Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

nothing but absolute fatuity could explain it. Two of the defendant's chief witnesses, Radicamohun and Gourmoney, members of the family, were collaterally interested in impeaching this will. The amount of their interest did not indeed affect their competency, but it very materially affected their credibility. Nothing could be deduced from the letters written by the attorney in the cause. They were written with a pacific intention, and before hostile proceedings were instituted. The probabilities were on the side of the plaintiff; and the evidence of the defendant's witnesses exhibited far more of contradiction and repugnancy than could be pointed out in the evidence which supported the plaintiff's case.


Ramanauth Mookerjee v. Sreenauth Mookerjee and another.

the counsel for the complainant, that the cause might In this suit an application was made to the Court by be referred to the Mas er to inquire and report, upon a suggestion that the complainant had become a lunatic since the filing of the bill.

The Court said, that this mode of application was not regular, and that the cause might stand over in the meantime.-Hurkaru, April 11.


(Before Sir E. Ryan, and Sir J. P. Grant.)

Sittings after 2d term.-In Equity.

Sir E. Ryan. This trial has now occupied the Court four entire days, and it certainly is altogether a most extraordinary case. Since I have sat on the bench, I have never witnessed such a vast amount of perjury and directly conflicting evidence. The onus, however, Rajkristno Bonnerjee v. Tairaneychurn Bonnerjee. of establishing this will, is on the plaintiff, and we This cause being called upon Mr. Clarke rose and cannot say that she has succeeded in making out her said that he had been instructed yesterday that the parIt seems to us that the probabilities prima facie ties had cane to a settlement, and that he had accordare against the insertion of such a clause as the presentingly applied to the Court to call the case pro formâ, in the will of this wealthy Hindoo. The mother (de-He had just understood that the cause was not settled, fendant) and her son are admitted to have ever been on and he was not prepared, therefore, to argue it now. affectionate terms, and it is not likely, therefore, that the father would have gratuitously anticipated a quarrel between them, or provided for somprobable an event. It can only be on strong, clear, and satisfactory grounds that the Court can disinherit the testator's widow. We are of opinion, therefore, that the will has not been established, and that our verdict must be for the defendant. Verdict for the defendant.

The Advocate General, admitted that his learned friend had certainly made a statement to the Court yesterday, from which he inferred that the cause was settled. But for his own part he had received an intimation in the course of the evening that this was not the case.

The Court recollected that Mr. Clarke had mentioned Mr. Clarke, Mr. Nott and Mr. Grant for the the matter yesterday, and they that now directed under these circumstances the cause should stan over. plaintiff. Stood over.

The Advocate General, Mr. Lieth, and Mr. Morton for the defendant.

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1838.

(Before Sir E. Ryan and Sir J. P. Grunt.)

Sittings after 2d term,-equity side.

Sreemutty Suttobhomah Dossee v. Baujpaye Rajuh, Sree
Bejoychunder Deb.

This was a bill for an account, and was heard ex-parte. The Advocate General and Mr. Prinsep for the complainant.

Maha Rajah Sibkistno Behadoor v. Kistnochunder Ghose, and others.

The original bill was filed by one of the executors, and prayed an account of the real and personal estate of Maha Rajah Rajkristo Behadoor, deceased, against the real and personal representatives of the said Rajah. A cross-bill was filed by the representatives, and the original and cross-cause now come on for hearing.

The Court decreed that the causes should be consolidated, that a partition should be made of the real state, and an account taken of the personal estate, and that the general costs should await the final decree.

The Advocate General applied to the court to direct the costs of the commission of partition to be paid out of the estate immediately. If this was not done, the parties would be compelled to borrow money on personal security at exorbitant rates. Even in England, money

was often directed to be advanced.

The Court said, that their was no instance, except under very special circumstances, of the costs being directed to

Sreemutty Nibbunmoney Dabee v. Shamloll Tagore. This was beard on argument on exceptions taken to the Master's report, and was the last cause on the Equity Board.

