Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

flocked in from all quarters to see the prisoner. It is said, that the Pachete Rajah, one of the powerful zemindars, with whom Pertaub Chund was in correspondence, has, since the capture of the Pretender, broken out in open revolt and attacked and taken possession of a factory of Dr. Cheek's. Mr. Halkett, the officiating magistrate of Burdwan, has gone out against this man, with two companies of sepoys.

followers. He set out from hence some time ago with the avowed intention of going to Burdwan. This intention he has not fulfilled; but after remaining opposite to Chinsurah for some time, he proceeded to Culna and landed there with an armed rabble of some 300 men headed by himself in a tonjon, with a drawn sword in his hand, and a European legal functionary attending him. He ordered the sepahi centry at the Raj Barić to quit his post, which the man declined to do; and the During the last week, Mr. Shaw made an application pretender was prevailed upon, with great difficulty, by to the Deputy Governor of Bengal, setting forth, as report the darogah, not to attack the man. If he had done so, says, that the proceedings on the part of the force employas there were probably more than 100 of the actual ed to apprehend Pertaub Chund, were most unwarrantaRajah's men within the gate, with an abundant supply ble, and quite uncalled for; he prayed, therefore, that of arms, the pretender and his rabble would have been some able and impartial officer may be appointed for due repulsed. Information of these proceedings being sent investigation into the affair; and his honour in council was to Mr. Ogilvie, the magistrate of Burdwan, that gentle- pleased to commission the superintendent of police for man immediately sent orders to the police to compel the the Bengal presidency for that purpose. He has left pretended Rajah and his rabblement to retire. This Calcutta, accordingly, for Burdwan.

they refused to do; and the Darogah reported that any attempt to carry his orders into effect would be useless

The 19th instant was the third day of the exaand lead to bloodshed, and he had no force at all ade- mination, and, at about half past five, Mr. Longueville quate to cope with the followers of the Pretender. Be-Clarke addressed the magistrates and said, for the sides which, the fellow had been visited by crowds of present his friend, Mr. Leith, and he would adpeople, the natives coming daily in thousands down to duce no further evidence, nor as yet press the magishis boats. In the mean time, letters of his had been in-trates to take any further step for an ex-parte case, which They had tercepted, addressed to all the neighbouring zemindars, these preliminary inquiries always were. calling upon them to assemble at Burdwan and witness proved all that was necessary; and he would stake his his re-ascension to the guddee of his ancestors! Mr. professional reputation, that if the statements were not Ogilvie, under these circumstances, proceeded to Culna, contradicted, any judge, charging a jury, would tell with a military force, and apprehended the Pretender, them that if they believed the witnesses they must find and he is now in eustody. The magistrate had previa verdict of guilty. But he would not now ask the ously received orders to apprehend this man, if he should magistrates for a warrant: he should, as he had always stated his intention to be, submit the evidence taken attempt any proceeding of the nature described. down to the Government; they might hand it to their The PRETENDER calling himself Pertaub Chund law officers, or, what would be more proper, they might and claiming the Raj of Burdwan, of whose pro- obtain copies of the magistrates' depositions. He ceedings, at Culna, we gave an account the other day, would give the Government ample time to consider the has been apprehended. It would seem that he never matter, and to make every inquiry; and, as he believed could have had any serious intention of going to Burdwan, there is no fear of Mr. Ogilvy's wishing to escape, or as he was perfectly aware that he would not be permitted that he could do so, he did not consider that by followto go there with an armed rabble, such as he chose to be attended by. He remained, therefore, at Culpa until the ing this course, the ends of justice could be defeated. But he sincerely believed that the ends of justice would 2d instant, sometimes going ashore merely to create a have been defeated, if Mr. Leith and he had not forced tamasha. Crowds of people collected to see him, amount-this investigation on. They had waited to see what the ing sometimes probably to 50,000, including a very large Government would do, and they found them sending proportion of women. On the morning of that day, a gentleman to Burdwan, as he believed, in utter ignohowever, the magistrate arrived with a company of the 2d native infantry, commanded by Captain Little of that rance of the fact, that from the power of Prawn Baboo, and the dread of the magistrate, no witness would go corps with another commissioned officer. They found here to depose against them. This he had distinctly the imposter in his boats, moored near the mouth of a nullah, in a good position for defence or escape. He proved in evidence, and also Mr. Ogilvy's admission, had the discretion to choose the latter, and attempted to sink of iniquity, and that he believed every native in the on a former occasion, "that the Rajhbarry was a make off as soon as he saw the troops approach. As soon as the magistrate saw this, he commanded the boats Government employment at Burdwan, was an annuitant of Prawn Baboo's." The witnesses would not go there, to stop. His orders, however, were disobeyed. Hereupon, and they were all here, and nineteen of them he had by some mistake, a volley was fired by the troops, and four of the deluded followers of this man were wounded by the fire, three of whom have since died. The fellow upon this, jumped into a dingy, but the people deserting him, he threw himself into the river and got on the bank where he lay motionless like a dead body, and had nearly escaped by this artifice. An experienced havildar, however, gave him a kick and thus discovered him. Several of his followers were taken prisoners in the boats, and among them, three Europeans. One of these is Mr. Shaw, the Attorney, who was lodged in the jail of Burdwan, where his countrymen also found quarters; but they have been brought down to Calcutta on writs of habeas corpus.


