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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Who knowingly purchases or receives in pledge for any obligation or indebtedness from any soldier, officer, or other person... "
Acts Passed at the First Session of the 1st Congress - 3d Session of the ... - Σελίδα 85
των United States - 1863
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Army Regulations

United States. War Department - 1863 - 592 σελίδες
...defraud, or injure the United States ; any person in said forces or service who shall knowingly purchase or receive, in pledge for any obligation or indebtedness,...clothes, or military stores, or other public property, euch soldier, officer, or other person not having the lawful right to pledge or sell the same, shall...

General Orders Affecting the Volunteer Force

United States. Adjutant-General's Office - 1864 - 282 σελίδες
...defraud, or injure the United States ; any person in said forces or service who shall knowingly purehase or receive, in pledge for any obligation or indebtedness,...arms, equipments, ammunition, clothes, or military store's, or other public property, such soldier, officer, or other person not having the lawful right...

General orders ... 1861,1862 & 1863, adapted for the use of the ..., Τόμος 2

United States dept. of war - 1864 - 806 σελίδες
...defraud, or injure the United States; any person in said forчч ur service who shall knowingly purchase or receive, in pledge for any obligation or indebtedness, from any soldier, officer, or other person culled into or employed in laid torces or service, any arms, equipments, ammunition, clothes, or military...

General Orders

United States. War Department - 1920 - 534 σελίδες
...States furnished or intended for the military service thereof; or Who knowingly purchases or receives in pledge for any obligation or indebtedness from any soldier, officer, or other person who is a part of or employed in said forces or service, any ordnance, arms, equipment, ammunition,...

Laws Relating to the Navy and Marine Corps and the Navy Department, July 1, 1865

United States - 1865 - 268 σελίδες
...person property from uncalled into or employed in said forces or service, any arms, ""ns.""1- '" , equipments, ammunition, clothes, or military stores,...guilty of a criminal offence, and shall be subject to To be deemed the rules and regulations made for the government of the «£"£f ^Jf^ military and naval...

Calendar of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 1874

Royal College of Surgeons of England - 1874 - 782 σελίδες
...States, furnished or intended for the military service thereof; or Who knowingly purchases, or receives in pledge for any obligation or indebtedness, from any soldier, officer, or other person who is a part of or employed In said forces or service, any ordnance, arms, equipments, ammunition,...

Compilation of Navy and Other Laws from the Revised Statutes and Statutes at ...

United States - 1875 - 388 σελίδες
...arms, equipments, ammunition, clothes, military stores, or other public property, such soldier, sailor, officer, or other person not having the lawful right to pledge or sell the same, every person so offending in any of the matters set forth in this section shall be imprisoned at hard...

Internal Revenue Laws in Force: With an Appendix Containing Laws of a ...

United States - 1879 - 250 σελίδες
...arms, equipments, ammunition, clothes, military stores, or other public property, such soldier, sailor, officer, or other person not having the lawful right to pledge or sell the same, every person so offending in any of the matters set forth in this section shall be imprisoned at hard...

A Treatise on Military Law and the Jurisdiction, Constitution, and Procedure ...

Rollin Augustus Ives - 1879 - 514 σελίδες
...Baying public Who knowiiwhi purchases, or receives in pledge military prop- JJ 1 ,,, , . ,,. erty. for any obligation or indebtedness, from any soldier, officer, or other person who is a part of or employed in said forces or service, any ordnance, arms, equipments, ammunition,...

A Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate General of the Army: With Notes

United States. Army. Judge Advocate General's Department, William Winthrop - 1880 - 638 σελίδες
...States, furnished or intended for the military service thereof; or " Who knowingly purchases, or receives in pledge for any obligation or indebtedness, from any soldier, officer, or other person who is a part of or employed in said forces or service, any ordnance, arms, equipments, ammunition,...

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