Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

41. Fifty-nine are how many times 4? 8? 7? 6! 10? 9? 5?

42. Sixty-four are how many times 7? 5? 8? 10? 679?

43. Sixty-eignt are how many times 6? 8? 9? 7? 10?5?

44. Fifty-two are how many times 4? 6? 8? 10? 5?7?9?

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45. Sixty-three are how many times 51 41 61 10? 9? 7? 8?

46. Sixty-two are how many times 4? 10? 9? 7? 81516?

47. Seventy-three are how many times 10? 7? 8161519?

48. Seventy-five are how many times 7? 8? 10? $1619?

49. If you had sixty-seven dollars, how many barrels of flour could you buy at 5 dollars a barrel How many at 7 dollars a barrel? How many at 6 dollars a barrel? How many at 8 dollars a barrel? How many at 10 dollars a barrel? How many at 9 dollars a barrel ?

50. Sixty-seven are how many times 5? 7? 6? 8? 10? 9?

51. Seventy-four are how many times 10?7? 8? 6? 5? 9?

52. Sixty are how many times 9? 10? 6? 4? 518?

53. Seventy-two are how many times 5? 7 61 8? 10? 9?

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54. Sixty-five are how many times 5.? 10? 8 61 7?9?

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55. Sixty-one are how many times 4?5?7? 6! 8? 10? 9?

56. Seventy-nine are how many times 101 918! 7?615?

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57. Seventy are how many times 91 51 61 8! 71 10!

58. Eighty-two are how many times 10? 7? 81 61 91

59. Sixty-six are how many times 9? 5? 61 71 10? 8?

60. Eighty are how many times 10? 7? 6? 8* 9?

61. Sixty-nine are how many times 9? 5? 7? le ! 81 6?

62. Eighty-one are how many times 10? 61 8T 7? 9?

63. Seventy-six are how many times 9? 5? 10? 61 7! 8!

61. Eighty-three are how many times 10? 6? 7 91 8!

65. Seventy-one are how many times 9? 5? 71 6? 8? 10!

66. Eighty-four are how many times 10? 6? 8? 91 7!

67. Seventy-seven are how many times 9? 71 5! 10! 8! 6?

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68. Eighty-five are how many times 101 S 7! 6? 9?

69. Ninety are how many times 91 10 6? 71

70. Eighty-six are how many times 10? 9? 61 71 8?

71. Ninety-four are how many times 9? 10? 8t 617?

72. Eighty-seven are how many times 10? 91 71 18?

73. Ninety-two are how many times 9? 10? 61 7! 81

74. Eighty-eight are how many times 10! 01 61

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75. Ninety-five are now many times 9? 10? 6! 81 71

76. Eighty-nine are how many times 10? 9? 61 718?

77. Ninety-eight are how many times 10? 9? 81 ? 7?

78. Ninety-four are how many times 9? 10? 6? 81 7!

79. One undred are how many times 6? 10? 8? 9? 7?

80. Ninety-three are how many times 10? 6? 9? 8! 7?

81. Ninety-nine are how many times 7? 10? 8? 6? 9

82. Ninety-six are how many times 9? 8? 7? 6? 40?

83. Ninety-seven are how many times 10? 9? 6? 718!

D. 1. If an orange is worth 3 apples, how many oranges are fifteen apples worth? 2. In 8 pints how many quarts?

3. In 8 gills how many pints?

4. If you divide twelve apples equally among three boys, how many would you give them apiece? 5. How many hours would it take you to travel .0 miles, if you travel three miles in an hour?

6. How many pence are there in eight farthings? 7. How many pence are there in twelve farthings?

8. How many pence are there in seventeen farthings?

9. How many gallons are there in ten quarts? 10. How much broad loth, at 6 dollars a yard, ean you buy for seventeen dollars?

11. How many pounds of raisins, at 8 cents pour id, can you buy for twenty-five cents !

12. In twenty-eight shillings, how many dollars? 13. In twenty-eight farthings, how many pence 14. How many barrels of flour, at 7 dollars a barrel, can you buy for thirty-four dollars?

15. How many reams of paper, at 5 dollars a ream, can you buy for thirty-seven dollars? 16. In thirty-four gills, how many pints?

17. In twenty-seven quarts, how many gallons? 18. If an orange is worth six apples, how many oranges can you buy for forty apples?

19. Thirty-six shillings are how many dollars? 20. A man bought thirty apples at the rate of 3 for a cent how many cents did they come to?

21. A labourer engaged to work 8 months for ninety-six dollars; how much did he receive for a month? how much a week, allowing 4 weeks .c the mouth? how many shillings a day, allowing t working days to the week?

22. If wine is worth twenty cents a pint, what is I gill worth?

23. If you can buy a bushelt of apples for forty cents, what is the price of a peck?

24. If you buy a bushel of pears for forty-eight cents, what will be the price of half a peck, at the same rate?

25. Four men bought a horse for forty-eight dollars; what did each man pay ?/

26. Five men bought a horse for seventy-five dollars, and sold him again for forty dollars; what did each man lose by the bargain?.

27. A man gave sixty-three cents for a horse to ide nine miles; what was the price of one mile's ride?

28. A inan hired a horse to ride, and agree to give 8-cents a mile; he paid fifty-six cents; how many miles did he ride?

* 1. le Har is 6 shillings.

† 1 bushel is 4 peeks.

29. A man had forty-two dollars, which he paid for wood at 7 dollars a cord; how many cords did he buy?!

30. Two boys are forty-eight rods apart, and both running the same way; but the hindermost boy gains upon the other 3 rods in a minute; in how many minutes will he overtake the foremost boy?

31. There is a vessel containing sixty-three gal lons of wine; it has a pipe which discharges 7 gal1ons in an hour; how many hours will it take to empty the vessel ?

32. There is a vessel containing eighty-seven gallons, and by a cock ten gallons will run into it in an hour; in how many hours will the vessel be filled

33. If one man can do a piece of work in thurty days, in how many days can 3 men do it? in how many days can 5 men do it?

34. If you wish to put sixty-four pounds of buter into 8 boxes, how many pounds would you put nto each box?

35. If you had seventy-two pounds of butter, which you wished to put into boxes containing 8 pounds each, how many boxes would it take?

36. If a man can perform a journey in thir-ix hours, how many days will it take him to dɔ the days are nine hours long

37. If a inan can do a piece of work in forty-eight hours, how many days would it take him to do it, if be works twelve hours in a day?

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