Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

one o'clock in the afternoon for two successive days; and ten dollars shall be paid on each share at the time of subscribing.


§ 3. If more than the required amount shall be subscribed, Dock the commissioners shall immediately proceed to distribute the new stock among the subscribers in such manner as they shall deem most for the interest of the said corporation: but said commissioners shall not allot to the present stockholders in said company, more than one half thereof, provided subscriptions to the other half shall have been made by persons who are not stockholders.

when to be


§4. Within ten days after the stock shall have been dis- Payments tributed, each holder of the new stock shall pay in to the made. treasurer of said company, an additional sum of forty dollars on each share so by him held, on pain of a forfeiture of every share of stock on which he shall fail to make payment, together with the ten dollars previously paid thereon. § 5. The directors shall then proceed to equalize the value Value to be or cost of the old and new stock, by adding to each share of the latter a sum equal to the interest on the several instalments paid on each share of the old stock, from the times they were respectively paid to the time when payments are required on the new stock; and they may call for the remaining sums due on the new stock, including interest to be added as aforesaid, on pain of forfeiture of the stock and previous payments thereon, at such times as they may deem proper, giving twenty days' notice of each call in two newspapers as above directed.


6. The new stock thus createl, and the holders there- General proof, shall thenceforth. equally with the old stockholders, be subject to all the provisions, limitations and restrictions imposed, and enjoy all the rights and privileges conferred on the company into which they are thus incorporated, excepting so far as the same may be altered by this act.

CHAP. 42.

AN ACT to incorporate the Lewis County Mutual Insurance.


Passed February 27, 1837. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. Ela Collins, Isaac W. Bostwick, Stephen Leonard, Corporation Andrew W. Doig, Jared House, Merritt M. Norton, John created W. Martin, Carlos P. Scovil, Enoch Thompson, Isaac W. Bush, Asa L. Sheldon, Ashley Davenport, Abraham Miller,

First direc.


General powers.

Act to take effect.

John Whittlesey, Ela Merriam, and all other persons who may hereafter associate with them, in the manner herein prescribed, shall be a corporation, by the name of "The Lewis County Mutual Insurance Company," for the purpose of insuring their respective dwelling-houses, stores, shops and other buildings, household furniture, merchandize, and other property against loss or damage by fire.

§2. The persons named in the first section of this act, shall be the first directors of the said corporation. The business of the said corporation shall be carried on and conducted at such place in the county of Lewis, as shall be designated by a majority of the members thereof present at any regular meeting, who shall have power at the end of every five years thereafter to change such location.

§ 3. The corporation hereby created shall possess all the powers and privileges, and be subject to ail the restrictions and limitations, which are granted to or imposed upon the "Madison County Mutual Insurance Company," by the act incorporating that company, which was passed March 23,


4. This act shall take effect immediately after the passage thereof.

Acts con. firmed.

Saving clause.

Act to take effect.

CHAP. 43.

AN ACT to confirm the official acts of John Becker, a justice of the peace in the county of Oswego.

Passed February 28, 1837. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. All proceedings which have been had before John Becker, a justice of the peace of the town of Parish, in the county of Oswego, since the first day of January last, are hereby confirmed; and all penalties and forfeitures incurred by the said John Becker, for having executed any of the duties of said office on and after the said first day of January, in consequence of not having taken the oath of office prescribed by law, are hereby remitted.

§ 2. The passage of this act shall not effect or impair any suit or legal proceeding which may have been had or commenced in consequence of the invalidity of any proceedings before such justice.


3. This act shall take effect immediately after its pas

CHAP. 44.

AN ACT extending the time for the collection of taxes in the city of Albany

Passed February 28, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:


§ 1. If the collectors of taxes in the several wards of the Time excity of Albany shall renew their securities respectively, in such manner as the supervisor of the ward shall reasonably require, the time for the collection and making the return. of taxes, shall be extented to the fifteenth day of April


Act to take

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately on its passage. effect.

CHAP. 45

AN ACT for the relief of John Booth, an alien.

