Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[blocks in formation]

any of them, lawfully acting in behalf of the said association.

4. The annual election for officers of the said corporation shall be held on the second Wednesday of February in each year, or on such other day as the said corporation in and by its by-law may appoint.

§ 5. The estate, property and funds of the said corporation shall be devoted solely to the general purposes and objects specified in the first section of this act; and the estate of the said corporation shall be subject to taxation in the same manner as real estate is, that is held or owned by individuals.

§ 6. The said corporation shall possess the powers, and be subject to the provisions and liabilities of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes.

§7. This act shall take effect on its passage, and may at any time hereafter be altered, amended or repealed by the legislature.

Loan of $20,000

Aet to take effect.

CHAP. 48.

AN ACT authorizing a loan of money to the city of Buffalo.
Passed March 3, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. The comptroller is hereby authorized to loan to the city of Buffalo, out of the money in the treasury belonging to the capital of the common school fund, twenty thousand dollars, on receiving the bond of the said city in the penal sum of forty thousand dollars; conditioned for the repayment of the said sum of twenty thousand dollars, and annual interest at the rate of six per cent, as follows: the interest on the said twenty thousand dollars, or upon so much as remains unpaid, yearly, from the date of the said bond, and the principal in four equal instalments, payable on the first day of October, in the years eighteen hundred and thirtynine, eighteen hundred and forty, eighteen hundred and forty-one, and eighteen hundred and forty-two. § 2. This act shall take effect on its final passage.

CHAP. 49.

AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to change the time of holding the courts of common pleas and general sessions in and for the county of Yates," passed May 9, 1836. Passed March 6, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

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§ 1. The courts of common pleas and general sessions, in Terms. and for the county of Yates, shall be held at the times following, to wit: On the fourth Monday in May, the fourth Monday in August, the second Monday in November, and the second Monday in February, in every year. §2. This act shall not alter the next ensuing May term of the courts of common pleas and general sessions, as is now provided by law.

CHAP. 50.

AN ACT relative to the commissioners of highways in the towns of Kirkland and Marshall, in the county of Oneida.

Passed March 6, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:




§ 1. All that part of section thirty-eighth of the act enti- Part repealtled "An act relative to the different tribes and nations of Indians within this state," passed April 10, 1813, which constitute the keepers of the peace of the Brothertown Indians commissioners of highways in said town, is hereby repealed.

ers of high


§2. The commissioners of highways of the towns of CommissionKirkland and Marshall, in the county of Oneida, shall have ways in the control of all the highways included within the bounda- and Marries of their respective towns, which have heretofore been shall. under the supervision of the keepers of the peace of the Brothertown Indians, and shall cause an accurate description of the same to be placed upon the records of their respective towns.


§ 3. All the acts of the commissioners of highways of In Stockthe town of Brothertown, in surveying, laying out and opening highways in said town, in pursuance of said thirtyeighth section of said "act relative to the different tribes and nations of Indians in this state," shall be and are hereby confirmed.

§ 4. The town clerk of the said towns of Kirkland and Description

of certain

roads to be Marshall, shall be directed to transcribe from the records of


Re-surveys to be made of certain roads.

Act to take effect.

Money to be raised by


How to be appropriated

Brothertown, the records of those roads, situate within the boundaries of their respective towns, which have heretofore been under the superintendence of the commissioners of highways of the town of Brothertown, and which are correctly described on said records kept by the said commissioners, and place the same upon the records of their respective towns.

§ 5. The commissioners of highways of the towns of Kirkland and Marshall aforesaid, shall be authorized to cause re-surveys to be made of such roads as are not correctly described by the records kept by the said commissioners of Brothertown; such re-survey to be made as nearly as may be according to the original survey; and the description of said re-survey shall be recorded upon the books of the respective towns within the boundaries of which the same shali be made.

§ 6. This act shall take effect immediately.

CHAP. 51.

AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Orange
county, to raise money by tax on the towns of Goshen and
Minisink, to build a bridge across the Walkill, at Pellett's
Island, between said towns.

Passed March 6, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. The board of supervisors of Orange county are hereby authorized, at their next annual meeting, to cause to be assessed, levied and collected, by tax on all the taxable property in the town of Goshen, in said county, a sum not exceeding the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars; and also, in like manner, on all the taxable property in the town of Minisink, in said county, a further sum, not exceeding the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars, for the purpose of building a bridge across the Walkill stream, between the said towns, at Pellett's island; which said sums, so to be raised and collected, shall be assessed, levied and collected, in the same manner as other town charges or contingent expenses of said towns are levied, assessed and collected; and in addition to, and over and above the amount which each town is now authorized by law to raise or collect.

§ 2. The said sums of money, when so raised and collected, shall be paid over to the commissioners of highways of the said towns, respectively, in which the same shall

have been collected, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of crecting and completing a bridge across the Walkill at the place aforesaid: and it shall be the duty of said commissioners of highways of the said towns, to cause the said bridge to be built and completed with all reasonable diligence, and to apply the said moneys to the payment of the expenses attending the same, and to account to the board of town auditors of their respective towns, for the moneys which they may receive by virtue of this act, at the next annual meeting of said board after the receipt of such moneys aforesaid.

CHAP. 52.

AN ACT to loan money to the county of Chemung.

Passed March 6, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:


§ 1. The comptroller is hereby authorized to loan to the Loan of county of Chemung, the sum of three thousand dollars, out of the money in the treasury belonging to the capital of the common school fund, on receiving from the treasurer of said county a bond, conditioned for the repayment thereof, in four equal annual payments; the first of which payments shall be made on the first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three; the interest to be paid annually, at the rate of six per cent.

raised by

§ 2. The board of supervisors of said county are hereby Money to be authorized and required to raise, annually, by tax on the tax. taxable property of said county, over and above all expenses of collecting the same, a sum equal to the interest and principal secured to be paid by the said bond of the treasurer, as the same shall become due: and the said several instalments, when collected, shall be paid to the treasurer of said county, whose duty it shall be, within ten days after the receipt thereof, to pay the same into the treasury of this state.


§3. The amount of the aforesaid loan shall be expended How to be in purchasing a farm, and erecting suitable buildings there-ted. on, for the accommodation of the poor of said county.

§ 4. This act shall take effect on the passage thereof.

Act to take effect.

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CHAP. 53.

AN ACT to authorize the raising of money in the town of
Le Roy, to build a bridge in said town.

Passed March 6, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. It shall be lawful for the board of supervisors of the county of Genesee, to cause to be levied and collected, in the manner now provided by law, on the taxable property in the town of Le Roy, such sum of money, not exceeding one thousand dollars, as a majority of the electors of said town may, at their next annual meeting, vote to raise for the purpose of building a bridge across Allen's creek, near Tomlinson's mills, in said town.

§ 2. This act shall take effect on the passage thereof.

CHAP. 54.

AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act authorizing the supervisors of the county of Monroe, to raise money to build a bridge over the Genesee river, on Buffalo-street, in the city of Rochester," passed February 25, 1837.

Passed March 6, 1837. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

1. The act entitled "An act to authorize the supervisors of the county of Monroe to raise money to repair a bridge in said county," passed April 28, 1836, and also the act amending the same, passed May 26, 1836, are hereby repealed.

CHAP. 55.

AN ACT to extend the time for completing the New-York and Harlem rail-road.

Passed March 6, 1837.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Time exten § 1. The period allowed for the completion of the said


New-York and Harlem rail-road or ways, is hereby extentended two years from the passage of this act.

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