Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

be communicated to many, without which I saw not how any estimate could be made of the forces: besides, that it was an eminent danger to the Scottish Queene, whereof I sawe no remedie.

I tooke notice of this matter in my next letters to the Scottish Queene, whose answere was, that she lately heard of that determination, &c.

Vpon my former answere to Morgan, he desired me, that I would conferre with the Spanish ambassadour, to whom I should bee recommended from thence; hereupon the sayd ambassadour sent for me, and brake with me, in this matter, assuring me, that in his opinion he found it verie easie to make great alteration here, with very little force, considering the disuse in men to warre, and troubles would so amase them (as he thought) that they would be assoone ouerthrowen as assailed, and he could not thinke but in such a case Catholickes woulde shewe themselues, sith the purpose tended to the obteyning for them libertie of conscience: and therefore he desired me to acquaint him, what I thought men would doc in such a case, and where I thought the fittest landing, and what holdes in these partes were easiest to be surprised.

I answered him, that, as it seemed, the enterprise stood vpon great incertainties, if it depended of the knowledge of a certaine force to be found here, which no man could assure him of, vnless he had sounded all the Catholickes, which was not possible without a manifest hazarde of the discouerie of the purpose: For, as for any great personage, I know no one to be drawen into this action, that could carie any more than his ordinarie retinew: the onely way in such a case was (I tolde him) for such as woulde be drawen into this matter, and were of credite in their countreys, to leuie forces vnder colour of the Princes authoritie.

But for that these things depended vpon vncertaine groundes, which was not fit to be vsed in so great an action, I said it was to be resolued, that the force to bee sent should be of that number, that, what backing soeuer they should find here, they might be able of themselves to encounter with any force that might be prouided to be sent against them, and therefore they could not bee less then fifteen-thousand men. For the place of their landing, I said, it depended much vpon the force that should be sent; for, if that were in great number, it mattered not where they landed; if in a small companie, than was it requisite that it shoulde be in the countreys best affected, and furthest from her Maiesties principall forces, which I said to be in the Northern parts, on either side.

To the danger of the Scottish Queene by me obiected, he said he knewe no remedie, vnlesse she might be taken away by some two-hundred horse; which I tolde him I sawe not to be possible, for that I knewe not any gentlemen in those partes, which were men, if any, to perfourme it, that I durst wish to bee made acquainted with the matter before hande.

Finally, our conclusion was, that I shoulde informe him of the

See this largely proved in Don Bernardin Mendoza's letnr, referred to on p. 189.

hauens as particularly as I could; and within fewe dayes after, finding by him that the force, intended hither, was farre inferiour to that I spake of, and that there was some differens betweene the Pope and the King of Spaine for the charge, I tolde him that the surest course, and of least danger, were, to send a supplie into Scotland, where a small force would breede a great alteration, and, things being there established by the good liking of the King, I thought it was in him by a continuall warre, and by incursions, so to anoy this state, as her Maiestie here shoulde be forced to yeelde the libertie of the Scottish Queene, and what should thereupon haue bene reasonably demaunded for the benefite of Catholickes here. And herein I said it woulde be a great furtherance, if, at the same time, some fewe were landed in Irelande, where, although they abid the same hazarde that the former forces sustained, yet would the charge be so great to her Maiestie, and so great an occasion of dispersing of her forces, as a much lesse companie, then was spoken of first by me, would (being landed here in a conuenient place) shake the mindes of men generally, and be of force (if any thing) to drawe them to shewe themselues, in the furtherance of the purpose.

He vtterly reiected the purpose for Irelande, and disliked not the purpose for Scotlande: But still he was in minde to haue forces landed here, and therefore desired me verie earnestly to inquire particularly of the hauens on the side of Cumberland and Lancashire, and what men were dwelling there that were well affected in religion*, and what places easie to be taken, and what apt for fortification.

The next time that I went to the Spanish ambassadour, he found himselfe agrieued that he vnderstood matters were determined in Fraunce, without his priuitie; and tolde me that Parsons the Iesuite was gone to Rome, sent, as he thought, to vnderstand the Popes minde.

Soone after came ouer my brother Thomas, to make an ende of our accompt, and to perswade me to come ouer, assuring me that, for ought he could see in likelihood, the enterprise was neuer like to take effect. In the time of his being heere, and while I entertained intelligence with the Scottish Queene, concerning her libertie, the Spanish ambassadour sent for me, and told me of the comming ouer of Mope to view Sussex, and the hauens, and, as he thought, to take the best of accompt there: whereat he seemed to bee agrieued, for that such matters had not bene left to him, beeing one that they in Fraunce made beleeue that they relyed vpon principallie in this enterprise. Afterwardes, the ambassadour tolde me, that it was Charles Paget, and that he was retourned, but, where he had bene, hee knewe not, and, at the same time, I receiued a letter from Morgan, that it was Paget; but assuring me, and so willed me to assure the ambassadour, that his comming was not to moue any man, but onely to viewe the countrey, for that the moouing of any man was referred to him. I did so, and he intreated me to remember him for those foresaide names and hauens, saying that, so it were done exactly by the spring, it would suffice; for that sooner ho saw no likelihoode of the execution of the enterprise.

⚫ viz. Popish.

My brother, hauing made an ende of his accompt with me, retourned with this resolution betweene vs, I protest before God, that, if the enterprise succeeded not betweene this and the next spring nowe past, that I woulde settle my things here and go ouer. And for this cause, he being gone, I went downe into the countrey, both to sell and take order for my land in those partes, as also to fetch the draught of gentlemen and hauens for the most part of England, which had bene set downe by me aboue two yeres since, and left behinde me at Feckenham in my studie.