Passed March 2, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

hold and con

§ 1. John Booth, a resident alien, in the county of Mont- J. Booth may gomery, and state of New-York, having purchased and vey lands. taken certain lands and real estate within this state, before making and filing in the clerk's office of said county, an application to become a naturalized citizen of the United States, and having since the purchase by him of such lands and real estate, made and filed such application in said clerk's office, may continue to hold such lands and real estate, in the same manner, and with the like effect, as he would or could have done, had he been a citizen of the United States, when such purchase and conveyance were made; and may sell and transfer the said lands and real estate in as effectual and valid a manner as he might or could do, if he were a citizen of the United States.

§2. This act shall take effect on its passage.

Act to take effect.

Bounds of the village.

CHAP. 46.

AN ACT to incorporate the village of Port-Byron, in the county of Cayuga.

Passed March 2, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. All that district of country in the town of Mentz, and county of Cayuga, contained within the following bounds, to wit: Beginning at a point on lot number sixtytwo, in the original township of Brutus, (now Mentz;) at the distance of three chains and seventy-seven links north, forty-seven and three-fourths degrees east of a buttonwood tree, near or northwesterly of the place where the line of the Montezuma turnpike crosses the line of lots number sixtyone and seventy-three, and being at the distance of seven chains and seventy-five links north of the lot line between lots sixty-two and seventy-three; running thence south sixty-two chains, to a point on lot number seventy-three, directly east of the south bounds of William Duvall's lands on lot number seventy-three; thence west sixty-seven chains and twenty links, to a point on lot number seventy-two directly south of the west end of the King or Port-Byron Lock (so called); thence north sixty-two chains, to a point on lot number sixty-one, seven chains and seventy-five links north of the south bounds of the said lot (sixty-one); thence east sixty-seven chains and twenty links, to the place of beCorporation ginning, shall hereafter be known and distinguished by the name of the "Village of Port-Byron;" and the freeholders. and inhabitants residing within the limits aforesaid are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name of the "Trustees of the Village of Port-Byron," and shall and may have succession as such.


General powers.

Officers to

§ 2. The corporation hereby created shall possess all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the restrictions and liabilities, which are granted to or imposed upon the trustees of the village of Angelica, by the act incorporating that village, passed May 2, 1835.

3. The officers to be elected under this act, shall, within ten days after notice of their election and before entering upon the duties of their office, take and subscribe the oath prescribed by the sixth article of the constitution of

this state.

CHAP. 47.

AN ACT to incorporate the Young Men's Association of the city of Buffalo.

Passed March 3, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:


§ 1. The members of the Young Men's Association of Corporation the city of Buffalo, and all persons who shall hereafter be associated with them, are hereby created a body corporate, by the name of "The Young Men's Association of the city of Buffalo," for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a library, reading-rooms, literary and scientific lectures, and other means of promoting moral and intellectual improvement; with power, for such purposes, to take by purchase, devise or otherwise, and to hold, transfer and convey, real and personal property to the amount of thirty thousand dollars: and also further to take, hold and convey, all such books, cabinets, library, furniture and apparatus, as may be necessary for attaining the objects and carrying into effect the purposes of the said corporation.

§2. The control and disposal of the funds, property and officers. estate, and the direction and management of the concerns of the said corporation, shall be vested in an executive committee, to consist of the president, the first, the second and the third vice-presidents, the corresponding secretary, the recording secretary, the treasurer, and ten managers of the said corporation, who shall be elected annually to their respective offices, by such of the members of the said association as are or may be entitled by the by-laws to vote at such elections.


§3. The several officers of the said association at the Tenure of time of the passage of this act, shall continue to hold their respective offices as officers of the corporation hereby created, until the next annual election, unless in case of a vacancy previously occurring, and all personal property, or funds or securities now held by the said officers, or either or any of them, or any other person or persons in trust for the said association, or for the use or benefit of the same, including choses in action, which by the terms thereof are payable to either or any of the said officers, or to any other person or persons in trust for the said association, shall by virtue of this act vest in and become the property of, and may be sued for and recovered in the name of the corporation hereby created; and the said corporation shall assume and be liable for all contracts, agreements and responsibilities, which have been entered into or incurred previous to the passage of this act by the officers of the said association, or

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