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a member of the permanent Secretariat of the League of Nations.

The story of the century is told in a book* by Richard Hooker, President of the Republican Co.

Samuel Bowles I, in 1824, with a total borrowed capital of $400, founded the Springfield Republican, weekly, in a river village which had within the memory of man been demolished by Indians. He printed no local news whatsoever. He lifted articles from London papers five weeks old and from Washington papers a week old.

Samuel Bowles II had the audacity to wheedle his father into a daily edition in 1844. Bowles II was the family genius, for he it was who began to tell the Springfield villagers about themselves. He printed local news and more and more of it, thus sounding the keynote of American small-town papers. Bowles II also rose to commanding eminence in national life. So well did he succeed in annoying two prominent New Yorkers, Jay Gould and Jim Fiske, that a crooked Tammany judge jugged him.

Came Samuel Bowles III, the business man, at the beginning of our new era, wherein the primary function of a newspaper is to make money. On the morning of Sunday, Sept. 15, 1878, a well-known Springfield citizen appeared on his front porch, clad in dressing gown and carpet slippers. In his hands were the family tongs. With these he carefully picked up a tainted object which lay before him. Marching around, instead of through, the house, to avoid the possibility of contagion to holy precints, he deposited the object in the garbage can by the kitchen door. With crisis met and duty done, he resumed the day's meditations.

"The cause of offense thus bravely plucked from the eye of the world was a copy of the first issue of the Sunday Republican."

Bowles III, founder of the Sunday, acquired also an evening paper. He made money, but he likewise set standards of commercial honesty which made his paper unique. The third Bowles died with honor not many years ago.

His nephew, Richard Hooker, his son, Sherman Bowles, have since controlled the paper.

But Mr. Hooker's book is much more than a Bowles biography. It is a brilliant résumé of the history of the U. S. From the Whig revolt to the election of Gov. Calvin Coolidge on a League of Nations platform, Mr. Hooker deftly recalls to one's imperfect memory the great political organizations of this nation. Rarely has so much history been so judiciously set forth in so few words.

Funk & Wagnalls

Think of "Abercrombie" and your mind will echo "Fitch." "Montgomery"

THE STORY OF AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER-Richard Hooker-Macmillan ($2.00).

calls up "Ward." Other familiar namelinks are Hart, Schaffner & Marx; Weber & Heilbroner; Gallagher & Shean; Sears, Roebuck; Acker, Merrall & Condit; Black, Starr & Frost; Doubleday, Page.

Also there is Funk & Wagnalls Co.,


The echo answers "Funk"

publishers of The Literary Digest, The International Book Review, and The Standard Dictionary. Twelve years ago, Dr. Isaac K. Funk, senior partner, died. Last week, Adam Willis Wagnalls died.

Adam Willis Wagnalls was born 81 years ago in Lithopolis, Ohio. Aged 24, he founded and was pastor of the First English Lutheran Church of Kansas City. After two years as clergyman, he served two in Atchison, Kan., as City Clerk; then went to Manhattan to enter the publishing business of Isaac Funk, a fellow alumnus of Wittenberg College (Springfield, Ohio).

In 1878, Wagnalls became a partner of Funk & Co. They published books only, at that time-chiefly reprints of English and Continental authors. The Standard Dictionary first appeared in 1885, edited by Dr. Funk. Dr. Funk was a prohibitionist and his Voice (1880), an organ of the Prohibition Party, reached a circulation of 700,000 in the campaign [Cleveland vs. Harrison vs. Fisk (Pro.)] of 1888. The firm became Funk & Wagnalls Co. in 1891, having established the Literary Digest in 1889. Beside the bulky, bound volumes of that weekly, which constitute an exhaustive compendium of the press opinions of the world on all public questions in the last three decades, the partners have been responsible for The Jewish Encyclopedia (12 vols., 1901-06), Schaff-Hertzog's Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Hoyt's Cyclopedia of Quotations, Cyclopedia of Classified Dates and other monumental works. Dr. Funk's guiding passion was for

undertakings on a big scale with a special penchant for lexicography. When he died, he had just completed the manuscript for The New Standard Dictionary. Adam Willis Wagnalls found his forte in the financial rather than in the editorial side of the business. He remained active in the firm until a few months ago, when his health failed.



Upon library tables and newsstands appeared The Living Age for Sept. 6, a very different looking magazine from all its little brown predecessors. It was fatter, having 80 pages to their 48. Its cover was smooth stock, white with a brown border. A subtitle ran: "Monthly Edition."

