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One of the last measures of Lord William Bentinck's, from the Chilmary Hills, on the western face of the active administration was, the appointment of a commit- Ganges, has been secured, and will be despatched when tee to investigate the mineral resources of the country, the season permits. Fifthly. The committee have more particularly with reference to inland steam navi- ascertained that the coal which the Rajmahal Hills gation. One half the expense of this invaluable improve- promised to furnish has not turned out according to exment, which the country owes likewise to that enlightened pectation. Other localities of coal have been discovered, Governor General-is absorbed in the price of coal. It if not through the instrumentality of the committee at was, therefore, self evident, that until this item of ex- least during their existence. This report of labors, on penditure could be reduced, economy in other depart-which we shall subsequently offer a few remarks, closes ments of the undertaking could be beneficial only to a with a list of all the sites of coal at present known in very limited extent. The object to which the attention India. of the committee was directed was to ascertain whether other mines lying nearer to the main line of inland communication than the Burdwan mines, could not be wrought to advantage, so as to furnish this article at a cheaper rate. The committee divided the different fields of investigation among each other, and appointed Dr. McClelland their secretary. The present report, which

is the result of their labors, has been drawn up under his direction.

The exertions of the committee, consisting of six gentlemen, engrossed with public duties in Calcutta, have necessarily been confined to the examination and arrangement of the documents which have been furnished them from the archives of Government, or through the researches of individuals. The active measures which the committee have underken are these. First, Mr. Homfray, the best practical miner in India, was deputed to survey and report on the Palamow field of coal. His report is unfavourable as far as it relates to the supply of steam vessels on the Ganges from this source. Secondly, The committee encouraged Mr. Erskine, of Elambuzar, to re-open three or four coal seams connected with the great Burdwan basin, situated nearer to the Adji than to the Damooder, and 2,000 maunds of this coal have been delivered at the depot at Cutwa, at four annas the maund. Thirdly, Mr. G. Loch, of the Civil Service, has despatched a thousand maunds of Chirra Pronjee coal to Dinapore, at six annas the maund, under the

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Burdwan, Raniganje, the Principal Colliery, discovered by Joues.
Chinakooree, the best quality of coal,.. Mr. Betts.
Various other beds have been occasionally opened.
Adjui Seedpoorie,..
Darbadanaghat, in boring,.
Benares road. 149th mile)
stone, and other places..

Rajmahal,--Patandeh Baghelpoor,

Palamoo,-Two principal beds,..

Ridjegurh,-Specimens not yet seen,
Nurroudda,-Power river,.... ...




Cuttack, Mahanadi

Assam,-Deuphapanee, near Bra
Lamroop river,.

Suffray or Disung river
near Rungpore,......
Dhunsiree river,.......
Jumoona river,...
Kossila river, near Gowa.
Chilmari and Doorgapoor,
Sylhet, Laour and other sites,.

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Opened by Mr. Erskine.
By Jones.


Colonel Shelton.

By Captain Tanner.

Discov. by Mr. A. Prinsep.
In Mr. Homfray's Survey.
By Mr. Highland.

Captain Ouseley, Lieut.
Finnis and Dr. Spilsbury.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. J. Stark, 1815-Jones.
Mr. Furnele.


Manipur,..near capital... or boundary, Gendah, on Kuenduan river,.... Arracan, Sandoway District,.. Kyouk Pyon Island... Moulmein, Authracite st Bothung Southern India,-Travancore, Fos sil seeds carbonized,.. Himalaya,-Kamaon lignite,....

Moradabad, lower range,.



Mr. Furnele.

Mr Cracroft.
Captain Pemberton.
Dr. Richardson.

Mr H Walters.
Captain Foley.
Captain Foley.
Colonel Cullen.
Captain Herbert.
Mr. Ravenshaw.
by Captain Burnes.

