Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

lately brought to this country by Captain Austin, and which excited so much curiosity in this city, will occasion this valuable memoir to be read with peculiar interest.

James Eastburn & Co. have in the press, Female Scripture Biography, by F. A. Cox, A. M. And, Sacramental Addresses and Meditations, by the Rev. Henry Beffray, from the second Edinburgh Edition.

Skinner & Crosby, of Auburn, have issued proposals for a Periodical Work, to be called the Evangelical Recorder, to

be superintended by the Reverend C. Lansing.

M. CAREY & SON, of Philadelphia, and KIRK & MERCEIN, of New-York, have issued Proposals for publishing, by Subscription, a work entitled Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States; or, Medical Botany; containing, A Botanical, General and Medical History of Medicinal Plants indigenous to the U. States; illustrated by coloured engravings, made after original drawings from nature, done by the author. By William P. C. Barton, M. D. &c. &c.



A SHORT time since, at least 1000 silver Saxon Coins were ploughed up in a field on Winterfield's Farm, in the Parish of Dorking; most of them in a high state of preservation; they are of various Monarchs and Archbishops, many of them in the time of the Heptarchy, and have probably been hidden 900 years. It is much to be regretted that the greatest proportion of these coins have been clandestinely made off with, for had the whole quantity remained in one collection, they would have formed (it is presumed from what has been of them) a complete series of English Saxon coins from the earliest times.

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If it contained other wind instruments,

it might be compared with Malzl's Panharmonicon, exhibited some time since in London and Paris. The Cordalaudion produces together and separately the sounds of the piano-forte, and of four flutes, which play with such precision and accuracy, that the illusion is complete. The Automaton gives out notes with double sounds. But these instruments, though highly curious, are surpassed by the Harmonicord. It is shaped like an upright piano-forte; a cylinder is adapted to it, and turns at a very small distance from the springs, which are the same as those of the piano. By pressing down the keys, which embrace four octaves and a half, the friction is effected. Two pedals serves to make the rotation of the cylinder quicker or slower, and to render the vibration stronger or weaker. Under the hands of Messrs. Kauffmann, this instrument gives out sweeter tones than the Harmonica, and produces a truly celestial harmony.


The king of Spain, after condemning the pictures of himself and family extant, hereafter none shall be published without as not just likenesses, has ordered, that the license of the Royal Academy. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

We understand, that in consequence of some improvements in the internal arrangements of the New York Institution being projected, to be executed under the superintendence of Mr. Busby, the completion of which will occupy a considerable time, it is intended to give another exhibition of the American Academy of the Fine Arts, before the work is commenced. The third exhibition will be opened on 18th of September, and will consist en

tirely of new pieces, with the exception of West's large paintings.

The first public exercise of the American Conservatorio, took place, in the last month, at Garden street Church, New

York. The performances were highly creditable to Messrs. Trajetta and Hill, the managers of the institution. We trust that so much skill and talent will not go unrewarded.


ART. 11. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. GREAT BRITAIN. British and Foreign Bible Society. HE anniversary of this society, (says the Christian Observer,) was held at the Freemason's Tavern on the 7th of May-Lord Teignmouth in the chair. His lordship commenced the business by reading the report of the committee for the last year, which particularized the contributions of the Auxiliary Societies to a large amount, and noticed the astonishing number of Bibles which had been circulated by the Society. Apologies for unavoidable absence were read from the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Lord Exmouth; and a motion of thanks was passed to the Vice Presidents of the Society, to the Dukes of York, Kent, Cumberland, Sussex, and Gloucester. W. Money, M. P. introduced a cheering description of the extension of religion in India and the Island of Ceylon. The Rev. Dr. Mason, Secretary to the American National Bible Society, gave a lively account of the progress of religion in that country. Dr. Thorpe, as Secretary to the Hibernian Bible Society, mentioned many interest ing, circumstances relative to Ireland, where, he said, 35,000 bles had been distributed in the course of the last year. He mentioned an instance of an old man of ninety-seven making a pilgrimage of fifty miles to beg a Testament of large print, who assured him, that, til! the year before, he had never heard of such a book. He stated that 300,000 Bibles were still wanting to enable every family in Ireland to possess a copy. Several other gentlemen spoke; and we hope to have an early opportunity of giving an outline, both of the speeches and of the report. It was gratifying to us to find that the funds of the Society, notwithstanding the extraordinary pressure of the times, have experienced very little diminution. The sum total of contributions, during the year, was only about 7007. less than those of the year before.

