Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

4. * Required the sum of 99 terms of the odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. Ans. 9811.

5. The first term of a decreasing arithmetical series is 10, the common difference, and the number of terms 21; required the sum of the series? Ans. 140.

6. One hundred stones being placed on the ground, in a straight line, at the distance of 2 yards from each other; how far will a person travel, who shall bring them one by one to a basket, which is placed 2 yards from the first stone? Ans 11 miles and 840 yards.



A TRIANGULAR Battalion,† consisting of thirty ranks, in which the first rank is formed of one man only, the second of 3

The sum of any number (n) of terms of the arithmetical series of odd number 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. is equal to the square (n2) of that number.

That is,

If 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. be the numbers, then will

12, 22, 33, 42, 59, &c. be the sums of 1, 2, 3, &c. terms.

Thus, 0+1=

1 or 12, the sum of 1 term, 1+3= 4 or 22, the sum of 2 terms, 4+5= 9 or 32, the sum of 3 terms,

97 16 or 42, the sum of 4 terms, &c.


For, by the 3d theorem, 1+2 (n−1) = 1 + 2n−2 = 2n-1 is the last term, when the number of terms is n; to this last term 2n add the first term 1, gives 2n the sum of the extremes, or n half the sum of the extremes; then, by the 4th theorem, nXnn2 is the sum of all the terms. Hence it appears in general, that half the sum of the extremes, is always the same as the number of the terms n; and that the sum of all the terms, is the same as the square of the same number, n2.

See more on Arithmetical Proportion in the Arithmetic, p. 111.

By triangular battalion, is to be understood, a body of troops, ranged in the form of a triangle, in which the ranks exceed each


of 3 the third of 5 and so on: What is the strength of such a triangular battalion ? Answer, 900 men.


A detachment having 12 successive days to march, with orders to advance the first day only 2 leagues, the second 34, and so on increasing 14 league each day's march: What is the length of the whole march, and what is the last day's march? Answer, the last day's march is 18 leagues, and 123 leagues is the length of the whole march.

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A brigade of sappers, having carried on 15 yards of sap the first night, the second only 13 yards, and so on, decreasing 2 yards every night, till at last they carried on in one night only 3 yards: What is the number of nights they were employed; and what is the whole length of the sap?

Answer, they were employed 7 nights, and the length of the whole sap was 63 yards.

other by an equal number of men ; if the first rank consist of one man, only, and the difference between the ranks be also 1, then its form is that of an equilateral triangle; and when the difference between the ranks is more than 1, its form may then be an isosceles or scalene triangle. The practice of forming troops in this order, which is now laid aside, was formerly held in greater esteem than forming them in a solid square as admitting of a greater front, especially when the troops were to make simply a stand on all sides.

* A brigade of sappers, consists generally of 8 men divided equally into two parties. While one of these parties is advancing the sap, the other is furnishing the gabions, fascines, and other necessary implements, and when the first party is tired, the second takes its place and so on, till each man in turn has been at the head of the sap. A sap is a small ditch, between 3 and 4 feet in breadth and depth; and is distinguished from the trench by its breadth only, the trench having between 10 and 15 feet breadth. As an encouragement to sappers, the pay for all the work carried on by the whole brigade, is given to the survivors.



A number of gabions being given to be placed in six ranks, one above the other, in such a manner as that each rank exceeding one another equally, the first may consist of 4 gabions, and the last of 9: What is the number of gabions in the six ranks; and what is the difference between each rank?

Answer, the difference between the ranks will be 1, and the number of gabions in the six ranks will be 39.


Two detachments, distant from each other 37 leagues, and both designing to occupy an advantageous post equi-distant from each other's camp, set out at different times; the first detachment increasing every day's march 1 league and a half, and the second detachment increasing each day's march 2 leagues both the detachments arrive at the same time; the first after 5 days' march, and the second after 4 days' march: What is the number of leagues marched by each detachment each day?

The progression 7, 23, 3, 5, 67, answers the conditions of the first detachment and the progression 1, 3, 5, 7, answers the conditions of the second detachment.


A deserter, in his flight, travelling at the rate of 8 leagues a day; and a detachment of dragoons being sent after him with orders to march the first day only 2 leagues, the second 5 leagues, the third 8 leagues, and so on: What is the number of days necessary for the detachment to overtake the deserter, and what will be the number of leagues marched before he is overtaken.?

Answer, 5 days are necessary to overtake him; and consequently 40 leagues will be the extent of the march.

• Gabions are baskets, open at both ends, made of ozier twigs, and of a cylindrical form; those made use of at the trenches are 2 feet wide, and about 3 feet high; which, being filled with earth, serve as a shelter from the enemy's fire; and those made use of to construct batteries, are generally higher and broader. There is another sort of gabion made use of to raise a low parapet; its height is from 1 to 2 feet, and 1 foot wide at top, but some what less at bottom, to give room for placing the muzzel of a firelock between them; these gabions serve instead of sand bags. A sand bag is generally made to contain about a cubical foot of earth.



A convoy distant 35 leagues, having orders to join its camp, and to march at the rate of 5 leagues per day; its escort departing at the same time, with orders to march the first day only half a league, and the last day 9 leagues; and both the escort and convoy arriving at the same time: At what distance is the escort from the convoy at the end of each march?


SHOT and Shells are generally piled in three different forms, called triangular, square, or oblong piles, according as their base is either a triangle, a square, or a rectangle. Fig. 1. C





ABCD, fig. 1, is a triangular pile, EFGH, fig. 2, is a square pile.


[blocks in formation]

Fig. 3.





ABCDEF, fig. 3, is an oblong pile.

By convoy is generally meant a supply of ammunition or provisions, conveyed to a town or army. The body of men that guard this supply is called escort.

A triangular

A triangular pile is formed by the continual laying of triangular horizontal courses of shot one above another, in such a manner, as that the sides of these courses, called rows, decrease by unity from the bottom row to the top row, which ends always in 1 shot.

A square pile is formed by the continual laying of square horizontal courses of shot one above another, in such a manner, as that the sides of these courses decrease by unity from the bottom to the top row, which ends also in 1 shot.

In the triangular and the square piles, the sides or faces being equilateral triangles, the shot contained in those faces form an arithmetical progression, having for first term unity, and for last term and number of terms, the shot contained in the bottom row; for the number of horizontal rows, or the number counted on one of the angles from the bottom to the top, is always equal to those counted on one side in the bottom: the sides or faces in either the triangular or square piles, are called arithmetical triangles; and the numbers contained in these, are called triangular numbers: ABC, fig. 1, EFG, fig. 2, are arithmetical triangles.

The oblong pile may be conceived as formed from the square pile ABCD to one side or face of which, as AD, a number of arithmetical triangles equal to the face have been added: and the number of arithmetical triangles added to the square pile, by means of which the oblong pile is formed, is always one less than the shot in the top row; or, which is the same, equal to the difference between the bottom row of the greater side and that of the lesser.


To find the shot in the triangular pile ABCD, fig. 1, the bottom row AB consisting of 8 shot.


The proposed pile consisting of 8 horizontal courses, each of which forms an equilateral triangle; that is, the shot contained in these being in an arithmetical progression, of which the first and last term, as also the number of terms, are known; it follows, that the sum of these particular courses, or of the 8 progressions, will be the shot contained in the proposed pile; then



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