[ocr errors]

account of its accessibility,-for the distance of its locality from navigable streams, has as yet prevented its being brought into use. But on account of its superior excellence, it is the finest coal hitherto discovered in India, being found to be 10 per cent. superior to the Burdwan coal. Mr. Colebrooke first directed the attention of Government to it, in 1813, and Mr. James was soon af ter sent to explore the mines. But the Khassya Hills had not then come into the possession of the British, and the valuable mines concealed in their bosom were unknown. Various indications of coal at the base of the bills were that time to the present no attempt has been made to discovered by Mr. James and by Mr. Stark, but from survey those localities, or to ascertain by what means the coal they contain may be turned to the benifit of the country. The Chirra coal was discovered in 1831, about a mile distant from the Sanatarium, forming a large portion of a percipice. It may be delivered at the foot of the Hills, or at Pundua, at four annas the maund, which is the usual charge for porterage by the Khassyas. The report says, If the demand for this coal were sufficient, the expense of conveyance might be much lessened by carting it from the pit to the brow of the mountain, and for the remainder of the distance employing either mules or bullocks, except at the more difficult passes, where a man might be stationed to receive the loads such improvements in the mode of conveyance would imply a certain outlay in forming better roads; but even without this, Mr. G. Loch has afforded a practical proof of its value by the delivery of 1,000 maunds of this coal at Dinapore, including all charges, and under every disadvantage, for 425 rupees the thousand maunds, being 350 rupees less than the contract price." Why the committee doubt that the demand for this coal is insufficient to encourage exertion, we are at a loss to comprehend. It is unquestonably the very best coal in India, and the demand for it must, therefore, always be great. If it can be conveyed by a very circuitous route from Chirra to Dinapore for six annas the maund, we do not see why it could not be transmitted by a more direct route to Calcutta, at the same rate; and Chirra, coal for the steam engines in Calcutta, at six annas the maund, would be universally preferred to Burdwan coal at five annas. But placing the manufacturies in Calcutta out of the question, after the experiment so successfully made Cutch, the extreme western limit of what here might by Mr. Loch, this mine of coal ought, above all others, be named the carboniferous zone, is placed in the most to draw the immediate and close attention of Governfavourable situation for yielding supplies for the naviga- ment, for the purposes of inland navigation, If the coal tion of the Indus, the coast of Malabar, and the Red Sea. can be delivered at Dinapore, which the committee The Nerbudda river extends 700 miles along the very now conveyed to that place from Calcutta, it can be admit, at sir annas the maund cheaper than the coal centre of this zone, and coal in three situations is already found ou its banks. The Soane, the Ganges, and the delivered at six annas the maund cheaper at every deHooghley, are each intersected by it, and the Brama-pôt above Dinapore, as far as Allahabad, and for a still putra, and probably the Irrawaddi, are extended paral. lel to it throughout their navigable extent.

The first section of the report contains general remarks, which wind up with these valuable observations: "In the foregoing situations coal has been traced from Burdwan to the westward, across the Valley of Palamow, and from thence through the district of Sohagpore to Jubbulpore, and the neighbourhood of the Sak, and the Tow, a river in the Narbudda territories, 420 miles distant from Burdwan. Observing nearly the same parallel of latitude, it is found in the province of Cutch, whilst it is extended in the same line across the centre of India to the N. E. extremity of Assam, forming a zone. that stretches from 69 to 93, E. longitude, embraced in an opposite direction between the 20 and 25 N. latitude, Chanda on the Warda river, Cuttack and Arracan being its southern boundary, whilst the Vale of Callinger west of Allahabad, the Teesta river at the base of the Sikim Mountains, and Upper Assam, from the northern limit. "There are, however, two situations in which coal has been found distinct from this extensive and well defined belt, namely, Hurdwar and Attok; the first near the source of the Ganges, and the second near that of the Indus. Although situated in the plains, yet both these situations appear to be too closely connected with the Himalaya, and too much detached from the tract now under consideration, to allow of their being consider ed in common with it. In the researches of infancy of this nature, for such we must as yet consider the state of our information upon the subject of coal, it would be wrong to attach exclusive importance to the peculiar distribution of the minera! just noticed, further than to observe, that this distribution appears to be highly favourable to all these objects for which coal is desirable.