which he believed would otherwise have been lost, and By this course he had saved evidence, he had only caused it to be taken in the legal and proper manner, before the justice of the peace. He aphe had not conducted the examinations fairly towards pealed to the magistrates to say, whether his friend and the accused, and the witnesses.

Mr. O'Hanlon said, most fairly, that he believed, if it became necessary to issue a warrant, Mr. Ogilvie would surrender. Mr. Clarke replied, that if it rested with him, the accused should not be put to any inconvenience which was not absolutely unavoidable, with a view to the ends of justice. Mr. Clarke also stated, that the intentions of his friend and himself to forward their notes

The PRETENDER himself, was, immediately after he was captured, sent off to Hooghly, in charge of Captain Little of the depositions, as soon as they could be fair copied, and his company, and was, early on the morning of the had been communicated to the Government. Mr. 6th instant, delivered over by that officer to the magis-O'Hanlon observed, that he also had mentioned it." trate of that place, and is safely lodged in the jail. Very few of the natives assembled at Hooghly to witness DORJELING.-The new settlement at Dorjeling prothe Jal Rajah's re-entry into the prison; but at Nyah gresses. About fifteen locations have been made, and Serai where Capt. Little had encamped the evening additional applications are daily flowing in. A line of

settlement, to which all interested subscribe 100 rupees; the available assets of the institution, and specifying its for this sum Col. Lloyd's agents now call upon hem, debts and dependencies. Mr. W. Ochme seconded the to enable the good work to proceed. amendment. Mr. W. Adam submitted that the original Imotion and the amendment might be rendered perfectly PUBLIC LIBRARY.-A meeting of the subscribers and compatible with each other, by the curators being reproprietors was held on the 5th instant, for the purpose of quested to form the committee of investigation. In this electing a curator, in the room of Mr. John Bell, who form the proposals were put from the chair and agreed had resigned. Sir J. P. Grant was in the chair. Mr. to nem. con. Bell's letter, assigning, as a reason for his resignation, a differance of opinion with his colleagues, was read. A minute, by the same gentleman, and counter-minutes, by Messrs. H. M. Parker and W. P. Grant were like. wise read, and a discussion ensued thereupon. It appeared that Mr. Bell considered the library in a state of insolveney, and that he saw no prospect of extricating it from its difficulties. He also seemed to feel hurt, that he had not been consulted by his colleagues, touching some of the measures which had been adopted by them.

On a motion that the meeting do proceed to elect a curator, in succession to Mr. Bell, Mr. Morrell proposed Mr. Stocqueler. Mr. S. submitted that, not being a proprietor, he was ineligible. Mr. J. P. Grant then named Mr. William Carr, who had formerly been a curator, and merely resigned because he was about to proceed to England. Mr. Stocqueler seconded the nomination, and Mr. Carr was duly elected.

SALE OF COMPANY'S COMMISSIONS.-Despatches have been received in India, announcing the intention of the Honourable Court to withdraw their old prohibition of the sale and purchase of commissions in the army; in other words, it has been found expelient to legalize the purchasing system which could not be prevented,

The meeting then separated after voting thanks to Sir Mr. W. P. Grant, in explanation, denied that a differ-J. P. Grant, for the kind manner in which he had perence of opinion subsisted between Mr. Bell, Mr. Parker, formed the troublesome duties of the chair. and himself; he likewise disputed the accuracy of Mr. Bell's calculations, and shewed, by the scrutiny of an account laid before the meeting, and prepared by the librarian, that the library was far from being in a state of insolvency. Mr. Grant further stated, that Mr. Bell had always been duly invited to the meetings of the curators, but having failed to attend, he could not justly complain of not having been consulted. Mr. Grant spoke of the attacks which had been made on the cura. tors in the public papers, and appeared to think, that they proceeded partly from an unaccountable wish to discredit the efforts of the curators, and partly from ignorance of the real state of affairs.

