Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

How are fractions added when they have a common denominator...


} 121

How when they have not a common denominator....
How are mixed numbers added..

How are fractions subtracted when they have a com-
mon denominator..

How when they have not a common denominator...


ib 1 22



How is a fraction or a mixed number subtracted} 124

from a whole number......

How are mixed numbers subtracted from mixed numbers ib
How is multiplication of fractions performed........ 125
How is a fraction multiplied by a whole number....
What else is to observed in multiplication of fractions 126
How is division of fractions performed. . . .



How is a fraction divided by a whole number....


To what uses in general, may fractions be applied Į (see questions for exercise)..


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Do ciphers alter the value of decimals when placed to the right-hand thereof.....

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What happens when ciphers are placed at the left of a decimal, inside the decimal point..



What is reduction of decimals.....





How is a vulgar fraction reduced to a decimal....
How is a decimal expressed as a vulgar fraction.
How is the value of a decimal found...
How are numbers of divers denominations brought 132
to their equivalent decimal....


How is the value of the decimal of pound sterling}

found by inspection. . . . .

How may £ s. d. be brought to their equivalent ?. decimal by inspection..

How are decimals added.....

How is the total pointed
How are decimals subtracted.

How is the remainder pointed.







How are decimals multiplied....

Page, 136

How is the product pointed...





How are decimals multiplied when the multiplier is
10, 100, 1000, &c.....

How, when it is necessary to retain only a certain
number of places in the product..
How are decimals divided....

How is the quotient pointed...

If the decimal places in the quotient are not as
many as the rule requires what is to be done...
What is to be done when there is a remainder and
it is necessary to continue the division.........
When the decimal places in the divisor exceed those
in the dividend what ought to be done
When the number of places in the divisor and di-l
vidend are equal, what happens..










What is to be done when there is a remainder after such division....


How far in general is it necessary to continue division for practical purposes..

When the divisor is 10, 100, 1000, how is division of decimals performed....


When it is necessary to continue division of decimals only to a certain number of places, how may the work be shortened...

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When are numbers said to have ratio to each other..
When are ratios equal



How is ratio expressed......

Of how many terms doth proportion consist....
When are three numbers said to be in proportion....
When are four numbers said to be in proportion, how?
when otherwise.

What is analogy..

What is to be particularly noticed when four numbers form an analogy

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If we are given the three the terms of an analogy}

how do we find the fourth term.............................

[blocks in formation]

What is simple proportion....

What is compound proportion




What questions belong to the rule of proportion...... ib How are such questions stated and resolved? Repeat?

the rule


What observations are made on this rule........... ..................... . . .



Is there any necessity for distinct rules for inverse ib and compound proportion.....

How may the rule of proportion be applied in the solution of such questions as commonly fall under the name of Barter.....

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In Barter we are called upon to find how much goods at one price are equal to a given quantity at another price regarding the other conditions of the question, if any, according to the nature of their import.

+ In Fellowship we are to divide the profit in trade between several persons equitably, the problem therefore is to divide a given number into parts which shall be any given ratios or proportional to any given


When Partnerships are formed they are generally for some specified time, and whenever a change is made in the original agreement by one partner adding to or withdrawing from the stock, or the admission of a new partner, or other material alteration, it is customary to adjust all gains before the the change is permitted to take place, and the parties again commence as in a new agreement, so that most of the questions in double Fellowship so called, which have been hitherto proposed, cannot be supposed to have practical existence, and those I have intro duced are merely for the pupil's exercise, not as a criterion for his future practice.

In Profit and Loss, we find the gain or loss, by subtracting the buying price from the selling price if there is a gain, and the contrary if there is a loss with other variations, we must proceed according as the respective conditions require.

And in general the Rule of Proportion may be applied to the solu tion of most questions in Arithmetic, by considering the distinct nature or import of each question, and proceeding as the conditions of the question direct.

What are the particular rules of the several cases
from case 1st to case 16th respectively..
How are cwts, qrs and lbs brought to the form of
£. s. d. .... .................

How are tons, cwts. qrs. and lbs brought to a like








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How are Ibs. ounces, and drams, avoirdupoise, to a like form..... How are lbs. oz. dwts. and grs. troy, to a like form.. How are ounces, dwts. and grs. troy, to a like form.. 175 How are yds. qrs. and nails, brought to a like form.. How are ells English, qrs. and nails, brought to a like form.....



How are acres roods, and perches brought to the form of £. s. d........






....... ......

How are cwts. qrs. and lbs. long weight, brought to a like form... How are guineas expeditiously brought to £ sterl.. 181 What is the rule for bringing barrels, stones, and lbs. of oats, to tons weight, and the contrary.. What is meant by the rule of Tare and Trett.... Explain the terms of gross weight, tare, and neat weight...



bs. 184


What particular allowances are made on some kinds of merchandize

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} What remark is made on the variety of these allow-} 187


How do we proceed when tare only is to be subtracted ib How when the tare is so much per cwt......


How when there is an allowance of tare and tret..... 189

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What is the rate..........

What are the highest legal rates in England and in


What is the amount.

What is simple interest.

... ..... ..

What is compound interest.

What is the general rule for calculations in simple interest

What is the rule for finding the interest of 100% for
years at any rate cent......

What for months at any rate per cent....
What for months at 6 per cent....


What for years and months at any rate per cent. What for any sum at any rate per cent per ann. for years..

What for any sum at any rate per cent per annum for years and months......



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What is the rule for finding the interest of 1001 205

for days at 6 per cent per annum.......

What for same at 5 per cent per annum.


How do we proceed at any other rate.....


What is the rule for any sum for days at 6 per cent


per annum......

What for any sum for days at 5 or any other rate per cent per annum.


How do we find the interest of a running account..
How on accounts current...

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When interest, time and rate are given, how do we find the principal.....

When principal, time, and rate are given, how do we find the amount.......




Principal, interest and rate given how do we find the

[blocks in formation]

Principal, interest, and time given, how do we find

the rate....

Principal, time, and amount given, how do we find the rate.

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