Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

July 28.

-30 that it absolutely required the Doctor's sanction my native soil, I shall see you all happy and contented.' for the prisoner's taking the air on deck. It is very sur prising to us how the court-martial could have sentenced Cornet Roche to even a reprimand upon the evidence which we know was before it; for to say nothing of the extenuation, for even undue warmth (had any been displayed) to be found in youth and inexperience, there was the strong evidence not only of the respectable pas sengers, male and female, and of the captain of the ship, but of some of the witnesses for the prosecution, that the demeanour of the accused had been uniformly mild and conciliating to every one, and that he was the last person on board whom any of them would believe disposed to give offence to a human being. There was also proof that such were the character and disposition he had been noted for, before he entered the aimy at all, and among those who had good opportunities of appreciating both; for, in a newspaper which happened to be on the files of the Cameronians' mess, or library, (the Cork Constitution of July, 1837,) was a testimony of that nature which it gives us much pleasure to lay before

our readers:

At a meeting of the farmers, tradespeople, &c., of the parishes of Corkbegg and Trabolgan, on the 27th


The following address was unanimously resolved on:


Sir.-The farmers, tradespeople, &c., of the parishes of Corkbegg and Trabolgan, have heard of your intended departure from amongst them, with the most acute feel. ings of regret. Your accustomed urbanity of temper, and your uniform charitable disposition to all-have endeared your memory indelibly in their hearts.

We sincerely wish you every success, and trust that Divine Providence will prolong your existence, and that they will have again the pleasure of beholding an individual whom they shall ever respect and love.


It is with the greatest pleasure I have read your address. I regret exceedingly that my income did not permit me to be more liberal to the poor of your neighbour hood. I trust that Divine Providence will bestow on you the blessings of plenty, and that, when I again visit

the court that the accused only struck (the verdict, very In addition to all that, we have the avowed opinion of rightly, does not find the knocking down) the mate after great and continued provocation; and yet he is sentenced to be severely reprimanded,-this young and naturally peaceful man,-because his spirit could not brook the wanton and protracted abuse heaped on both his countrymen and himself. We do think it was very thoughtless in the court to brand a young officer, under these circumstances, with such a penalty on the very threshhold of his professional life; and we rejoice to find inferential evidence to the fact that the Commander-inChief did really deem the sentence unnecessarily harsh, though he does not seem to have thought disapproval to be politic-perhaps with reference to the regimental situation of the virtual prosecutor. His Excellency confines his formal reprimand to the mere acquiescence in the court's desire to that effect, but remarks, that the interference of the 3d mate of the Thomas Grenville with Cornet Roche, and the gross and vulgar language used by him, both with reference to the Irish generally, and to the Cornet personally, go far in extenuation of the Cornet's misconduct.' Much approving of the tenor of that observation, we think we can fairly object to the use of the phrase misconduct,' with which it terminates. His Excellency, we know, not unfrequently employs words in their originally strict sense, which have come, in ordinary parlance, to convey stronger sentiments than, perhaps, they always did (there are many instances of such terms, in our language) and the word misconduct is, in military cases especially, understood to convey the impression of some very heinous course of action, and to such only is it ordinarily applied. In the case before we believe neither civil nor military society will pronounce it to be atrocious in any one to act as Cornet Roche acted; and we are quite certain, that neither the purely military, nor the gentlemanly, feelings of Sir Henry Fane are dissatisfied with his conduct, because, if such had been the sentiment, the reprimand would have been properly couched in terms of indignation. We have scarcely any personal acquaintance with Cornet Roche, nor with any one who knows him; and we are actuated in these remarks solely by a desire to set a young officer quite right with the Indian community, at his first starting as one of their social members.-Englishman, March 4.


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Proceedings of a Meeting of the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta, held at the Asiatic Society's Apartments, the 3d March 1838.

2d. Report of the coal committee by their secretary Dr. Mac Clelland.

2d. Journal de Medicine de Societé Royale de MeChap-dicine de Bordeaux, for May 1837.

