Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

reafon, a defire to enlarge the borders of the church,
ibid. a paffage in Gregory Thaumaturgus's life il-
luftrating this, ibid. [o]; fecond reason, to refute
calumnies and reproaches, with a remark thereon,
202; third reason, the abuse of Jewish rites, ibid.
fourth reafon, the imitation of the heathen mysteries,
201 and [p]; fifth reason, the fymbolic nanner of
teaching among the eastern nations, ibid. fixth rea-
fon, prejudices of converted Jews and Gentiles, 205;
an example brought for an illuftration of this last
reafon, ibid. affemblies, where and when held by the
primitive Chriftians, 206; the state of its doctrine in
iii. cent. 272; vicious method of controverfy practifed
by its defenders in this cent. and fpurious writings
among them, 281, 282; its progrefs in the east in vi
cent. ii. 95; in the weft, 96; many converts retain
their idolatrous cuftoms through the vicious lenity of
the miffionaries, 98 and [i]; miracles supposed to be
wrought by its miflionaries in this cent. examined, 99;
three methods of explaining its doctrine about this time,
128, 129.

christianity, causes of its rapid progrefs fupernatural, i.
67. 153; its fuccefs afcribed to abfurd caufes, 68;
its progress in the Roman empire, 148; in Ger-
many, 149, and ii. 203; in Gaul, 150. 339; the con-
verfion of the philofophers in ii cent. if advantageous
or not, confidered, 156; is gradually corrupted,
with a proof, 183, 184; deprived of its primitive
fimplicity, and whence, 201. 206; its fuccefs in iii
cent. must be imputed partly to divine, partly to hu
man causes, 244, 45; embraced by the Goths, 246.
338; interpreted according to the principles of the Pla-
tonic philofophy, 273; Julian attempts its deftruc-
tion, 329, 330; the efforts of the philofophers
against it, 334; and the prejudices received by the
Chriftian caufe from them, 335; established in Ar-
menia, 337; its progrefs among the Abaffines and
Georgians, ibid. the caufes of the many converfions
in iv cent. 340; corrupted by the introduction of
various rites, 362; embraced by the Burgundians,
ii. 5; by the Franks, 6, 7; by the Irish, 81,
converfions in v cent. caufes of, examined, 11; at-


tempts of the Pagans to deftroy its credit, 12; its
decline in Britain, through the cruelty of the Anglo-
Saxons, 13; oppofed by fecret enemies, 15; au-
thorities and logical difcuffions thought more useful
in proving its principles, than the word of God,
45; its progrefs in the coft, 95; the converfion of
Ethelbert, King of the Anglo-Saxons, and of many
others in Britain, 96, 97, and ii. 153; many Jews
converted, ii. 98, 99; Platonic philofophers oppose
its fuccefs in their writings, IOI; introduced into
China by Jefujabas of Gaddala, 151; many Jews
compelled to embrace it by the Emperor Heraclius,
156; propagated in Hyrcania and Tartary, 203, 372;
fuffers through the fuccefs of the Turks and Sara-
cens, 213, 214; embraced by the Danes, 276, 379;
by the Swedes and Cimbrians, 276, 277; by the
Bulgarians, Bohemians, and Moravians, 278; Sla-
vonians send an embaffy to Conftantinople, with their
refolution to embrace it, ibid. 279 and [f]; conver-
fion of the Ruffians, who are mifreprefented by Le-
quien, 280 and [b], and 376; authority of the Fa-
thers made the test of truth in ix cent. 328; embraced
by the Poles in x cent. ; by the Hungarians, 377; by
the Norwegians, and through whofe endeavours, 381;
382 and [u]; the zeal of Chriftian princes in propa-
gating it in this cent. and the caufe, 388; no writers
in its defence at this time, 425; converfion of the
Pomeranians in xii cent. by Otho, Bishop of Bam-
berg, iii. 1, 2; received by the inhabitants of the
ifland of Rugen, through the pious labours of Absa-ˆ
lom, Archbishop of Lunden, 3 and [b]; by the
Finlanders, 4 and [c, d]; by the Livonians, ibid;
what judgment must be formed of the converfions in
this cent. 8; its doctrines corrupted, and by what
means, 80; its decline in Afia in xiv cent. iii. 301,
302; as also in China and Tartary, ibid. conver-
fions of the Samogetæ and Indians in xv cent. con-
fidered, 387; propagated by Spanish and Portuguese
miffions, and the methods examined, iv. 153 and [a];
propagated in India, v. 10; how first conveyed to
Siam, Tonquin, and Kochin China, 14; its ene-
mies in England, and how audacious in the reign of

S 3

Charles II 50; the ingenious treatises in defence of re-
ligion, and Boyle's lectures founded, 51 and [x]; Bur-
net's abridgment of thefe, 52, [y]; chief leaders of this
impious band against Christianity, and characters, ibid.
60, and notes; its enemies on the continent, 60. 68
and notes; its profperous state in xviii cent. vi. 2; pro-
pagated in Afia, Africa, and America, and by whom,
with is different fruits, ibid. 6; its enemies in Eu-
rope, a more efpecially in England, ibid. 7 and [/];
Atheifi bit few, 8; Deists, who, and may be divided
into different claffes, ibid.

