The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, Τόμος 6C. and A. Conrad & Company, 1805 |
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Σελίδα 16
... thing be more evident than that imboss'd means swell- ed in the knees , and that we ought to read bathe ? What has the imbossing of a deer to do with that of a hound ? " Imbossed sores " occur in As you Like it ; and in The First Part ...
... thing be more evident than that imboss'd means swell- ed in the knees , and that we ought to read bathe ? What has the imbossing of a deer to do with that of a hound ? " Imbossed sores " occur in As you Like it ; and in The First Part ...
Σελίδα 18
... thing should be inserted , it may be done thus : And when he says he's Sly , say that he dreams . The likeness in writing of Sly and say produced the omission . Johnson . This is hardly right ; for how should the Lord know the beg ...
... thing should be inserted , it may be done thus : And when he says he's Sly , say that he dreams . The likeness in writing of Sly and say produced the omission . Johnson . This is hardly right ; for how should the Lord know the beg ...
Σελίδα 23
... thing in woman . " Malone . 2 Who , for twice seven years , & c . ] In former editions : Who for this seven years hath esteemed him No better than a poor and loathsome beggar . I have ventured to alter a word here , against the ...
... thing in woman . " Malone . 2 Who , for twice seven years , & c . ] In former editions : Who for this seven years hath esteemed him No better than a poor and loathsome beggar . I have ventured to alter a word here , against the ...
Σελίδα 25
... things are ready as he will'd it . " Another . Set thou some wine upon the boord , " And then Ile go fetch my lord presently . " Enter the Lord and his men . " Lord . How now , what is all things readie ? " One . Yea , my lord ...
... things are ready as he will'd it . " Another . Set thou some wine upon the boord , " And then Ile go fetch my lord presently . " Enter the Lord and his men . " Lord . How now , what is all things readie ? " One . Yea , my lord ...
Σελίδα 28
... things : - Upon my life , I am a lord , indeed ; And not a tinker , nor Christophero Sly.- Well , bring our lady hither to our sight ; And once again , a pot o ' the smallest ale . 2 Serv . Will ' t please your mightiness to wash your ...
... things : - Upon my life , I am a lord , indeed ; And not a tinker , nor Christophero Sly.- Well , bring our lady hither to our sight ; And once again , a pot o ' the smallest ale . 2 Serv . Will ' t please your mightiness to wash your ...
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ancient Antigonus Antipholus Antony and Cleopatra Autolycus Baptista bear Ben Jonson Bian Bianca Bion Biondello Bohemia Camillo comedy Cymbeline daughter dost doth Dromio Duke editor emendation Enter Ephesus Exeunt Exit eyes fair father Feran Ferando fool gentleman give Gremio hand Hanmer hath hear honour Hortensio husband Johnson Kate Kath Katharina King Henry King Lear lady Leon Leontes look lord Love's Labour's Lost Lucentio Malone marry Mason master means merry mistress never old copy Othello Padua passage Paulina perhaps Petruchio play Polixenes pray prince queen Ritson scene second folio sense servants Shakspeare Shakspeare's Shep Shrew signifies signior speak Steevens suppose sweet tell thee Theobald thing thou art Tranio Troilus and Cressida unto villain Vincentio Warburton wife word