L. T. Watson, Esq., Assistant Surgeon, by H.
man, Esq., seconded by Mr. R. O'Shaughnessy.
Maxwell, Esq., of the Madras Service, by Dr.
O'Shaughnessy, seconded by Dr. Goodeve.

Letters from the following gentlemen were read:
1st. From the secretary of the Asiatic Society, re-
turning thanks for the 4th and 6th numbers of the So-
ciety's journal.

Dr. O'Shaughnessy took the opportunity of informing in finding iodine in the confeval of the salt-water lake. We the Society, that, after many attempts he had succeeded had previously examined a great number of the plants of that and other salt-water morasses, and found them all destitute of this substance. The confeval is however, richer in iodine than any of the algee fuci, he had ever examined or read of. It contained about a grain of 20. From Messrs, Arbuthnot and Co., the So-iodine to the seer (2lbs.) of the moist weed. The conciety's Agents at Madras, forwarding their account car-feval could now be obtained to the amount of hundreds rent and stating that they had a balance in their hands of tons on the surface of the salt-water lake. The proin the society's favour of 674 rupees. cess of preparation is very ample. The confeval is ga 3d. From D. Macnab, Esq., forwarding a commu-thered and dried before the sun, then burned, and from nication upon dysentry and other algine fluxes produced by bad rice.

The following works were presented to the library : 1st. Report of Mr. Bruce upon the culture of tea in Assam by the tea committee, through their secretary

the ashes soda and iodine are obtainable in such quantities, that the soda will pay the expense of the manufacture, and give the iodine for nothing.

Mr. MacNab's paper on congestive fever was then read and discussed. H. H. GOODEVE.



1st. The objects of this society are to promote the especially by any two of the committee or any five general interest of landholders. members of the society.

2d. To promote cordial and friendly communication between all classes interested in land, without distinction of colour, caste, birth-place, or religion.

3d. To diffuse information on all subjects connected with the interest of the soil.

4th. To compose and settle differences and disputes amongst landholders.

5th. To endeavour to obtain a legal limitation to the claims of the state for the better securing of titles. 6th. To make respectful representations to Government when any regulation shall be promulgated injurious to the general interest of all connected with the soil.

7th. In the same manner to ask for such new enactments as may be deemed important to the interests of the

landholders and others connected with the soil.

8th. To ask for the repeal of all existing laws that may be prejudicial to the same classes.

9th. To extend the assistance of the society to indi viduals when we think a general principle involved, in order that such cases may be appealed to superior authorities.

23d. Any five of the members of the committee when present at a meeting will form a quorum to conduct the business of the society.

24th. A general meeting of the members to be held quarterly on a day appointed by the committee.

25th. The election and expulsion of members, and all questions whatever relating to the concerns of the society, may be directed by a majority.

26th. When a member may wish to retire, he is to give one month's previous notice.

27th. In case of death any one of the heirs and representatives of a deceased inember shall, with the consent of the co-heirs, have a hereditary right to be elected as a member and be exempt from any fresh

entrance fee.

28th. Every person desirous of becoming a member of the society must apply to the committee through their secretary.

29th. The only qualification necessary to be eligible for election as a member, is a desire on the part of the candidate to promote the general objects of the society.

10th. To defend ourselves by legal means against 30th. A member may vote by written proxy on gethe resumption measure, now in progress, and any fur-neral questions. ther attacks of the same nature, or any encroachment upon the principles of the permanent settlement.

11th. To contend for the fulfilment of the pledge, by proclamation, to extend the permament settlement to the north west provinces.

12th. To assist landholders living at a distance in their business with the courts and public offices of the presidency, and generally to furnish them with advice on all matters properly connected with the objects of the society.

13th. To carry into effect the above objects, it is proposed that the following officers be chosen.

14th. A committee of twelve persons to be elected by ballot; four to go out by rotation at the expiration of each year, and their places to be filled by ballot. The same persons may be re-elected

15th. The committee to be empowered to add to their number, if expedient, subject to confirmation by the next general meeting.

16th. The committee shall choose out of their number a president, vice president, and treasurer.

