Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

sand servants were dismissed, and turned into the streets to perish for no one would receive them into their houses; and the villagers, near London, drove them away with pitch-forks and fire-arms. 7. Sir John Lawrence supported them all; as also many others who were sick at first, by expending his own fortune, till subscriptions could be solicited, and received from all parts of the nation.


Of the Difference between Sense and Good Sense.

1. Il-li"-te-rate, a, unlearned; without receiving any improvement or instruction.

3. In'-tel-lects, s. pl. the powers of understanding; thoughts.

Re-fi'-ned, pret. made elegant, cleared from impurities.

Taste, s. (applied to the mind), discernment, relish. (The act of trying, on the mouth, the sense by which the relish of any thing is received on the palate.)

Wit, s. judgment, genius, sense.

I-ma"-gi-na-ti-on, s. fancy, notion, an idea of any thing in the mind.

4. Con-sis'-ten-cy, s. acting with propriety.

Fa"-cul-ties, s. pl. the power of the mind, whether imagination, memory or reason.

11. Ma-ter'-nal, a. motherly; becoming or belonging to a mother. 13. Sub-li'me, a. high in excellence or nature.

Me'-ni-al, a. domestic, low employ, belonging to servants. 14. Vi-va"-ci-ty, s. sprightliness, liveliness, briskness.

15. Pro-claim'-ing, part. the act of telling or declaring openly. 19. A-la"-cri-ty, s. cheerful activity.

1. Ir is frequently thought, by many, that a person possessing great learning has always good sense; and that an illiterate person is without it. 2. In this they are quite mistaken, for we often meet with a learned fool.

3. A person of Sense is he who possesses quickness of intellect, and is of a refined taste, which makes him delight in works of wit and imagination; who naturally, at times, gives pleasure in conversation, and likewise keenly feels it himself.

4. A person of "Good Sense" is he that has a just perception of right, and acts with reason and consistency in every action of his life: 5. Who confines his desires and wishes to the situation in which he is placed, and performs the most humble duties without repining. 6. The following example fully illustrates what is Sense, and what is Good Sense:

7. Suppose a woman, who in her youth has received a refined education, and who by nature is endowed with superior faculties. 8. She sees with full force every beauty in works of taste and genius. 9. From her extensive reading, her information is great; and she is also distinguished by her excellence in music. 10. This young woman is married to a man of moderate fortune. 11. She has a young family that calls for maternal care; and has servants to regulate and instruct. 12. Still she cannot give up her books, her harp, her piano-forte, &c. &c. 13. That, she says, would be sacrificing sublime joys to menial employments. 14. In every company she gives delight, by her vivacity, pleasant manner, and sprightly conversation. 15. In short, the world join in proclaiming her a woman of "Sense." 16. But can you, who see the private scenes of her house; her husband's fortune dimi

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* Those persons with whom she is acquainted.


nished, by her want of care, her children running wild, ill clothed, and uninstructed; disorder and waste reigning in her neglected nursery and kitchen; while she is shut up with her books, or singing to her harp; can you say this is a woman of "Good Sense?" 17. No. But it must be granted that this woman possessed a great deal of Sense, but not "Good Sense." 18. But it is more properly the want of "Good Sense," to direct learning and every acquirement to its right use, and to place it in proper order. 19. Had the woman, I have been describing, regulated her house properly; had she been the nurse and the instructor, as well as the mother of the children; and had she then given up company, to procure herself leisure hours, for the gratification of her taste for reading and music; her learning would only have been a relaxation, which would have enabled her to return with alacrity to the performance of her duties.


On Unanimity.

1. Con-for-mi-ty, s. likeness, resemblance. Har-mo-ni-ous-ly, ad. very agreeable.

2. Har-mo-ny, s. agreement. (A just proportion of sounds.) 5. Cul'-ti-vate, v. to improve. (To till, to refine.)

As-sem-blage, s. a collection.

6. Al-ter-nate-ly, ad. mutually, by turns.

Foi'-bles, s. pl. natural infirmities or feelings.

7. Thwart'-ing, part, crossing, opposing.

Pre-do"-mi-nate, v. to prevail.

Con'-cord, s. agreement, union, harmony.

8. Im-press', v. to fix deep, applied to the mind. 9. Cor-di-al-ly, ad. sincerely, truly.

10. Fe-li"-ci-ty, s. happiness.

1. UNANIMITY is a conformity or union of sentiments, or the art of living agreeably and harmoniously. 2. Harmony in families is a most desirable thing. 3. A good and united family seems to be a representation we can make to ourselves of the blessed above. 4. And to live in such a family, must be, in some sort, a preparation for the society. of Angels. 5. To preserve this harmony, each individual must cultivate an assemblage of virtues; most especially truth, generosity, and a good temper. 9. Alternately must each one bear with the. failings and foibles of the other. 7. A cross word or a thwarting reply, which will keenly wound the breast, where self-love predominates, must be passed by unnoticed; indeed, to preserve concord unbroken, it must instantly be forgiven, and as soon forgot. 8. Let me strongly impress upon you, that, to preserve unanimity, no sacrifice can be too. great! 9. Cherish it, then, most cordially. 10. The felicity it produces will largely reward your pains. 11. Let nothing weaken that tie which binds you all. 12. But let each day give strength to the bands of love with which you are now united.


Of Resolution.

8. Re-ti'res, v. (third person singular, from retire), to withdraw. 10. Slum'-ber, s. light and imperfect sleep.

Slum'-ber, v. to sleep imperfectly. Figuratively, to be in a state of negligence.

12. Sum'-mons, s. pl. a call; a call of authority.

13. Yawn'-ing, part. gaping.

14. Re-strain', v. to confine, to limit: to hinder, to repress. 16. Deem'-ing, part. judging, thinking.

Gra"-ti-fy, v. to indulge, to please, to do a thing in order to please or delight.

Ap'-pe-tite, s. desire, inclination, wish; a violent longing after. 19. De-vi'-ses, v. (a third person singular, from devise,) to invent, to contrive, implying a great deal of art.

1. RESOLUTION is a grand requisite for the performance of all our duties. 2. It is a virtue we should all possess, even those who command and those who obey. 3. You will observe, there is a great difference in the manner of obeying, and of performing every duty. 4. A boy who has a resolution will rise, whether he be sleepy or not, the moment he hears the bell. 5. He will apply diligently to his lessons during the hours of study, and not indulge a wish to go to play. Whether hot or cold, thirsty or hungry, he will bear these inconveniences firmly, and not waste his breath in useless complaints. 7. Should he be required to yield his seat to a younger scholar, because his place may be most convenient, he does it without a murmur, although he would have preferred to have staid where 8. When the hour for bed arrives, he is,

he was.

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