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less sum at every depôt below that station, down to the point where this coal, coming from the eastward, enters the Ganges. This is by far the most important discovery Now, on the other hand, this belt had been ex which has been made under the auspices of the commit tended from the punjah towards the south, scarcely a tee, and Government will shew a great disregard of navigable river, but the Indus alone would, in such cases, their own interest and the welfare of the country, if the be approached by it, and the interests of navigation question is allowed to lie dormant. We have not the would be as little benefited by the presence of a carbo-documents before us from which we lately drew up the niferous zone, as if the valuable production by which it abstract of receipts and expenditure, in connexion with is distinguished, were hurried beneath the table-lands of inland steam navigation, but we should think that a the Himalaya. It is, therefore, sufficiently encouraging in reduction of six annas the maund on all the coal that this early stage of the enquiry to find the general dis- is used between Rajmahal and Allahabad, would effect tribution of coal so favourable, nor need we, as is evident a saving of twenty-five thousand rupees a year, upon from the Attok and Hurdwar coal, despair of finding supplies available for the navigation of the northern portions of the Ganges and Indus as soon as enquiries are directed in those remote quarters to the object here in


the present consumption. In addition to this advantage in price, the coal would be ten per cent. superior to that which is now used. Here then is a field for the exertions of the committee, in which an abundant harvest of benefit may be immediately reaped. But why, in the The second section contains a very valuable geolo- prospect of such advantages, should not officers of gical disquisition on the difference of level in Indian coal Government be employed in discovering some cheaper fields, it is too long for quotation, and too strictly scien-plan of conveying the coal from the mine to the river, tific for the general reader.

The third section refers to Silhet coal district, which

than the barbarous and primeval mode of carrying it upon human shoulders, which is now in use? Just at

and of scientific officers engaged in the neighbourhood the instrumentality of the officers now engaged on the of Chirra in constructing a military road to Munipore. Munipore road, means could be created by the construcWhy could not this circumstance be improved; and the tion of a good road, of diminishing by one half, the engineer establishment, before they quit this part of the price of this coal, as it reaches the point of embarkation, country, be set to discover a more scientific mode of would not the whole expense thus incurred be refunded conveying this coal to the river? We hope the question in two years, even if the establishment of steam vessels will attract notice in the highest quarter. If through should not be doubled ?-Friend of India, March 16.


The directors beg to submit to the subscribers of the Bengal Military Fund, the case of Mrs. Margaret Kelly, widow of the late Major Kelly of Her Majesty's 24th regiment of foot.

the regulations of the late Bengal Military Fund afford
any assistance to Mrs. Browne, late Mrs. Colonel Mor-
To MRS.-

A claim was made by this Lady on the 19th January 1836, to be re-admitted to the benefit of the pension she rules of the late widows' fund, to which your late husband MADAM. The directors regret that, agreeably to the enjoyed from the late Bengal Military Widows' Fund, was a subscriber, you are not entitled to be re-admitted in right of her first husband (Captain John Graliam of to its benefits. The rule quoted by you, article 26th of the cavalry, see No. 1.) but, as the rule of that institu- the military fund, not being applicable to you as Lieutention (see No. 2) only granted pensions during continuant Smith died on the 6th December 1824, and the Miance in widowhood, she was informed with others situated like herself (see cases No. 3) that her claim was in- litary Fund was established on the 1st November 1824.


Major Adair of Her Majesty's 24th foot in a letter dated Dumfries, 20th April 1837, (see No 4) having solicited an appeal to the subscribers from this decision, which having been approved of by three directors, it is therefore submitted to the subscribers for their decision, in doing which the directors will briefly state the grounds on which this and other ladies' claims to re-admission on subsequent widowhood, who were annuitants of the late fund have been rejected.


Agents Bengal Military Fund, London. dow of the late Major Thornton, and late a pensioner of GENTLEMEN, Mrs. Hind, late Mrs. Thornton, withe late Bengal Military Widows' Fund, is not agreeably to the rules of that institution entitled to be re-admitted to its benefits. The rule (26) of the military fund under which the executors of the late Colonel Hind (who never subscribed either to the old or the present fund) The late fund was established in the year 1804, from widows of the subscribers of the military fund establishhave claimed her re-admission, is only applicable to the which period to 1st November 1824, when it was incor-ed the 1st November 1824, nearly fifteen years after the porated with the present fund, not a single application decease of the late Major Thornton, you are, therefore, was made for re-admission on second widowhood. On requested to discontinue the payment of a Major's withe establishment, however, of the present fund rule 24 of dows' pension to that lady, and recover from her such which (see No. 5) admitting an annuitant to the benefit of the pension, she may have enjoyed in right of her sums as you may have paid to her. first husband's subscription on subsequent widowhood, several claims were preferred by annuitants of the late fund for re-admission, but rejected by the directors as MADAM,-The directors regret that agreeably to the their re-admission was inconsistent with the rules and rules of the late Bengal Military Widows' Fund to which practice of the late fund, which only granted pensions your former husband was a subscriber, you are not enti during continuance in widowhood, whereas there is an led to be re-admitted to its benefits. The rule quoted by express rule in the present fund for re-admission on sub-you, article 26 of the Bengal Military Fund, is not apsequent widowhood, to the benefit of which parties whose husbands died before the present fund, was established, or the said rule adopted could not be entitled.