17th. The president,, or in his absence the vice president, to have the casting vote in all divisions where the numbers shall be equal.


31st. Mooktiars of absent members may attend meetings by permission of the committee.

32d. Each member to pay an entrance fee of five rupees, and an annual subscription, in advance, of twenty rupees.

33d. The com mittee is authorized to receive dona

tions to any amount from any member or other person willing to promote the objects of the society.

34th. The committee are to be earnestly recommended to endeavour to establish branch societies in every district of the British India Empire, with the view of establishing regular communications on all subjects connected with the object of the society.

35th. No person to vote unless his subscription be paid up.

36th. The funds to be kept in a bank, as may be ordered by the committee from time to time, or otherwise invested at their discretion.

37th. Current expenses to be drawn for by the secretary, countersigned by two of the members.

38th. Extraordinary expenses only by order of this committee entered in their proceedings.

39th. Secretary to keep proceedings at each monthly meeting, in English and Bengally, duly signed by the

18th. All divisions to be settled by ballot. 19th. The secretary and assistant secretary to be nominated by the committee, and appointed by a ma-chairman of the committee, and to keep an index of jority of the members.

20th. The secretary to find his own establishment, subject to the approval of the committee, who will pass his account monthly.

21st. The public regulations, and such other books or papers as may be necessary, to be kept at the office of the society.

22d. A meeting of the committee to take place the

all communications with Government or public officers which may decide general principles for easy reference of members.

40th. Members of the society and others having disputes may refer them to one or more member of the committee, who will arbitrate on matters connected with the objects of the society.

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July 28.

-so that it absolutely required the Doctor's sanction my native soil, I shall see you all happy and contented.' for the prisoner's taking the air on deck. It is very surprising to us how the court-martial could have sentenced Cornet Roche to even a reprimand upon the evidence which we know was before it; for to say nothing of the extenuation, for even undue warmth (had any been displayed) to be found in youth and inexperience, there was the strong evidence not only of the respectable passengers, male and female, and of the captain of the ship, but of some of the witnesses for the prosecution, that the demeanour of the accused had been uniformly mild and conciliating to every one, and that he was the last person on board whom any of them would believe disposed to give offence to a human being. There was also proof that such were the character and disposition he had been noted for, before he entered the army at all, and among those who had good opportunities of appreciating both; for, in a newspaper which happened to be on the files of the Cameronians' mess, or library, (the Cork Constitution of July, 1837,) was a testimony of that nature which it gives us much pleasure to lay before

our readers :

[blocks in formation]

The following address was unanimously resolved on:

Sir.-The farmers, tradespeople, &c., of the parishes of Corkbegg and Trabolgan, have heard of your intended departure from amongst them, with the most acute feel ings of regret. Your accustomed urbanity of temper, and your uniform charitable disposition to all-have endeared your memory indelibly in their hearts.

We sincerely wish you every success, and trust that Divine Providence will prolong your existence, and that they will have again the pleasure of beholding an individual whom they shall ever respect and love.


It is with the greatest pleasure I have read your address. I regret exceedingly that my income did not permit me to be more liberal to the poor of your neighbour hood. I trust that Divine Providence will bestow on you the blessings of plenty, and that, when 1 again visit.