The sittings terminated this day. The sessions begin on Tuesday the 17th instant.

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ed Chief Justice thus addressed them. He commenced After the Grand Jury had been duly sworn, the learnby remarking to them that he was happy to inform them that their duties during the present sessions would nei ther be very protracted nor arduous. There were only three cases to which he would direct his observations on their nature minutely to them. Two of these he was sorry to inform them were of murders, and the other of highway robbery, -a crime which has hitherto, ever since he had the honor of sitting on this bench, been one of very rare occurrence; but he regretted to find that there were no less than four cases of that nature sent up

The first case to which he begged to draw their parti but if the deceased was in a condition which made him cular attention, was that of Hurree Mug, for the murde sufficiently conscious that he had but a short time to live, of his infant child, John Pereira. The particulars of it, and made a declaration as to the manner of his death, from the depositions before him, appear to be these hat declaration is held voted in the eye of the law. It Lydia Francisca, the mother of the child, appears ts for the jurymen to satisfy themselves whether the have been the mistress of the prisoner, who resided a leceased, at the time he made these declaration, was in Sibtollah Lane, and was at the time the crime is alleged that state. In conclusion, the judge said, that the deto have been committed by the prisoner, an ayah in the ceased's depositions as they were on oath could be read employ of a lady, named Ogilvie, who resided at Chow as evidence before the jurymen. ringhee, where the prisoner was likewise entertained a The third case was that in which a person was charg short time previous to this murder as a cook. For somed with highway robbery, for taking from the person of reasons unknown, he became dissatisfied with his service. E. W. Bowbear, a gold watch. It appears that whilst and wished Lydia Francisca to quit the employ and Mr. Bowbear was watching in the streets for a friend return to live with him. This she refused to do untiat night, the prisoner came up to him and snatched out she had earned a sufficient sum to enable her to liquidate of his watch-fob a gold watch, and in doing so also tore some debts which she then owed. This refusal enraged the prosecutor's fob. The question it will be for the jury the prisoner, who, on the 27th of March, returned to determine is, whether that force which the law requires home, and on leaving the premises was heard to declare to constitute a high-way robbery which should be attend"very well, there are two lives, one here and the othered with violence and fear, was exemplified on this occa with me." He was then followed to his house by the sion. In the case of the King versus Morne, it was decidpolice peons, where the infant was shortly afterwarded by twelve judges, that when a person has a guard chain discovered murdered. It is for the grand jurymen under round his neck and violence is used to that degree as by these circumstances to consider who had murdered the two or three jerks to break this guard-chain, it constitutes


confused, are these. Two French sailors were on the

sessions which may require his observations to them, present; perhaps there may be more sent in during this and if so he would do so.

