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1 fourth of it for a suit of clothes, and 3 tenths of it for a sleigh; how much had he remaining? 83. B., being asked the cost of his hat, replied, 2

thirds of $30 is 4 times its cost; required its cost. 84. 14 ninths of $27 is equal to 7 times the cost of

a pair of boots; required the cost of the boots. 85. An individual, having $90 on interest, received 2 forty-fifths of the principal for the interest; how much interest did he receive?

86. The interest received on $360, was 1 eighteenth of the principal; how much was the interest? 87. B. is worth $2000, and 3 fourths of his fortune is 3 times A.'s; required A.'s fortune.

88. 3 eighths of the number of hours in a day, is 3 times the number of hours I work; how many hours do I work?

89. A pole, whose length is 16 feet, is in the air and water; and 3 fourths of the whole length, less 4 feet, equals the length in the air; required the length in the water.

90. 3 fifths of $2000, +$120, equals B.'s fortune; how much is B. worth?

91. The building of a house cost $560, and 4 sevenths of this, +$80, is 1 tenth of the cost of the farm on which it stands; required the cost of the farm, 92. 5 eighths of 72, +13, are how many times 2? 93. The interest on $960 for 5 years, was equal to] third of the principal; how much was the yearly interest ?

94. What will 2 thirds of 12 pounds of coffee cost, at 13 cents a pound?

95. What will 3 fourths of a gallon of alcohol cost, at 9 cents a pint?

96. What will 1 sixteenth of a bushel of flax-seed cost, at 5 cents a pint?

97. How much will 7 fifteenths of 30 pine-apples cost, at 2 dimes each?

98. How much will 7 ninths of a hogshead of molas ses cost, at 4 dimes a gallon?

99. How many cents will 3 fifths of 100 oranges cost, at 1 half dime each ?

100. If 1 pennyweight of gold cost $1, how much will 2 fifths of an ounce cost?

IOI. What will be the cost of 2 thirds of 36 pounds of butter, at 2 dimes a pound?

102, 2 thirds of 24, +3 fourths of 16, are how many times 7?

103. 2 thirds of 30, +3 fifths of 40, are how many times 8?

104. 3 sevenths of 21, +3 eighths of 40, are how many times 6?

105. How far can I walk in 3 eighths of a day, at the rate of 3 miles an hour?

106. If Marcus earn 1 dime in an hour, how many cents can he earn in 3 eighths of a day? 107. If a horse travel 10 miles in an hour, how many times 10 miles can he travel in 5 twelfths of a


108. How much will 1 quart of gin cost, if 1 gill cost 15 cents?

109. How many dollars will 4 sixths of a pound of gold cost, if 1 pennyweight cost 10 dimes? 110. How many Eagles will 25 fourths of a gallon of brandy cost, at 1 half-dime a gill

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1. If 1 third of an orange cost 2 cents, what will 1 orange cost?

ANALYSIS.-If 1 third of an orange cost 2 cents, 3 thirds, or 1 orange, will cost 3 times 2 cents, which are 6 cents. 2. If 1 half of a pound of raisins cost 8 cents, what will 1 pound cost?

3. Bought 1 third of a barrel of sugar for $3; how much will 2 thirds of a barrel cost, at the same rate? 4. If 1 third of a pound of pork cost 5 cents, how much will 2 pounds cost?

5. 2 is 1 third of what number?

ANALYSIS.-If 1 third of some number is 2, 3 thirds, which is that number, are 3 times 2, which are 6.

ó. 5 is 1 half of what number?


If 1 fourth of a lemon cost 2 cents, what will 1 cost? 8. If 1 fourth of a melon cost 5 cents, what will i cost?

9. 3 is 1 fourth of what number?

10. 7 is 1 third of what number? II. 12 is 1 fifth of what number? 12. 7 is a fourth of what number?

13. What will 4 fifths of a pound of cinnamon cost, if 1 fifth of a pound cost 5 cents?

14. If 1 fifth of a yard of cloth cost $2, what will a yard cost?

15. If 1 sixth of a gallon of vinegar cost 2 cents, what will 1 gallon cost?

16. A man, being asked the value of his horse, said,

1 eighth of its value is $12; what was its value? 17. A man gave 15 cents for his lodging, which was 1 seventh as much as his breakfast cost; how much did his breakfast cost?

18. Bought 1 eighth of a yard of cloth for 4 dimes; what will a yard cost at this rate?

19. If 1 tenth of a yard of cloth cost 47 cents, hov much is the price of a yard?

20. What will 1 yard of cloth cost, if 1 ninth of a yard cost 5 cents?

21. What will 1 bushel of corn cost, if 1 seventh of a bushel cost 5 cents?

22. What will a hogshead of molasses cost, if 1 eighth of a hogshead cost $3?

23. What will be the cost of 2 cords of wood, if 1 eleventh of a cord cost 30 cents?

24. If 1 twelfth of the distance from Albany to Wil braham is 9 miles, what is the entire distance?

25. 9 is 1 tenth of what number?

26. 15 is 1 seventh of what number?

27. 16 is 1 fifth of what number?

28. 12 is 1. fifth of 6 times what number? 29. 15 is 1 sixth of 5 times what number? 30. 18 is 1 fourth of 6 times what number? 31. 10 is 1 eighth of 20 times what number? 32. 15 is 1 seventh of 5 times what number? 33. 20 is 1 eighth of 16 times what number? 34. 30 is 1 third of 6 times what number? 35. A boy's hat cost $3, which was 1 fifth of the cost of his coat; the cost of the coat is required. 36. Mr. B.'s saddle cost $9, which was 1 fortieth of times the cost of his horse; the cost of the horse is required.

37. Henry gave 5 cents for a piece of pie, which was 1 twentieth of 4 times as much as his breakfast cost; what was the cost of his breakfast? 38. A man, being asked his age, answered that his youngest son's age, which was 12 years, was just 1 twelfth of 3 times his age; required the father's


39. Mrs. B.'s shawl cost $9, which was 1 tenth of 3 times the cost of her dress; what was the cost of her dress?

40. John said to James, who is now 10 years old, your age is 1 eighth of 4 times my age; how old is John

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1. If 2 thirds of a melon cost 4 cents, what will 1 melon cost?

ANALYSIS.—If 2 thirds of a melon cost 4 cents, 1 third will cost 1 half of 4 cents, which is 2 cents, and 3 thirds, which is 1 melon, will cost 3 times 2 cents, which are 6 cents.

2. If 2 thirds of an orange cost 5 cents, what will 1 orange cost?

3. If 3 fourths of a pound of cotton cost 9 cents, what will 1 pound cost?

4. If 4 thirds or a pound of spice cost 16 cents, what will 1 pound cost?

5. If 3 fourths of a pound of cinnamon cost 12 cents. what will 1 pound cost?

6. If $4 will buy 2 fifths of a barrel of fish, what will 1 fifth of a barrel cost?

7. What will 1 yard of cloth cost, if 4 sixths of a yard cost 120 cents?

8. What will 1 hogshead of molasses cost, if 5 seventhr of a hogshead cost $15?

9. 8 is 2 thirds of what number?

ANALYSIS.-If 2 thirds of some number is 8, 1 third of that number is 1 half of 8, which is 4; and 3 thirds, which is that number, are 3 times 4, which are 12. Therefore, 8 is 2 thirds of 12.

REMARK.—Representing the conditions and solutions of questions by symbols, will aid young pupils in comprehending the more difficult parts of arithmetical analysis. The condition and analysis of the preceding question may be represented, thus :

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