Intellectual Arithmetic

Hilliard Gray, and Company, 1839

Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο

Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 162 - I see by little and little more of what is to be done, and how it is to be done, should I ever be able to do it.
Σελίδα 118 - If 2 men start from the same place, and travel in opposite directions ; one at the rate of 3| miles in an hour, and the other 4£...
Σελίδα 11 - Why so? I could not do it. sir. How many marbles can you buy for a penny ? Twelve new ones, sir.
Σελίδα 5 - If a man travel six miles in two hours, how many miles does he travel in an hour ? 8. If a man travel three miles in an hour, how many hours will it take him to travel nine miles ? 9. How many yards of cloth, at three dollars a yard, can you buy for fifteen dollars ? 10.
Σελίδα 132 - If A can do £ of a piece of work in 1 day, and B can do ^ of it in 1 day, how much would both do in a day ? How long would it take them both together to do the whole ? 147.
Σελίδα 10 - Master Samuel Acres was now called in. He came hanging down his head, and looking as if he was going to be flogged. Come hither, my dear!
Σελίδα 76 - ... seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23), twenty-four (24...
Σελίδα 13 - If you shut your thumb and one finger and leave the rest open, how many will be open ? 7. If you have two cents in one hand, and two in the other, how many have you in both 1 8.
Σελίδα 4 - Having observed that this quality is common to all things with which we are acquainted, we obtain an abstract idea of number. We first make calculations about sensible objects; and we soon observe that the same calculations will apply to things very dissimilar; and finally, that they may be made without reference to any particular things. Hence from particulars we establish general principles, which serve as the basis of our reasonings and enable us to proceed step by step, from the most simple to...

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