Journal of the SenateGeneral Assembly, 1992 |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 65.
Σελίδα 1199
... districts therein shall be allocated to the several road districts in the county in the proportion which the total mileage of such township or district roads in the respective road districts bears to the total mileage of all such ...
... districts therein shall be allocated to the several road districts in the county in the proportion which the total mileage of such township or district roads in the respective road districts bears to the total mileage of all such ...
Σελίδα 1661
... District has submitted his resignation from that office effective May 21 , 1992 , and has tendered a copy thereof the members of the Legislative Committee for the 14th Legislative District ; and to WHEREAS the Legislative Committee for ...
... District has submitted his resignation from that office effective May 21 , 1992 , and has tendered a copy thereof the members of the Legislative Committee for the 14th Legislative District ; and to WHEREAS the Legislative Committee for ...
Σελίδα 1945
... district of any property or portion thereof upon which an abatement of taxes was made pursuant to Section 162e of this Act , of the property in the school district applicable to the extension in that calendar year of taxes levied by or ...
... district of any property or portion thereof upon which an abatement of taxes was made pursuant to Section 162e of this Act , of the property in the school district applicable to the extension in that calendar year of taxes levied by or ...
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
ACT to amend affirmative Amend Senate Bill amendment was adopted amendments adopted thereto appropriated ask their concurrence Board changing Section Committee on Rules concurrence therein Contractual Services Contributions to Social Cullerton DeAngelis declared passed Department of Transportation Dept district Donahue Employee Retirement Contributions enacting clause Equipment following amendment following named amounts following named sums following voted foregoing amendment Friedland Fuel Tax Geo-Karis Hawkinson Holmberg House of Representatives Illinois Jacobs Jones June 30 license Macdonald Smith Madigan Mahar Maitland Marovitz motion of Senator motion prevailed municipality Munizzi necessary O'Daniel Offered by Senator offered the following ordered printed ordinary and contingent Personal Services Raica read by title Retirement Contributions Paid Retirement System Rigney Schaffer Schuneman Secretary inform SENATE RESOLUTION Senator Carroll Severns Social Security subsection taken Telecommunications Telecommunications Services thereof and ask third reading title a second title a third Topinka Total transcribed and typed Turi Vadalabene Woodyard