Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

members of the committee, in conformity with the 15th rule of the Society, subject to the confirmation of the next general meeting.

Rajah Burrodacant Roy, Radhamadhub Banoorjee, Baboos Prannoth Chowdhoree, Callynauth Roy Chowdhoree, Mothooranauth Mullick, Sambhoochandra Mitter, seconded by Rajah Killikissen Bahadoor and unanimously agreed to.

The following gentlemen were proposed as members of the Society, and elected nem. con.

Proposed by Kumar Suttchurn Ghoshal and seconded by Baboo Ashootosh Dey.

Rajah Bijoy Govind Sing, of Purneah,

Proposed by Ramcomul Sen and seconded by Prosonocomar Tagore.

Mirza Mohamed Mehendy Muskey, Mirza Mohamed Mehendy Isphainee and Mr. D. W. H. Speed.

Proposed by Prossonocomar Tagore and seconded by Sutteburn Ghoshal.

M. Laroletta and W. Patrick.

The following table of distribution of several districts and sub-committees of correspondence was submitted to the meeting. Resolved, that the proposed distribution be adopted:

A Table showing the distribution of Districts of the
Lower Provinces.

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The Name of the

special corresponding

Resolved-That the secretary be requested to communicate the nominations of the several sub-committees respectively.

Read a letter from Rajah Radhacant Deb, enclosing an application from Mr. Thomson, soliciting the appoint ment of attorney to the Society.

Resolved-That it does not appear to the meeting the probability of requiring the assistance of a solicitor at present, and that the committee can make no engagement; but when necessary, due consideration will be given to Mr. Thomson's application.

Proposed by Prosonocomar Tagore, that the subcommittee for transaction of correspondence be appointed.

Proposition was seconded by Mr. Prinsep.

Resolved-That Rajah Kallikissen Bahadoor, Coo

numbers of the respec-mar Suttchurn Ghoshal and Ramcomul Sen, be aptive divisions.

G. Prinsep, Esq.

Baboo RamcomulSen.

Kuma Sutt Churn Ghosal.

Baboo Collynauth Roy


Proposed by Mr. Dickens,

That an honorary native secretary be appointed.

Proposition seconded by Rajah Kallikissen Bahadoor, Baboo Prossonocomar Tagore was appointed.

Moved by Suttchurn Ghoshal, that the subject of

Rajah Kalierishna Baa petition from the natives of Bengal, referred to the So.;


15 Furreedpore Baboo Sumbhochun


Baboo Prossunocoomai



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der Mitter.


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ciety by the secretary of the Dhurmo Subba, be taken into consideration.

Resolved That the petition with the remarks made by Baboo Prossonocomar Tagore be submitted at the next general meeting.

Moved by Prossonocomar Tagore.

That the petition regarding the use of the vernacular language submitted at the last meeting, be discussed.

Proposed by Mr. Dickens, that an extra meeting of the Society be held at an early day for consideration of the question regarding the vernacular language and the resumption petition of the Dhurma Shubha.



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An inquest was held yesterday at the residence of the Marriott. The constable stated, that he delivered the Coroner, touching the death of Dookoo, a young native summons to Mr. M. between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock, woman, resident of Chore Bagaun. The deposition of at the Military Board Office, when and where he was Dr. Bain, the police Surgeon, declared, that on his dis-informed by Mr. M., that having received a previous secting the corpse, a quantity of yellow arsenic was summons from the Sheriff to serve at the next sessions found lodged therein, and he was borne out in the iden- as a petit juror, he has relieved him from the obligation tity of the poison by Dr. O'Shaughnessy, who analized of performing the duty now required of him on Her Majesit in his presence. Dr. B. was of opinion that she died ty's behalf by the Coroner! On the conclusion of the from the effects of the deadly drug in question. The constable's statement, the Coroner very pleasantly reexaminations of the brother and sister of the deceased marked, that he did not quite understand the validity of (the former being the person who first made mention of Mr. Marriott's objection, as the next Sessions of Oyer and the untimely death of his sister to the thannadar of the Terminer and Gaol Delivery opened on the 17th instant, division), shewed no evidence that the same was adminis- and even if Mr. M.'s attendance was required on the tered by any person, nor was proof deducible that she had Sheriff's summons for the next day, his obedience to the taken it voluntarily. They also deposed, that the deceas-summons of Her Majesty's Coroner was imperative, and ed and her husband lived very happily. They suspected that he having written to Mr. Marriott to that effect, no one of having administered the drug to their deceased received his rejoinder, wherein Mr. M. presented his sister. compliments to Her Majesty's Coroner, and desired to be excused complying with the present requisition as a previous and positive engagement, would prevent him from so doing, but he declared his willingness to attend on a