An editorial note and a "house ad." described how every fourth or fifth issue of the admirable little weekly that the Atlantic Monthly Press gets out to "bring the world to America" would be similarly expanded and glorified "to receive longer articles of the type that justify keeping a magazine on the table after the immediate topics of the day are exhausted."

The Sept. 6 issue, for example, contained, in addition to the usual weekly supply of short excerpts from the foreign press, the following surplusage: Early Writings of Lewis Carroll (8 pp.), Memories of Fashoda (11 pp.), Francis of Cardona: A Cheerful Ascetic (7 pp.), The Formality of France (7 pp.), A Steed in the Senate, play by Leonid Andreev (10 pp.), two large cartoons.


The Daily News, Manhattan "straphanger's delight," set aside three columns, had its compositors compose: Enter GEORGE M. COHAN

And out from the land of grease paint, mystery and hokum bursts George M. with a weekly humorous letter for the Sunday News. Think of it! The fellow who press-agented Betsy Ross's Grand Old Rag is going to toot a real Yankee Doodle letter for you every Sunday!

It will be a mean line in that racy American language he knows so well. ... You can depend on one thing-the letters will be crammed full of speed, zip, pep and go! A guy who could write a song out of a flock of bugle calls and help win a war will write some letter-the kind that will make you shout for a lot of P. S.'s!

The announcement was worth three columns. It would be difficult to think of a figure from whom a series of signed articles would find greater favor with Manhattan newspaper readers, particularly straphanging readers. Moreover, it was not recorded that George M. Cohan had ever before stepped from the footlights to the headlines.

Wrote Cohan: "At last I'm a man of letters, whatever that means. You'll just die laughing at some of the things I'll say. . . . Write me; wire me; phone me! . . . I love my little readers. If any college boy cares to call my attention to a misspelled word or two I will appreciate it beyond words. . . . Yours,



a nourishing food any finicky child will eat

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Because children


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children love it

FINICKY appetite in any child is a danger signal. If your child is a poor eater-if he doesn't like plain, nourishing food and won't drink milk-if he picks indifferently at his meals

Don't wait and think he'll outgrow these bad habits later on. Now is the time he must have plenty of the proper kind of food in order to avoid the menace of malnutrition.

With Eagle Brand you can be sure your child gets the food elements he needs. Begin with this one corrective food which he won't be finicky about. For children love Eagle Brand.

What Eagle Brand does-and why Eagle Brand is now used in thousands of homes for building up underweight children of all ages.

Eagle Brand is effective in combating malnutrition for two reasons

(1) Children like it. It is just sweet enough to appeal to childish appetites.

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(2) Children get from Eagle Brand exactly what they need. Milk-pure,safe, with its body and bone building properties, its vitamins. And sugar-the quickest source of energy.

Try it today

Order a supply of Eagle Brand from your grocer today. Serve two cups a day regularly between meals so as not to interfere with his regular food which he must have too. Mix two tablespoons of Eagle Brand in 2/3 cup of cold water. Pour the milk from the can to the spoon.

In very difficult cases

If your child has such an ingrained dislike of drinking milk that he even objects to drinking Eagle Brand, try giving it to him at first in other forms.

When everything else fails, children will eat it spread undiluted on bread or poured over cereal. Öften they'll take it, too, mixed with prunes, dates or figs. Or as drink mixed with egg and various flavors, such as chocolate, vanilla or fruit juices. Certain valuable recipes for health foods, like custards made with Eagle Brand, are also given in Menus for Little People, one of the 3 Little Books mentioned elsewhere on this page.

The food value is the same in whatever form you give it.

The important thing is to see that your child gets his daily ration of Eagle Brand regularly.



385 Borden Building 350 Madison Avenue New York, N. Y

Please send me a set of the

3 Little Books.


The Outlook

For Railroad Stocks

From February to June in-
dustrial averages dropped
10 points, but railroad
stocks in June were within
a point or two of February
levels. Since then they
have advanced 10 points,
and are now considerably
higher relatively than indus-
trials are.

What is the trend now?
Will they continue to ad-
vance or not? Should stocks
be held or sold? New com-
mitments made? Our latest
Bulletin analyzes the out-
look and advises definitely
what action should be taken.
Mail the coupon today.


ECONOMIC SERVICE, Inc. 25 West 45th St., New York Please send your Bulletin TM-49; "The Outlook For Railroad Stocks."