Thirty-eight annuitants of the late fund have re-married and if the precedent of this nature is once admitted, may prove detrimental to the interests of the fund. By order of the directors."


Secretary Military Fund, Calcutta, Military Fund Office, 28th February 1838.

(No. 2.)

25. The widows of members shall receive, from the day of their husbands' decease, and during their contin. uance in widowhood, the regulated pensions.

(No. 3.)

Copies and extracts of secretary's correspondence lative to previous similar applications.

Deputy Adjutant General.

(No. 647)

To Mus.

plicable to you as Captain Campbell died on the 22d November 1818, and the Military Fund was established

on the 1st November 1824.


(No. 24.)

MADAM, I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 31st ultimo, and to acquaint you, that your re-admission to the pension you formerly enjoyed from the late Bengal Military Widows' Fund, is inadmissible, agreeably to the rules of that institution, as already communicated to you in my letter No. 647, of the 12th ultimo.

The directors regret, that your late husband should have been misinformed regarding your re-admission by the agents of the fund in England, and it is also to be re-regretted that he did not apply to this office on the subject, but the directors have not the power to act contrary to the rules laid down for their guidance.

SIR, I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 1st instant, and to acquaint you, that the directors regret that they cannot consistently with

(No. 360.)


No. 5, Tavistock Place, London.

MADAM, Agreeably to the rules of the late Bengal

[blocks in formation]


since the death of her aforesaid husband. The meaning here is well defined and cannot be mistaken; what is intended is declared, that a marriage would involve the forfeiture of the pension.

The practice of the British army is very different from that which the judgment of the Military Fund directors has for the first time made known to Mrs. Kelly. The compassionate allowance or Royal Bounty to the widow of an officer is not (See His Majesty's Warrant, 13th June 1836,) forfeited on her re-marriage, but continues during every subsequent coverture and widowhood, nor is it like the pension of the widow, of the Indian Officer, purchased by high subscriptions during his life, but it is a free and gratis grant.

The late Captain Graham subscribed to the widows' fund from its commencement to his death in February MADAM.-Agreeably to the rules of the late Bengal 1816, a period of nearly 11 years-all the return for this Military Widows' Fund, to which your former husband long subscription which his widow has hitherto received Captain John Graham, of the cavalry, was a subscriber, is her pension for barely two years. If the directors your claim to re-admission to the pension you enjoyed in would but recollect the large amount of capital, nearly right of his subscription, is totally inadmissible. Pen-13 lacs of sicca rupees transferred in 1824 from the Old sions by the rules of the institution continuing only dur- Widows' to the New Military Fund, the claim to ing widowhood and not claimable on subsequent widow-some share in the benefit thereof of the widow of an offihood,

(No. 4)


Secretary Bengal Military Fund.

cer, who so contributed to it, would, I believe, be found deserving of further and favorable consideration. This principle, that the benefit of the continued support and increased rate of interest then promised by the Court of Directors should not be limited to the parties connected SIR,-Your letter to Mrs. Kelly, under date the with the new institution has already been largely acted was duly received by that lady; she is much concerned upon when they increased by one-third, the pensions of to learn from it, that her re-admission to a pension from the old fund incumbents; by that increase a majority the Widows' Fund, had not been sanctioned by the di- of those widows now receive larger pensions from the new rectors. Upon the reasons which are assigned for this fund than it grants to its own subscribers,-when there judgment, iz." that such pensions continue only du- fore what is asked is not preference but equality, involves ring widowhood and are not claimable upon subsequent an innovation but proceeds on existing usage, and incurs widowhood," at the request of Mrs. Kelly, I crave per- but a paltry expense for a praiseworthy end. I cannot mission to remark on her part, that although the original but think that a respectful appeal to the long well-known rule 17 of the Widows' Fund decreed a suspension of liberality of the Bengal army will not be made in vain the stipend upon re-marriage, it contained no prohibition when the very dependent state of their petitioner is thus against its renewal upon second widowhood. Its terms brought under their notice. I beg, therefore, that the dion the contrary are general, that the pension shall con-rectors will permit the reference of this distressing case to tinue "during widowhood," and apply to any and every the compassionate consideration of the army, should the occasion during which the claimant may be so left. To present communication not suffice to establish in their limit its duration to first widowhood is an extension of the opinion the claim of Mrs, Kelly to restoration of her penrule unwarranted by its letter, and quite against the spirit of the institution, which intends not only the (partial and temporary) relief, but the continuing support, while ne



