense of its value and imporof the greatest utility. I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obdt. servt, Eye Infry. 14th Aug. 1837. No. 12. tance. I can only state my opinion comparatively, by saying hat in all the acute disease, to which European adults and children are liable, I esteem it as a remedy, only second to the lancet, and I believe that a permanent supply of so invaluable and powerful an agent, would prove a source of benefit to public health, and a means of saving life, not inferior to any single article of pharmacy, which can be named, in the hands of an Indian practitioner. I remain, my dear Sir, very truly yours, D. STEWART, M. D. L. CLARKE, ESQ., Club-House, July 19, 1837. MY DEAR SIR,-With reference to our conversation last night about the ice, I am prepared by professional experience to afford my unhesitating testimony, to the powerful agency, which it possesses, when judiciously employed, in alleviating disease, and contributing to wards a cure. cases, in which the use of this admirable adjuvant, tends to produce decidedly beneficial effects; but there is one class of disorders, which I cannot help particularizing (at the risk of writing somewhat more technically than I intended) as cases where I have witnessed wonderfully beneficial results, from its discreet use; I allude to infantile fever during dentition, in which there is always determination to the head, sometimes so sudden and to such an extent, as to prove fatal in an incredibly short time, if not promptly arrested, nature endeavours to coun. teract this result by increased secretion from the bow. els, i. e. by spontaneous purging; and the ordinary treatment is to follow up nature's plan by keeping up a free action of the bowels by medicine, many is the little sufferer, however, whom I have seen sink under this indispensable evacuation, who might have been saved if we had possessed the means, which the ice now affords us, of determining powerfully, and at once, from the brain by its application in substance to the head. It would be tedious to enumerate the Secy. to the Ice Committee.} Its beneficial effects in such cases, is almost immediate, by unloading the vessels of the brain and thereby enabling you with safety to moderate, or arrest the alvine flux, which is draining away the strength of the babe. It will sometimes stop a convulsion fit, as if by magic; and when one reflects that the cranium of the infant is in its upper part almost as thin and diaphorous as an egg shell, where the several bones are in actual opposition, and that there are several spaces where the niembranes covering the brain, and the scalp are only separated by the interposition of a thin membrane, one ceases to be surprised at its immediate effects. I beg you to excuse my troubling you with such details, but our conversation on the subject was inturrupted, and I wish to instance to you how specifically the faculty may furnish grounds for their general recommendation of the efficacy of ice in the cure of Calcutta, August 1837. MY DEAR SIR,-I must beg your forgiveness for my remissness to answer your first letter. In reply to your inquiry of the estimate which my professional experi ence of its use has induced me to form of ice, as a No. 14. I am of opinion that ice is most valuable in certain cases of mania, in fever where the brain is affected in hemorrhage, and, especially, in cases of uterine hemorrhage (flooding) in strangulated hernia, &c., and as an article of diet it may have a beneficial tonic effect,-and I consider this grateful addition to other articles of luxury by no means injurious to the constitution. F. H. BRETT. Calcutta, 22d July, 1837. No. 15. To L. CLARKE, Esq., Secy, Ice Committee, &c. &c. &c. SIR,-I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, dated the 20th instant, in which you inform me that the Ice Committee are desirous of learning my opinion, as to the utility of ice in the case of disease. In reply, I have to state that, in my opinion, the use of ice as a remedial agent, is very important, whether with reference to its immediate application in diseases of congestion, inflammation, and hemorrhage, or to those still more extensive though not so direct benefits, arising from the tonic effects of cold fluids, taken in moderation into the stomach. I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedt. servt. J. T. PEARSON, Assistant Surgeon. Calcutta, 14th Aug., 1837. No. 16. SIR,-In reference to your circular of yesterday. I can with much satisfaction and confidence add my testimony, to the value of "Ice" as a pharmacartical agent, in some of the most important and fatal diseases of Bengal. As a local application in cases of fever, where determination to the head prevails, and induced, in local inflammation wherever situated. "Ice," constitutes one of the most efficacious antiphlogestic remedies, in conjunction with bleeding, and purgatives, whilst as a source of relief, and luxury to the feverish patient, by affording a naturally cool beverage, which no art can imitate, its advantage cannot fail to be generally admitted, and appreciated. WALTER RALEIGH, 1st. Assist. Surg., Genl. Hospl, |