The Elements of Euclid [book 1] for beginners, by J. Lowres1852 |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 5 από τα 18.
Σελίδα 8
... angles equal to one another , each of them is called a right angle ; and the right line which stands upon the other is called a perpendicular to it ; thus , if the line AB , standing upon CD , makes the angles ABC and ABD equal , each ...
... angles equal to one another , each of them is called a right angle ; and the right line which stands upon the other is called a perpendicular to it ; thus , if the line AB , standing upon CD , makes the angles ABC and ABD equal , each ...
Σελίδα 9
... ABC . 24. An isosceles triangle is that which has two equal sides ; as , the triangle D E F. 25. A scalene triangle ... angle ; o as , the triangle KLM . 28. An obtuse - angled triangle is that which has one of its angles an obtuse ...
... ABC . 24. An isosceles triangle is that which has two equal sides ; as , the triangle D E F. 25. A scalene triangle ... angle ; o as , the triangle KLM . 28. An obtuse - angled triangle is that which has one of its angles an obtuse ...
Σελίδα 13
... ABC and DEF be two triangles , having the side A B equal to DE , the side AC equal to DF , and the angle a equal to the angle D ; then the base B C is equal to EF , the angle в equal to the angle E , and the angle c is equal to the angle ...
... ABC and DEF be two triangles , having the side A B equal to DE , the side AC equal to DF , and the angle a equal to the angle D ; then the base B C is equal to EF , the angle в equal to the angle E , and the angle c is equal to the angle ...
Σελίδα 14
... ABC be an isosceles triangle , having the sides AB and вc equal ; then the angles BAC and BCA at the base are equal ... angle B is common to both ; therefore the two triangles are equal in all respects ( Prop . 4. ) , the base Fc ...
... ABC be an isosceles triangle , having the sides AB and вc equal ; then the angles BAC and BCA at the base are equal ... angle B is common to both ; therefore the two triangles are equal in all respects ( Prop . 4. ) , the base Fc ...
Σελίδα 16
... angles opposite the equal bases are equal , and the two triangle . are equal in all respects . Let ABC and DEF be two tri- angles , having the side AB equal to DE , the side B C to EF , and the base AC equal to the base DF ; then the angle ...
... angles opposite the equal bases are equal , and the two triangle . are equal in all respects . Let ABC and DEF be two tri- angles , having the side AB equal to DE , the side B C to EF , and the base AC equal to the base DF ; then the angle ...
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
The Elements of Euclid [Book 1] for Beginners, by J. Lowres Joseph Butler,Thomas Codrington,Euclides Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη προεπισκόπηση - 2018 |
The Elements of Euclid [book 1] for Beginners, by J. Lowres Joseph Butler,Thomas Codrington,Euclides Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη προεπισκόπηση - 2018 |
The Elements of Euclid [book 1] for Beginners, by J. Lowres Joseph Butler,Thomas Codrington,Euclides Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη προεπισκόπηση - 2018 |
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
A B and C D A B is equal ABC and ABD ABCD adjacent angles alternate angles angle ABC angle BAC angle equal angle opposite angles AGF angles CAB angles DBA base BC BC is equal BD Prop BGF and EHD bisect coincide DBC are equal demonstrated describe an equilateral diagonal draw EHD are equal equal Ax equal bases equal Hyp equal Prop equal sides equal to CD equal triangles equilateral triangle EUCLID's ELEMENTS exterior given angle given line given point greater than AC hypotenuse interior angles interior opposite angle isosceles triangle join Let the line line BC lines A B parallel Prop parallel to BC parallelogram perpendicular price One Shilling PROB produced proposition rectilineal figure respectively equal right angles Prop SCHOL side A B sides AB sides BC THEOR triangle ABC triangles are equal Twickenham vertex W. W. D. PROP
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 10 - Things which are halves of the same are equal to one another. 8. Magnitudes which coincide with one another, that is, which exactly fill the same space, are equal to one another.
Σελίδα 10 - Things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another. 2. If equals be added to equals, the wholes are equal. 3. If equals be subtracted from equals, the remainders are equal. 4. Things which coincide with one another are equal to one another.
Σελίδα 40 - All the interior angles of any rectilineal figure, together with four right angles, are equal to twice as many right angles as the figure has sides.
Σελίδα 10 - If a straight line meets two straight lines, so as to make the two interior angles on the same side of it taken together less than two right angles...
Σελίδα 10 - LET it be granted that a straight line may be drawn from any one point to any other point.
Σελίδα 39 - If the square described upon one of the sides of a triangle, be equal to the squares described upon the other two sides of it ; the angle contained by these two sides is a right angle.
Σελίδα 20 - If one side of a triangle be produced, the exterior angle is greater than either of the interior opposite angles.
Σελίδα 29 - If a side of any triangle be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and opposite angles ; and the three interior angles of every triangle are equal to two right angles.
Σελίδα 22 - Any two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third side.
Σελίδα 10 - Things which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another. 2. If equals be added to equals, the wholes are equal. 3. If equals be taken from equals, the remainders are equal. 4. If equals be added to unequals, the wholes are unequal.