Parliamentary Papers, Τόμος 33


Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα xxix - Baly ( 181461), to whom we are indebted for this discovery, states that ' in several prisons the occurrence of scurvy has wholly ceased on the addition of a few pounds of potatoes being made to the weekly dietary.
Σελίδα xxix - Dr. Baly has also shown, from the Reports of the Inspectors of Prisons, that in those prisons where scurvy has prevailed, the diet of the prisoners, though often abundant in other respects, has contained no potatoes, or only a very small quantity ; and that, in several prisons, the appearance of the disease has wholly ceased on the addition of a few pounds of potatoes being made to the weekly dietary.
Σελίδα 582 - ... after the expiration of six months. " This addition to the dietary of the military prisoners was made in January, 1842, and not a single case of scurvy has since occurred.
Σελίδα xxxiii - ... keeper shall receive and detain the person named therein, (or shall detain him if already in his custody,) for such period and in such manner as it shall appear from the warrant that the said person is to be imprisoned ; and in cases of adjournments or remands such keeper shall bring the said person at the time and place fixed by the warrant for that purpose before such justices as shall be there.
Σελίδα xxvii - Failures' while 4 per cent of the males and 5 per cent of the females were 'Dropouts'.
Σελίδα xx - Of the males, 84 per cent, had been intemperate, and of the females 12 per cent. ; 79 per cent. of the males and 21 per cent, of the females were insane; 65 per cent, were undoubtedly permanently dependent.
Σελίδα 259 - To meet for the transaction of business on the first Monday of each month...

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