In addition to all that, we have the avowed opinion of the court that the accused only struck (the verdict, very rightly, does not find the knocking down) the mate after great and continued provocation; and yet he is sentenced to be severely reprimanded,-this young and naturally peaceful man,-because his spirit could not brook the wanton and protracted abuse heaped on both his countrymen and himself. We do think it was very thoughtless in the court to brand a young officer, under these circumstances, with such a penalty on the very threshhold of his professional life; and we rejoice to find inferential evidence to the fact that the Commander-inChief did really deem the sentence unnecessarily harsh, though he does not seem to have thought disapproval to be politic-perhaps with reference to the regimental situation of the virtual prosecutor. His Excellency confines his formal reprimand to the mere acquiescence in the court's desire to that effect, but remarks, that the interference of the 3d mate of the Thomas Grenville with Cornet Roche, and the gross and vulgar language used by him, both with reference to the Irish generally, and to the Cornet personally, go far in extenuation of the Cornet's misconduct.' Much approving of the tenor of that observation, we think we can fairly object to the use of the phrase misconduct,' with which it terminates. His Excellency, we know, not unfrequently employs words in their originally strict sense, which have come, in ordinary parlance, to convey stronger sentiments than, perhaps, they always did (there are many instances of such terms, in our language) and the word misconduct is, in military cases especially, understood to convey the to such only is it ordinarily applied. In the case before impression of some very heinous course of action, and us, we believe neither civil nor military society will pronounce it to be atrocious in any one to act as Cornet Roche acted; and we are quite certain, that neither the purely military, nor the gentlemanly, feelings of Sir Henry Fane are dissatisfied with his conduct, because, if such had been the sentiment, the reprimand would have been properly couched in terms of indignation. We have scarcely any personal acquaintance with Cornet Roche, nor with any one who knows him; and we are actuated in these remarks solely by a desire to set a young officer quite right with the Indian community, at his first starting as one of their social members.—English. man, March 4.

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2d. Report of the coal committee by their secretary

Proceedings of a Meeting of the Medical and Physical |
Society of Calcutta, held at the Asiatic Society's Apart- Dr. Mac Clelland.


the 3d March 1838.

2d. Journal de Medicine de Societé Royale de Me

L. T. Watson, Esq., Assistant Surgeon, by H. Chap-dicine de Bordeaux, for May 1837. man, Esq., seconded by Mr. R. O'Shaughnessy.

Maxwell, Esq., of the Madras Service, by Dr. O'Shaughnessy, seconded by Dr. Goodeve.

Dr. O'Shaughnessy took the opportunity of informing the Society, that, after many attempts he had succeeded in finding iodine in the conjeval of the salt-water lake. We had previously examined a great number of the plants of Letters from the following gentlemen were read: that and other salt-water morasses, and found them all 1st. From the secretary of the Asiatic Society, re- destitute of this substance. The confeval is however, turning thanks for the 4th and 6th numbers of the So- richer in iodine than any of the algee fuci, he had ever ciety's journal. examined or read of. It contained about a grain of So-iodine to the seer (2lbs.) of the moist weed. The confeval could now be obtained to the amount of hundreds of tons on the surface of the salt-water lake. The process of preparation is very ample. The confeval is ga3d. From D. Macnab, Esq., forwarding a commu-thered and dried before the sun, then burned, and from nication upon dysentry and other algine fluxes produced by bad rice.

20. From Messrs, Arbuthnot and Co., the ciety's Agents at Madras, forwarding their account current and stating that they had a balance in their hands in the society's favour of 674 rupees.

The following works were presented to the library : 1st. Report of Mr. Bruce upon the culture of tea in Assam by the tea committee, through their secretary

the ashes soda and iodine are obtainable in such quantities, that the soda will pay the expense of the manufacture, and give the iodine for nothing.

Mr. MacNab's paper on congestive fever was then read and discussed. H. H. GOODEVE.



1st. The objects of this society are to promote the especially by any two of the committee or any five general interest of landholders. members of the society.

2d. To promote cordial and friendly communication between all classes interested in land, without distinction of colour, caste, birth-place, or religion.

3d. To diffuse information on all subjects connected with the interest of the soil.

4th. To compose and settle differences and disputes amongst landholders.

5th. To endeavour to obtain a legal limitation to the claims of the state for the better securing of titles. 6th. To make respectful representations to Government when any regulation shall be promulgated injurious to the general interest of all connected with the soil.

7th. In the same manner to ask for such new enactments as may be deemed important to the interests of the landholders and others connected with the soil.

8th. To ask for the repeal of all existing laws that may be prejudicial to the same classes.

9th. To extend the assistance of the society to individuals when we think a general principle is involved, in order that such cases may be appealed to superior


23d. Any five of the members of the committee when present at a meeting will form a quorum to conduct the business of the society.

24th. A general meeting of the members to be held quarterly on a day appointed by the committee.

25th. The election and expulsion of members, and all questions whatever relating to the concerns of the society, may be directed by a majority.