The landlord and also a neighbour of the deceased, both coroborated the statements of the previous witnesses; the Coronor clearly recapitulated the evidence, and the Jury instantly returned a verdict to the following effect: "Died from the effects of poison, no evidence of her having taken it voluntarily, nor of its having been administered to her."

The Coroner took the deposition of the constable entrusted with the delivery of a summons to Mr. Charles

future occasion.

The Coroner, after perusing Mr. M.'s reply, shewed the inconveniences this line of conduct engendered; but he did not intimate, what, if any, steps he intended taking to prevent a recurrence of similar proceedings.-Hurk. April 9.


At a meeting of the members of the Australian Association to explain the reason of their not having convened

of Bengal.

Dr. J. Sawers in the chair,

1st.-Moved by Mr. Patrick and seconded by Mr. Pigou.

Resolved-That the report of the committee just read be adopted.

2d.-Moved by Mr. Pigou and seconded by Mr. Brae.

Resolved-That Messrs, Patrick and Cracroft be re

quested to put themselves in communication with Messrs. Carr, Tagore and Co. to sift the complaints of the passengers of the Emerald Isle.

3d.-Moved by Mr. Cracroft and seconded by Mr. Pigou.

the regular quarterly meeting on the 31st December last. The disappointment of the first engagement for the Juliana, and the difficulty in finding a substitute delayed the departure of the first ship to a late period in December, when there was an immediate necessity to make fresh arrangements for the second voyage: this, with the secretary's other occupations, rendered it impossible for your committee to have met the subscribers as they intended with a statement of past till they were prepared with the accounts of both expedi operations, and made it expedient to delay the meeting tions.

Your committee have had to content with more difficulty in procuring vessels on charter than they Resolved-That the blame laid on the unpaid secre-culties were not overcome without great exertions and anticipated in the state of the market, and these diffitary in the passengers protest, addressed to Capt. Driver, dated at Madras, 16th March, 1838, is utterly unjust, some personal sacrifice. groundless and undeserved. The supply of provisions having been left entirely to Messrs. Carr, Tagore and Co. the owners, and to Capt. Driver acting under their directions, the secretary having had nothing to do with it further than laying the samples sent by Messrs. Carr, Tagore and Co. before the passengers at a tiffin, where they were fully approved of.

The first ship engaged by the association was the Juliana of 550 tons. The charter was already drafted and about to be executed, when it was discovered that the mortgagee in England had sent out powers to foreclose the mortgage and despatch the ship to England. This discovery put an end to the engagement, and made it necessary to look out for a new one. With the greatest exertions of your committee favoured by the low rate of freight, it was found impossible to procure a suitable The meeting of the Australian association at the vessel till the latter end of November, the costs of setTown-Hall, last Saturday, was not very well attended:ting up cabins and accommodation between decks, after the chair was taken by Dr. Sawers, the secretary read the following report of the committee:

J. SAWERS, Chairman.

The second report of the committee of the Australian association of Bengal.

Before entering upon the general affairs of the as

which are rarely to be found in vessels occupied in the country trade being a sufficient discouragement to the ship owners of Calcutta, and ships owned in Europe, being for the most part restricted in their voyages.

