Works published by John Heywood, 143, Deansgate, Manchester, Large Map of England, 2d. plain, 4d. coloured Map of the Environs of Manchester, 12in. by 9in. 2d. Plain, 4d. Coloured. On thin paper, 1d. plain. Map containing a Portion of the Southern With a part of DERBYSHIRE and CHESHIRE. The Map is published in FOUR SHEETS, at 6d. each. SHEET 3 contains Warrington, Newton, Ashton, Leigh, Lymn, SHEET 4 contains Bolton, Wigan, Tyldesley, Adlington, &c. The whole to be had Mounted on Canvas in Case for the Juvenile Atlas. 6d. each Part. Coloured Is. CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING MAPS: OUTLINES to each Part, price 6d. Part III. JUVENILE ATLAS in course of preparation, and shortly will be published. Juvenile Atlas. Is. Plain. 2s. Coloured. Works published by John Heywood, 143, Deansgate, Manchester, LIST OF COPY BOOKS, ATLASES, MAPS, EDUCATIONAL WORKS, &c., FOOLSCAP COPY BOOKS, with Engraved Heads. Yellow Wove, 2d. and 21d.-Cream Wove 3d. each. 1. Strokes and Turns 2. Letters 3. Short Words 4. Large Hand 5. Text Hand 6. Round Hand 7. Small Hand 8. Small Hand, Angular 10. Large Text, Round, and 11. Ladies' Angular Hand POST COPY BOOKS, with Engraved Heads. Progressive as the Foolscap, but entirely distinct copies.-On Cream Wove Paper, 4d. each; on Superfine ditto 5d. each; and on LARGE CREAM WOVE POST, 6d. each. COUNTY MAPS of ENGLAND and WALES. The above Maps, corrected to the present time, point out the Railroads, Canals, Roads, Cities, Towns, Parks, Gentlemen's Seats, &c., in each County: and though intended as a Guide to Travellers, are useful for Reference, &c. London: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & Co. |