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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


OBS. 2. In this example the divisor is not contained once in the tens' figure of the dividend; we must therefore write a cipher in the quotient, and prefix the 4 to the next figure of the dividend, as if it were a remainder. We then say, 6 in 42, 7 times, and place the 7 under the 2.

36. Divide 36060 by 6. 38. Divide 45900 by 9.

Ans. 107 barrels.

37. Divide 49000 by 7.

39. Divide 568000 by 8.

40. Allowing 5 yards of cloth for a suit of clothes, how many suits can be made from 1525 yards?

Ans. 305 suits. 41. A company of 3 men agree to pay a bill of 321 dollars: how many dollars must each man pay?

42. Divide 14350 by 7. 44. Divide 25105 by 5.

43. Divide 30420 by 6.

45. Divide 643240 by 8.

46. A merchant wished to divide 49 oranges equally among 4 boys: how many must he give to each?

Operation. After giving them 12 apiece, it will be seen that there is one re4)49 mainder, or 1 orange left, which Ans. 12-1 remainder. is not divided. Now it is plain that the whole dividend must be divided, in order to render the division complete. But 4 is not contained in 1; hence the division must be represented by writing the 4 under the 1, thus, (Art. 67,) and in order to complete the quotient, the must be annexed to the 12. The true quotient, therefore, is 12 and 1 divided by 4, and should be written thus, 124. Hence,

71. When there is a remainder, after dividing the last figure of the dividend, it should always be written over the divisor and annexed to the quotient.

47. A shoemaker has 375 pair of boots, which he wishes to pack in 6 boxes: how many pair can be put in a box? Ans. 623.

48. A baker wishes to lay out 756 dollars in flour: how much can he buy when the price is 5 dollars a barrel?

QUEST.-71. When there is a remainder, after dividing the last figure of the dividend, what must be done with it?

49. How many yearlings, at 9 dollars a head, can be bought for 468 dollars?

50. How many acres of land, at 6 dollars an acre, can I buy for 973 dollars?

72. The preceding method of dividing is called Short Division. From the illustrations and principles now explained, we derive the following


I. Write the divisor on the left hand of the dividend with a curve line between them. Then beginning at the left hand, divide successively each figure of the dividend by the divisor, and place each quotient figure directly under the figure divided. (Art. 68.)

II. If there is a remainder after dividing any figure, prefix it to the next figure of the dividend and divide this number as before; and if the divisor is not contained in any figure of the dividend, place a cipher in the quotient and prefix this figure to the next one of the dividend, as if it were a remainder. (Arts. 69, 70.)

III. When a remainder occurs after dividing the last figure, write it over the divisor and annex it to the quotient. (Art. 71.)

73. PROOF.-Multiply the divisor by the quotient, to the product add the remainder, and if the sum is equal to the dividend, the work is right.

[blocks in formation]

QUEST.-72. What is the rule for short division? 73. How is division proved? Obs. How does it appear that the product of the divisor and quotient should be equal to the dividend? What other way of proving division is mentioned?

OBS. 1. Since the quotient shows how many times the divisor is contained in the dividend, (Art. 64,) it follows, that if the divisor is repeated as many times as there are units in the quotient, it must produce the dividend.

2. Division may also be proved by subtracting the remainder, if any, from the dividend, then dividing the result by the quotient.


74. Divide the product by one of the factors, and if the quotient thus arising is equal to the other factor, the work is right.

OBS. This method of proof depends on this obvious principle, viz: if the divisor and quotient, multiplied together, produce the dividend, the product of the two numbers, divided by one of those numbers, must give the other number.


Ex. 1. A father bought 741 acres of land, which he divided equally among his 3 sons: how many acres did each receive?

Note. This example has been solved by short division. (Art. 70. Ex. 28.) We have introduced it here for the purpose of illustrating a different mode of dividing.


Divisor. Divid. Quot.

Having written the divisor and dividend as before, we find 3 is contained in 7, 2 times, and place the 2 on the right of the dividend, with a curve line between them. We next multiply the divisor by this quotient figure-2 times 3 are 6-and, placing the product under 7, the figure divided, subtract it therefrom. We now bring down the next figure of the dividend, and placing it on the right of the remainder 1, we have 14. 14, 4 times. Set the 4 on the right of the

3) 741 (247






Now 3 is in last quotient

QUEST.-74. How is multiplication proved by division? Obs. Upon what principle does this proof depend? How are the numbers written for long division? Where begin to divide? Where is the quotient placed?

figure, and multiply the divisor by it: 4 times 3 are 12. Write the product under 14, and subtract as before. Finally, bringing down the last figure of the dividend to the right of the last remainder, we have 21; and 3 is in 21, 7 times. Set the 7 in the quotient, then multiply and subtract as before. The quotient is 247, the same as in short division.

75. This method of dividing is called Long Division. It is the same in principle as Short Division. The only difference between them is, that in Long Division the result of each step in the operation is written down, while in Short Division we carry on the process in the mind, and simply write the quotient.

Note. To prevent mistakes, it is advisable to put a dot below each figure of the dividend, when it is brought down.

2. How many times is 2 contained in 578? Ans. 289.

Note. This and the following questions are designed to be performed by long division, and each operation should be proved. 3. How many times is 5 contained in 7560?

Ans. 1512. 4. How many times is 4 contained in 126332 ? Ans. 31583.

5. How many times is 6 contained in 763251?
6. How many times is 3 contained in 4026942?
7. How many times is 8 contained in 2612488?
8. How many times is 5 contained in 1682840?
9. How many times is 7 contained in 45063284?
10. How many times is 9 contained in 650031507?
11. Divide 2234 by 21.

[blocks in formation]

QUEST.-75. What is the difference between long and short division?

cipher in the quotient, (Art. 70. Obs. 2,) and bring down the next figure. Then, 21 in 134, 6 times, &c. Write the remainder 8 over the divisor, and annex it to the quotient. (Art. 71.)

76. After the first quotient figure is obtained, for each figure of the dividend which is brought down, either a significant figure or a cipher must be put in the quotient.

Ans. 23. Ans. 215.

12. Divide 345 by 15.
13. Divide 5378 by 25.
14. Divide 7840 by 32.
16. Divide 81229 by 67.
18. How many times is 131 contained in 18602?

15. Divide 59690 by 45.
17. Divide 99435 by 81.

Ans. 142.

OBS. When the divisor is not contained in the first two figures of the dividend, find how many times it is contained in the first three; and, generally, find how many times it is contained in the fewest figures which will contain it, and proceed as before.

19. How many times is 93 contained in 100469 ? 20. How many times is 156 contained in 140672 ? 77. From the preceding principles we derive the following


Begin on the left of the dividend, find how many times the divisor is contained in the fewest figures that will contain it, and place the quotient figure on the right of the dividend with a curve line between them. Then multiply the divisor by this figure and subtract the product from the figures divided; to the right of the remainder bring down the next figure of the dividend and divide this number as before. Proceed in this manner till all the figures of the dividend are divided.

When there is a remainder after dividing the last figure, write it over the divisor and annex it to the quotient, as in short division. (Art. 71.)

QUEST.-76. What is placed in the quotient, on bringing down each figure of the dividend? Obs. When the divisor is not contained in the first two figures of the dividend, what is to be done? 77. What is the rule for long division?

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