The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, Τόμος 6C. and A. Conrad & Company, 1805 |
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Σελίδα 41
... Othello : " I have it , ' tis engender'd - . " Steevens . 1 - port , ] Port is figure , show , appearance . Johnson . I will some other be ; some Florentine , Some D2 TAMING OF THE SHREW . 41 Luc. Tranio, I saw her coral lips to ...
... Othello : " I have it , ' tis engender'd - . " Steevens . 1 - port , ] Port is figure , show , appearance . Johnson . I will some other be ; some Florentine , Some D2 TAMING OF THE SHREW . 41 Luc. Tranio, I saw her coral lips to ...
Σελίδα 46
... Othello : " I pray talk me of Cassio . " It occurs again , and more improperly , in heroic translation : " upon advantage spide , " Did wound me Molphey on the leg , " & c . Arthur Golding's Ovid , B. V , p . 66 , b . Steevens . • Why ...
... Othello : " I pray talk me of Cassio . " It occurs again , and more improperly , in heroic translation : " upon advantage spide , " Did wound me Molphey on the leg , " & c . Arthur Golding's Ovid , B. V , p . 66 , b . Steevens . • Why ...
Σελίδα 50
... this order hath Baptista ta'en ; ] To take order is to take measures . So , in Othello : " Honest Iago hath ta'en order for it . " Steevens . Till Katharine the curst have got a husband . Gru 50 TAMING OF THE SHREW .
... this order hath Baptista ta'en ; ] To take order is to take measures . So , in Othello : " Honest Iago hath ta'en order for it . " Steevens . Till Katharine the curst have got a husband . Gru 50 TAMING OF THE SHREW .
Σελίδα 110
... Othello . Farmer . -pedant , ] Charon , the sage Charon , as Pope calls him , de- scribes a pedant , as synonymous to a household schoolmaster , and adds a general character of the fraternity by no means to their advantage . See Charon ...
... Othello . Farmer . -pedant , ] Charon , the sage Charon , as Pope calls him , de- scribes a pedant , as synonymous to a household schoolmaster , and adds a general character of the fraternity by no means to their advantage . See Charon ...
Σελίδα 140
... Othello : " If after every tempest come such calms - . ” The word " overblown , " in the next line , adds some little sup- port to this conjecture . Malone . Mr. Rowe's conjecture is justified by a passage in Othello : " News , lords ...
... Othello : " If after every tempest come such calms - . ” The word " overblown , " in the next line , adds some little sup- port to this conjecture . Malone . Mr. Rowe's conjecture is justified by a passage in Othello : " News , lords ...
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
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ancient Antigonus Antipholus Antony and Cleopatra Autolycus Baptista bear Ben Jonson Bian Bianca Bion Biondello Bohemia Camillo comedy Cymbeline daughter dost doth Dromio Duke editor emendation Enter Ephesus Exeunt Exit eyes fair father Feran Ferando fool gentleman give Gremio hand Hanmer hath hear honour Hortensio husband Johnson Kate Kath Katharina King Henry King Lear lady Leon Leontes look lord Love's Labour's Lost Lucentio Malone marry Mason master means merry mistress never old copy Othello Padua passage Paulina perhaps Petruchio play Polixenes pray prince queen Ritson scene second folio sense servants Shakspeare Shakspeare's Shep Shrew signifies signior speak Steevens suppose sweet tell thee Theobald thing thou art Tranio Troilus and Cressida unto villain Vincentio Warburton wife word