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National Affairs-[Continued]

Committee rushed west to Chicago to confer with the candidate about a tour on the Pacific Coast.

Democratic. John W. Davis roamed westward. In his special train, he reached Chicago from Wheeling, spent four days in the Congress Hotel. He made no public speeches, attended no public gatherings, but did business with his political lieutenants, heard


reports about the West. Through Frank R. Kent, famed Democratic correspondent, word leaked out that the Democrats had practically lost hope of the region west of the Mississippi except for few states-Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Nebraska, Missouri; and Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, which rank as part of the South. This, of course, Mr. Davis denied; but to it was attributed the fact that his trip was planned to carry him no farther west than Denver. It was said that he regarded visiting the Pacific Coast as a waste of energy; that he would devote his time to adding the above few states to his support in the South and then try to secure a substantial number of the larger states East of the Mississippi-Indiana, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, West Virginia.

After four days of comparative quiet, the special train pulled out of Chicago; and Mr. Davis on the back platform made speeches at Rockford, Freeport,

Galena, Dubuque. At Omaha, he made his first major speech-on the farm problem. He declared that 1,200,000 people had been forced to leave the farms by the Republican policy of deflation. He called the Fordney-McCumber Tariff "an offense to every consumer in the U. S.," and described it as "an act to obstruct our foreign commerce, to increase the prices of what the farmer buys and to reduce the prices of what he sells. . . . I am here primarily to learn rather than to teach. . . . I am not a dirt farmer nor a pictorial farmer." He recalled Mr. Dawes' suggestion for a commission to investigate and recommend remedies. "It has not even the merit of novelty!" he exclaimed. "I can smell the moth balls now." He concluded:

"We undertake:

"To adopt an international policy of such coöperation as will reëstablish the farmer's export market by restoring the industrial balance in Europe. ...

"To adjust the tariff so that the

farmer and all classes can buy again in a competitive market.

"To reduce taxation.

"To readjust and lower rail and water rates. . . .

"To bring about the early completion of internal waterway systems and to develop our water power for cheaper fertilizer. . .

"To stimulate, by every governmental activity, the progress of the


Said Davis: "She is a very beautiful woman"

coöperative marketing movement. . . "To secure for the farmer credits suitable for his needs.

"This is our platform."

He boarded his train once more and went on, while the metaphorical announcer called: "All aboard for Denver, Cheyenne, Topeka, Bunceton, Des Moines and Chicago!"

Meanwhile, in the East, the rather ineffectual Clem L. Shaver sputtered that he expected LaFollette to get about 70 electoral votes in the West. Some Democratic campaigners set the number even higher. They admit it cheerfully. "This," they say, "means that La Follette is weakening Coolidge. La Follette having the West, if the election is not to be thrown into the Electoral College, it means that South and East must combine on one man. Davis has the South; so the East must go to Davis likewise." From the brevity of Mr. Davis' efforts in the West, it would seem that he accepts the forecast that the West will be divided between

Coolidge and La Follette; but far from waiting for the East to come to him, Davis is going out with all his energy to get it.

Progressives. The La FolletteWheeler campaign experienced some difficulty in collecting the funds which they felt sure they would get from Labor. In fact, at the present time, both Democrats and Progressives are having difficulty in collecting material resources. The Federation of Labor was called upon and issued an appeal for funds. It was said that Senator La Follette's radio speech on Labor Day cost about $3,800 and that he had relatively little, as yet, on which to finance the rest of his campaign. Nevertheless, the La Follette men continue optimistic, promise to carry Wisconsin, Minnesota, Washington, Nebraska, Iowa, the Dakotas, Oklahoma and possibly California, Kansas, Arizona, Illinois. Wisconsin seems pretty certain. In the Republican primary there, the insurgent Congressmen who had been supporting La Follette were all renominated with substantial majorities.

Meanwhile, Senator Wheeler has continued his tour of New England, telling the mill hands: "When the people of the West got tired of their Congressmen, they got others. You can do the same. When their Senators were creatures of corruption, they changed them. You can do the same." Leaving New England, he burst into up-state New York and was scheduled to continue his trip via Newark, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago.