Highness the duke of Sussex presided at the meeting Among the gentlemen who spoke on this interesting occasion, were Dr. Mason of New York, and Dr. Kollock of Savannah.

At the Anniversary Meeting of the "British and Foreign School Society," it appeared in the course of a most interesting report, which was read, of the progress which the system is making in all countries, that the late philanthropist, Mr. Reynolds, had transmitted the Society the noble donation of 3000l; and that the patriotic Mr. Owen, of Lanark, had also given 1000l. to forward the exertions of the Society for the benefit of a rising generation.

Wesleyan Missions.-The Committee, during the last year, have sent out 19 additional missionaries, viz. 4 to Ceylon, 1 to Bombay, 1 to the Cape of Good Hope, 4 to the West Indies, 2 to Nova Scotia, S to Newfoundland, 1 to Quebec, 1 to Gibraltar, 1 to Brussels, I to France: making the whole number employed in foreign stations, under the direction of the Methodist Conference, 80.

Scottish Christian Knowledge Society.The anniversary of this society for propagating Christian knowledge in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland was celebratet in London, in May last. His Royal

At the anniversary meeting of the "Missionary Society" in May last, it appeared, from the treasurer's report, that the receipts for the past year amounted to 21,8857. 4s.


The Rev. Robert Pinkerton, who has been travelling in Russia, Poland, &c. for the purpose of promoting Bible Societies, has succeeded in establishing one at Odessa. He writes thus from that place; "a subscription was opened, and upwards of 2300 rubles were subscribed. The Governor General, Count Langeron, General Cobley, and his Excellency Telimitsky, were elected Vice-Presidents, and a Committee of ten Directors, two Secretaries, and a Treasurer, were all regularly chosen, and the business closed with a song of praise, in which all seemed most heartily to join. The Odessa Bible Society has thus been founded in a most auspicious manner, and promises to become a great blessing to this flourishing commercial city; which, though it be little more than twenty years since its

foundation was laid, already contains 24,000 inhabitants within its gates, and 16,000 are said to inhabit the suburbs and the vicinity. In the neighbourhood of this city there are nearly 30,000 colonists, principally Germans, who are in the greatest need of Bibles. The facilities which this Society possesses, by means of the numerous trading vessels daily entering this port from every part of the Mediterranean, the Archipelago, and the coasts of the Black Sea, for sending the Holy Scriptures into those countries, renders it a most important station for establishing a Depository of the Holy Scriptures in all languages.'

Count Romanzoff, a Russian Nobleman, has at his own expense built four Churches on his estates, for different sects; has sent a vessel round the world on a voyage of discovery, and is now about to establish Lancastrian schools.

Rev. Mr. Patterson states, that fifteen millions of Bibles are wanted for the Russian empire. Formerly 2000 annually were thought enough: now 200,000 were not half enough. The great and good Alexander, besides the 10,000 roubles which he annually subscribes, has given a palace and gardens for the use of the Bible Society, and now promises to furnish both.


The king of Sweden, it is stated, had acceded to the Treaty of the Holy Alliance for himself and his successors to the thrones of Sweden and Norway. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

A Society has been established in the city of New York, under the title of the United Foreign Missionary Society. Its purposes are set forth in the second article of the constitution. "The object of the Society shall be to spread the Gospel among the Indians of North America, the inhabitants of Mexico and South America, and in other portion of the heathen and anti-christian world." The Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer has been chosen President.

From the annual report of the Religious Tract Society of Charleston, S. C. it appears that there have been received in the last year 45,33 Tracts, of which 31,075 have been distributed, and 14,838 remain. The expenditure of the last year amounted to $408.40. The receipts to $473.75.

A Society has been established in Onondaga county, under the name of Th Missionary Society of Onondaga fr Civilizing and Christianizing the Aboriginal inhabitants of America.

The corner stone of an Episcopal Church was laid, in the village of Onondaga West Hill, on the 23d ult. with the usual religious ceremonies.

On 16th ult. in Christ Church, in the city of Hartford, the right rev. bishop Hobart, of New-York, admitted to the holy order of Priests, the rev. Jonathan M. Wainright.-The right rev. bishop preached on the occasion.

The New-York Mite Society held its annual meeting in June. Its receipts from subscriptions amounted to $104.97; from donations $14.50. One hundred dollars had been paid over to the treasurer of the American Board for Foreign Missions.

