Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Labor Organizations.

The German trade union movement in 1913.

In American federationist. v. 21. p. 992. Washington. Nov. 1914.

The ninth German trade unions congress. In American federationist. v. 21. p. 884, 885. Washington. Oct. 1914.

Résumé of the proceedings of the 9th congress held in Munich, June 22-27, 1914.

Trade union success in Germany. In
American federationist.
v. 21. p. 58.
Washington. Jan. 1914.

FINLAND. Finlands fackorganisation år 1913.
In Arbetsstatistisk tidskrift.
8th year.
p. 461-469. Helsingfors. 1914.

Statistics of labor organizations in Finland in 1913 with comparisons for 1907-1913. Prepared by the general department of industry of Finland and published in the bimonthly bulletin of the department.

FITCH, John A. Class fighters and a hobo who solved a problem. In Survey. v. 32. p. 558-560. New York. Sept. 5, 1914.

Pt. 11 of a series of interpretations of the hearings before the federal industrial relations commission.

Employment agencies, socialism and unionism on the stand. In Survey. v. 32. p. 230, 231. New York. May 30, 1914.

Pt. 3 of a series of interpretations of the hearings before the federal industrial relations commission.

Law and order. The issue in Colorado. In Survey. v. 33. p. 241-258. New York. Dec. 5, 1914.

Los Angeles, a militant anti-union citadel. In Survey. v. 33. p. 4-6. New York. Oct. 3, 1914.

Pt. 15 of a series of interpretations of the hearings before the federal industrial relations commission.

Old and new labor problems in California. In Survey. v. 32. p. 609, 610. New York. Sept. 19, 1914.

Pt. 13 of a series of interpretations of the hearings before the federal industrial relations commission.

The Paterson silk mill strike a year after. In Survey. v. 32. p. 339, 340.

New York. June 27, 1914.

Pt. 7 of a series of interpretations of the hearings before the federal industrial relations commission.

A union paradise at close range. In Survey. v. 32. p. 538, 539. New York. Aug. 29, 1914.

Pt. 10 of a series of interpretations of the hearings before the federal industrial relations commission.

The way of the transgressor in a closedshop city. In Survey. v. 32. p. 632, 633. New York. Sept. 26, 1914.

Pt. 14 of a series of interpretations of the hearings before the federal industrial relations commission.

When peace comes to Colorado. In Survey. v. 32. p. 205, 206. New York. May 16, 1914.

FRANCE. Annuaire des syndicats professionnels, industriels, commerciaux et agricoles, déclarés conformément à la loi du 21 mars 1884 en France et aux colonies. 19e année, 1914. Paris. Direction du Travail. 1914. 956 p.

Annual report on industrial and commercial associations under the law of March 21, 1884, in France and colonies, 1910 to 1914. Published by the French bureau of labor. Includes a trade union directory. GELDART, W. M. The present law of trade disputes and trade unions. London. Milford. 1914. 61 p.

German labour colonies in 1913. In Board of trade labour gazette. v. 22. p. 205, 206. London. June 1914.

GERMANY. Arbeitslosigkeit in deutschen Fachverbänden. In Reichs-Arbeitsblatt. v. 12. p. 35-41, 125–127, 210-213, 288295, 392-394, 471-474, 553-561, 647, 648, 745-747, 840-843, 898-901, 979-983. Berlin. Jan.-Dec. 1914.

Monthly statistics of unemployment among organized wage-earners in Germany, Oct. 1913Nov. 1914. Prepared by the section for labor statistics of the imperial statistical office of Germany and published in the imperial labor journal.

Bericht der Vereinigten Gewerkschaften Nürnbergs 1913. In 19. Jahresbericht nebst Berichten der Vereinigten Gewerkschaften. Nürnberg. [1914.] p. 15-38.

Report of the united trade unions of Nuremberg on unemployment, sick benefit funds, collective agreements, and trade unions in Nuremberg. Published in the 19th annual report of the labor office of Nuremberg.

Labor Organizations.

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Report to the international secretariat. In American federationist. v. 21. p. 51-57, 133-139. Washington. Jan., Feb. 1914.

Seattle A. F. of L. convention -a review of the 1913 conference. In American federationist. v. 21. p. 17-34. Washington. Jan. 1914.

Upton Sinclair's mental marksmanship. In American federationist. v. 21. p. 293302. Washington. Apr. 1914. GREAT BRITAIN. Das britische Gewerkvereingesetz von 1913. In Reichs-Arbeitsblatt. v. 12. p. 70-72. Berlin. Jan. 1914.

Review of the British trade union act, 1913. Prepared by the section for labor statistics of the German imperial labor office and published in the imperial labor journal.

Industrial directory of the United Kingdom for 1914. London. Wyman & Sons. 1914. 295 p. [Cd. 7483.]

Industrial unions and societies registered or dissolved, Dec. 1913-Nov. 1914. In Board of trade labour gazette. v. 22. p. 35, 76, 115, 154, 195, 236, 276, 316, 353, 389, 426, 462. London. Jan.-Dec. 1914.. HALL, C. F. A "scab's" conversion to unionism: the experience of a college student. In Survey. v. 33. p. 105-107. New York. Oct. 31, 1914.