I have, &c.

cessary, of the "Widows of Officers." On the revision 20th April 1837 (Signed) JAMES ADAIR.

of the fund rules, which took place in 1821, the wording of the relative articles 25 and 29 continued equally strong and general, the phrases then used are "during continuance in widowhood," and "in a state of widow


The general practice in such societies, and indeed in law, is, that where a deprivation or penalty is intended it shall be expressed, and in such cases, the affidavit on which depends the continuance of the indulgence to the widow, declares that ever since the husband's decease

Major H. P. late of 24th regiment.

(No. 5.)

marries, her pension is to cease during her coverture, but ARTICLE 24TH.--If a widow pensioner on the fund be re-admitted to all the benefits she may have enjoyed in the event of her again becoming a widow, she shall from the fund during her first widowhood, in like manner as if she had not re-married, but subject, of course, to all the limitations and conditions prescribed by the regulations in the first instance. If the second husband shall also have been a subscriber to the fund the widow will In what may be called the sister fund, of the Indian receive however only one annuity, taking that which may army, viz. Lord Clive's Bounty, the declaration required be the greatest, that is to say, according to the rank of is equally direct and explicit; oath is made by the claimant the first or second husband, whichever may be the highthat she has not contracted marriage with any other personer.-Hurkaru, March 20.

she has continued and then is a widow.



In pursuance of a requisition which had been circuated sometime previously, upwards of two hundred of the most respectable zemindars assembled last Monday at 4 P. M. at the Town-hall. Among these we perceived

caunth Roy, Raj Narain, Radacaunth Bahadoor, Kaly Kishen Bahadoor, Baboos Prosonnocomar Tagore, Ramcomul Sen, Ramanath Tagore, and other members of the Tagore Family, Baboos Lukhinarain Mookerjee,

Rutton Roy, Oodychund Bysak, Raj Kishen Chow- Bhobanichurn Mitter and himself, a provisional commitMullik, tee, for the purpose of preparing the rules of the projected dhery, Sottychurn Ghosal, Mothooranath Moonshy Ameer, Mahommed Ameer, and the Mook tears society, which he would now read for the benefit of of several opulent rajahs and zemindars, who could not those who had not understood the English version of it, attend the meeting. We likewise observed several Eu- which had just been read by Mr. Dickens. ropean gentlemen, among whom were Mr. T. Dickens,

Moved by Rajah Rajnarain Roy, seconded by Rajah Kaly Kishen Bahadoor:

He then read the prospectus in Bengally, calling Mr. Geo. Prinsep, Mr. David Hare, and several other the attention of the meeting to those parts of the rules distinguished members of the community. The whole which required their immediate attention. of the proceedings, with the exception of what fell from Mr. Dickens, was in Bengally, and, although considerable difficulty was experienced by us in preparing this our first report of proceedings conducted in that language, yet by the obliging assistance of a kind and talented friend, we can assure the reader that the substance of the speeches will be found fully given and as accurately reported as under circumstances it was possible.

"That the rules now read be adopted as the rules of the society.