The Gaillardon of 400 tons, Captain Rapson, was

voyage at the rate of 4,000 rupees a month; but being a country ship without cabins between decks, and those of the poop requiring to be altered, she could not be got ready for despatch earlier than the 16th December, although the most unremitting exertions were made by all concerned in the vessel, and so meretorious in particular were those of Mr. Gardyne, the chief officer, that your committee thought themselves bound to mark their sense of his labours by a gratuity of Rs 300 which he richly merited.

The Gaillardon sailed on the 16th December, quite full of passengers and freight, and though your committee were disappointed in her capacity for cargo, it will be seen by the accompanying accounts that there is every probability of a surplus to the association on her charter. She was destined for Sydney, touching at the Swan, Adelaide, and Hobart Town, and, on her return voyage, at such ports as our agent at Sydney may require. Your committee have the satisfaction to state that letters have been received from the vessel dated 31st Decembe, all well, and crossing the line with a fine breeze.

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An account of the adventure of the Gaillardon with abstracts of freights, passage-money, &c. marked B. An account of the voyage of the Emerald Isle, marked C.

A list of unrealized subscriptions, marked D.

A list of contributions to the donative fund, marked E. The secretary also read a letter from the passengers of the Emerald Isle, and Messrs. Carr, Tagore and Co.'s

On board the Emerald Isle, off Madras, 16th March, 1838.


The Baboo was engaged for the second voyage of Jan-explanations. Copies have been furnished to us for uary, but not making her appearance in time to fulfil publication. her engagement, your committee were again compelled to find a substitute, and, after much delay, were enabled by the kind and liberal assistance of Messrs. Carr, Tagore and Co., to secure the new ship Emerald Isle, of 500 tons, Captain Thomas Driver, at a freight of Rs 5,000 per month. But again there was the same necessity of erecting cabins between decks, besides which she had to be new rigged and fitted in almost every particular and still greater delay was thus unfortunately inevitable. The Emerald Isle sailed with a full cargo and passengers on the 25th February, for her first destination, Madras, for the passengers and convicts there, and her arrival at that place on the 16th instant is announced.

DEAR SIR,-We, the undersigned passengers per Emerald Isle, having understood from the words of the published prospectus of the Bengal Australian Emigrant Association, that we should be furnished with an abundance of the usual sea supplies of the best what cannot have escaped your own observation, viz. description, beg to draw your particular attention to the very inferior quality of the greater part of the cuddy

stores, and the utter unfitness of some of them for use, in hope that you will not leave Madras without taking such The accounts of this adventure are less encouraging steps as may be requisite for remedying the serious evils than those of the Gaillardon; but the measures by your we have to complain of. Imprimis we beg to complain committee to secure a return freight, will, it is hoped, of the rice, which from its inferior quality or newness cover the outlay; the cause of this less favourable pros- has constantly caused sickness to those who have parpect is the addition of 1,000 rupees per month on the taken of it, particularly the children. We have also to charter-party freight, and the lower rate procured on complain of the want of a proper oven and good flour, her dead weight, in consequence of unlooked for com-whereby the baker is entirely prevented from furnishing petition. even the smallest supply of bread, an evil the more seYour committee regret that the necessity of new fit-tremely bad, one kind being hard and sour and the rious as the ship's biscuits are declared by all to be extings for both the vessels already despatched (which the other nevilly. The badness of the tea we are less infailure of their previous contracts had made indispensa-clined to dwell upon, as it may in part arise from the ble), was productive of much inconvenience to shippers and passengers, which was felt and complained of by several of the party on board; they have further been blamed for despatching the vessel in a crowded state, and such was undoubtedly the case; but they have little to accuse themselves of on this score, the fault having been, for the most part, with the passengers themselves, and the unusual quantity of their personal baggage, of which due notice was not given, and for which provision had accordingly not been made. The only alternative was to refuse admission to the baggage which would have given still greater dissatisfaction. They have, however, devised measures for preventing the like inconvenience in future, though they despair of entirely removing it. It is one that emigrant ships are necessarily exposed to more than others.