CIVIL SERVANTS' PERIOD OF PROBATION.-It is said that the Court of Directors intend to vest a discretionary power in the local Government, of modifying the present peremptory rule, which allows to their civil servants, the term of one year only for passing the college examinations, from the date of their arrival at the presidency.

RUMOURS OF WAR.-Preparations for a further concentration of forces, are said to be going on, and another company of sappers and miners have marched for Sylhet; and it is bruited, that two more regiments will be added to the Sylhet frontier.

Mr. Stocqueler prit parole, and with reference to the remark regarding newspaper attacks, avowed that he grounded those which the Englishman had made, on evidence furnished by the curators themselves. He referred to their last published statement of accounts, (1st April) in which it appeared that the library owed upwards of eight hundred rupees to the Union Bank, but SECTION WRITING. - Government have at length come had, to meet the debt, only 900 rupees, in course of to a decision on the much mooted question of remuneracollection, a sum that might or might not be recover-tion to section writers. The pay is henceforward to be


Mr. Stocqueler said, that he felt much interest in the prosperity of the library, and that, as the public could only be induced to support it by being put in possession of the state of affairs, he thought it the duty of the press, when the affairs were represented to be in disorder, to urge a reform in the management. He was much grati fied with Mr. W. P. Grant's present explanation, and regretted that it had not been laid before the public, instead of the imperfect statement which had alarmed him (Mr. S.) and other friends to the library.

one rupee for one thousand four hundred and forty words. The resolution applies to all section writers who have entered the service subsequent to the 1st of January last, At the end of each year a committee is to be formed to take into consideration all matters touching section writing, and to make their report thereon.

out does not affect the remuneration of old servants.

DISCOVERY OF MAKING TAPIOCA.—Mr. D. W. H. Speed has succeeded in making tapioca from the cassava plant. Having obtained some plasts of the cassava from the Horticultural Society, Mr. Speed proceeded to his task with endeavours. To make the speculation in any way rean ability that exhibits itself in the perfect success of his

Mr. W. P. Grant and Mr. H. M. Parker expressed their surprise, that the imperfect statement should have found its way into the public prints. It contained imponsive to the trouble and time which it requires. It is desirable that the remaining portions of the plant should portant omissions, and its appearance had not been sanc-find a sale in the market; and as it is in its nature nearly, tioned by them.

On the question of Mr. Bell's resignation being put from the chair, Mr. Bell was asked whether what he had then heard and seen respecting the accounts, did not cause any alteration in his intentions?

Mr. Bell avowed that his opinion remained unaltered.

Mr. W. Adam then proposed that a committee be formed to investigate the accounts, and report upon the state of affairs.

if not altogether, unknown to our native fellow citizen, we have the pleasure to state for their information, that the cassava is used in the West Indise as a substitute for bread, and that very pretty eating may be had from it, in the shape of good, wholesome food. If any inducement were given by purchasing these portions, so that on the disposal of the whole plant, a profit might be reaped from his labours, we are given to understand, that Mr. Speed would not be unwilling to manufacture another article of diet, admirably adapted to the uses of convalescents and young children.

Mr. J. P. Grant seconded the proposition. Mr. Stoc. ACQUEDUCT IN NEW COOLLOOTOLAH STREET.-The ac queler moved as an amendment, that the curators be queduct, which was noticed in the papers some time requested to prepare and publish a statement of the ac- ago, as proposed to be made in New Colootollah street,

[blocks in formation]

ACCIDENTAL DEATH OF MR. HUNTER.-Intelligence has been received of the death of Mr. Hunter, of the civil The service, under very melancholy circumstances. catastrophe is described in the following extract of a lettter, dated Ghazeepore, May 8, 1838:

ments of a Maire du Palais, but who has now engaged to relinquish these prerogatives, on being granted a fat jagheer! These arrangements will, in all probability, be concluded by the end of the present month, when Colonel Alves expects to return to Ajmere.

