Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

London exchanges with France at a certain number of francs and cents per pound sterling,

The par of Exchange is 24 francs 70 cents for 11 sterling, but the course of exchange varies from 23 to 25 francs, London giving the certain, and Paris the uncertain price.

69. In 4751 15s. Od. British, how many francs; exchange at 23 francs, 54 centimes per pound sterling?

[blocks in formation]

70. In 11199 francs 15 centimes, how many pound sterling, at 23 francs 54 centimes per pound sterling?

As 23,54 : 11199,155 : 1



17831 4751 15s. Answer.



71. Reduce 3741 15s. 6d. British to franes, &c. exchangeat 23 francs 62 centimes per pound sterling?

72. Reduce 3417 16s. 8d. to francs, &c. exchange at 23f. 71 cen. per pound sterling?

73. Reduce 3141 francs 64 centimes to British money, at 24 francs 33 centimes per pound sterling?

74. Reduce 8456,75 francs to British money, exchange, 24 francs 5 centimes per pound sterling?

75. Reduce 6247 11s. 9d. Irish, to French money, exchange between England and Ireland, at 7 per cent, and between England and France, at 24 francs 42 centimes per pound British?

[blocks in formation]

76. Reduce 7456 francs 48 cents to Irish money, exchange between England and Ireland, at 81 per cent, and between England and France, at 24 francs 45 centimes per pound sterling?

As 24,45 × 100 :7456,48 : : 108,25


[blocks in formation]

As these examples are so plain, I think more unnecessary.


In Portugal accounts are kept in milrees and rees. lowest piece of money is a rei, valued. sterling.

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London exchanges with Portugal at a variable price per milree, London giving the uncertain and Lisbon the certain price. The course of exchange is from 60d. to 70d. sterling. Gramples.

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77. How much British sterling is equivalent to 1425m. 400r at 5s. 6d. per milree?

11425,400 at 5s. 6d.

[blocks in formation]

78. Reduce 4351 10s. 34d. to milrees, &c. exchange at 58. 74d. per milree?

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79. Reduce 7483 marks, 480 rees to British sterling, exchange at 5s. 44d. per milree?

80. Reduce 7881 12s. 6d. British to Portuguese money, at 674 per milree?

81. Reduce 3050 marks, 500 rees to British sterling, at 5s. 34d. per milree?

82. Reduce 4257 3s. 4d. Irish to Portuguese money, exchange between England and Ireland, at 9 per cent, and between England and Portugal, at 614 per milree?

83. Reduce 4385 milrees, 485 rees to Irish money, exchange between England and Ireland, at 7 per cent, and between England and Portugal, at 65d. sterling per milree?


In Spain there are two kinds of money, called Plate and Vellon; accounts are kept in both, in piastres, reals and marvedies.

Vellon is the current money of Spain, it is of less value than plate; 17 reals of plate are equivalent to 32 reals of vellon. Plate only is used in exchange with England.

Exchange is computed at a variable price per piastre from 39 to 42 pence sterling; England giving the uncertain, and Spain the certain price.

In Spain, their lowest piece of money is a marvedi, value d. sterling,

34 Marvedies

8 Reals or 272 Marvedies 32 Reats or 4 Piastres,... 375 Marvedies of Plate..... 512 Marvedies of Vellon...

- 1 Real.




1 Piastre or Dollar of Plate.
1 Pistole or Exchange.

1 Ducat of Exchange,

84. Reduce 3501 British to Spanish money, at 40d. strl. per piastre?

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350×6=2100 piastres, Answ.

85. Reduce 4971 15s. Od. British to piastres, &c. at 41. per piastre?


£ S d

As 41

497 15 0

1 piastre.



1 Or thus,

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86. Reduce 4175 piastres, 5 reals, 17 marvedies to British money, at 41 per piastre?

piastres rls mar
4175 5 17 at 414d.

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87. Reduce 4375 piastres, 6 reals to British sterling, exchange at 38d. sterling per piastre?

88. How many piastres are in 3971 sterling, exchange at 4121. per piastre?

89. How much British sterling is equivalent to 3586 piastres, at 404d. per piaster?

90. Bought goods in Spain to the value of 3475 piastres; how much Irish money do they stand me in, exchange between England and Ireland at 9 per cent, and between England and Spain, at 404d. per piastrè?

[blocks in formation]

91. Reduce 5407 12s. 6d. Irish to Spanish money, exchange between England and Ireland, at 9 per cent, and between England and Spain, at 393 per piastre?

92. Reduce 6751 10s. British to Spanish money vellon, exchange between England and Spain at 414d. per piastre plate? 93. Reduce 756 12s. 6d. Irish to Spanish money vellon, exchange between England and Ireland, at 92 per cent, and between England and Spain, at 404d. per piastre plate?

94. Reduce 7148 piastres, 5 reals vellon, to Irish money, exchange between England and Ireland, at 10 per cent, and between England and Spain, at 394 per piastre, plate?


In Italy, as in Holland, the money is distinguished into banco and current, the former has a superiority of 20 per cent. The principal places in Italy with which England exchanges are Genoa, Leghorn, and Venice.

In Genoa accounts are kept in the bank in pezze, soldi and denari, which are divided like the British pound, but some merchants keep their accounts in lira, soldi and denari, which

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