a highway robbery; but where no such chain is worn The other case of murder, was one of more difficulty: from the person, and this, like picking pockets, is not or violence is used, the crime is one simply of taking it was that of Prosper Milliner, a Frenchinan, who was accused of the murder of a syce named Buckaollah. The the jury to determine whether in this case, which is a capital offence. Therefore it will be very material for statement, as gleaned by Judge from the depositions of about to be submitted to them, that violence had been the witnesses in this case, which he remarked are very used which would legally constitute it a capital offence night of the 4th of March last, met on the Chitpoor road of violence having been used are more clear, particularly or not. With regard to the other three cases, the proofs by the deceased, and another syce between the hours o in one of them. In conclusion, the judge informed the 8 and 9 o'clock P. M. and without any cause or provoca-jurymen that if they required his aid in elucidating any tion, as deposed to by the witnesses for the prosecution, legal points in any of the cases which would be submitted one of these sailors wounded Buckaollah, the deceased, with a knife, which he then held in his grasp, from the to them, he would be must happy to offer them all the effects of which wound he lingered till the 5th of March which he would beg to draw their particular attention at aid in his power. These were, he said all the cases to at the Native Hospital in the Dhurrumtollah road and then died. It will be for the gentlemen of the jury to decide primarily whether the prisoner was the person who had wounded the deceased; and secondly, whether at the time the prisoner, if they are, satisfiei he is the Mahomed Ruffick was tried for stealing, on the 30th man who had wounded the deceased, there was not any of March last, several crockery plates, &c. from the -affray, and whether the prisoner had not been struck by premises of T. Barfoot. any person before he wounded the deceased; and if so, whether the deceased was a party concerned in this affray T. Barfoot deposed, that he lived in No. 2, China or not. It has been proved, that the prisoner had bought Bazar-Street, the prisoner, previous to his confinement, these knives for his professional purpose. Now it has was a khansama in deponent's service for one year. been provided by the law, that if any person has at the Deponent, in consequence of some suspicions, accom time any deadly weapons in his hand which he happened panied by to police peons and a servant of his named to have by him without any avowed purpose of wound. Ameer Khan, searched the prisoner's house near the ing or injuring any person, and he happens to be struck Hindoo College. Prisoner was at the deponents house. by any person in an affray and retaliates with this One of his servants pointed out the prisoner's house to weapon, and thus causes the death of the person who him. Then Mr. McCann produced the articles, and Mr. had struck him, the crime which he in that case is guilty Barfoot identified them to be his property, because they of, is only manslaughter; for to constitute the crime of matched with his set, a portion of which he produced murder, it is requisite that a degree of malice and pre-n the Court, and he identified likewise a work box to meditation on the part of the criminal must be proved.be his daughter's property.

Prisoner pleaded not guilty.

This closed the case for the prosecution.

But though this is a fundamental principal to constitute Honeeskhan being dead, the thanadar who accompathe crime of murder, yet it is not absolutely requisite in nied Mr. Barfoot in the search corroborated his evidence every case; for example, when a man has been proved regarding this search. to be what the law terms the general enemy of mankind, in a case where a person shoots with a gun indiscrimi The prisoner said, that the property was his for a nately into a crowd and wounds and kills some person or long time, and that he had purchased them and brought persons in it, he is guilty of the crime of murder. There hem from China. He further said that Mrs. Barfoot are besides the evidence already alluded to, the dying was in the habits of sending out her ayah's with goods depositions of the deceased, taken by Mr. C. K. Robison, o conceal, and charging servants to whom arrears of one of the Magistrates of the Police office, in the priso-vages were due, with having taken them, and that he ner's presence, and explained to him by Mr. P. Delmar,had adopted such a course against 25 persons in order the interpreter. This the grand jurymen can have read o get rid of them, and their wages, and the ayah had before them, because the law provides that whenever any n one instance been detected in thus conveying some deponent in a criminal case dies before the trial of the poons away for that purpose, which she confessed. case at the sessions, that depositions taken on oath, may ikewise added, toat Mr. Barfoot was a person who was be read as evidence during the trial. Besides this, there capable of swearing to anything, because he quarrelled are the dying declarations of the deceased, as declared daily twenty times with Mrs. Barfoot, and then broke


Deponent called three witnesses who confirmed these allegations of his. The learned Judge then summed up the case, detailing the evidence, stating the law, and expressing the points as to the identifying these articles, which Mr. Barfoot had admitted were a very common pattern in the bazar. In conclusion he said, that if the prisoner was convicted of stealing even one of the articles, it was enough to find him guilty of the crime for which he was tried, which was simple.

After the verdict had been recorded, the prisoner was sentenced to two years' imprisonment in the house of correction and there to be kept to hard labor.