The wealthy Seths of the city of Ajmere have munificently come down with nearly two-thousand rupees, in aid of the famishing poor of the Dooab.

AGRA. The weather has been extremely variable since the last report, the wind being chiefly from the Mr. Hunter, joint magistrate of this station, was north, and north east; at one time hot and oppresamusing himself yesterday eveing about 6 o'clock, leap- sive, even long after sun set, but as the night ading a spirited horse over a ditch or drain. About the vances, it becomes almost cold. This must be owing to third attempt, the horse reared and turned, which sud-rain from a northerly quarter, and it is known, that a denly unseated Mr. H.,-he fell on his head, crushing heavy fall took place at Kurnaul on the night of the the crown inwards, and was taken up senseless; blood 11th and 12th instants. Cholera, happily, continues was gushing from his mouth and ears. Medical aid was to retrograde, but the hospitals, European and native, speedily called. Mr. Assistant Surgeon Jackson was are full of fever cases, accompanied by distressing affec first in attendance, but nothing could be done; the poor tions of the head. A general deterioration of air, or gentleman never spoke again, and was dead in an hour exhalations limited to an extent in its operation, assisted at the same time by a great diversity of temperature, have, no doubt, rendered the present season a very unhealthy one.

after the accident.

MR. MANGLES.-Mr. Ross Donelly Mangles has been appointed to succeed Mr. Walters in the Board of Revenue. This leaves the secretaryship in the judi cial department to the Governor of Bengal vacant, and it is not improbable Mr. F. Halliday will be permanently appoined in Mr. Mangles's room.

THE LUTTURAH AND PESHEE GAUMS.-A letter from Assam states, that the Lutturah and Peshee Gaums had returned to their old places, and that there is not the slightest chance of another disturbance at present, they having sent back their hired fighting men.

The number of poor working under the magistrate are still ranged somewhat below 80,000. The official return is 77,500, and the new entries are at present not more than sufficient to cover the number of vacancies arising from dislike to hard work, a wish to better situation, death, sickness, and the dread of catching the cholera.

MUTTRA. Owing to cholera having prevailed for some time past amongst the Europeans of the troop of THE BURMESE AND NEPAULESE.-Two companies of Horse Artillery at Muttra, where several men have Assam light infantry have been ordered to keep the been carried off by the disease, it has been determined pass between Burmah and Nepaul, and to intercept all to move the troops into tents across the Jumna, for letters that may be passing. A sample of Tharawaddi's change of air, and to enable the barracks to be whitescrawl has been sent to Major Lister for his guidance. washed, and otherwise purified; the same measure It is a compound of clumsy pot hooks and hangers, as having been resorted to, with complete success last year, a great man's manuscript ought to be. The Nepaulese in respect to the Foot Artillery at Agra. Rajah, on the other hand, writers a fine fist, something between German text and runing hand.

SALE OF THE COMPANY'S SILK FACTORIES.-The undermentioned silk filatures, belonging to the East India Company, which were put up for sale at the export warehouse on the 22d instant, fetched the following prices :

Bhowannygunje factory, 100 pottery ghyes, &c., standing on about 12 beegas of land, subject to an annual rent of Sa. Rs. 72. Upset price Company's rupees 1,780, was purchased by Baboo Rogoonath Bose for Co.'s Rs. 1,785.

ALLYGURH.-The bridge over the Kala Nuddee at Hydramy in this district, has suffered a serious fracture, one of the blind arches having sank so as to become separated from the main building. This bridge was only finished in 1830, and cost the Government 96,000


Cholera and small-pox have both broken out in this town, but have not assumed any very virulent character. MYNPOOREE.-Mangoe grove, large enough to hold between 2,000 and 3,000 people, is walled in, and divided by a bamboo fence, into secure and commodious Hajah factory, 180 pottery ghyes, &c. standing on lines. Into this enclosure the poor are admitted every about 21 beegas and 12 cottahs of land, subject to morning at daybreak. Bread is baked on the premises an annual rent of Sa. Rs. 43-3-4. Upset price Com- of a Resident, and its distribution is superintended by pany's Rs. 2,667, was purchased by Baboo Cossinath another soon after sunrise. Three chupattees weigh a Bose for Co.'s Rs. 2,670.