She Knows It

If John W. Davis is elected President of the U. S., he will probably appoint someone to be Minister to Rumania. One cannot identify that hypothetical Minister in advance, but he would have to be a very able diplomat to take up amiable relations with the Rumanian court.

Why? Because, when John W. Davis was in Chicago last week making a speech to political leaders, he said:

"There is a story that has nothing to do with what I am talking about. As you know, the Queen of Rumania is a very beautiful woman and she knows it. She hasn't any doubt about it, and there is no reason that she should have

"She said once: 'I want to come to America, and the reason is that I want to give my country a face, so that when

National Affairs-[Continued]

you think of Rumania you will think of me.'

"Frankly, I want, so far as I can with the two months at my disposal, to give my face to the Democrats of the United States."

"All Great Men"

Many years ago, two little boys played together in Georgia. One of them was destined to get close to the White House. He was the elder. The younger looked up to him with great admiration. One was William G. McAdoo, onetime Secretary of the Treasury, son-in-law of a late President, and recent candidate for the Democratic nomination; the other was Malcolm R., his blood brother. Last week Malcolm changed his party affiliations. He announced that he stood for LaFollette. At once he was made State Treasurer of the La Follette Progressives in New York. He explained his change.

"There is no difference between Coolidge and Davis. Senator Wheeler properly and correctly terms them the 'gold dust twins.' A moment's thought will convince every man and woman that they can get no relief from their present oppressive burdens from either, and a vote for a change a new broom, so to speak -is a necessity.

"The press advocating the election of either Coolidge or Davis terms Senators La Follette and Wheeler radicals, meaning Anarchists or Reds, as General Hell-and-Maria Dawes, Mr. Coolidge's running mate, terms them. These papers even go so far as to convey the impression that Mr. Dawes was a real General in the World War. He, as a matter of fact, fought the World War in Evanston, Ill., his home town.

"All of the great men in the history of this country were the same type of constructive radicals in the interest of all of the people as are Senators LaFollette and Wheeler.

"The signers of the Declaration of Independence were constructive radicals of the same type. Most of these men were noted in the history of the Republic. Benjamin Franklin was a signer. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Harrison, two other signers, subsequently became Presidents. "George Washington and his army were of the same type.

"General Andrew Jackson, the hero

General Dawes served overseas from July, 917, until August, 1919. He was first a Lieuenant Colonel of the Railway Engineers and ter promoted to Brigadier General; served on he staff of General Pershing as General Purhasing Agent of the A. E. F.

Paul Thompson

THE MCADOO BROTHERS "Many years ago, two little boys played together in Georgia"

of the battle of New Orleans and afterward President, was of the same type.

"Abraham Lincoln and his followers were of the same type. .

"The downfall of Rome was caused by the same prostitution of government now seen at Washington. .

"I have been featured in the Republican and pseudo-Democratic press, in declaring my advocacy of the candidacy of Senators La Follette and Wheeler, as being a bolter from the Democratic Party on account of the treatment accorded my brother at the recent convention in Madison Square Garden.

"Since attaining my majority, I have voted for nine Presidential nominees. Six of my votes were cast for the Republican nominees and three for the Democratic. If I am a bolter, I am a bolter of both parties, and twice as much a bolter of the Republican Party as of the Democratic."

Connubial Relations

Clem L. Shaver, Democratic National Campaign Manager, and his wife are presumably on connubial good terms; but that does not require that he be interested in her political opinions. Mrs. Shaver wrote a letter to the West Virginia press in which she spoke of Gov. Charles W. Bryan, Democratic nominee for the Vice Presidency, as a "pacifist" and remarked that "he does the ticket

no good" (TIME, Sept. 8). The Republican New York Herald-Tribune hounded Mr. Shaver for his opinion of his wife's opinions. He responded curtly: "I haven't seen the statement yet. . . I never intend to read it."