On the whole, notwithstanding the untoward circumstances above detailed, your committee congratulate the subscribers on the favourable commencement already made, and the prospect of increased communication with Australia which the example already set, appears now to hold out. The number of vessels advertized to sail to that part of the world is greater now than at any former period, and the inquirers for freight and passage, and for purposes of emigration, are increasing rapidly. Your committee are happy to say, that the

want of efficient means for preparing it; although not disposed to swell our list of grievances by enumerating all the deficiencies of material and attendants, which last may arise from our confined cuddy not allowing of a sufficient number of servants, yet we must again draw your attention to the extreme inferiority of the wines and liquors, the best proof of the badness of the claret is, that a first taste has been sufficient for every person, the same remark in a great degree applies to the sherry, which is fiery and of the worst kind; the brandy also has been found undeniably bad; this is the more surprising, as an abundance for our small expenditure of good quality might have been procured in Calcutta at very moderate cost. The port wine appears to be some Calcutta manufacture; the beer indeed is flat, and as it appears to be the least unwholesome beverage, it was, from the extreme badness of the wine, almost exclusively used, but only until a supply of portable beer was procured from an individual on board, when it became still more exclusively the sole beverage. We trust, there fore, that at Madras you will lay in a sufficient supply of drinkable beer, port and sherry or Madeira wine, with a few cases of French brandy, and such wholesome provisions as we may use without endangering our health, and that of our children, from the gross inattention that has existed in supplying the ship. Most of

Bread.-There is no excuse for Capt. D. if he did depended on their private stores for wine and spirits an biscuits, and some other small articles which w not get the oven properly prepared. The flour providhad every right to expect from the cuddly. We havd was from Haworth, Hardman and Co. and not from observed that from the number of persons, horses, cattle Ahmuty and Co. as stated by mistake. The ship bisstock, plants, &c. &c. &c. on board, the consumptio uits were from McCulloch's new bakery, the others of water amounts to nearly a butt per diem, but as w from Payne and Co. have already experienced the inconvenience of being of our allowance, we trust that some arrangement for an

Tea. Was purchased of Rustomjee, was of the first quality, as such as we use in our own families.

additional supply of this indispensable necessary will be made. We feel that there are several other points of which we might justly complain, but as we are satisfied that you have done all in your power to render our situ ation as comfortable as circumstances would admit of. we abstain from alluding to them. We must, however advert to the water-closets with which the ship is fitter up; the vessel, we believe, is a new and strong one, and all these conveniences are recently up, but owing to haste or bad workmanship, or both, nearly all in the ship are so completely unserviceable, that we trust that you will get them set to rights before we proceed further our voyage, as the cabins are already more closely packed than is convenient, and, as we think, steeraglowance must be for the extreme haste we were called passengers should have rooin for their clothes, and that "pon to urge by the terms of our charter with the knowledge of the charterer. there should be room for the servants and passengers to pass along. We protest against the taking on board of any further parcels or packages, more particularly as the boats, rigging and decks are still so much lumber ed with numerous packages of various kinds, and bales of hay, &c. &c.

Attendance.-The same room and the same attendance cannot be expected in a ship of this class, as will be found in the large passenger ships running to England. Water. In a ship of this kind carrying so many ersons and animals must be served out with care and pon allowance; a very full provision was laid in on purpose under concurrence with the committee is to quantity.

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H. W. BELLEW, Capt. B. A. There are a few points, on which I am only imper fectly informed, but I subscribe to the terms of this let ter generally.



Remarks upon the protest of the passengers of the


Water closets.-The Docking Company must be responsible to us for the bad filling of these machines, for we have paid immensely for the work, but some

CARR, TAGORE AND CO. Other letters were read, and we have been supplied with extracts for publication. In respect to the crowded state of the ship, Capt. Driver writes from Kedgeree,

I perfectly agree with you in all and every particular respecting the crowded state of the ship; the passengers have brought such a large quantity of things that cannot go into their cabins, and the servants who attend them, such a number of chests, that the evil they complain of is their own act, and not the fault of any one but themselves."