[blocks in formation]

Dun's Index

Commodity prices, according to Dun's index numbers, rose slightly during the month of August. The general index for over 300 wholesale commodities was 156.0 on Sept. 1, compared with 155.6 on Aug. 1, and 152.1 on June 1-the low point so far this year.

Of the seven groups among which, according to the Dun system, commodities are divided, two rose, three declined, and two remained unchanged. Meat advanced from 135on Aug. 1 to 142 on Sept. 1, while dairy and garden products moved up from 115 to 118. Other foodstuffs fell from 188 to 185, clothing from 188 to 185, and miscellaneous commodities from 157 to 156. Breadstuffs remained unchanged at 170 and metals at 133.

The Dun index is based upon a percentage scale, the average prices for the year 1913 being taken as 100. As between the seven groups above enumerated, dairy and garden products at 118 are nearest pre-War prices, while clothing at 187 is farthest above the pre-War price level.

American Woolen

The sensation of last week in the stock market arose from the passing of the 7% dividend upon American Woolen common. Dividends on the stock at a rate of 5% were inaugurated April 15, 1916; on Oct. 15, 1919, the rate was raised to 7%, which has been paid ever since. The Company's statement attributed the dividend action to "the severe depression in the textile industry"; American Woolen itself is probably experiencing the most trying period since its formation over 25 years ago.

The day before the dividend was passed, the stock "acted queer" in the market, declining noticeably on heavy selling. Either the insiders were "getting out," or else astute traders were "getting short" of considerable stock. Next day, when the news came out, the stock collapsed about 14 points; the rest of the week it continued to drop.

For many months, American Woolen has been considered in Wall Street as a "mystery stock." Experts wrangled over just what its statements really meant. Speculators failed to make money either buying or selling its shares. It is a wellknown fact that American Woolen is a "one-man" company-the individual in question being its President, William M. Wood. Particular interest has centered around possible political consequences of the passed Woolen dividend, which seems to contradict Republican Chairman Butler's assertion that wages of textile workers

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week was 29,360 cars.

The increase came in all commodities handled except forest products (i. e., lumber) and ores, and was most noticeable in coal and miscellaneous freight.

Of the total 982,248 cars loaded, coal was responsible for 159,814 (or 16%); miscellaneous freight for 358,031 (or 36%); grain and grain products 61,613 (or 6%); live stock 34,237 (or 3%); forest products 69,138 (or 7%); merchandise 243,873 (or 24%); ores 48,313 (or 4%); coke 7,229 cars (or less than 1%).

Increases in freight loadings over the preceding week occurred in all sections except the Northwestern. Except for the latter and the Eastern Allegheny sections, loadings were in excess even of 1923 record figures.

Kansas Prosperity

However spotty and uncertain the business situation may be in the East, in Kansas and to a less degree throughout the agricultural Southwest there is only prosperity. Farmers have shipped their wheat to market at excellent prices and with unusual speed. Country banks have large deposits, and diminishing loans. The question is: What use, if any, will the farmer make of his good fortune?

For one thing, a revival of interest in wheat-growing is already evident. Also, the high price of corn is leading farmers to sell their surplus of it, instead of feeding it to hogs and cattle. In consequence, hogs and steers are being rushed to market also. Some long-headed farmers are therefore planning to devote more attention to livestock in the future.

The Western farmer is paying off mortgages on his land rapidly, and beginning to invest in more land. Farm land, which has been a drug on the market for several years, is now being transferred in lively fashion, and its price in some sections has already risen from 10 to 25%.

Salesmen consider that fall buying in the wheat and corn belt will be But particularly good this year. among others, bond salesmen are be

ginning to be interested too. The MEDICINE

farmer has had a severe lesson in personal extravagance, and gambling in land and oil stocks. Some bond and mortgage houses predict that the farmer will purchase sound investment securities in unusual amounts during the coming months.

Minority Stockholders

Now that the Van Sweringens have made public their formal offer whereby the stocks of the New Nickel Plate road (TIME, July 7, 28, Aug. 11, 18) will be exchanged for the securities of its constituent companies, the old question of the rights of minority stockholders has again come to the fore.

Undoubtedly in the past, managers of American railway and other mergers have not always provided adequately for the minority stockholder. On the other hand, minority stockholders have sometimes adopted a purely obstructive attitude in order to be bought off. In the present Nickel Plate case, neither extreme will probably be witnessed.

Glum Hosts

Now that summer has come and gone, the truth about the summer resorts can be told-at least from the financial side. Northern New England resort keepers, it seems, have not wholly enjoyed the summer months. For their tribulations there have been many and various causes.

