Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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Address of the Proprietor of the Statesman
to the Public, 553.

Debate in the House of Commons, Dec. 10,
1812, on Lord Folkestone's motion relative to
German troops, 781.

Letters of Sir F. Burdett and Lord Cochrane
to the Electors of Westminster, 597, 599.

Letter of W. Fawkes, Esq. to Lord Milton,
on Parliamentary Reform, 624.

Letter of Lord Lauderdale to the Editor of
the Morning Chronicle, on silver tokens, 695.
Letter of Lord Yarmouth to the Editor of
the Courier, 367.

Proceedings at a meeting relative to the
Westminster election, 450.

Speech and Address of Sir F. Burdett, 28th
July, 1812, 176.


Verax's Letter on the Botley Rector's pro-
mised answer to T. Paine.

&c. &c.

American States, 101, 267, 813.
Battle of Salamanca, 225, 257.
The Bourbons, 805.

Bristol Election, 27, 47, 110.
Sir F. Burdett's Address, 176.
Canada, 268, 434.

Death of Napoleon, 326,
Mr. Eaton, 52,

English Liberty of the Press, 110.
French Overtures for Peace, 107, 139.
German Troops, 289, 300, 321, 774.
Grant to the Russians, 801.
Grant to Lord Wellington, 745.
Ilchester Jail, 812.

Incendiaries of Moscow, 641.
Libel Case, Messrs. Hunts, 26.
Lincoln Jail, 33.

Northern War, 173, 202, 323, 395, 433, 737.
Paper against Gold, 331, 364, 396, 781.
Peace with France, 265.

Regency, 769,

Regent's Speech, 705.

War in the Peninsula, 673, 810.
Westminster Meeting, 205.

[blocks in formation]
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Difcorts, 40


[blocks in formation]

Aime, A. 698

Alava, Don M. 246, 691

Albufera, Duke, 257, 338, 590,

[blocks in formation]

Baraguay d'Hilliers, Gen. 797
Barascorf, Gen. 508
Barclay de Tolli, Gen. 483, 506,
510, 525, 664
Baring, Mr. 5
Barlow, Joel, 50

Barlow, Lieut. Col. 248
Barnes, Lieut. Col. 249
Barnes, M. Gen. 690

Barry, W. 147

Barton, Lieut. 248

127, 152, 189, 349

Bock, Baron, 308
Bock, Maj. Gen. 244, 689
Bonafoux, 702

Bonardale, Capt. 399
Bonnet, Gen. 461, 465
Bontein, Lieut. 248
Bootle, W. W. 25

Borderineux, Capt. 666, 668
Borde Soult, Gen. 318, 342, 40
Bork, Lieut. 343

Botley, Rector, 52 606

Bassano, Duke, 107, 109, 118, Bouchier, Ensign .249

Bassecour, Gen, 338
Bastwick, 46

Bathurst, Bragge, 3, 27, 30, 51,
197, 199

Bathurst, Earl, 237, 469, 475,
686, 718, 725
Baylie, Ensign, 691
Baxter, G. 73, 112, 160
Beare, Lieut. 757

Beauharnois. See Viceroy Pr.

Beaumont, Lieut. 666, 668
Bedford, Duke, 64, 420
Bedragni, Major, 485

Behrends, Cornet, 249
Bellegarde, Count, 175
Belliard, Gen. 401
Bellingham, Mr. 48, 56, 112,
160, 177

Belluno, Duke, 313, 376, 380,

474, 559, 590, 765, 798, 821
Belson, Lieut. 248

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bernadotte, Crown Prince, 395, Brunswick, Duke, 228, 325, 654

Atherley, Mr. 553

Atkinson, R. 420

Angereau, Brig. Gen. 797

[blocks in formation]

Azeredo, Major, 239

Babbington, T. 25

Bachmsteiff, Major Gen. 496

Backmeister, Capt. 692
Badeni, M. 281

Baereas, Sieur, 158
Baggawont, Gen. $16, 502
Bailey, Judge, 33, 73, 112, 160
Bagration, Prince, 315, 317,342,

343, 372, 374, 377, 379, 405,
435, 495, 500, 504, 507, 510,

Baker, Lieut. 248
Ballasteros, Gen. 248,754

[blocks in formation]

Binghain, Lieut. Col. 245, 250 Bunworth, Ensign, 250

Bird, Lient. Col. 249
Bisset, Mr. 247
Blackall, Capt. 250
Blackburne, J. 25

Blackstone, Judge, 43, 177, 417
Blood, Ensign, 249
Bloomfield, Major, 102
Bocchicampe, 666, 668

