And though thou hadst fmall Latin and lefs Greek, Pacuvius, Accius, him of Cordoua dead, Of all, that infolent Greece, or haughty Rome As they were not of Nature's family. His Art doth give the Fashion. And, that he Of Shakespeare's mind and manners brightly shines In each of which be feems to bake a Lance, Sweet Sweet Swan of Avon! what a fight it were And make thofe flights upon the Banks of Thames, And defpairs day, but for thy Volume's light. Dramatis Perfonæ. ALONSO, King of Naples. Sebastian, his Brother. Profpero, the rightful Duke of Milan. Anthonio, his Brother, the ufurping Duke of Milan. Gonzalo, an honeft old Counsellor of Naples. Francifco, } Lords: Caliban, a Savage, and deformed Slave: Stephano, a drunken Butler. Mafter of a Ship, Boatfwain, and Mariners.. Ariel, an aiery Spirit. Iris, SCENE, the Sea with a Ship, afterwards an uninhabited Island. Of this Play the first known Edition is that of 1623, when it was published with the other Works of ShakeSpeare by Hemmings and Condel, in Folio. THE |