The grand jury submitted to the judge to-day a petition relative to a commission issued in the case of an inquiry in a case of lunacy. The judge, on perusing it, said that he would direct the clerk of the Crown to lay the papers regarding it before the grand jury, to-morrow, if possible, and if they think fit they can, on its perusal, make a presentment to the court which would order the clerk of the Crown to prefer an indictment on that presentment against the person mentioned in the presentThe petition was signed by D. Ross the foreman of the special jury, who sat on that inquiry of lunacy for himself and his fellow jurymen.


tressed circumstances and very thirsty, and that a person named Long had accomodated him with lodgings gratis at his house in Coiroo Mehter's Lane. Deponent compassionated his case and gave him some money and treated him with a glass of grog. Whilst thus engaged they met Mr. Long, and the prisoner advised deponent, as it was late, to retire and sleep that night at Long's Deponent house, the American flag punch house. having obtained Long's consent to this proposition, left the Cape of Good Hope for the American flag, in comThe jury, after a short consultation, returned a ver-pany of Long and the prisoner. At about 8 o'clock P. M. dict of guilty. or gun-fire, after their arrival at Long's punch-house, deponent gave Long some money, and he brought him a bottle of port wine and another of brandy, which they finished there and then. They all retired to sleep. Deponent laid himself on a cot in Long's house, and felt very unwell and was restless all the night, but he was not intoxicated. Shortly after deponent had laid down on the cot, the prisoner came to him and wished to cover him with a quilt, but deponeut objected and said, that he felt himself warm enough without it. Soon after this the prisoner put his hand into deponent's pocket and drew out a sock from it, in which were the 12 notes and a memorandum of their numbers, given to deponent with After he had emp. the notes by Mr. Prinsep's sircar. tied the sock of these notes and this memorandum, be attempted to replace the empty sock in deponent's pocket, in doing which deponent who had been dosing all this time, started up and collared the prisoner and taxed him with the theft. The prisoner then threw the notes down under the cot and a tempted to tear the memorandum of In this he was prevented by deponent, their numbers. who snatched the paper out of his hands and called to Mr. Long and desired him to get a constable to take the Long then came into deponent's prisoner into custody. room and helped him to pick up the notes, and they picked up ten of them at that time from under the cot. Long then went out for a constable, after he had stationed four chokedars at the door to prevent any person during his absence from entering or leaving the house. During Long's absence the prisoner struggled hard to escape, and said that these notes were his property. Long returned at about one o'clock P. M., with a constable, to whose custody deponent delivered up the prisoner. The constable took the prisoner to the police office and searched his person, to see if he had the other two miss. ing notes about him, but found no money on his person, He then returned with deponent to Long's house, and, on searching the room again, they succeeded in finding the other two notes lying on the floor near the door of the room in which this transaction had occurred.

In the course of the day the grand jury returned true bills against the following individuals:

Abdoollab, for stealing on the 2d March last several articles of to the value of 25 rupees, from the house of Messrs. Cockerell and Co. in Clive Street.

George Lloyd and George Morgan, charged with stealing from the person of W. Tippen, on the night of the 14th March 1838, by force and violence, a musica snuff box valued at 14 rupees.

Pooteeram. For having stolen, on the night of the 22nd March, a wooden box containing several brass articles, the property of Kidernauth Bose and his uncle Nundolal Bose, from their house in Puttuldangah.

James Arnold, charged with having stolen from the person of Henry Perks, on Friday, the 16th March 1838, 12 Bank of Bengal notes to the value Rs 950 the property of the prosecutors.

Mahomed Ruffick, for stealing on the 30th March, from the house of his master T. Barfoot, in China Bazar, several articles of crockery-ware, glasses and a toilet box.

True bill against Meah Jaun for robbing from the person of Bebee Deljaun two gold chains to the value of 200 rupees, at her house in Cossitollah, The judge remarked, that a true bill for stealing, and not robbing should be returned; the jury altered the finding consequently.

Henry Lemsele, for robbing from the person of Edward William Bowbear a gold McCabe watch at Rs 250 No. 8157, on the 23d March 1838.-Hurkaru, April 18.


(Before Sir E. Ryan, and a Petit Jury.) James Arnold was tried for stealing from the person of Henry Perks 12 bank of Bengal notes, of the value Co's Rs 950.

The prisoner pleaded not guilty.

