The. Go, Philoftrate, Stir up th' Athenian youth to merriments; The pale companion is not for our pomp. [Exit. Phi. And won thy love, doing thee injuries: With pomp, with triumph, and with revelling. Enter Egeus, Hermia, Lyfander and Demetrius. Ege. Happy be Thefeus, our renowned Duke: Ege. Full of vexation, come I with complaint Stand forth, Lyfander. And, my gracious Duke, I beg the antient privilege of Athens, *I. II. III. bewitch'd Or Or to her death, according to our law, (2) The. What fay you, Hermia? be advis'd, fair maid. By him imprinted; and within his pow'r The. In himself he is; But in this kind, wanting your father's voice, Her. I would, my father look'd but with my eyes. I know not, by what pow'r I am made bold; (2) Or to her death, according to our Law,] By a Law of Solon's, Parents had the abfolute power of life and death over their children. So it fuited the poet's purpofe well enough to fuppofe the Athenians had it before.. Or perhaps he neither thought nor knew any thing of the matter. WARBURTON. (3) To you your father should be as a God, or To 'LEVE the figure, &c. i. e. releve, to heighten or add to the beauty of the figure, which is faid to be imprinted by him. 'Tis from the French relever. Thus they fay Tapifferies relevées d'or. In the fame fenfe they ufe enlever, which Maundeville makes English of in this manner-And alle the walles withinne ben covered with gold and fylver, in fyn Plates: and in the Plates ben Stories and Batayles of Knightes ENLEVED. p. 228. Rabelais, with a Strain of buffoon humour, that equals the fober elegance of this paffage in our Poet, calls the small gentry of France Gentilhommes de bas relief. WARBURTON. I know not why fo harsh a word fhould be admitted with fo little need, a word that, spoken could not be understood, and of which no example can be shown. The fenfe is plain, you owe to your father a being which he may at pleasure continue or deftroy. F 2 Nor Nor how it may concern my modefty, In fuch a prefence here, to plead my thoughts: The. Either to die the death, or to abjure Therefore, fair Hermia, queftion your defires: For aye to be in fhady cloister mew'd, Chanting faint hymns to the cold, fruitlefs moon? Her. So will I grow, fo live, fo die, my lord, Unto his lordship, to whofe unwish'd yoak The. Take time to paufe: and by the next new moon The fealing day betwixt my love and me, For aye, aufterity and fingle life. Dem. Relent, fweet Hermia; and, Lyfander, yield Thy crazed title to my certain right. Lyf. You have her father's love, Demetrius; Let me have Hermia's; do you marry him. (3) Thus all the copies, yet earthlier is fo harfh a word, and earthlier happy for happier earthly a mode of fpeech fo unusual, that I wonder none of the Editors have propofed earlier happy. *I. II. Lordship, whofe unwished yoke. Ege. Ege. Scornful Lyfander! true, he hath my love; And what is mine, my love fhall render him. And he is mine, and all my right of her I do estate unto Demetrius. Lyf. I am, my lord, as well deriv'd as he, And, which is more than all these boasts can be, Why should not I then profecute my right? Upon this spotted and inconftant man. The. I must confefs, that I have heard fo much, My mind did lofe it. But, Demetrius, come; Come, my Hippolita ; what chear, my love? I must employ you in fome business Ege. With duty and defire we follow you. Exeunt. Manent Lyfander and Hermia. Lyf. How now, my love? why is your cheek fo pale ? How chance the rofes there do fade fo faft ? Her. Belike, for want of rain; which I could well (4) Beteem them from the tempeft of mine eyes. * Lyf. Ah me, for aught that ever I could read, The courfe of true love never did run fmooth; Her. O crofs!-too high to be enthrall'd to low—(5) (4) Beteem them word is ufed by Spenfer. * I. II. Eigh me. II. That give them, bestow upon them. The For Ah me. For aught. Hermia was inferted in the Folio 1632, but is now changed for the first reading. (5) Too high to be enthrall'd to Love-This reading poffeffes all the Editions, but carries no just meaning in it. Nor was Hermia difpleas'd at being in Love, but regrets the Inconveniences, that generally attend the Paffion: Either, the Parties are difproportion'd, in degree of Blood and Quality; or unequal, in refpect of Years; or brought together by the Appointment of Friends, and not by their own Choice. Thefe are the Complaints reprefented by Lyfander; and Hermia, to answer to the firft, as he has done to the other two, muft neceffarily fay; O cross! too high to be enthrall'd to low! So the Antithefis is kept up in the Terms; and fo the is made to condole the Difproportion of Blood and Quality in Lovers. THEOBALD. † I. Momentany. Which is the old and proper word. The jaws of darkness do devour it up ;] Tho' the word Spleen be here employed odly enough, yet I believe it right. Shakespeare, always hurried on by the grandeur and multitude of his ideas affumes, every now and then, an uncommon licence in the use of his words, Particularly in complex moral modes |