Buonaparté, Joseph, 107, 139,

181, 247, 469, 726, 748, 754
Burdett, Sir F. 11, 31, 44, 92,
112, 160, 176, 195, 197, 20%,
206, S29, 453, 513, 597, 598,
745, 769, 812
Burgess, Ensign, 692
Burgoyne, Lieut. Col. 689

[blocks in formation]

Catherine, Empress, 371
Caulincourt, Count, 481, 499
Cave, John, 198
Chalmers, George, 332
Chamberlayne, Mr. 514
Chambers, Capt. 476, 478, 563
Chaplin, Mr. 39, 47
Chapman, Lieut. 250
Charles IV. of Spain, 122
Charpentier, Gen. 797
Chaumette, 666, 669, 698
Chatham, Lord, 418
Chaunes, Lieut. 248
Chauvel, Gen. 240

Chauvelin, M. 49
Chavondes, Col. 762
Chernicheff, Col. 798
Chetwynde, Lord, 254
Chevalier, Major, 337

Chipchase, Lieut. 250

[blocks in formation]

815, 817

Dennis, Capt. 720

Dennissen, Col. 485

Denny, Maj. 564

Denwoody, Ensign, 248
Derenzy, Capt. 720
Deriot, Gen. 666

Deroy, Gen. 411, 414, 474*
Desde, 798

Desgravures, Gen. 470
D'Espagna, Don C. 241, 246,


Dewar, Lieut. 486

Dezi, Gen. 729

Dick, Quintiu, 433, 623

Dickens, Capt. 248

Dickinsons, Messrs. 212

Cotton, Lieut. Gen. Sir S. 238, Digeon, Col. 468

242, 245, 248, 689

Courtney, Capt. 604
Cowdroy, Mr. 556
Cowherd, J. 88
Cox, Mr. 518
Craig, Sir J. 272, 487
Crawford, W. 326
Crofton, Hon. Capt. 692
Croker, J. W. 254
Crooks, Capt. 721, 723
Crowder, Capt. 246

Dixon, Capt. 486

Doctoroff, Gen. 316, 318, 341)

484, 508

Doddington, Bubb, 632
Dombrowski, Gen. 342
Domett, W. 254

Donkin, Gen. 261, 701
Donmere, Gen. 822
Donovan, Lieut. 249

Dorocoff, Gen. 759

Cruz, Mourgeon, Gen. 470, 472 D'Oubril, M. 368

Curel, 766

Curzons, Hon. W. 756

Cuyler, Col. 249

Dornberg, Maj. Gen. 797, 815

Douglas, Col. 245

Downie, Brig. Gen. 470

Downing, Maj. 250

Drakard, Mr. 33, 43

Czartorinski, Count, 278, 279, Downman, Maj. 690


[blocks in formation]

Dubreton, Gen. 726
Dumay, 399

Dundas, Hon. Lieut. Col. 246
Durand, Capt. 721

D'Urban, Gen. 240, 245

[ocr errors]

Eartel, Gen. 798, 816
Eason, Lieut. 249
Eaton, D.I. 52
Eble, Gen. 312, 406
Eckmuhl, Prince, 311, 312, 314,
341, 343, 377, 379, 380, 405,
407, 435, 474, 498, 662, 734,

Edgell, Lieut. 756
Eleazer, priest, 582
Elchingen, Duke, 311,315,817,

371, 380, 405, 407, 411, 474,
498, 637, 660, 661, 734, 820
Ellenborough, Lord, 33, 73, 74,
94, 112, 160, 518, 519
Elley, Lieut. Col. 249
Ellis, James, 73, 112, 160
Ellis, Lieut. Col. 245, 2499
Ellison, Mr. 39, 47
Elwis, Lieut. 757

Elton, Mr. C. 136, 138, 199 ·
Enoch, Lieut. 249

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140, 170, 180

Fernandez, Capt. 250

Ferreri, Capt. 377

Fessart, Lieut. 666

Ficalho, Conde, 245
Finche, Lieut. 248
Findley, Col. 567
Finnerty, Mr. 33, 36, 39
Finucane, Lieut. 248
Fischer, Gen. 731
Fisher, Mr. 18
Fitzwilliam, Earl, 115

Folkestone, Lord, 298, 304, 307,

321, 557, 774, 776, 781, 790

Forbes, Lieut. Col. 249

Fortescue, 626

Green, Capt. 250

Green, Col. 338

Greenwell, Maj. 249
Gregorioff, Gen. 372

Grenville, Lord, 11, S2, 58, 59,

61, 62, 63, 64, 95, 96, 226
Greville, Lieut. Col. 245
Grey, Lord, 11, 32, 58, 59, 61,
62, 63, 64, 95, 96, 114, 116,
419, 631

Griesham, Lieut. 250
Griffiths, Lieut. 250
Grose, Judge, 33, 73, 160
Grosvenor, Lord, 304