Madoymooree factory, 70 pottery ghyes, &c., stand. an annual ing on about 9 beegas of land, subject to rent of Sa. Rs. 36. Upset price Company's rupees 1,423, was purchased by the saine individual for Co.'s Rs. 1,482.

pound, and this quantity is given to the leanest adults; two to the less needy, and to the weaker children, and one to the remainder: a man follows, distributing salt, and four bheestees of water. Subordinate arrange. ments are observed, and adopted as suggested by necessity, for convenience of distribution, and the preservation of order: thus, tickets, consisting of an office THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF.-His Excellency the Comstamp pasted on wood, are suspended to the necks of mander-in-chief has tendered his resignation. This re-the weaker objects, and these are confined to one line; gulation, in which his departure for England has been none are allowed to pass the entrance, nor to rise from fixed to take place in the ensuing cold weather, was their seats, after a certain juncture. These, and simisent in last month, various reasons of a public nature, ar precautions are necessary, for the good of the whole. are assigned for this step. The number now fed, amounts to about 1,450 souls; and without doubt, the majority of these are nearly, if not entirely, sustained by the charity. One maund of otta bakes into 1 or 1 of bread; therefore soven maunds gives about 2,400 cakes,-enough for 1,000


DELHI.-Colonel Alves, and his corps diplomatique, are still at Kotah, emancipating the Rajah from the thraldom of his hereditary prime minister, who has

SAUGOR.-The weather continues delightfully cool,! and the station is remarkably healthy. Much praise is due to Captain R., executive officer, for the attention which he has bestowed on the Rublic roads, and for general improvement throughout the cantonment,

SIMLA was never so crowded as it is this season.-The rent of houses is enhanced fifty per cent. Upwards of twenty houses of this and last year's erection, are all occupied. Public offices are converted into private residences by the majority of the Governor-General's office establishments, and the public bazar contains a portion of those who were unfortunate enough not to obtain domiciles elsewhere. Lord Auckland is said to be displeased with his house. It is frittered away in paltry closets six and seven feet square, and has only two rooms deserving the name. His Lordship's staff are little better off. Among the Commander-in-Chief's party, there are many in larger and better houses than His Lordship. This is rather chagrining. His Lordship's entrée was rather imposing the élite of Simla, headed by Sir H. Fane and staff in "review order," ushered him in. Provisions are scarce and dear, which, perhaps, accounts for the monotonous duiness of the place at present. Bails and dinners are talked of, and the political agent is preparing for a grand fête to be assembled at Simla. Theatricals were talked of, but the dramatis persone hang back from apprehensions, that their body is neither numerous nor choice enough to afford popular representations. It is said that the Governor General returns here next season, after visiting Lahore, but doubts are entertained whether the Commander-in-Chief does. The death of his mother may induce his return home, but every thing is as yet in profound uncertainty. A mission from Lahore is daily expected, and a return one, headed by Mr. Macnaghten, is talked of. The establishment of a cantonment at Ferozepore on the Sutlege is, I believe, determined on, and apprehension seem to be entertained that all is not right on the N.W. frontier. Artillery and Cavalry,it is presumed, will constitute our chief arm at the remodeled fortress and new cantonment. The influenza, an epidemic, which more or less has affected the inhabitants of Upper India during the last four months, visited this place, and is now disappearing. Its symptoms are those of mild fever and partial cold, and with care it is got over in a few days. On Wednesday and Saturday evenings, the public are gratified with good music from the GovernorGeneral's baud. There are about 300 Christian residents here now. The weather is still delightfully cool; fires are kept in the houses, and people stroll about all day

without even a chatta.

MONGHYR. A fire broke out in the Surwun Bazar al

Monghyr, on the evening of 8th of April, at sunset, which, owing to the high wind blowing at the time, first threat ened to be very destructive, but was afterwards happily got under without any very extensive loss. The vicinity of the burnt part of the town to a bazar, in which a vast quantity of giain was stored, caused serious alarm at the commencement of the disaster, but we are happy to have learnt that the flames were arrested before reaching this valuable store. It is supposed that not more than five and twenty houses were burnt, and these, for the most part, were huts. Had the wind blown a contrary quarter, that is from the westward instead of the eastward, a great portion of the town must have been destroyed. The con flagration was accidental, having been excited by the overboiling of a ghee pot.

