Intellectual Arithmetic: Upon the Inductive Method of Instruction

W.J. Reynolds & Company, 1849 - 160 σελίδες

Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο

Επιλεγμένες σελίδες

Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 124 - What part of a year is 1 month ? 2 months ? 3 months ? 4 months ? 5 months ? 6 months ? 7 months? 8 months? 9 months?
Σελίδα 61 - One 1 Two 2 Three 3 Four 4 Five 5 Six 6 Seven 7 Eight 8 Nine 9 Ten 10 Eleven 11 Twelve 12 Thirteen 13 Fourteen 14 Fifteen 15 Sixteen 16 Seventeen 17...
Σελίδα 34 - Remark. When any thing, or any number, is divided into two equal parts, one of the parts is called the half of the thing or the number. 1. If an apple is worth two cents, what is one half of it worth ? 2.
Σελίδα 68 - ... 11. There is a school, in which 2 ninths of the boys learn arithmetic, 3 ninths learn grammar, 1 ninth learn geography, 1 ninth learn geometry, and 12 learn to write ; how many are there in the school ? and how many attending to each study ? 12.
Σελίδα 30 - There is an orchard consisting of ten rows of trees, and nine trees in each row ; how many trees are there in the orchard ? 12.
Σελίδα 114 - If 7 men can do a piece of work in 4| days, how long will it take 1 man to do it ? How long will it take 3 men to do it ? 4.
Σελίδα 17 - E. 1. A man bought a sheep for nine dollars, and to pay for it he gave five bushels of corn worth four dollars and the rest in money ; how much money did he pay.
Σελίδα 62 - Thirteen 13 Fourteen ----- 14 Fifteen 15 Sixteen ----- 16 Seventeen ----- 17 Eighteen ----- 18 Nineteen - - - - - 19 Twenty 20 Twenty-one - - - - - 21 Twenty-two 22 Twenty-three - - - - 23 Twenty-four 24 Twenty-five - - - - - 25 Twenty-six ... 26 Twenty-seven - - - - 27 Twenty-eight 28 Twenty-nine - - - - - 29 Thirty 30 * Thirty-one, &c. - - - - 31 Forty 40 Fifty 50 Sixty 60 Seventy 70 Eighty 80 Ninety ------ 90 One hundred 100 SECTION VI.
Σελίδα 72 - A man being asked how many sheep he had, said that he had them in two pastures ; in one pasture he had eight ; that threefourths of these were just one-third of what he had in the other. How many were there in the other ?
Σελίδα 131 - A farmer, being asked how many sheep he had, answered, that he had them in 4 pastures ; in the first he had ,' of his flock ; in the second ^ ; in the third £; and in the fourth 15; how many sheep had he ? 175.

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