Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Hon. Honorable.

Hund. Hundred.

Hhd. Hogshead.

J. H. S. (Jesus Hominum Salvator) Jesus the Saviour of men.

Inst. Instant, present, usually applied to month.
Incog. (Incognito) Unknown.

Int. Interest.

Just. Justice.

Jr. or Jun. Junior.

i. e. (id est) that is.

id. (idem) the same.

ibid. (ibidem) in the same place.

K. King.

Km. Kingdom.

Kt. Knight.

L. or Lib. (Liber) a book.

Ldp. Lordship.

£. (Libra) a pound in money.

LL. D. (Legum Doctor) Doctor of Laws.

L. S. (Locus Sigilli) Place of the Seal.
Lieut. Lieutenant.

Lat. Latitude.

Lon. Longitude.

Lond. London.

lb. (libra) a pound in weight.

Math. Mathematics.

M. P. Member of Parliament.

M. C. Member of Congress.

M. Marquis.

Maj. Major.

Mr. Master, Mister.

Mrs. Mistress, commonly pronounced Missis.
Messrs. (Messieurs) Gentlemen, Sirs.

Mem. (Memento) Remember.

M. S. (Manu Scriptum) written with the hand, Manuscript.

MSS. Manuscripts.

M. B. (Medicinae Baccalaureus) Bachelor of Medicine.

M. D. (Medicinae Doctor) Doctor of Medicine.
N. Note.

N. B. (Nota bene) Take notice, mark well.
Nom. Nominative.

No. (Numero) in number.

N. S. New Style.

N. T. New Testament.

Nem. con. (Nemine contradicente) no one ob

jecting, unanimously.

O. S. Old Style.

O. T. Old Testament.

Obj. Objection.

Obt. Obedient.

oz. ounce.

Parl. Parliament.

Per ann. (Per annum) By the year, or for a year.

Pres. President.

Prof. Professor.

Part. Participle.

Payt. Payment.

Per cent. (Per centum) by the hundred, or for a


Philom (Philomathes) Lover of Learning.

Pop. Population.

Pro tem. (Pro tempore) For the time.

Prob. Problem.

Prop. Proportion.

P. O. Post Office.

Pl. Plate.

P. M. (Post Meridiem) Afternoon.

P. M. Post Master.

P. M. G. Post Master General.

P. S. (Post scriptum) Postscript, written after.

p. page.

pp. pages.

Q. Queen, question.

Q. E. D. (Quod erat demonstrandum) which was

to be proved.

Qr. quarter of a cwt.

Qy. query, question.

qr. (quadrans) a farthing.

qt. quart.

q. d. (quasi dicat) as if he should say.

q. 1. (quantum libet) as much as you please.

q. s. (quantum sufficit) a sufficient quantity.
R. (Rex) the King.

Rec. Sec. Recording Secretary.
Regr. Register.

Rep. Representative.

Rev. Reverend.

Rt. Hon. Right Honorable.

Rt. Rev. Right Reverend.
Recd. Received.

Recpt. Receipt.

Sec. Secretary.

Sen. Senator, Senior.

S. J. C. Supreme Judicial Court.

St. Saint, Street.

Schr. Schooner.

Servt. Servant.

Sect. Section.

S. T. D. (Sanctae Theologiae Doctor) Doctor of Divinity.

S. T. P. (Sanctae Theologiae Professor) Professor of Divinity.

Sem. Seminary.

ss. (scilicet) to wit, namely.

s. (solidus) a shilling.

Theol. Theological.

Treas. Treasurer.

Ult. (Ultimo) the last-generally referring to the

last month.

V. Pres. Vice President.

v. (vide) see.

vs. (versus) against.

viz. (videlicet) to wit, namely.

Vol. Volume.

wt. weight.

yd. yard.

&, and.

&c. and so forth.

$. dollar—being a union and contraction of U. S.


The following are some of the improprieties frequently used in conversation; some of them are of a general nature, others are merely local. Bringing them occasionally before the mind of the young scholar, may prove effectual in preventing the extended use of them.

[blocks in formation]
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