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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 54.
Σελίδα 714
... John's . 1787 C. Byam Wollaston , John's . John Roberts , King's . 1788 Jonathan Raine , Trinity . 1789 John Wishaw , Trinity . Wm . Heberden , John's . 1790 John Heys , Trinity . Thomas Thorp , Peter's . Edward Thornton , Pembroke . 1791 ...
... John's . 1787 C. Byam Wollaston , John's . John Roberts , King's . 1788 Jonathan Raine , Trinity . 1789 John Wishaw , Trinity . Wm . Heberden , John's . 1790 John Heys , Trinity . Thomas Thorp , Peter's . Edward Thornton , Pembroke . 1791 ...
Σελίδα 715
... John's . 1815 James Bailey , Trinity . George Pearson , John's . 1816 Hastings Robinson , John's . Geo Waddington , Trinity . 1817 John James Blunt , John's . 1818 Hugh James Rose , Trinity . C. J. Heathcote , Trinity . 1819 Thos ...
... John's . 1815 James Bailey , Trinity . George Pearson , John's . 1816 Hastings Robinson , John's . Geo Waddington , Trinity . 1817 John James Blunt , John's . 1818 Hugh James Rose , Trinity . C. J. Heathcote , Trinity . 1819 Thos ...
Σελίδα 715
... John's . 1815 James Bailey , Trinity . George Pearson , John's . 1816 Hastings Robinson , John's . Geo Waddington , Trinity . 1817 John Jaines Blunt , John's . 1818 Hugh James Rose , Trinity . C. J. Heathcote , Trinity . 1819 Thos ...
... John's . 1815 James Bailey , Trinity . George Pearson , John's . 1816 Hastings Robinson , John's . Geo Waddington , Trinity . 1817 John Jaines Blunt , John's . 1818 Hugh James Rose , Trinity . C. J. Heathcote , Trinity . 1819 Thos ...
Subjects for Examinations and Prizes | xxvii |
University Officers Professors Examiners Syndics c lxiii | xciv |
Constitution of the University Terms c 1 | c |
19 άλλες ενότητες δεν εμφανίζονται
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
Bachelor Bishop Brown Caius Caius Ds Cambridge Cath Chemistry Christ's Ds Clare Clark College Corp Corpus Division Edited Edward Elementary Emman Emmanuel English F. C. Burkitt Formerly Fellow Girton Girton equal Girton Newnham Gonville and Caius Greek H. M. Gwatkin Hall Hebrew Henry History Hulsean Hulsean Lecturer I.-June James Jesus John Jones Junior Optimes King's Counsel King's Ds Litt.D LL.D M.A. Caius M.A. Christ's M.A. Joh M.A. King's M.A. St John's M.A. Trin M.A. Trinity Magd Master Mathematics Newnham Newnham equal Newnham Newnham obtained Honours papers Pemb Pembroke Peterhouse Physiology Previous Examination Prof Professor of Divinity Queens R. L. Bensly Registrary Regius Professor Sc.D School Sciences Tripos Second Class Section selected Selw Senate Senior Sidney Smith Special Board Special Examination student subjects Taylor Term Third Class Trin.H Trinity Hall Vice-Chancellor Walker William Wilson WOMEN Wranglers