26th. When a member may wish to retire, he is to give one month's previous notice.

27th. In case of death any one of the heirs and representatives of a deceased inember shall, with the consent of the co-heirs, have a hereditary right to be elected as a member and be exempt from any fresh

entrance fee.

28th. Every person desirous of becoming a member of the society must apply to the committee through their secretary.

29th. The only qualification necessary to be eligible for election as a member, is a desire on the part of the candidate to promote the general objects of the society. 10th. To defend ourselves by legal means against 30th. A member may vote by written proxy on gethe resumption measure, now in progress, and any fur-neral questions. ther attacks of the same nature, or any encroachment upon the principles of the permanent settlement.

11th. To contend for the fulfilment of the pledge, by proclamation, to extend the permament settlement to the north west provinces.

12th. To assist landholders living at a distance in their business with the courts and public offices of the presidency, and generally to furnish them with advice on all matters properly connected with the objects of the society.

13th. To carry into effect the above objects, it is proposed that the following officers be chosen.

14th. A committee of twelve persons to be elected by ballot; four to go out by rotation at the expiration of each year, and their places to be filled by ballot. The same persons may be re-elected

15th. The committee to be empowered to add to their number, if expedient, subject to confirmation by the next general meeting.

16th. The committee shall choose out of their number a president, vice president, and treasurer.

17th. The president, or in his absence the vice president, to have the casting vote in all divisions where the numbers shall be equal.

18th. All divisions to be settled by ballot.

31st. Mooktiars of absent members may attend meetings by permission of the committee.

32d. Each member to pay an entrance fee of five rupees, and an annual subscription, in advance, of twenty rupees.

33d. The com mittee is authorized to receive dona

tions to any amount from any member or other person willing to promote the objects of the society.

34th. The committee are to be earnestly recommended to endeavour to establish branch societies in every district of the British India Empire, with the view of establishing regular communications on all subjects connected with the object of the society.

35th. No person to vote unless his subscription be paid up.

36th. The funds to be kept in a bank, as may be ordered by the committee from time to time, or otherwise invested at their discretion.

37th. Current expenses to be drawn for by the secretary, countersigned by two of the members.

38th. Extraordinary expenses only by order of this committee entered in their proceedings.

39th. Secretary to keep proceedings at each monthly

19th. The secretary and assistant secretary to be nominated by the committee, and appointed by a ma-meeting, in English and Bengally, duly signed by the jority of the members.

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chairman of the committee, and to keep an index of all communications with Government or public officers which may decide general principles for easy refereuce of members.

40th. Members of the society and others having disputes may refer them to one or more member of the committee, who will arbitrate on matters connected with the objects of the society.




late probably to be brought forward or attended to at the above Calcutta meetings. That this virtual adop

At a public meeting of the subscribers and intending tion by the Calcutta community of the same principle of

subscribers to the Metcalfe Testimonial.

JAMES PATTLE, Esq. in the chair.
Proposed by H. T. Prinsep, Esq., and seconded by
Dr. Grant.

general combination and union, sanctions the anticipa tion that, throughout India, a sum may be raised (proba bly seventy or eighty thousand rupees) equal to both objects suggested in the above Agra resolution, and that this meeting therefore, with the greater confidence, still Resolved. That this meeting enters cordially into the earnestly recommends both the erection of a statue and feelings expressed by the meeting of the British inhabithe presentation of a service of plate. That, however, tants at Agra, in their resolution expressing their desire should the voice of the subscribers in other parts of India be in favour of any other testimonial of a character of to erect a statue in honor of Sir C. T. Metcalfe, and to will readily defer to their views, and be prepared to formore direct utility than a statue, the Agra subscribers ward accordingly the amounts of their subscriptions-at present about Rs 13,000 to the committee at Calcutta, with whom, from their metropolitan locality and influ ence, it is understood, must rest the duty of carrying such measure as may be adopted into final effect. Also, that this resolution, with a copy of that passed on the 30th November last, be forwarded to the chairman of the Calcutta committee, with the request that they be submitted for their consideration."

present him with a service of plate, and doubts not, that the community of British India will co-operate effectually in the promotion of these objects.

