Copyrights, appropriation for care, &c., of. 145 ... upon the United States, how punished, 169, 170 170 Act to promote the efficiency of. 139 Courts in District of Columbia, reorganization of.. 164 139 Courts-martial, sentences of, on persons con- Officers in, below rank of field officer not to tion.. 140 Failing in examination, to be suspended 140 Upon second failure, to be dropped from army. 140 130 182 Créeks, appropriations for the.... Persons convicted in, of offences punishable Abolished.. 8,237 Judge of supreme court of the District, to 166 164 84 Cumberland, certificates to officers, crew, &c., Costs. (See Prize cases.) of the, to be paid 231,232 Fees and expenses of sales of prize property, Currency, national. (See Banking associations.) 159 Act to provide, &c.. 47 Cotton. (See Duties on imports.) Imported from certain places, exempt from 138, 139 Comptroller of, appointment, &c., of....... 47 Appropriation for investigations to test flax Custom-houses, repairs of...... 147 78 Cuttings and seeds- Counsel- Appropriations to procure and distribute.... 78 94,99 Authority of Secretary of Navy to employ, repealed 160 Counsel fees, in prize cases, in Supreme Court, D. how paid...... 160 Counterf iting- Dahlgren, Captain John A., thanks of Congress to 238 Detection and arrest of those engaged in... 147 Dakota Territory- Post roads established in.. 45 104 Appropriations for expenses of..... 80 Coupon bonds. (See Bonds) Part of direct tax laid upon, to be de- Secretary of Treasury may issue.... 100 ducted from 80 Court expenses and prosecution of crime, appro- priations for..... To be superintendent of Indian af- Court of Claims- fairs.. 88.90 adelphia 26 duty, &c. 168 Expenses of loans and treasury notes... 26 Deserters. (See National forces.) Collecting direct taxes in insurrection- Persons drafted and notified, and not appear- ing, or, &c., to be deemed 128 Punishment for being.... 129 Special agent, to detect frauds on pen- 26 Penalty for enticing to desert, for harboring, Agency debts in Colorado.. 26 &c.. 130 Fort Laramie treaty. Surveyor general of Illinois and Mis- 26 Detective police, provision for. 147 105-125 Director of the mint at Philadelphia to have con- trol of branch mint at Carson City....... 173 In banking associations, number, residence, Act amending the act for the collection of, 15 interest, oath, term of office..... .... 59,60 60 Of letters, at branch post offices.... Demand- 93 By-laws for election, &c., of....... 50 Limit of indebtedness of.. 59 grants on the route from, by Fort Benton. 18 Penalty for false marking 99 Frauds- Upon the government of the United States, 175 surveyed and sold... ..... act to prevent and punish....... 84 170 lished the United States, in proof, &c., of claim Government hospitals, appropriation for support 147-231 234 Guaymas, salary of consul at, established 13 2:27 232 How to be signed............ 133 H. To be produced to consul......... 133 133 Habeas corpus- Con-ul to make certificate on each..... 133 Provisions concerning, in Colorado Terri- Act relating to, and regulating judicial pro- Writ of, inay be suspended during present 90 154 rebellion 154 134 Effect of the suspension. 154 Collector in such case to notify consul. 134 is received 134 List of state or political prisoners in eus- 154 court No person to be discharged until after he |