Not finding the draught at Feckenham, I retourned to London, where I founde the note of names in secretarie hande, which I caried to the Spanish ambassadour, and there drewe that other in Romane hande in his studie, putting downe Chester to be taken, in respect of the easinesse, as I thought, and the rather to giue him incouragement in the matter. I left it with him, promising him that by the next spring I woulde perfect it, if I taried so long, making knowen vnto him, that I was had in suspition, and my determination to be gone; but he pressed the contrarie of me, asssuring me, that, if the enterprise proceeded not, he would then also depart.

Whether Sir Frauncis Englefielde were a dealer in this practise or no, I know not; but sure I am, for so the Spanish ambassadour tolde me, that Frauncis had intelligence with the said ambassadour all the time of his being here,

The Spanish ambassadour tolde me, that he heard the people of Northwales were generallie wel affected*, and therefore he desired to haue the hauens of that countrie: I tolde him, that hereafter I would help hime thereunto, although no good might be expected there, for the reasons by me set downe in my first confession: and hereupon, the day before mine apprehension, the ambassadour sent me backe the said paper in Romane hand, desiring me to set downe the same at my leasure more exactly, which was the cause that it was not in my greene veluet casket, The writings in my casket were such as were by me confessed, and came vnto my hands as I haue confessed.

I most humbly beseeche her most excellent Maiestie, that the extremitie which I haue alreadie sustained, and the causes by me discouered, to the safetie of her Maiestie and the state, not made knowen, as hath appeared, by any other meane then by my selfe, may craue at her handes the extending of her gratious commiseration towardes the relieuing of the lamentable estate of me, her Maiesties poore distressed subiect, and mine, if God for mine offences forbid not the same.

NOWE iudge all yee, that be not peruersly affected, whether Throckmorton be iustly condemned, and whether his confessions, though, as he pretended, extorted from him by violence, be of force in lawe against him: he hath conspired to ouerthrowe the state, to bring in strangers to inuade the realme, to remoue her Maiestie from her lawfull and naturall right and inheritance to the Crowne of England, and to place a stranger in her

To the Popish Faction,

seate. But this last point, for placing of a stranger, will, perchaunce, be denied; then note, that, in the whole course of the practise, the greatest barre to the prosecution of the enterprise was, they found no way how to put the Scottish Queene in safetie. Then, if these dangerous treasons be discouered by torture, the onely meanes left vnto princes to discouer treasons and attemptes against their states and persons, where they finde apparant matter to induce suspition, as in the case of Throckmorton, vpon sight of the plottes of hauens, &c.-, may the law touch the traitour, or not? If any man holde this question negatiuely, holde him for a friend to traitours and treasons, and an enemie to the Queene's Maiestie, whome God long preserue, and confound her enemies.






Whose Names hereafter followe.

With a Declaration of the Kinges Maiesties Intention to his last Acts of


Which openeth fully in Effect all the saide Conspiracy.


Imprinted at London, for Thomas Nelson, and are to be solde at the West Ende of Paules. 1585. Black Letter, octavo, containing twenty-four Pages.

The Coppie of a Letter sent from a Gentleman in Scotland, to a Frend of his in England, touching the Conspiracie against the Kinges Maiestie.

My approued Friend, T. S.

HERE hath beene lately secret practising against the Kinges Ma

maner of their proceeding in the said attempt: I haue here sent to you the Kinges declaration to his last acts of parliament, and, for breuitie, haue set downe the names of the conspirators, which are as followeth. And thus, in hope you will accept my good will, I commit you to the Almightie. From Edenbrough, this 20 of Februarie, 1585.

Yours, Christopher Studley,

[ocr errors][merged small]

These wer apprehended at the Kinges court.

John Hoppignell of the Mores, apprehended at his owne house, by the captaine of the Kinges garde.

The Lord Keir and Lord Maius apprehended, with other gentlemen, about Sterling.

The Lord Blaketer and Georg Douglasse are sommoned to the court, upon suspition.

The Lord Don Whasell

The Lord Maius




The treason discouered by Robert Hamelton.

The Kinges Maiesties Declaration of his Acts confirmed in Parliament.

FORASMVCH as there is some euil affected men that goeth about, so farre as in them lieth, to invent lies and tales to slaunder and impaire the Kinges Maiesties fame and honour, and to raise reportes as if his Maiestie had declined to Papistrie, and that he had made many actes to abolish the free passage of the gospel, good order and discipline in the church: Which bruites are mainteined by rebellious subiects, who would gladly couer their seditious enterprises vnder pretense of religion, albeit there can be no godly religion in such as raiseth rebellion to disquiet the state of their natiue soueraigne, and periuredly doeth stand against the othe, band, and obligation of their faith, whereunto they haue sworne and subscribed; therefore, that his Maiesties faithfull subiects be not abused with such slanderous reportes, and his Highnesse good affec tionated friends in other countries may understand the veritie of his vpright intention, his Highnesse hath commaunded this briefe declaration of certaine of his Maiesties acts of parliament holden in May, 1584, to be published and imprinted, to the effect, that the indirect practises of such, as slaunder his Majestic and his lawes, may be detected and discouered.

IN the first acte his Maiestie ratifies and approues the true profession of the gospell, sincere preaching of the worde, and administration of the sacraments, presently by the goodnes of God established within this realme, and alloweth of the confession of faith set downe by acte of parliament, the first yeere of his Maiesties raigne. Likewise, his Highnesse not onely professeth the same in all sinceritie, but, praysed be God, is come to that ripenesse of judgement, by reading and hearing the worde of God, that his Highnesse is able to conuince and ouerthrowe by the doctrine of the prophets and apostles, the most learned of the contrary sect of the aduersaries: So that, as Plato affirmeth, that commonwealth to be most happy, wherein a philosopher raigneth, or he that raigneth is a philosopher: We may much more esteeme this country of

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