Henry Perks deposed, that he resides at Coiroo Mehter's Lane, and is an engineer employed by William Prinsep, Esq. He has known the prisoner for upwards of two years. The prisoner was formerly a Boatswain to some trading vessel. On the 16th of March last deponent met the prisoner, at about 1 o'clock P. M., at the Cape of Good Hope punch house in the Lall Bazar Roard, and prisoner informed him that he was in dis

On cross-examination deponent stared, that he did not voluntarily give the notes into the prisoner's hands to keep them for him, on account of being too much inebriated at the time, and that they were not turned out of the Cape of Good Hope punch-house, because it was getting late, nor had the doors shut on them, and he never bore the prisoner any ill-will, nor did he promise to give Long 50 rupees if he would get the prisoner transported.

Constable T. Ware produced the notes, and the deponent recognized them to be the notes stolen from his person by the prisoner, and compared their Nos. with the memorandum in his possession, and said that they corresponded with the Nos. on the notes themselves.

The witness, George Long, corroborated the testimony of the first witness and said, that he had known the pri soner for about 18 months, a great part of which time he had lived at deponent's house, where monies had often been lying within his reach and if he had chosen to steal any he could have done it often, without fear of detection; but he never did it. This is his first appearance of this nature. Deponent positively swore that he saw the prisoner take the sock out of Perk's pocket, empty it of its contents and then attempt to put the sock

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back into it. The cross-examination of this witness by to-day. The Chief Justice suggested to the jurymen, the prisoner elicited answers which excited the risibility whether it would not be better, as perhaps some of the persons present in the Court, and even brought of the persons implicated in this transaction, and occasionally a smile over the countenance of the worthy the witnesses which may be required, might be rejudge, and set some of the jurymen alaughing. For sidents beyond the jurisdiction of this Court, which example, he said to the prisoner; When I saw you, might cause great delay, to band, as he had himself Jimmy, take out the sock from Perk's pocket, I got up formerly contemplated, on a perusal of these deposias fast as I could, but you and Perk's were too quick tions, the papers to some magistrate of the police for me. Jimmy, my rooms have walls and even doors of Calcutta, to make an investigation in this matter, and - and windows. Jimmy, no house is built without them. then hand them up with the deposi ions to this Court for I did not see you through a hole in the wall but through trial during the ensuing season. But, if they preferred the door, where I was laying down and enjoying my to investigate the matter themselves, and make a presentglass of grog and a cheroot, which I always take before ment on the case to the Court it was for them to decide. I go to bed. I told you it was too bad of you to rob The foreman of the grand jury replied, that he and Perk's in this way after his kindness to you. I am not his fellow jurymen preferred adopting the judge's a crimp but a register of seamen. You may call me suggestion. what you like, it matters not to me. My house is not a Two sets of petit jurymen were impannelled to-day, dirty little hovel; it was good enough to shelter you in to prevent the Court from being at a stand in its busiit at any rate: nor are my neighbours a parcel of black-ness in the event of the jury which took up the first case, eys as you call them. They are Portuguese, and I being delayed in pronouncing their verdict on it from have a friendly understanding with them all, in a neigh- difference of opinion, and the gentleman selected, were barly way, to be sure. They are good sort of folk- desired to be in attendance at 10 o'clock A. M. for that much better than you, it would seem, Jimmy. I never purpose. agreed to take 50 rupees from Perks to get you transport ed, and never heard Perks say a word about it. It would be an insult to me if he said so. I thought at the time Perks came with me to my house, that he had stow. ed the money away at the Bank as I had advised him in the early part of the day to do so; for when I spake to him about it, he said that he had planted it safe, and did not know that they were by him till you robbed him of them. We did not go reeling drunk from the Cape of Good Hope to my house, nor were we turned out. Perks does not drink grog; every day, and he was sober when he collared you for the theft," The prisouer remarked that he had a good six hour's sleep to sober him. Deponent said, that Perks was neither asleep nor awake at the time, but a snoring.