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Candidate Davis, asked if he had any comment to make on Mrs. Shaver's remarks, smiled broadly: "None whatever."

Disordered Barometer

The polls opened. Maine walked in and cast its ballots. The polls closed and the count began. A few hours afterwards the Democrats shook their heads and admitted defeat. For Governor, William R. Pattangall, Democrat, went down by what the final count will probably show to be 40,000 or 50,000 votes before Ralph O. Brewster, Republican. Senator Bert M. Fernald, Republican, was reëlected. The four Republican Congressmen were also reëlected.

Maine, although normally Republican, is usually considered a barometer of the This national election in November.

year, however, there was friction in the Republican ranks over the Governorship nomination. Mr. Brewster, supported by the Ku Klux Klan,-v -won the primary after a recount. The Democrats thereupon made the Klan the issue. They called in Senator Underwood as a speaker. The Republicans called in General Dawes, Senators Watson and Willis, Speaker Gillette. They were scared. The Republican press went so far as to say in advance that Maine was no barometer this year because of the Klan issue.

Then Maine went Republican as usual.


Deaf and Dumb Clubs of real deaf and dumb people for the purpose of getting deaf and dumb people* to vote for Calvin Coolidge on Nov. 4 was an idea brought forth last week by ReThe publican campaign managers. genesis of the idea was the fact that, before her marriage, Grace Goodhue was a teacher of deaf and dumb pupils in a deaf and dumb school.

*There are 44,885 of them in the U. S.



National Affairs-[Continued]

Secretary of Commerce Hoover attended the sixth annual Convention of the U. S. Fisheries Association. He had some statistics to give:

In 30 years, the shad fisheries have decreased their yield 70%.

Salmon have disappeared from the Atlantic Coast and have decreased by 50% along the Pacific Coast.

In 25 years, the lobster yield has fallen off 6623%.

In 25 years, the oyster fisheries of Chesapeake Bay have fallen off 50%.

In 10 years, the crab fisheries of Chesapeake Bay and the Delaware River have fallen off 50%.

In 40 years, the sturgeon fisheries of the Great Lakes have fallen off 98%. Halibut, river herring, sea trout, striped bass, clams are all decreasing in numbers.

As remedies, he proposed artificial restocking, restriction of fishing and prevention of the pollution of waters by dumping of chemicals, factory wastes, etc. Some measures have already been taken by Congress. There is a new law against dumping of oil by oil-burning vessels; drastic restrictions have been placed on the Alaskan salmon fisheries; the upper Mississippi River has been set aside as a breeding ground; a halibut treaty has been signed with Canada.


The Department of Labor issued its first report on one of its latest Labors or relatively one of its latest Labors. In November, 1921, Congress passed a Maternity and Infancy Act. On March 20, 1922, the first funds became available. The report covers the following 15 months of work.

The Act is administered by six people who comprise the Division of Maternity and Infant Hygiene of the Children's Bureau of the Department of Labor. The Bureau disseminates authoritative information on maternity and infant hygiene, and it furnishes funds with which States carry

[blocks in formation]

States, 28 of which matched the Federal appropriation in whole or in part.

In 1923, grants were made to 41 States, 35 of which matched the Federal appropriation in whole or in part.

At the present time, Acts of State Legislatures enable all the States except Kansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut to coöperate.

The Bureau sums up the effects of its work as follows:

1) Stimulation of state activities; 2) Maintenance of local responsibility and initiative;

3) Improvement of the quality of the work done because of the central clearing house of information;

4) Increase of state appropriations for the work in 33 States.

The actual activities undertaken by States include: "employment of physicians, public health nurses, dentists, dietitians, health teachers and social workers on staffs of health departments; education of the public through lectures, demonstrations, exhibits, films, etc.; maternity consultations or centres; mothers' classes, correspondence courses and other forms of educational work for mothers; training and supervision of midwives; health conferences; dental clinics; nutrition classes; inspection of maternity and children's homes. Much of the work has been directed toward taking to the rural mother and baby the health facilities which the city mother has had for some time."