Proposed by Mr. Longueville Clarke and seconded by Dr. J. R. Martin.

Resolved. That by combining together the different public subscriptions, (which are now raising,) to offer testimonials to Sir C. T. Metcalfe, it would enable the whole Indian community to express in a more distinguished manner their appreciation of the merits, and esteem for the character of that eminent man.

Proposed by Mr. H. T. Prinsep, and seconded by Mr. William Patrick.

Resolution of the 30th November referred to above.

That this meeting is of opinion, that in acknowledg ment of the distinguished services rendered by the Hon. Sir C. T. Metcalfe, Baronet, to the whole of British India, as well as of his administration of the affairs of those provinces, both a statue should be erected in his the erection of a statue is the primary object to be achonor and a service of plate presented to him; but that

Resolved. That a committee consisting of the follow. ing gentlemen: the Hon. the Chief Justice, General McGregor, Mr. H. M. Parker, Mr. C. R. Prinsep, Dr. John Grant, Captain T. J. Taylor, Mr. Longueville Clarke, Mr. R. J. Bagshaw, be formed, to collect the subscriptions of the residents in Calcutta, and put them-complished. As the adoption of one or both of these

selves to communication with the committees formed or

to be formed at the other presidencies and stations, in order to receive the sums that may be forwarded; and that it be an instruction to the committee to call another meeting on some convenient day, after not less than two months, and to report the amount available for the pur poses in view, with their recommendation as to its disposal, in order that a final resolution may then be come to in repect to the appropriation of the funds.

The committee have the gratification of announcing that a public meeting was held at Agra on the 20th of February, the day after the meeting at the Town-hall, when the following resolution was passed:

Copy of resolution passed at a meeting held at Agra on Tuesday, the 20th February 1838:

"R. D. Duncan, Esq., in the chair. It was resolved that, with reference to a second public meeting at Calcutta, on the subject of a testimonial to Sir Charles Metcalfe, held on the 6th instant, when in amendment of the decision of a previous meeting limiting the measure to the inhabitants of Calcutta, resolution was pas sed to the effect that measures should be taken to render it general for all India. This meeting view such resolution with pleasure, corresponding to the disappointment to the supporters of a general measure which the result of the former Calcutta meeting was calculated to produce. That this manly combination and unity of effort throughout India on the part of all interested in the measure, was the object mainly aimed at in the resolution of the public meeting held at Agra, on the 30th November last, and the same that has invariably guided the Agra committee in their subsequent proceedings, more especially in their addresses to influential parties at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay, which conveyed copies

measures must depend upon the co-operation of the inhabitants of other parts of India, as well as upon consi derations which it is impossible now to foresee, the final appropriation of the sums raised at this station must be placed at the disposal of a local committee. It should be made a direction to the committee to aim primarily at accomplishing both of the above objects, or otherwise to carry into effect the wishes of this meeting to the best of their ability, and for this purpose to place themselves in communication with other bodies of individuals, who may elsewhere interest themselves in the same cause.

The following is a copy of a letter circulated by the directions of the Calcutta committee throughout the presidencies of Madras and Bombay, and the different stations of India, and the committee now publish it in this form, that it may become more generally known, and in the hope that it will be acted on even in stations, where it may not have been received,

Calcutta, 27th February, 1838. SIR,-The committee appointed at the public meeting at Calcutta of the subscribers and intending subscribers to the Metcalfe Testimonial, have directed me to for ward to you the following copy of the resolutions passed at the Town-hall on the 9th instant, and also a list of the subscriptions. Anxious to give effect to the first resolu tion, the committee desire me to solicit the favor of your assistance, and hope that this appeal to the community of all India will be circulated by you through your dis trict or station. The committee likewise begs, that should any subscriptions be obtained, you would favor them by returning this list to me, and likewise assist them in the remission of the funds in any way most con venient to yourself.

I have the honor to remain, 1
Your obedient servant,

« ΠροηγούμενηΣυνέχεια »