Chriftians, ten perfecutions of them, by the Gentiles,
i. 71; what emperors made laws against them, 72;
why perfecuted by the Romans, 73; loaded with
opprobrious calumnies, 75; falfely charged by Nero
with burning the city of Rome, 79; their perfecution
under him, ibid, and the extent, 80; why perfe-
cuted by Domitian, and the martyrs, who, 82; a
perfect equality among the primitive, 100, divided
into believers and catechumens, 117; first, their care
in the education of their youth, 118; their schools
and Gymnafia different, ibid. fecret doctrine, what,
119; lives and manners, 120; controverfies early
among them, 121; adopt the Jewish rites in feveral
places, but not in all, 124; unanimous in confecra-
ting the first day of the week to public worship, 125;
churches eftablished among them, and how the pub-
lic worship was conducted, 127; the Lord's Supper,
feafts of charity and baptifm, 129: the fick anointed,
and fafting introduced, 130; the perfecution under
Trajan, 157; under Adrian, 158; under Antonius
Pius, 159; the calumny of impiety and Atheism
charged upon them, refuted by Juftin Martyr, 160;
perfecuted under Marcus Antoninus, ibid. and the
chief martyrs, who. 162; the clemency of Commo-
dus towards them, ibid. the calamities they fuffer
under Severus, ibid. 248; rendered odious by ca-
lumnies, 163; at Alexandria, captivated with the
principles and difcipline of the modern Platonics,
159; their learning in i cent. 176; why many be-
come Afcetics, 194; pious frauds, whence, 197;
excommunication found neceffary, 198; penitential


difcipline gradually modelled by the Heathen mysteries, 199; and the expediency of this cuftom confidered, ibid. their immunities increafed under various emperors in iii cent. 241, 242; their numbers increased, partly by divine, and partly by human causes, 244, 245; perfecution they fuffer under Maximin, 248; many revolt from the Chriftian faith, under Decius, 249; and the opprobrious names given them, 250; certificates from the Pagan prieft to those who apoftatized, ibid. and []; warm difputes concerning the re-admiflion of the lapfed, upon their request to be restored to the communion of the church, 251; perfecuted by Gallus, Volufianus, and Valerian, 252; their ftate under Gallienus and Claudius tolerable, 253; perfecution under Aurelian prevented by his death, 254; attempts of the Jews against them, 257; their affairs reduced to a dangerous crifis under Dioclefian, 315, 316; miferies very great under Galerius Maximin, 38; happy ftate under Constantine the Great, ibid. calamities they fuffer under Licinius, 326; letters revive among them in iv cent. and the caufes, 315; yet many illiterate among them, 316; two moit pernicious maxims adopted by their teachers, 381; their immorality increafes, 382; controverfies frequent among them, 384; fuffer from the fuccefs of barbarous invaders in v cent. ii. 1; the cruelty of the Goths and Vandals to them in Gaul, 13; their calamities from the Picts and Scots in Britain, ibid. perfecuted in Perfia, and the cause, 15; the oppofition they met with from the Jews, ibid. fufferings from the Vandals in Africa 61; from the Anglo-Saxons in England, 103; from the Huns and Lombards, ibid. from Chofroes in Perfia, 104; oppreffed by the Saracens in Spain and Sardinia, 214; their fuperftitious piety and morals in viii cent. 249; perfecuted in x cent. by the barbarians in the weft, 387; their affairs in Palestine in a declining fiate, iii. 11; oppreffed by the Saracens in xii cent. and the caufe, 23; an important divifion of their doctors, 92; both faulty in the methods of defending and explaining Chriftian doctrines, ibid. the decline of their intereft in Palestine, and how occafioned in xiii cent.

[blocks in formation]

141; endeavour to extirpate the Saracens out of Spain,
300, 386.
Chriftian II. King of Denmark, promotes the Reforma-
tion among the Danes, but from bad motives, iv.
82; is depofed, and the reafons, 8 and [r]; the dif-
ferent conduct of his fucceffor Frederick, ibid. 84 and

III. his laudable zeal in reforming the Danish
church from Romifh fuperftition, and how he finished
it by Bugenhagius, and the council at Odenfee, iv. 84
and [z; fuppreffes Epifcopacy, and how far justifiable,
86 and [x].

[ocr errors]

Chriftina, Queen of Sweden, her change of religion and
character, v. 136 and [m]; joins with Lewis XIV.
against Pope Innocent XI. I 7 [7].

chryfoloras, Michael, his character. iii. 306 and [t].
chryfoftom, a general account of him and his works, i. 358.
and [y], 359, [*]; his commentaries on the fcriptures,
370; moral treatifes, 374; the rigorous proceedings
of Theophilus, Bishop of Alexandria, against him, and
on what account, ii. 53 and [w]; the injuftice of his
fufferings confidered, 54.

chub, a Deiftical waiter in xviii cent. vi. 7 and [7]; his
hypothefis of Deifm, 8.,

church, in general, its history in xvii cent. v.


in xviii cent. and Romish in particular, its profper-
ous state, vi. 2; miffions appointed by the latter,
and fuccefs, with obfervations, ibid. famous conteft
concerning the obfervance of the old Chinese rites in
China, and how decided in two Papal edicts, 3; con-
fequence of the execution of thefe edicts in China, 4, 5
and [kk].

Arminian, its history and rife in xvii cent. v. 439;
by whom founded, and whence denominated, ibid.
and [a]; its commencement and doctrine of Ar-
minius, 440 and [b]; who is oppofed, and by whom,
441 and [c]; progrefs of this church after his death,
with fome hopes of a toleration, 442 and [d]; pacific
methods ufed by its members, but in vain, 443 and
[, ]; their doctrine comprehended in five articles,
and what thefe are, 444; laft of the five articles.
changed by the Arminians, 445; refemble Luther's

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