Messrs. Carr, Tagore and Co. further explain in letters to the secretary :

We have the pleasure of replying to your letter of his date, returning Messrs. Binny and Co.'s letter by stating, that we are replying to these gentlemen by this lay's dawk, having received a similar letter from them, ending a survey report on both the port and claret held his day at our office, pronouncing them both to be ound and excellent, and calling for the descriptive marks of those landed at Madras which we observe in their Captain Driver was requested by us to give in a eport is not given," and in another letter from Messrs. estimate of the full quantity of every kind of cuddy store Carr, Tagore and Co." It will be sufficient perhaps, which might be required for such a voyage, and for thirt f we state, that after looking over earefully, we find sitters at the cuddy table, being particularly chosen a that Payne and Co. supplied to Capt. Driver, under commander, because it was supposed that be understoo is own inspection, the greater part of the cuddy stores. this kind of thing better than others, who had no The cabin biscuits and superfine flour was supplied habitually carried passengers, and being instructed to by Haworth, Hardman and Co. and we sent herewith He had no interes, do the thing in the best manner. musters from the same batch of baking, for their boiler this voyage in the passage-money, and having gone to aving burst, they have not been working since they Messrs. Payne and Co. to provide almost the whole o tate. The sherry was part of a batch received from his stores, we are at a loss to understand why the articles Liverpool in bottles, excellent wine for immediate use, should not be plentiful and of the best discription, ond the rest, a cask of Wardell's, bottled off by us on how we could have taken greater precautions to secure the entire satisfaction of the passengers.

purpose: we put on board some good French brandy, ind Capt. Driver also furnished some of his own British randy which he stated to be superior."

The Beer and Wine.-With regard to the beer and wine we selected them ourselves, partly from our own The flour and biscuits alluded to in the above extract, godown, partly from Messrs. Eglinton, McClure and was on the table and pronounced good by the meeting. Co., and musters of each were laid before the committee Some observations were made on the unjustifiable step and fully approved. We may add, the same claret is taken by one of the passengers, to deter the passengers, still drank at the tables of many in Calcutta. The port Madras from proceeding on the ship, in writing off was from Wardell and Co. and is highly approved some good French brandy was also put on board by ourselves, and Capt. Driver carried also a small quantity of British brandy of his own.

from Kedgeree to Madras without giving the parties ttacked any opportunity of defending themselves, or orrecting the mischief, and in the uncandid spirit of he protest addressed to Capt. Driver, in which no The Rice. We have searched through the bill tollusion was made to the public tiffin which, at any rate, find who furnished the table rice according to Capt. D.'s estimate, but we do not find it in any of them, and it is not impossible that it may have been forgotten, and that Capt. D. has given the common ballum rice laid in for the lascar crew: we cannot explain this.

would have shewn that the committee were anxious to supply the ship with good provisions and wines and beer.

Extracts were read from the letters of two of the passengers who attended the tiffin, and who also signed the protest, written several days after they had been on

boardship. One of them says, "that they had every thing of the best and no stint, and they only wanted a little elbow room to be very comfortable." Another, after alluding to the tediousness of the passage down the river," but at the same time as to the cuddy concerns we are very comfortable;" this is difficult to reconcile with "the first taste of the claret was sufficient for every person," for no doubt the claret was tasted during the seven days the ship was in the river, and had any complaint been made on this score the matter would have had immediate attention.

Some of the gentlemen at the meeting seemed to think that Capt. Driver was not altogether blameless; it appears he has left Madras without writing to the secretary or the committee, though one would have supposed from the existence of the complaints he would have made assents of reporting on the wines and li quors. Besides it is quite clear that he is responsible for not supplying the ship with bread and good tea, for neither his owners or the association would have seen to this.-Hurkaru, April 10.


