Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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1. Which team won? By how many points?

2. Find the average pinfall per string of each bowler of

the Tigers.


Of the whole team..

Of the whole team.

Of each bowler of the

3. The heaviest freight locomotive and tender ever built weigh 700,000 pounds. The tender weighs 237,550 pounds. Find the weight of the locomotive.

4. By selling 60 yards of silk for $87, a merchant made $25.20. What was the cost per yard?

5. A mason's charges for putting on new ceilings and repairing walls in two rooms were: J. Collins, 21 hours' labor @ $0.55; M. Corcoran, 15 hours @ $0.55; A. Gove, 11 hours @ $0.35; P. McKenzie, 8 hours @ $0.35; 61 barrels mortar @ $1.50; 3 barrels skimming @ $1.50; 1 pail calcine plaster, $0.25; teaming, $2. Find the total.

6. If from a piece of land containing 43,560 square feet there are sold two lots of 8926 square feet each, and 687 square feet are given for a road, how many square feet are left?

7. A grocer buys 6 56-pound tubs of butter at 281 cents a pound, and 8 36-pound tubs at 32 cents a pound. How much will he make by selling the whole at 36 cents a pound?

8. A wholesale grocer paid $28 for 320 lb. of firstquality prunes, and $33 for 600 lb. of second-quality. He then mixed them, and sold them for 8 cents per pound. What was his gain?

9. A 64-year-old stand of 198 black walnut trees in Illinois yielded 42,000 board feet of lumber, 1800 fence posts, and 15 cords of firewood. The lumber was sold at $20 per M, the fence posts at $12.50 per C, and the firewood at $2 per cord. Find the total receipts. Find the average number of board feet of lumber from each tree.

10. The annual report of a railroad corporation reads as follows: Income: from operation, $12,651,977; from rental of property, $345,849. Disbursements: operating expenses, $5,249,274; interest and taxes, $2,844,564; dividends, $3,864,000. Find the total income; the total disbursements; the surplus, that is, the excess of income over disbursements.

11. The receipts of the U. S. government for the year ending June 30, 1910, were: customs, $333,683,445; internal revenue, $289,933,519; all other sources, $51,894,751. The expenditures were: civil and miscellaneous items, $180,076,442; war department, $155,911,706; navy department, 123,173,717; Indians, $18,504,131; pensions, $160,696,416; interest on public debt, $21,342,979. Find the total receipts; the total expenditures; the excess of receipts over expenditures.

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At any post office in the United States a money order may be obtained directing the postmaster at another office to pay a specified sum of money to a specified person.


Payable in the United States (which includes Hawaii and Porto Rico) and its possessions comprising the Canal Zone (Isthmus of Panama), Guam, the Philippines and Tutuila, Samoa; also for Orders payable in Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, Canada, Cuba, Newfoundland, the United States Postal Agency at Shanghai (China), the Bahama Islands, and certain other Islands in the West Indies mentioned in Register of Money Order Post Offices.

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NOTE. The maximum amount for which a single Money Order may be issued is $ 100. When a larger sum is to be sent, additional Orders must be obtained.

1. You wish to send a money order for $6.75 to the Farmers' Seed Company, 1024 State St., St. Louis, Mo. Tell what must be written in each blank space in the following:


Spaces below to be filled in by purchaser, or, if necessary,
by another person for him

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2. How much must be paid to the postmaster in addition to the amount you wish to send to the seed company?

3. On receiving the money and fee, the postmaster issues a money order, which you mail to the seed company. To whom will the company present the order for payment? What amount will be paid?

4. Make out an application for a money order you require to pay $17.87 to Pratt, Parker & Co., 1287 Union St., Rochester, N. Y. What is the cost of the order?

5. What is the cost of a money order for $2.90? $2.49? $2.52? $8.73? $10.25?

6. Mr. Ashton bought five money orders for these amounts: $2.50, $3.27, $15.46, $28.75, and $30.

the total cost.


7. Susan McDonald sends a money order to pay for 3 books at $1.67 each. Find the cost.

8. Find the cost of a money order to pay for 11 dozen pairs of stockings at $1 per pair.

9. Mr. Graham sends to his son who is away at school a money order to cover 9 weeks' board at $4.50 a week, tuition fee of $45, and other expenses amounting to $17. Find the cost of the order.

10. A gymnasium class bought 3 dozen pairs of dumbbells at 40 cents a pair, 5% discount. Find the cost of the money order and postage.

11. Seven people form a magazine club, taking 3 magazines at $1.35 each, 2 at $3.35 each, 1 at $2.65, and 1 at 90 cents. Find the cost of money order and postage. How much does each person pay?


1. What is an integer? A fraction?


2. What does the denominator of a fraction tell? The numerator?

3. What is a proper fraction? An improper fraction? A mixed number?

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