i "Mr. President, The House of Representatives have passed a joint resolution appointing a committee to join such committee as may be appointed on the part of the Senate, to wait on the Hon. Samuel Bell and inform him of his election as Senator, to represent this State in the Senate of the United States for the term of six years from and after the third day of March next, and in case he accept the office, to give information thereof to the Governor. "The House of Representatives have also passed a resolution in favor of Jeremiah Jones, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate. 4 "The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed an engrossed resolution in favor of Roswell Hobart, I am directed to bring the same to the Senate for the signature of the President.” And he withdrew. The first named resolution was read; and On motion of Mr. Poole, Resolved, that the Senate do concur in the appointment of a committee on their part, agreeably to said resolution. Ordered, that Mr. Plumer be the committee on the part of the Senate. Ordered, that the clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly. The second named resolution was read the first and second time; and Ordered, that it be referred to the committee on claims. The third named resolution was signed by the President, and it was delivered to the Committee on Engrossed Bills to be laid before the Governor. On motion of Mr. Plumer, The Senate adjourned. THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1828. The bill entitled "An act in addition to an act entitled an act to incorporate an Academy in the town of Londonderry by the name of the Pinkerton Academy in Londonderry," was read the third time. Resolved, that it pass, and that the title of the bill be as aforesaid. Ordered, that the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly. The bill entitled "An act in addition to an act entitled an act to incorporate an Academy by the name of the Adams Female Academy" was read the third time. Resolved, that it pass, and that the title be as aforesaid. Ordered, that the clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly. On motion of Mr. Parsons, Resolved, that a select committee be appointed, to report a reference of the several subjects contained in the Governor's Message. Ordered, that Mr. Parsons, Mr. Weeks and Mr. Burgin, be said committee. ; A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Chadwick, their Clerk. "Mr. President, The House of Representatives have passed a resolution for procuring stoves for the committee rooms. "The House of Representatives have also passed a resolution providing that the doors of the committee rooms shall be labelled, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate." And he withdrew. The first named resolution was read; and On motion of Mr. Poole, Resolved, that the Senate do concur in passing said resolution. Ordered, that the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly. The second named resolution was read; and Ordered, that said resolution lie upon the table. Mr. Wallace, from the joint committee which was directed to wait on the Secretary, Treasurer, and Commissary General elect, and inform them of their election to their respective offices, and if they accept the offices to which they had severally been elected, to receive from them the necessary bonds for the faithful performance of the duties of their respective offices, reported, that the committee had attended to that duty, and that the gentlemen elected to the above named offices had each manifested their acceptance of their respective offices, and had given the necessary bonds. A motion was made by Mr. Steele, that the Senate now proceed to consider the resolution reported by the joint committee which was directed to designate the committee rooms. On the question "Will the Senate now consider said resolution ?" It was determined in the affirmative. Resolved, that it pass. Ordered, that the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly. Mr. Bartlett, from the committee on Manufacturing Establishments, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to enlarge the capital of the Great Falls Manufacturing Company," reported said bill without amendment. On the question "Shall this bill be read the third time ?" It was determined in the affirmative. Mr. Bartlett, from the same committee, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to incorporate the Strafford Manufacturing Company," reported said bill with the following amendment. At the close of the second section, insert the words following: "Provided, however, nothing in this section is intended to authorize said corporation, in any manner, to interfere with the rights of other individuals or persons without their consent." On the question, "Will the Senate adopt said amendment?" It was determined in the affirmative. On the question, "Shall this bill as amended be read the third time?" It was determined in the affirmative. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Chadwick, their clerk. "Mr. President, The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed two engrossed bills, I am directed to bring the same to the Senate for the signature of the President." And he withdrew. Whereupon, the President signed the two bills last received from the House of Representatives, and they were delivered to the committee on engrossed bills, to be laid before the Governor. Mr. Poole, from the committee on Military Affairs, to which was referred the address for the removal of Oliver S. Foss, Lieutenant Colonel of the second regiment, reported the same address without amendment, and that the committee recommend that the further consideration of said address be postponed indefinitely. On motion of Mr. Woolson, Ordered, that said address lie upon the table. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Chadwick, their clerk. "Mr. President, The House of Representatives have passed a resolution in favor of Levi Jewell, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate." And he withdrew. The resolution last received from the House of Repre sentatives was read the first and second time; and On motion of Mr. Poole, Ordered, that said resolution be referred to the committee on claims. On motion of Mr. Steele, The Senate adjourned. AFTERNOON.-The bill entitled "An act to enlarge the capital of Great Falls Manufacturing Company," was read the third time. Resolved, that it pass, and that the title be as aforesaid. Ordered, that the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly. The bill entitled " An act to incorporate the Strafford Manufacturing Company," was read the third time. Resolved, that it pass, and that the title be as aforesaid. Ordered, that the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly. Mr. Wallace, from the Committee on Banking Institutions, to which was referred the petition of Richard Lang and others, praying for a Bank in Hanover, reported a bill in concurrence therewith, entitled "An act to incorporate the President, Directors and Company of the Hanover Bank." Which bill was read the first and second time; and On motion of Mr. Poole, Ordered, that it be referred to the committee on Banking Institutions. Mr. Steele, from the committee on claims, to which was referred a resolution in favour of Robert Neal, reported the same without amendment. On the question, "Shall this resolution be read the third time?" It was determined in the affirmative. |