This festival concluded on Friday, the 6th, perhaps to the great satisfaction of those who have felt the impediments and inconveniences it has occasioned to the free transaction of business. In the city the effects of the festival are insignificant when compared to its character over the ditch. The Mohurrum vacation continues for a space of fifteen days, during which the whole of the civil courts continue closed, and hardly a coin exchanges hands. Visit the courts and you find the benches of the judges empty; nothing but the platform and a few chairs appear, where the aumlah and the requisite corruptives practised their tricks. In the subordinate courts the guddees of the honest moulvees display marks of the burthens they were obliged to endure. The magistrates' courts are merely nominally open, the nazirs look drowsy, and the sherishtadars and peshcars keep snapping their fingers for the want of lucre. To prove this picture, we recommend the curious to visit Allipore during the week.

Having pointed out the Mofussil inconveniences of the Mohurrum, we shall now proceed to describe the manner of its celebration in the city. The preliminary Matum we shall pass over, and at once take the reader to the occurrences of the Kuttel-ca-Raut. We stood at the top of the Boitaconnah Road, and, at the distance of about a mile, descried a great light moving to the sound of music; as we approached closer, we heard a buz and a few steps made the words Eah Hossein quite audible to our ears. About two hundred shawls is flag-bearers, led the way, then followed the bearers of some colours on which the sufferings of the Paigumburs were inscribed in letters of gold and silver in the Arabic character. Next came the Soonees dressed in green muslin, and leading the second van we recognized Mirza Mhendi Mishkey, supported by Hajee Karboli Mahommed and Mirza Mhendy Isphahaney. Two high caste Arabs

caparisoned in velvet and valuable coins, pranced proudly on with the funeral of their late illustrious riders The horses were led by Aga Kazim and another Mogul gentleman, with whose name we are not familiar. The seeas were attired in mourning. The procession was evidently imposing by the beating of breasts. Every thump came down in regular time, and the naked breasts of the penitents appeared not to have been dealt with in the most tender way.

The sound of drums next attracted our attention. The drummers preceded a mossoleum four stories high, of the Mosaic order. It was constructed of bamboos and ornamented with cotton of various colours. The taj of Hosein was suspended on the top. This belonged to the dhoonies, or the cotton refiners of Burrah Bazar. Immediately after it followed another made of the same materials, but ornamented with tinsel and illuminated with blue light. It had five stories, one above the other, and was carried like a castle through the mass of people on the road. A little below Moullaly Durgah two bodies of men, comprising about 500 on each side, marched facing each other with tajes constructed of several shields, On inquiry we learnt that one party consisted of syces belonging to Cook and Co.'s stables, and the others to Hunter and Co., Hooker, and some other livery stable keepers. In a moment the scene was confusion, the men lost all possession of themselves, and, seizing every thing they found in their way, laid it thick and three fold on their neighbours. The police interfered, but to little purpose; for if the police had been a thousand strong, they would have had to contend with ten thou sand mad men, as the dispute originated for room, and terminated with the sects Seeas and Soonies. One of the combatants was killed and another seriously wounded, and the upshot was that Cook and Co.'s syces were obliged to give leg bail.-Hurkaru, April 12.


The proceedings of last meeting were read and con.

A general meeting of this society was held in the Society's apartment, Town-hall, on Wednesday morn-firmed." ing, the 11th of April, 1838.

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The Hon. Sir E. Ryan President, in the chair. Present-Dr. Wallich; Dr. Strong; Messrs. A. Colvin, G. A. Prinsep, Cracroft, J. P. Marcus, C. K. Robison, N. Alexander, A. Harris, and T. S. Kelsall Lieut. Sibley, Messrs. T. Bracken, R, S. Strickland, F. T. Fergusson, R. Smith, E. Preston, D. Hare, C. Dearie, R. S. Thompson, J. W. Masters, W. K. Ewart, W. F. Gibbon, H. H. Spry, A. H. Sim, and John Bell.

The following gentlemen proposed at the last meeting, were elected members of the Society:

Geo. Palmer, Esq.; Major-General Oglander; F. L. Beaufort, Esq. C. S.; Thos. Brae, H. Fitzgerald, Geo. Oshrone. N. Hudson, Esqrs.; and W. Dent, Esq. C. S.

The following gentlemen were proposed as mem


Dr. Jas. Morton, (senior assistant to the Com. of Arracan,) proposed by Capt. Bogle, and seconded by

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