The prisoner, in his defence, said, that when Perks went with him to Long's he was to pay, and had been turned out of the other punch house. Before retiring to sleep he took out the sock and began to count the notes, but through intoxication he was unable to do this. Prisoner then asked him to let him take charge of the notes for him till he awoke sober, and the deponent handed them to him. He had no witnesses to call.

The learned judge then summed up the case, laying down the law and detailing the evidence, and said that the crime of which the prisoner stood charged was stealing from the person, and not a capital felony. He then informed the jury, that the only point at issue, is whether the prisoner had, as deposed on the part of the prosecution, taken the notes out of Perk's pocket feloniously, which, if true, and two persons have sworn to it as a fact, appears strange, that as they were both awake at the time, and sober when the prisoner took the sock out, they did not instantly seize him but allow him time to empty the sock of its contents, and not to collar him till he went to replace the sock in Perk's pocket: or whether it is likely that Perks had given the notes to the prisoner to take charge of for him, whilst intoxicated, as stated by the prisoner, It seems that by Long's account that this is his first offence of this kind, although temptations were in his way before and after. This is the chief point for the jury to determine.

The jury, after a long retirement of near two hours, brought in a verdict of acquittal, and the judge ordered the prisoner to be released.

APRIL 18, 1838.

In the case of the petition presented by the grand jury yesterday, regarding their wish to have the papers and the deposition in the case of a commission of lunacy which had lately been held in this Court, and in which

Poolooram was tried for burglariously entering the house of Kiddernath, and stealing from thence several articles, the property of the prosecutor. The prisoner pleaded not guilty.

The particulars of this case are briefly these:

The prosecutor went, about a month ago, for one day and night to Kidderpoor, leaving his house in charge of Hurronunder Doss, On his return, he found that his house had been burglariously entered during his absence, and several articles taken from thence. The thanadar of the thana was the person who had arrested the prisoner, with some of the goods in his hand. He, when challenged, gave a false name, but the thanadar recognized him to be an old offender, and took him into custody with the goods which the prosecutor's servant claimed to be his master's property. The prisoner and the articles were then taken in custody to the police office. The goods were recognized by the prosecutor to be his property. Owing to the servant who was left in charge of the house during the prosecutor's absence, being laid up with the small pox, he could not come to Court and prove the burglarious entry into the prosecutor's house, and the present charge therefore verged into barely stealing from the house.

The prisoner in his defence said, that this was a malicious conspiracy of the thanadar and his myrmidons. It was proved that he was an old offender.

The jury, after the judge had summed up the case to them, brought on a verdict of guilty of stealing from the house; and the judge sentenced the prisoner to two years imprisonment in the house of correction.

The grand jury returned true bills in the following cases to day:

Punchunand Doss, for barglariously entering the house of Ramsoonder Mullick and stealing property therefrom.

Dabee Sing and Doonkul Sing, with having stolen wearing apparel, the property of Golab Sing, a durwan in the employ of Rustomjee, Cowasjee and Co.

fant child.
Harree Mug, for the murder of John Pereira, his in-

Cheedam Ram Shaw and Ruggonath, for stealing from the house of Sabboo Raur, at Garrenbattah, various articles of value against the first, and the other two for receiving the same.

Nowcaure, for stealing several articles from the house of Ajeem.

No true bill against Khaudim, duftry, Cauloo, duftry and Gungaram, for stealing from the presidency pay-office paper to the value of 70 rupees.

The grand jury was then adjourned till Saturday



AN ENGLISH SCHOOL AT TRIBENNY.-The Probhakur announces the establishment of an English school at Tribenny, ziliah Hooghly, by Baboo Jugguth Chunder Sein and Peary Mohun Sein, for the education of such children, whose parents have no means to pay for their