HANCH, Charles C. The industrial unrest. In American industries. New York. Sept. 1914. p. 17-19.

HANNA, Gertrud. Organization of women workers in Germany. In Life and labor. v. 4. p. 134-139. Chicago. May 1905.

Special report prepared by the women workers' secretariat of the general commission of trade unions of Germany for presentation at the 4th biennial convention of the national women's trade union league, St. Louis, June 2, 1913.

HARLEY, J. H. Syndicalism and the labour situation. In Contemporary review. V. 105. p. 47-56. New York. Jan. 1914.

Same in Living age, v. 280, p. 589-597, Boston, Mar. 7, 1914. Also in Journal of the New Zealand department of labour, v. 22, p. 183-194, Wellington, Mar. 1914.

HAYES, John W. Favors compulsory arbitration. In American employer. v. 2. p. 683-686. Cleveland, Ohio. June 1914. HENRY, Alice. Chicago conference of women trade unionists. In Life and labor. v. 4. p. 324-329. Chicago. Nov. 1914.

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LOUIS, Paul. Le mouvement syndical en Suède et en Norvège. Le Musée social. Mémoires et documents. Paris. Jan. 1914. 22 p.

The trade-union movement in Sweden and Norway.


Le syndicalisme européen. Paris. Al1914. 324 p.

A study of European syndicalism.

LYNCH, James M. Trade union sickness insurance. In American labor legislation review. v. 4. p. 82-91. New York. Mar. 1914. MAHON, W. D. Brief history of the street railway men's organization. In American federationist. v. 21. p. 549-551. Washington. July 1914.

and BLAND, L. D. Street railway workers of Europe. In American federationist. v. 21. p. 1061-1076. Washington. Dec. 1914.

Report to the 1914 Philadelphia convention of the American federation of labor upon wages, hours of labor, and conditions under municipal ownership and control.


Organized labor versus open shop. In Square deal. v. 14. p. 300-303. Battle Creek, Mich. May 1914. MAROT, Helen. American labor unions. New York. Henry Holt & Co. 1914. ix, (2), 275 p. MASSACHUSETTS.

13th annual directory of labor organizations in Massachusetts, 1914. pt. 2 of the 45th annual report on the statistics of labor, 1914. Also issued as Labor bulletin no. 98, Mar. 9, 1914. Boston. Bureau of Statistics. 1914. 55 p.

STATE BRANCH, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR. Proceedings of 29th annual convention, Boston, Sept. 21-26, 1914. Boston. 1914. 152 p.

Union scale of wages and hours of labor in Massachusetts, 1913. pt. 1 of the 45th annual report on the statistics of labor, 1914. Also issued as Labor bulletin no. 97, Feb. 13, 1914. Boston. Bureau of Statistics. 1914. 72 p.

MERRIMAN, Christina. The cleavage of masters and men at Chicago. In Survey. p. 483-485. New York. Aug. 8,

v. 32. 1914.

Pt. 9 of a series of interpretations of the hearings before the federal industrial relations commission.

Labor Organizations.

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Unionism and the Sherman law. In

American employer. v. 2. p. 451-455.

Cleveland, Ohio. Mar. 1914.

MICHAELIS, George V. S. The Westinghouse strike. "A matter of class-consciousness and not of dollars-and-cents." In Survey. v. 32. p. 463-465. New York. Aug. 1, 1914. MITCHELL, John. Economic necessity of trade-unionism. In Atlantic monthly. v. 113. p. 161-170. Boston. Feb. 1914. MONAGHAN, George F. Injunctions in labor disputes. In American employer. v. 2. p. 601-608. Cleveland, Ohio. May 1914.

Union lawlessness. In Square deal. v. 14. p. 537-545. Battle Creek, Mich. July 1914. MORRISON, C. J. Short-sighted methods in dealing with labor. In Engineering magazine. v. 46. p. 566-570. New York. Jan. 1914.


18th annual convention, New York, Nov. 18, 1914. In American industries. New York. Dec. 1914. p. 45.

Résumé of proceedings of 18th annual convention.

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Industrial unions of employers. New South Wales industrial gazette. v. 6. p. 858-867. Sydney. Sept. 1914.

Registered under the industrial arbitration act, 1912, as at Aug. 31, 1914.

Trade unions. In Official year book of New South Wales, 1913. Sydney. Bureau of Statistics. 1914. p. 899-906. NEW YORK. Directory of trade unions 1914. Bulletin of New York department of labor. whole no. 63. Series on labor organization, no. 2. Albany. July 1914. 104 p.

Statistics of trade unions in 1913. Bulletin of New York department of labor. whole no. 60. Series on labor organization, no. 1. Albany. Apr. 1914. 145 p.

NEW ZEALAND. TRIGGS, William H. Syndicalism in New Zealand. In Quarterly review. v. 221. p. 200-215. New York. July


NORTH CAROLINA. The trades. In 28th annual report of the department of labor and printing, 1914. Raleigh. 1914. p. 31-41.