That perennial scapegoat, the weather, comes in for much abuse; the spring was cold and summer was late. But novel factors have also arisen to make the summer innkeeper unhappy. Chief among these is the "auto camp." Guests no longer arrive bag and baggage via the railroad station, meat for the innkeeping Caesars. Instead they enter resorts under their own power, and proceed to the inexpensive hospitality of the


camp." Food they obtain from neighboring farmers, who in consequence are first to defend the camping motor tourist. Moreover, no one wants to stay put anywhere for even a week, and the landlord's toll is apt to be nightly rather than by the week or month.

Finally, other regions have this summer proved great drawing-cards. The tourist rush to Europe has been great. Many, too, have undertaken pilgrimages to Quebec, the Bahamas, Cuba and other sections.

The New England railroads also show the local tourist slump. Passengers on the B. & M. in June were 10% fewer than for June, 1923; apparently about the same decrease was experienced on the New Haven.


It appears that there has been a surprising increase in the number of twins occurring in Naples, Italy, during and since the War. In Bordeaux, France, there have been six twin births in each 1,000 for every year since 1913. But in Naples, the proportion, which was about three before the War, has risen steadily to 8, 9, 12, 17, 26 and 29 per 1,000 births. Scientists have endeavored to find some explanation for this unusual occurrence, but none of the explanations thus far offered seems adequate.


Newspapers of some months ago contained numerous accounts of the beneficial effects to be derived in the treatment of colds and diseases of the lungs in general by inhaling chlorin. Now The Journal of the American Medical Association offers an authentic opinion as to the present status of this method of treatment. "Chlorin inhalations," it says, "will not produce bacterial sterilization of the mucous membranes, although they seem to reduce to a considerable extent the number of bacteria found on the tissues. The length of an adequate treatment, the optimal concentration of gas to be used and the method by which the gas is to be produced have not yet been thoroughly worked out. The method must, therefore, be considered as still in the experimental stage."


Hot Feet

Runners ran, jumpers jumped, weightmen heaved and swung their weights, all in the rolling Orange Mountains of New Jersey. The Newark Athletic Club was holding a three-day National track and field carnival, the annual junior and senior A. A. U. championships, on Colgate Field, West Orange.

Charles W. Paddock, of the Los Angeles Athletic Club, journalist, student, Chautauqua lecturer and sprinter, hotfooted through his 100- and 220-yd. paces creditably, tied the world's record for each. The 220-yd. record, 204% sec., is Paddock's exclusive property. For 100 yd., 935 sec. has been sufficient time for several hotfooters.

In the "century" dash, Paddock was vying with an old rival, Loren Murchi

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If I Only Had the Right Man Somewhere there is a Man-the head of a business-who will recognize in this Ad the hope of solution to his problem.

His business has cost him infinitely in time and thought and energy. He has given himself unsparingly. Now that he needs to get away to take advantage of new opportunities or to restore his vision, he finds the demands of the business will not permit.

He needs a RIGHT HAND MANa fellow of real business experience, with his feet firm on the ground. A man of ability, who thinks before he acts and then acts; of tested character and unquestioned loyalty. Such a man must be thoroughly dependable, have sound judgment, and the disposition that wins the confi dence of his fellows.

Advertiser is a Scot, 38 years old. Twelve years business experience over here, during which he has built an unusually fine record of achievement. Has an Administrative and Sales type of mind, and sufficient confidence in himself to believe he can measure up to the required specifications.

Strictest confidence will, of course, be maintained during negotiations. Enquire of Advertising Manager of TIME

To Subscribers

Notification of a change of address should reach the office of TIME, 236 East 39th St., New York, N. Y., two weeks before it is to take effect.

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The News-Magazine Idea


EOPLE are, for the most part, poorly informed.

To say with the facile cynic that it is the fault of the people themselves, is to beg the question. People are poorly informed because hitherto no publication has adapted itself to the time which active men and women can devote to keeping themselves informed.

News comes from a thousand fronts politics, science, literature, business. How can a man get it all? - grasp it? put it together? - make it his own?


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ROM every news-source, TIME collects all available information on every event. TIME analyzes the news. TIME condenses, verifies, resolves, organizes, clarifies, completes. It presents the first and only systematic condensation of the week's world news. No man-not though he possessed the greatest mind, an unimpeachable vocabulary and a faultless memory-could tell you as much about what is happening as TIME will tell you in its 26 compact pages.

That is the news-magazine idea.

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