After the 2d resolution was moved, Mr. Dickens came forward and spoke :


Gentlemen I congratulate you upon the occasion of Rajah Radhacaunth Bahadoor being called to the our meeting, and upon the carrying of the resolutions chair, stated that the honor which had been conferred already moved, which give existence and consistency to As already an incipient jealousy of it has on him was due in the first instance to the Rajah of our society. Nuddeah, whose family was the most ancient among the been displayed, I think it necessary to speak of my own zemindars of Bengal; but this Rajah, although he had reasons for coming forward, which otherwise, I should been expected, was not present at the meeting. In his not have touched upon; I do not appear here in the absence he thought the chair was due to Rajah Barada- character of a political agitator; still less in that of an caunth Roy, whose family stood next in point of anti-advocate of any opinions, except my own, and those I am a propriequity; but as the meeting had done him the honor of which I trust we have all in common. calling him to the chair, he would thankfully accept it. tor of indigo factories of considerable value; I am besides Under the British rule, he observed, the people had by the grant of Government, a proprietor of lands in continued to live happily, until certain regulations, con- the zillah of Goruckpore, which, I trust, I shall be ena nected with the resumption operations, had been promul- bled by care and the assistance which I have secured gated, which made all very anxious, and a gloom has to render productive, and bequeath as a valuable inbeen cast on the landholders. On the other hand, what heritance to my children. Thus should I chance to good had the Government done for the people? When, leave this country, my connexion with it will remain, some years ago, inundation laid waste the southern parts and I am sure you will rejoice with me, when you reof the country the Government suspended its demand, flect that from the change of policy which enables Engfor some time, but afterwards recovered it with interest, lishmen to acquire property here, this is not likely to which measure ruined many estates and gave considera- be a solitary example; but the connexion between ble trouble to the people. The resumption of rent-free- both countries must needs become daily closing in all lands was, however, the greatest grievance they had to things, to the increase of knowledge, of kindliness of complain of, and circumstances pointed out the expedi-feeling, and, I trust, to the improvement of both classes. ence of forming a society. The benefits of such a society I join you, therefore, as one having an earnest and would be felt not only by those who resided in Calcutta, friendly feeling and a common interest, and disposed but all over the country, by forming communications with all my power, with heart and head and hand to aid with the different districts and this society. Representa-in the one common object, which we have all in view. tions were always necessary to be made to Government, in these proceedings; if any one adopted an erroneous course, the society afforded a ready means of correction, and through it grievances could be easily brought to the notice of the proper authorities. It was a common saying among the people that straw could be easily broken by the finger when in separate blades: but if several blades be united together and formed into a rope, it was capable of confining even a wild elephant and reducing it into subjection.' Union among the people was, therefore, highly necessary, and the establishment of such a society was much called for, in order to keep a watch over the measures of Government and its functionaries, and for the purpose of making representations to it.

I congratulate you, gentlemen, on the formation of the first society for political objects which has ever been organized by the natives of India with large and liberal views, without exclusiveness, and with ends and aims of extensive utility. I see in it the gem of great things, and I am satisfied that the care and prudence which will be required to conduct these beginnings to fitting ends, will not be wanting.

I have said, gentlemen, that a jealousy respecting our objects has been already displayed, I but guard myself carefully from attributing such a sentiment to the governing power: I am satisfied that there no such feeling exists. But though the last charter has been called a "Charter Rajah Kaly Kishen Bahadoor expressed his full of Freedom" for India, I cannot, I own, perceive that concurrence in the opinions of the chairman, and moved much extension of political liberty has been granted by that a society be formed to be called the Landholders' it to any class, or that any thing like what we ought to Society. This resolution was seconded by Rajah Raj-call a guarantee for civil rights has been conceded to the Narain Roy, who also expressed his full concurrence in the views of the chairman. Carried unanimously.

Mr. Dickens stated, that he had been requested by the chairman to read the prospectus of the Society in English, for the information of those who understood that language, and that a Bengally version of it would afterwards be read and explained by some one who better understood that language than he did. He then read the prospectus which will be found in the Hurkaru of the 17th instant.

natives of India, or to any class of its inhabitants. I do not profess to be an admirer of that charter,-I am no admirer of it, nor of the men who framed it; but though I may not deem them possessed of deep sagacity, nor of that fore-knowledge which could embrace all the conse quences of their own acts, yet I am bound in candour to suppose that they must have foreseen some of those consequences, and must be pleased at seeing their anticipations verified by the event. If they did not (and they certainly did not) provide any guarantees for the rights of the governed, they at least promulgated the principle The chairman then stated, that previous to this, a of equality. They have pronounced, gentlemen, that meeting of several respectable zemindars and others had all men should be equal before the law, and equal in been held at the Hindoo College, which had appointed the eye of the state; and they gave utterance to an Baboos Prosonnocomar Tagore, Ram Comul Sen, abstract principle, which first, for any practical purposes

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