Grouchy, Gen. 342, 343, 374,
376, 406, 823

Foster, Mr. 102, 282, 283, 285, Gualy, Capt. 249


Fowke, Lieut. 248

Fowler, Lieut. 721

Fox, Capt. 249

Fox, Hon. C. J. 368, 418
Foy, Gen. 467

Framingham, Lieut. Col. 246,


Francis, Sir P. 308

Frederick, Gen. 436

Freer, Ensign, 249

Frelich, Gen. 443

Friant, Gen. 408, 499, 663

Fryer, Lieut. 249

Fueto, Lieut. 249

Fuey, Gen. 469

Fullarton, Capt. 249
Fulton, Capt. 718
Fumette, Lieut. 250

Furnace, Lieut. 250

Galiffe, Maj. 250
Gallie, Capt. 249
Garnier, Mr. 519
Garrow, Sir W. 45, 73
Garvey, Lieut. 249
Gascoigne, Lieut. 250
Gascoigne, Gen. 577
Geneval, Col. 667
George I. 297.
George II. 129.

[blocks in formation]

George III. 163, 180

Hay, Adj. 249

Gerard, Gen. 411

Hay, Lieut. 249

Gethen, Lient. 249

Gettrick, Adj. 248
Gibbon, Mr. 458

Gibbs, Sir V. 26, 52, 66, 68,73,
74, 86, 94, 111, 112, 160, 363

Hay, Maj. Gen. 245
Heathcote, Mr. 545
Heathcote, Robert, 73,112,160
Hellicar, Mr. 198

Henry, Capt. 170, 179, 272

Henry, Gen. 667012
Henry, Lient, 249
Heriot, Mr. 87
Hesse, Lieut. 692-
Hengell, Lieut. 250
Hewart, Lient. 249
Hickie, Lieut. 757
Hickwood, 812

Hill, Sir R. 248, 680, 688, 694,
725, 782

Hilliard, Lieut. 249.
Hinde, Col. 245
Hitchins, Lieut., 757
Hogan, Capt. 248
Hogendorf, Gen. 813
Holborn, Lieut. 69%
Holcroft, Capt. 720
Holland, Lord, 11, 115
Hope, George J. 254
Hope, Maj. Gen. 242
Horsfall, Mr. 211

Horton, Capt. 248

Hotham, Ensign, 249

Houlden, Thomas, 33, 34
Houston, G. 557

Howard, 37

Howard, Maj. Gen. 725, 755
Huard, Gen. 378, 398, 500
Hubert, Gen. 702

Hudson, Lieut. 249
Hull, Capt. 486, 826

Hull, Gen. $54, 356, 475, 533,

Hulme, Mr. D. 556

Hulse, Maj. Gen. 245.
Halseman, Capt. 250

Humphrys, Brig. Maj. 15, 55
Hant, Messrs. 26

Hunt, H. Esq. 2, 4, 27, 29, 51,
110, 129, 134, 193
Hunter, Lieut. 250
Hutchinson, Mr. H. 308
Hutchinson, Lieut. 249

Illingworth, Dr. 35, 34, 39, 42,
44, 47

Ince, Lieut. 249
Innes, Lieut. 248

Istria, Duke, 375, 780,732, 823

Jalowaiski, Col. 574, 636
Jarouski, Count, 350

| James II. 301

Jeanneral, Gen. 371
Jebb, Dr. 138
Jellemshy, 349
Jesowayski, Col. 374

Jessup, Maj. 567
Johnson, Capt. 604

Johnson, Dr. 83
Johnson, Lieut. 249

Johnstone, Lieut. 756

Jones, Mr. W. 518
Jones, Sir W. 634
Joshua, 582

Julien, 666, 668, 698

[merged small][ocr errors]

Kleist, Gen. 371, 381, 404
Knadinski, Count, 350
Knipe, Lieut. 756
Knowles, Lieut. 249
Knox, Lieut. 692
Kologrivoff, 153
Konophill, Gen. 350

Konownizin, Lieut. Gen. 527
Korakowski, Bishop, 350
Korff, Maj. Gen. 508
Korpons, Maj. Gen. 509
Koulnien, Gen. 397
Kozmian, C. 282
Krapswitski, Gen. 503
Krasnolo, Maj. Gen. 526
Kraukenberg, 248
Krause, 343

Kretoff, Count, 496
Kudaschew, Prince, 527
Kulbakin, Gen. 501

Kurakin, Prince, 124, 127, 149,

151, 153, 188, 311, 637
Kutusoff, Maj. Gen. 764, 818
Kutusoff, Prince, 482, 491, 495,
526, 574, 729, 758, 768, 798,
811, 815, 817

