no preferment here, but that cafket which fortune denied you, fhall be yours in defpite of her: carry it with you into your own country, thew it to your friends, and neighbours, as my gift to you; and you have my permiffion to boat, that it is a reward of your virtues. 13 Of The MERCHANT of NICE the ftile is even and eafy, with few peculiarities of diction, or anomalies of conftruction. The comick part raifes laughter, and the ferious fixes expectation. The probability of either one or the other ftory cannot be maintained. The union of two actions in one event is in this drama eminently happy. Dryden was much pleafed with his own addrefs in connecting the two plots of his Spanish Friar, which yet, I believe, the critick will find excelled by this play. The END of the FIRST VOLUME. This book should be returned to the Library on or before the last date stamped below. The borrower must return this item on or before the last date stamped below. If another user places a recall for this item, the borrower will be notified of the need for an earlier return. Non-receipt of overdue notices does not exempt the borrower from overdue fines. Harvard College Widener Library WIDENER STALL-STUD06 CHARGED CANCELLED Please handle with care. Thank you for helping to preserve library collections at Harvard. |