LOODEEANAH.-A deputation, headed by Mr. Secretary Macnaghten, to the Lahore Court, was to leave this station on the 10th instant. Its object is, it is supposed, to arrange preliminaries and forms for the interview between Lord Auckland and Runjeet Sing, which is to take place at Faurapoor on the Sutlege, next November. The deputation will be escorted by two companies of native

NEEMUCH. This part of the country is in a sadly on settled state, overrun with plunderers of all descriptions. Capt. Ross, the Deputy Judge Advocate Genl., had a very narrow escape from being murdered, he having been attacked on his road to Mhow some days ago by three horsemen. They waylaid him as be was riding along unarmed, and with cries of " maer Furingie salah" charged him spear in hand. One fellow aimed directly at his breast but by wheeling his horse sharply round he escaped the blow, the weapon passing under the bridle arm, without injury. Being no match for the party, he put spurs to his horse and escaped, after being pursued for two miles. A representation of the business has been forwarded to Government by Mr. Bax at Indore, and it is to be hoped that something will be done to rid the country of these scoundrels.


NEPAL. It is understood that in the event of a colli sion between us and the Burmese, the latter will be supported by the Nepalese. Some of the most impregnable of the hill forts are under repair, and a wooden barrier and intrenchment is being erected conterminous to our territories. Such are the reports from this quarter.

KOTAH. Native reports state, that the inconvenient and anomalous system of Government, which has held together now many years, and which it became expedi ent, if not necessary, for the British Government to assist in establishing at Kota, after the death of that "Nester of Rajisthan" Qaleem Sing, who did beyond doubt fill the othce of prime minister in most embar rassing times, for a long period, with great tact and wisdom,-is on the point of being disannulled; as the treaties of separation, twixt the Mabarao and the Raja Rana are being drawn up, by Captain Ludlow the political agent at that state, Colonel Alves, the agent in chief of Rajpootana, having afforded him the no small advantage, on the occasion of his late visit at Kotah, of witnessing the completion of the arrangement, which the subordinate official had been most anxiously and laboriously employed in preparing for some time past, for the ultimate approval of the greatest chief of all-the Governor General of all


HERAT-By letters from that quarter it has been leant that the forces of Iran have besieged the fort of Herat for seven months past, but by the bravery and boldness of Kamran, the King of that place, the fort remains unconquered. Large quantities of grain is stored in the fort, and plenty of wells.

The Shah of Iran asked his courtiers to assail the fort

at once, but they advised him not to do so, as there would be a great loss on his side. The Shah has determined to take the fort, or die in the attempt.

JYEPOOR.-The Regent Rawal Beree Sal, is said to be suffering from abcess of the liver, and is expected to sink under it. His death will be the signal for numerous commotions and intrigues in this state. The rubbee crop has been a complete failure and considerable depopula tiou is taking place in consequence.

REWAREF.-An order from the commissioner over this zillah, enforced by the magistrate, authorizing the slaughter of cows outside the different villages, has thrown the Hindoos into a state of great ferment. Finding their expostulations to the commissioner unavailing, they have referred their complaints to Mr. Metcalfe, the Governor-General's agent for these districts.

PESHAWUR.-Travellers from that quarter mention, that the forces of Khybur having descended from the hill, and stolen away the camels of the Nazim of Multan, while they were grazing in a pasture; but when the

pursued and attacked them. The Khybur forces were defeated and hid themselves in the hills.

CABUL.-Reports from that place say that Captain Alexander Lurnes is enjoying his health well at Cabul, and the Ameers of the place visit him every day. There has been very little snow, and the travellers state that they have never felt so much heat in Cabul as they do this season.

led him to change from Protestantism to Romanism, in expectation of obtaining relief, and that being disappointed he has now become Mahometan, in which he has been more successful, having, in the few days since his head was shaved and his dress changed, obtained a large sum of money in presents from the Moors. He is in fact a complete lion amongst these people who crowd to see Abdul Rahim Mowlah, which is the name he now rejoices in. He has deserted his wife and children, de claring, however, his readiness to provide for them if they adopted his new creed; but he is shortly to be married to a Moor woman, with whom he will probably get a consient plans to provide liberally for him; either to give him a bazar in the pettah or to send him to the coast. Altogether he has made a fine speculation of his apostacy, though we scarcely think the Moors can derive much credit from their convert.

