Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Acts con


Baving elause.

Act to take effect.

Hook and


CHAP. 34.

AN ACT to confirm the official acts of Hugh Halsey, a master in chancery.

Passed February 23, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. The official acts of Hugh Halsey, a master in chancery for the county of Suffolk, and all proceedings which have been had by and before him as such master, shall be held and adjudged to be of the same force, effect and validity, as if the said Hugh Halsey had executed and filed a bond with sureties, pursuant to the requirements of the act entitled "An act requiring masters in chancery to give sureties," passed March 23, 1833.

§2. This act shall not affect any suit or legal proceedings which may have been had or commenced in consequence of the illegality of any proceedings had by or before the said Hugh Halsey, as such master in chancery, previous to its passage.

§ 3. This act shall take effect on its passage.

CHAP. 35.

AN ACT to amend the charter of the Lima Repulse Fire
Engine Company.

Passed February 24, 1837. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. It shall be lawful for the trustees of the Lima Reladder com- pulse Fire Engine Company to organize a hook and ladder company, to consist of twenty members, who shall be entitled to the same privileges and exemptions as are granted to the members of the Lima Repulse Fire Engine Company. § 2. This act shall take effect on the thereof.

Act to take effect.


CHAP. 36.

AN ACT to reduce the width of Lumber-street, in the fifth ward of the city of Albany.

Passed February 25, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

reduced to

§1. The corporation of the city of Albany is hereby au- Street to be thorized to reduce the width of that part of Lumber-street, 66 feet. in the fifth ward of the city of Albany, situate between North Market-street and the western boundary line of said ward, to the width of sixty-six feet, by taking thirty-three feet on each side of the middle line of the said street, as . originally laid out by John Bleecker, in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, for the street as established by this act.

§ 2. This act shall take effect on the final passage thereof Act to take

CHAP. 37.

AN ACT to authorize the executors of John Ireland, deceased, to become purchasers of his real estate.

Passed February 25, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:


may be pur

1. It shall and may be lawful for Thomas Lawrance, Real estate John L. Ireland, William B. Ireland and Andrew L. Ireland, chased. executors of the last will and testament of John Ireland, late of the city of New-York, deceased, or either of them, to bid for and become purchasers of the real estate of the said John Ireland, or any part thereof, at any regular public sale of such property duly authorized, and to receive a conveyance or conveyances for the same, which shall be as valid in law as though such persons had not been executors as aforesaid: Provided, that such sale, purchase and con- Proviso. veyance, and all proceedings under this act, shall be subject to such order, rules and regulations, as shall be made by the vice-chancellor of the first circuit, on application to him for that purpose.

Money to be


CHAP. 38.

AN ACT authorizing the supervisors of the county of Monroe to raise money to build a bridge over the Genesee river, on Buffalo-street in the city of Rochester.

Passed February 25, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. The supervisors of the county of Monroe are hereraised by by authorized to cause to be levied and collected and paid to the county treasurer of said county, in the same manner as other contingent charges of said county are by law directed to be levied, collected and paid, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, together with the treasurer's and collectors' fees thereon, for the purpose of building a bridge over the Genesee river on Buffalo-street in the city of Rochester, in said county; which said sum of fifteen thousand dollars, shall be subject to the order of three commissioners, to be appointed by the said supervisors for the purpose aforesaid.



§2. It shall be the duty of the said commissioners before ers to give entering upon the duties of the said trust, to execute a bond, with sufficient surety, to the supervisors of the said county, in such penalty as the said supervisors may direct, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties required by this act. A majority of said commissioners may act in the premises.

To account

to the supervisors.

May borrow $15,000.

§3. The said commissoners shall account with the board of supervisors of the said county, from time to time, as said board shall require, for all moneys expended or received by the said commissioners by virtue of this act; and the said board of supervisors shall allow the said commissioners a reasonable compensation for their services, to be levied and collected and paid in the same manner as other contingent expenses of the said county are by law directed to be levied, collected and paid.

§ 4. The said commissioners are hereby authorized to borrow on the credit of the county of Monroe, any sum or sums, not exceeding the said sum of fifteen thousand dollars, which they may deem necessary for the execution of the trust hereby reposed in them: And the said sums so borrowed shall be repaid by the county of Monroe in six equal annual instalments, on the twentieth day of February in each of the years one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, one thousand eight hundred and forty, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, with interest annually, at the rate of not exceeding seven per cent per



§ 5. The act entitled "An act to authorize the supervi- Acts repealsors of the county of Monroe to raise money to repair a bridge in said county," passed April 28, 1836, and also the act entitled "An act to authorize the supervisors of the county of Monroe, to raise money to repair a bridge in the county of Monroe," passed April 28, 1836, are hereby repealed.

§ 6. This act shall take effect immediately upon its pas- Act to take sage.


CHAP. 39.

AN ACT to loan money to the county of Genesee.

Passed February 27, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:


1. The comptroller is hereby authorized to loan to the Loan of county of Genesee, three thousand dollars, out of any moneys in the treasury uninvested, belonging to the capital of the common school fund, on receiving from the treasurer of said county a bond, conditioned for the repayment thereof, in two equal annual payments from the date of said bond, and for the payment annually of interest on the said loan, at the rate of six per cent per annum, which said bond shall belong to the common school fund.

raised by

§2. The board of supervisors of said county are hereby Money to be authorized and required to raise by tax on said county, in tax. the same manner as other county charges are raised, such sum or sums over and above the expenses of collecting the same, as shall be sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the above loan whenever the same shall become due and payable, which said sum or sums so raised, shall be applied to the payment of the aforesaid bond.

Act to take

§ 3. This act shall take effect immediately after its pas- effect.


Time extended for one


CHAP. 40.

AN ACT to amend the act entitled "An act for the more convenient adjustment of the affairs of certain insurance companies in the city of New-York, rendered insolvent by the late fire in that city," passed January 18, 1836.

Passed February 27, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. The time limited to the receivers appointed under and by virtue of the act entitled "An act for the more convenient adjustment of the affairs of certain insurance companies in the city of New-York, rendered insolvent by the late fire in that city" passed January 18, 1836, for making a final settlement and dividend of the assets of their respective companies, is hereby extended for one year; and the said receivers shall from time to time declare and pay dividends out of the said assets as they shall come into their hands, reserving such sum as may be necessary to meet claims outstanding against such receivers, Act to take and their necessary charges and disbursements.


Stock may be increased.

Subscrip. tions to stock.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately on its passage.

CHAP. 41.

AN ACT to amend the act entitled "An act to incorporate the Buffalo and Niagara-Falls rail-road company," passed May 3, 1834.

Passed February 27. 1837. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

1. The Buffalo and Niagara-Falls rail-road company, incorporated May 3, 1834, are hereby authorized to increase their capital stock from one hundred and ten thousand dollars, its present amount, to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; the new stock to be divided into four hundred shares of one hundred dollars each.

§ 2. The president and directors of said company shall be the commissioners to receive subscriptions for the additional stock, and shall open books for that purpose at the office of their secretary and treasurer, or some other suitable place in the city of Buffalo, within sixty days after the passage of this act, giving fourteen days notice in one of the newspapers printed in each of the counties of Erie and Niagara, of the time and place of opening said books, and shall keep them open from ten o'clock in the morning until

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