The Female Cent Society of Bergen, N. J. held their annual meeting in July.. They ordered one hundred dollars, which had been collected within the last six months, to be paid to the general synod of the Dutch Reformed Church, for specific purposes.

A Bible Society has been organized in Caledonia, Genesee County, N. Y. under the name of the Caledonia Female Bible Society.

The Board of Inspectors of the Sunday School Association of the City of Troy, have published a highly interesting and satisfactory report of their proceedings, and the beneficial effects of their system. We regret that our limits will not allow us to copy a document which seems so conclusively to prove the benefit of such institutions.

The Centurial Jubilee will be celebrated throughout the Evangelical, Lutheran, and Moravian Churches in the United States, as well as in other countries, on the 31st of October.

The Female Cent Society of the Reformed Dutch Church at Greenwich, N. Y. have lately contributed $111, to the funds of the Theological Seminary of that denomination.

The Theological School Society of young ladies at Kingston, Ulster County, N. Y. have contributed twenty dollars for the same object.

A new Episcopal Society has recently been organized in Boston under favourable circumstances, and it is intended to erect a place of public worship, to be called "St. Paul's Chapel."

The Rev. Cyrus W. Gray has been installed in the pastoral office, at Stafford, Con.

The Rev. William A. Hawley has been ordained at Hinsdale, Mass.

We understand that the proprietors of the church in Park-street, Boston, have in

vited the Rev. Sereno E. Dwight, of Con- Yale College, to settle with them, and necticut, son of the late President of that he has accepted the invitation.




Itent, which still exists to an ominousex-
N consequence of the spirit of discon-

tent in many parts of England, and which
has broken out in overt acts, in Derby-
shire and Nottinghamshire, and in the
West Riding of Yorkshire, a bill has pass-
ed the House of Commons and gone up
to the House of Lords, providing for a fur-
ther suspension of the Habeas Corpus,
and will probably be enacted. So much
alarm has been excited by these commo-
tions, that the lords-lieutenant of the se-
veral counties in England have been or-
dered to repair to their respective jurisdic-
tions, to be in readiness for any emergen-
cy. From the promised abundance of
the harvests, however, the price of bread-
stuffs had diminished, and the distresses
of the poor being alleviated, there is a
prospect of a return of tranquillity.

The trial of Doctor Watson, for treason, occupied seven days. Lord Chief Justice Ellenborough was nearly five hours in delivering his charge to the jury, and then, growing exhausted, was assisted by Justice Abbott, in finishing the recital of the evidence. Watson was acquitted. The Chancellor of the Exchequer has made his financial statement in the House of Commons, from which it appears that £18,000,000 are required for the service of the year 1817, which, together with £1,900,000 interest on exchequer bills; £330,000 sinking fund on ditto; £246,508 to make good the permanent charges of Ireland to January 3, 1817,and £1,660,000, makes the total amount to be raised for the present year £22,137,808. The ways and means provided are,-annual duties £3,000,000; ways and means upon grants of 1815 and 16, remaining at the disposal of the parliament, £1,865,559; excise duties £1,300,000; money of the consolidated fund at the disposal of parliament, £1,225,978; lottery, £250,000; old stores, £400,000; and arrears of property tax, between April, 1817, and April, 1818, £1,500,000. The remainder to be supplied by an issue of Irish Treasury Bills, to the amount of £3,600,000, and Exchequer Bills to the amount of £9,000,000. The Chancellor of the Exchequer stated that the condition of the Finances is improving, and

that the public debt has been diminished
somewhat more than had been anticipa-

this year.
Parliament will not be dissolved

Of woollen goods exported from Great Britain in one year, ending the 5th Jan. 1817, to the amount of £9,405,486, the value of £3,029,667 were exported to the United States of America. The Chamber of Commerce of Glasgow have determined to petition Parliament to repeal the laws regulating the interest of money.

In a report of one of the economical committees to Parliament, the advantages of charitable institutions are doubted, inasmuch as they tend to draw together into the capital multitudes of people, merely for the purpose of temporary support, consequently tending to the encouragement of idleness.

A committee of the House of Commons are taking testimony in regard to the safety of Steam-boats, preparatory to a report on that subject.

Some Scotch families have emigrated to Poland.