Labal, Gen. 248
Laban, Gen. 340

Lacoq, Gen. 444
Lacroix, Col. 357
Lacy, Gen. 338
Lafaille, M. 337

La Fosse, Gen. 338, 339
Lahoire, 666, 669, 670
Lambe, W. 25

Langrisher, Capt. 250
Laroche, Capt. 692
Lascelles, H. 25

Latour Maubourg, Gen. 372,

[blocks in formation]

Linsingen, Baron, 308
Liston, Mr. 86
Litchfield, Mr. 554

Liverpool, Lord, 11, 14, 112,
160, 584

Locke, 83, 417, 629, 632
Lockhart, Lieut. 756
Logan, Capt. 249
Long, Hon. C. 25

Long, Maj. Gen. 725, 755
Long, Sir J.T. 553
Longa, 695
Longman, Mr. 83
Lovell, E. 812
Lovell, Mr. 557

Louisa, Empress, 701
Lubienski, Count, 282
Lucke, Ensign, 250

Luddites, the, 10, 55, 97, 207
Lueder, Capt. 250
Lumley, Lient. 757
Lye, Lieut. 756

Mac Alpin, Mr. 250
Mac Arthur, Col. 487, 565
Mac Cord, T. 269
Mac Donald, Lieut. 249
Mac Donnel, J. 485, 489
Mac Donnel, Lieut. Col. 720
Mac Dougall, Capt. 250
Mac Gregor, Dr. 247
Mac Gregor, Maj. 249
Mac Killigan, Lieut. 249
Maclean, Lieut. Col. 239
Macleod, Capt. 250
Mac Naught, Mr. 147
Macpherson, Lieut. 249
Madden, Ensign, 757
Madocks, Mr. 197
Magelonki, 350
Madison, Mr.
Mahomet, Ali Khan, 633
Maille, M. 485
Mair, Capt. 248
Maison, Gen. 410, 766
Maitland, Col. 472
Maitland, Gen. 261
Malet, 666, 667, 669, 670
Malone, Mr. 84
Mann, Capt. 604
Manoune, Gen. 727
Marbeuf, Col. 484

See President

Marchand, Gen. 664
Marion, Gen. 500

Markoff, Gen. 317, 638, 658
Marmont. See Ragusa
Marris, Mr. 43

Marshall, Lieut. 250

Marsham, Thos. 73, 112, 160
Marthod, Maj. 637
Martin, Mr. 206

Maud, John, 73, 112, 160
May, Lieut. Col. 250
Meade, Lieut. 250
Mecklenburgh Strelitz, Prince,


Charles, 502

[blocks in formation]

Milton, Lord, 25, 624, 788
Minchin, Harry, 553
Mitchell, Admiral, 604

Moira, Lord, 32, 59, 62, 63, 64,

95, 96, 114, 115
Molini, Capt. 808

Moncey, Col. 667

Monroe, Mr. 282, 283, 285,
318, 334

Montbrun, Gen. 312, 317, 343,

571, 499, 500
Moore, Sir J. 263
Moore, Mr. P. 308

Morand, Gen. 312, 341, 408,
499, 663

Morat, Col. 758
Morfshell, Mr. 250

Moriarte, Admiral, 604
Moses, 582

Muir, Capt. 475
Mulgrave, Earl, 418
Muller, Capt. 248, 249
Muller, Lieut. Gen. 731
Murat. See Naples
Murray, Capt. 756
Myers, Lieut. Col. 721

Nansouty, Gen. 312, 341, 371,
376, 377, 400, 406
Nantes, Lieut. 248, 249
Naples, King, 312,314,317,375,

378, 380, 397, 405, 474, 482,
497, 503, 527, 636, 638, 660,
666,729, 759, 823
Napoleon, 19, 50, 76, 80, 101,
107, 116, 120, 140, 148, 155,
164, 173, 181, 195, 202, 226,
263, 282, 310, 311, 313, 323,
326, 347, 361, 370, 395, 397,
434, 474, 484, 547, 581, 612,
641, 660, 666, 728, 737, 757
Narbonne, Count, 155, 310
Narbut, 350

Narishkin, 732, 759, 798
Naschokin, Capt. 816
Nassau, Capt. 757
Navarre, Capt. 757
Neoff, Maj. Gen. 816
Nesselrode, M. 125
Neufchatel, Prince, 761, 825
Newark, Lord, 25

Newerauski, Maj. Gen. 506,

510, 661

Newman, Mr. 90

Newport, Sir J. 304

Newton, Ensign, 248, 249

Nichols, Capt. 250


Melas, 681

Melville, Lord, 254

Menne, Gen. 469.

Merle, Gen. 414, 793

Merrit, Maj. 721

[blocks in formation]

Nicholson, Lieut, 250

Norcliffe, Lieut. 249

North, Dudley, 420

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