SCIND. By intelligence received from Scind, it appears that some ten or twelve thousand of beloochees, having assembled together, had commenced depreda-derable marriage portion. There are also said to be differtions within the Scind territories, and had plundered and ruined many villages therein; when the ameers of Scind, with a view to put an end to the evil, sent a force against them. On their confronting the enemy, the number of the latter being greater, the former was defeated. The ameers of Scind, about a month after, got up a powerful army, which proceeding against the beloochees, the tables were turned against them, and their number being far smaller, they thought it best to retreat. The Scind troops routed them and killed numbers in their retreat.



MAULMEIN. The barracks for the expected European regiment are fast progressing, and, no doubt, will be ready before the end of the month.

The result of the investigation which was held at Martaban by two Burmese officers of rank, into the outrages committed on our frontier, is just what was all along LOSS OF A LARGE VESSEL AND A PATAMAR.-A large anticipated. It seems that the Burmese officers sent vessel and a patamar have been lost between Barn Hill over to say they had secured two of the men accused of and Mount Formosa to the southward. The wreck committing murders and robberies. Mr. de la Condawas discovered by a vessel which lately passed down mine proceeded to Martaban to ascertain the fact, and the coast, and information of the event communicated to being satisfied they were the men, (although they were our naval authorities. The person by whom the com- any thing but secured, being in fact gentlemen, at large, munication was made, observed to leeward a large spar and in the suit of a high Bileng official who had accomabout 15 or 20 feet above water, and, on proceeding to expanied the Burmese commissioners) he called for the amine this, another spar was observed standing eight feet apprehension of some more of those whose names had out of the sea. The first was evidently, it is said, the lower been given in by him on a former occasion. To his surmast of a vessel, as the step of it was clearly distinguish-prise, however, the Burmese commissioners said they able, and the smaller one was the mast-head of a pata- had done all that was required of them. They had made mar with the rigging upon it. From the observations enquiries, they said, and apprehended two men, and which were made, it was supposed that the wreck must they intended to return to Rangoon immediately. Being have been a barque, and that she must have gone down asked if they intended to try even the two men whom in a straight direction, her keel resting on the bottom. they pretended to have secured, they said no, it was no Those who examined the vessel think that she must part of their duty. Mr. de la C. took his leave and the have been of a large size. Endeavours were made to next morning, (the 1st) the two Burmese officers, started disengage each of the spars but without success, although on their return, although the day before they had said they they managed to tow the smaller one about fifteen yards, intended remaining some days longer. What occasioned when it was retained by something to which it appeared this precipitate retreat on their part is not known. Some to be attached. On sounding there was a depth of 22 attribute it to the want of provisions at Martaban for so fathoms alongside the vessel which was lying with her large a number of followers as accompanied them; others head to the southward, from which circumstance it is to the preparations going on here for the reception of adthought she was homeward bound. The pattamar, on ditional troops. Others again assert that orders have examination, appeared to be held down only by the come down from Court, both to prohibit the encourageship's rigging, and could be moved about easily. They ment of dacoits in future, and to put a stop to any ensounded also on the deck of the vessel but could not seequiry into what they may have already effected. Among either its hull or that of the pattamar. The conjecture is, that the vessel and the pattamar must have come in collision during the night of Monday the 23d of April, which was a very dark and boisterous one, and to have gone down both of them instantaneously. Great fears are entertained that all on board perished. The wreck lies in 22 fathoms water about 15 or 16 miles from the shore, in latitude 12° 26' north, longitude 74° 59' east, Burn Hill bearing north 48°, east Mount Formosa S. 72 E. and Mount Dillyjust in sight from the poop bearing S. 40° E.


the native reports current in the place, one that possesses pecular interest for the Maulmain ship-builders, is, that oppostion building-yards are to be established at Martaban under the auspices of Mr. Sarkies.

Several vessels have come into the river in search of cargoes of rice. The price of this article has consequently rapidly risen, and may even be quoted at from seventy to seventy-five rupees per 100 baskets. At Rangoon rice sells at twenty-five rupees per 100 baskets, and, doubtless, the authorities there chuckle at their superior wisdom in keeping down the price of food for their people. At Martaban the sale of rice to our people is strictly prohibited, but the price to be attained there must offer sufficient temptation for its being smuggled


JOHN SMITH. A great excitement, it is said, at present prevails in Colombo, in consequence of a person named John Smith-of English Parents-having lately rePrivate letters from Rangoon to the 30th of April, announced the Christian faith for the doctrines of the pro-nounce the second act of Tharrawadie's interests of huphet. The individual is said to be a tailor, but verymanity" loving propensities. He has executed the ex-heir

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