The "English Board of Agriculture" has offered the following premiums:To the person who shall draw up and lay before the board, on or before the 1st of March, 1818, the best essay on the means of employing the industrious and unoccupied poor, the gold medal of £100. To the person who shall, during the spring of 1818, cause to be dug by hand, for the production of any crop of corn or pulse, turnips or cabbages, the greatest number of acres, not less than ten, never dug before, the gold medal of £50; and for the next greatest number of acres, not less than five, £25.

A nev variety of wheat, called Talavera whed, brought into England from Spain a few years ago, is highly recommended. It has a very long straw, long ears, a fine, clear, thin-skinned grain; is very prolific; succeeds either in autumn or spring, and ripens three weeks earlier than the common wheat in England. In Scotland, too, notwithstanding the climate, it flourishes more than any kind there cultivated.

The "Waterloo Bridge," over the Thames, was opened on the 18th June. The Prince Regent and the chief nobility walked over it, for the first time, and paid

toll. It is said to be finer than any bridge over the Thames, and indeed, the finest in the world. A man not long since, led his wife, in a halter, to Wolverhampton market, and sold her for half a crown.

Great disturbances have taken place in Ireland, not on account of political excitement, but merely for the want of food. Potatoes are said to have sold in the Dubhin market, in June, for 5d. per lb. while other vegetables were in plenty, and herrings abundant.


There have been recently many disturbances in France, said to have been chiefly owing to the extreme scarcity of food; though in Lyons, civil and political grievances have been assigned as the cause, and it is represented, that the riots were not quelled there until several hundred lives were lost. At Rheims several individuals have been apprehended and tried before the prevotal court, of whom, three have been condemned to be put in irons for twenty years-two, for ten, and three, for five years. Ten other accused persons were acquitted. The promised abundance of the harvest and the vintage, however, by reducing the price of bread-stuff, has contributed, with the aid of the military, to restore tranquillity, and in consequence of this the funds, which had fallen, have again risen, and confidence is restored.

It is stated that accusations are preparing against the Duke of Feltre, minister of the war department, to be urged at the next session of the French legislature, and that the council of ministers, apprehending much difficulty in defending him, have advised his majesty to send him as ambassador to the Court of St. James, in place of the Marquis D'Osmond, who has been removed to Vienna. By an order from the minister of police, no Frenchman older than fifteen years, is allowed to go out of the country or travel in the interior, out of the immediate neighbourhood of his residence without regular passports; and strangers are permitted to live or travel in France, only by virtue of an authorization from the Minister of Police, or some legal French passport.

By a recent census of Paris, that city contains 860,000 inhabitants, 20,000 more than London, within the bills of mortality.

It is asserted that many of Bonaparte's officers have found their way to Persia, and entered into the service of the Persian monarch. General Savary, who had set out for the same country, but altered his plans, on arriving at Trieste was seiz

ed by the Austrian authorities and sent as a state prisoner to a castle in Hungary.


The spirit of insurrection appears to have been very widely spread in Spain. General Milans is said to have retired to the mountains on the confines of Catalonia, where he has collected numbers of the discontented and aggrieved, and established himself in considerable strength. Large bodies of men have appeared in arms on the banks of the Ebro, near the frontiers of Catalonia and Arragon, and government seems preparing to put down resistance with a strong hand. The new source to which Ferdinand has been compelled to resort for revenue, argues a very disordered and weak state of the government, for he has seized upon ecclesiastical property, and reduced the benefices so, that henceforth the maximum of income will be about £220. He has also laid a property tax, and abolished, in the interior, all offices of excise. This new plan of finance, it is thought, will have a strong revolutionary tendency. The report that the Spanish consul, with many other Europeans, had been massacred at Algiers, is said to be false. The Spanish consul in Holland has given information, that in consequence of explicit orders from the king, rigorous measures are taking to prevent foreigners from entering the Spanish provinces with arms, and munitions of war, and notified the Dutch merchants, that all ships sailing from Dutch ports, bound to Havanna, Porto Rico, or other free ports of Spanish America, must not only be provided with certificates of origin from himself, or the vice-consul, to cover the cargo, but also a list or roll of the crew, and of the passports of the pas


The great national arsenal at La Caraca, a seaport of Spain, about six miles from Cadiz, has recently been burnt down. It is said to have contained every thing necessary for the equipment of a strong fleet, and is supposed to have been set on fire to prevent fitting out a squadron to transport forces to South America.

A Steam-boat has been built at Seville; and King Ferdinand, it is said, has decreed that all new-invented instruments may be imported free of duty.

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