Shows statistics of labor organizations and wages by trades.

One year in Detroit's open shops. In Square deal. v. 14. p. 294-300. Battle Creek, Mich. May 1914.

Address delivered at the eleventh annual meeting of the employers' association of Detroit. ONTARIO. Labour organizations. In 14th report of the bureau of labour of the province of Ontario, 1913. Toronto. 1914. p. 97-216, 234, 235.

Includes a trade union directory. ORAGE, A. R. National guilds: an enquiry into the wage-system and the way out. New York. Macmillan. 1914. viii, 370 p. OREGON. Labor unions. In 6th biennial report of the bureau of labor statistics and inspector of factories and workshops, 1912-1914. 1914. Salem. p. 30-52. Organized labour and the war. In Quarterly review. v. 221. p. 478-485. New York. Oct. 1914.

Same in Living age, v. 283, p. 515-520, Boston, Nov. 28, 1914.

OTIS, Harrison G. Labor monopoly, the archenemy of industry. In American industries. New York. Oct. 1914. p. 21-23.

Labor Organizations.

PARKER, Carleton H. The Wheatland riot and what lay back of it. In Survey. v. 31. p. 768-770. New York. Mar. 21, 1914. PENNSYLVANIA.

1st industrial directory of Pennsylvania, 1913. Harrisburg. Bureau of Statistics and Information, Department of Labor and Industry. 1914. (2), 778 p.

Includes trade union directory, p. 625-776.

POST, H. Untersuchungen über den umfang der erwerbslosigkeit inner-halb der einzelnen berufe und berufsgruppen. Jena. Gustav Fischer. 1914. 174 p.

An investigation of unemployment in the various trades with tabular presentations of unions and unemployment.


Discussion of unionism. In Square deal. v. 13. p. 489-492. Battle Creek, Mich. Jan. 1914. RATHGEN, Karl, HAMMOND, M. B. and others. The problem of syndicalism-discussion. In American economic review. v. 4. p. 131-157. Princeton, N. J. Mar. 1914 (supp.).

RHODE ISLAND. Union wage earners in Rhode

Island and directory of trade unions, 1913. In 27th annual report of the commissioner of industrial statistics, 1913. Providence. 1914. p. 65-85.

Trade union directory, p. 71-85.

ROBBINS, Edwin C. Railway conductors. A study in organized labor. Columbia university studies in history, economics, and public law. v. 61. no. 1. New York. Longmans, Green & Co. 1914. 183 p. ROWNTREE, B. Seebohm. The way to industrial peace and the problem of unemployment. London. Unwin. [1914.] vi, 182 p. RUSSIA.

RABINOWITZ, Sonja. Zur Entwicklung Arbeiterbewegung in Russland bis zur grossen Revolution von 1905. Berlin. Springer. 1914. vi, 97 p.

A report of the development of the labor movement in Russia up to the revolution of 1905.

Russian trade-union development of the last two years. In Review of reviews, American. v. 50. p. 109, 110. New York. July 1914.

SEAGER, Henry R. Progress in collective bargaining. In American federationist. v. 21. p. 720, 721. Washington. Sept. 1914.

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The social problem as seen from the view point of trade unionism, capital, and socialism. New York. Industrial Economics Department of the National Civic Federation. 1914. 54 p.

SOMERVILLE, Henry. Successors to socialism. In Catholic world. v. 99. p. 173-180. New York. May 1914.

SPAIN. Le travail des ouvriers du port de Barcelone. Madrid. Asociación Internacional para la Protección Legal de los Trabajadores. Sección Española. 1914. 7 p.

Labor conditions of dock laborers at Barcelona. Prepared by the Spanish section of the international association for labor legislation.

STEVENSON, John J. Labor and capital. In Popular science monthly. v. 84. p. 459470. Garrison, N. Y. May 1914. Summing up our industrial relations: the preliminary report [of the United States commission on industrial relations]. In Survey. v. 33. p. 284-288. New York. Dec. 12, 1914.

Pt. 16 of a series of interpretations of the hearings before the federal industrial relations commission.

SWITZERLAND. Arbeitslosigkeit unter den

mitgliedern der schweizerischen gewerkschaften ende September 1914. In Reichs-Arbeitsblatt. v. 12. p. 904. Berlin. Nov. 1914.

Statistics of unemployment among the members of the Swiss labor unions at the end of Sept. 1914. Prepared by the section for labor statistics of the German imperial statistical office and published in the imperial labor journal.

Trade unionism in England. In American federationist. v. 21. p. 131, 132, 239, 240, 334, 335, 407, 408, 495, 496, 572, 573, 653, 654, 882-884, 991. Washington. Feb.Aug., Oct., Nov. 1914.

Trades and labour congress of Canada. 30th annual convention, St. John, N. B. Sept. 21-26, 1914. In Labour gazette. v. 15. p. 473-489. Ottawa, Oct. 1914.

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