EXECUTION AT HOOGHLY.-On the morning of the 21st instant, a notorious sirdar dacoit, of the name of Nundo Chung, expiated his crimes upon the scaffold in front of the criminal jail at Hooghly, in the presence of an immense concourse of spectators. He died as he had lived, a hardened villain, sing ng Bengallee songs on FIRE AT MOJEELPOOR.-A destructive fire happened his way to the gallows, and shouting hurree bol! hurat Mojeelpoor in the 24-Pergunnahs, on or about the ree bol upon the scaffold, until the drop fell and put 28th of last month. The number of houses barat, a period to his existence. He was a nephew of the principally thatched, and some brick built, was about celebrated Radha, dacoit, who was executed on the a couple of hundred. same spot in 1832, and suffered for his share in a docoity attended with murder, which occurred in the house of one Mohun Sautra, at the village of Bansberria, in the month of October last, The example which has been made of this man and his gang (the greater part of whom has been sentenced to imprisonment for various periods) will, it is believed, be of the greatest use in putting a stop to dacoity in the Hooghly district.

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Small pox.........
Miscellaneous diseases..


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RAIN. On the night of the 10th instant, a most refreshing shower of rain fell at Chinsurah, Bhautparah, Haulishahur, Kauchraparah, and many other places, over an extent of about fourteen miles, on both sides of the river; so that all the tanks which had been completely dry a short time back, were filled. The shower was preceded by a north-wester which destroyed several dingies a little to the south of the nulla called the Banger-khaul.

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THE MANILLA PIRATES.-The six Manilla pirates, who were released on the Queen's free pardon on

The reader must recollect that by our last report, the Saturday last, have subsequently been apprehended by

number was 927 from the 1st to the 12th.


So ra.

The havoc made by the cholera among the Hindoos is very extensive, and the cremation fires, are seen blazing in all directions, day and night. The deaths among the Mahomedans are not less few. pidly have they died, indeed, that their undertakers cannot afford time to bury them sufficiently deep,and the carcases are, in consequence, exhumed by the jackalls and pariah dogs, and exhibit a most disgusting spectacle. Several Europeans and East Indians, have likewise fallen sacrifices to the malignant pestilence.

the police authoities, whose intention in so doing, is to have them conveyed from this country to the Dutch Government, to be tried by that Government, as the men whom they had murdered were Dutchmen.

A WHITE CROW..-The strange phenomenon of a white crow, was observed at the police office recently. The bird came out of a nest in the police office and has been captured and retained by Mr. Blacquiere, The magistrate.

JOINT MAGISTRATES AND SUPERINTENDENTS OF POLICE. -It is said that an order has passed the Council ▲ NEW. HOSPITAL.—A hospital has, since the begin-Chamber, sanctioning the appointment of joint-magisning of the current month, been established an the pre-rates, on a monthly salary of five hundred rupees, and mises of the Medical College, for the benefit, principally, superintendents of police from amongst the uncoveof the students of that excellent institution. It consists nanted branches of the service, on a salary of 800 raof two wards, namely the medical and surgical, pees per mensem.

Drs. H. H. Goodeve, W. B. O'Shaughnessy and Egerton, take particular interest in it. There are already a great many patients fed and lodged there. The number of beds provided are twenty-four.

STORM AT CONENAGORE.-About nine o'clock on the night of the 19th instant, there was a violent storm at Conenagore, which threw down upwards of a hundred thatched houses, and laid prostrate between six and eight hundred trees of different species and sizes. Brick ballustrades of pucka houses were also blown down. The blast was extremely powerful towards the river side, and near Hurrosoonder Dutt's ghaut especially, where

BANK OF BENGAL.- Mr. Henderson has been appointed Deputy Secretary and Treasurer to the Bank of Bengal, on a monthly salary of Co.'s Rs 1,000, from the 1st proximo.

Mr. Lee succeeds Mr. Henderson as accountant on a monthly salary of Co.'s Rs 600, and Mr. Plumb, of the Treasury department, fills up the vacancy, occasioned by Mr. Lee's promotion, on a monthly salaryof Co.'s Rs 400,

This arrangement will give, we are assured, very general satisfaction; and reflects equal credit on those

« ΠροηγούμενηΣυνέχεια »