No Red Ink

On Sept. 2, 1914, a month after the outbreak of a recent war, Congress, by statute, authorized the Treasury Department to insure U. S. merchant vessels and their cargoes against the hazards of war. Thus came into being the Bureau of War Risk Insurance. Last week, this insurance business was "wound up"; it has ceased to exist.

Apparently, this was one of the few departments of the Government which made a financial profit out of the War. Although $29,497,331.23 was paid out on claims for losses, there remained over $17 million in profit; and the appropriation of $50 million made by Congress to cover losses was entirely untouched.

The largest single loss was $4,467,336 on the steamer Argonaut and the largest single payment was $2,200,000 for

the loss of the Standard Oil tanker John D. Archbold.

Thus has the account been closed out with no red ink on the ledger.

ARMY & NAVY "Third Rate"

The Director of the Budget (Herbert M. Lord) is worried because expenditures are heavy on the National purse. The Navy Department is worried because the U. S. is falling behind in naval strength. Each is worried because of the other. The Navy Department estimated that it could not provide a good naval defense without $346 million next year. Director of the Budget Lord promptly sliced off $56 million of this amount.

"Impossible!" the Navy ejaculated. "One of our first-line ships, the Florida, is out of commission because there are no funds to repair her boilers. We have no funds to convert our old coal-burners to modern oil-burners. For economy's sake we have been obliged to concentrate all our fast oil-burners in the Pacific, leaving only our slow coal-burners in the Atlantic where oil is more expensive. The Naval Air Service is inadequate; yet the Director of the Budget has amputated 60% of our requests for next year. We were refused $30 million to modernize our obsolete vessels; but the upstart Coast Guard service was granted $20 million for Prohibition enforcement by the last Congress. We pare our requests to the bone and you cut 16% more. And the President also forbids the elevation of guns. We will sink to a thirdrate power instead of standing with a first-rate navy as the naval treaties entitle us."

The Director of the Budget only sighs and shrugs. Meanwhile, the Navy plans to carry its request to the President and, if necessary, to Congress.

"With Merit"

At Helena, Mont., there died from an attack of bronchial pneumonia a distinguished soldier, General Samuel B. M. Young, in the 85th year of his age. His career could hardly be called spectacular, but it was one of those lengthy records of achievement which occur every now and then in the Army.

In 1861, at 21, he entered the Army as volunteer in the Twelfth Pennsyl venia Infantry. At the end of a three months' enlistment, he became

National Affairs-[Continued]

a Captain in the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry. During the war, he rose Peace step by step to a colonelcy. came. He slipped back to be a Second Lieutenant and once again began his steady rise. The Spanish War gave him a sudden boost; and he rose to be a Brigadier General; then a Major General of Volunteers.

Peace again. He slipped back to be a Brigadier General in the Regular Army and was sent to the Philippines, where he campaigned against the natives. On his return from the Islands, he was made a Major General and selected by Secretary of War Elihu Root to be President of the War College. In 1904, aged 64, then a Lieutenant General, he was automatically retired.

Twenty years later he died. Nothing spectacular marked his coming or his going. He had simply served 40 years with merit.


Anticipating General Pershing's retirement from the Army on Defense Day, Sept. 12, and appreciating the General's abilities, a number of organizations have bid for his services. He admitted having had one offer from a Wild West show, and declared he was good at shooting glass balls from horseback after the manner of the late "Buffalo Bill" Cody.

OIL Something New

The Government's special counsel for investigating and prosecuting the oil scandals has apparently hit upon an entirely new tack. Behind closed portals in Washington, a Special Grand Jury was called to hear 16 witnesses, subpoenaed duces tecum (bring your books and papers). All that transpired was that the proceedings had nothing to do with the Sinclair and Doheny oil leases. The witnesses were an entirely different group from that which was examined by the Senatorial Committees (TIME, May 12 et seq.). The new investigation is supposed to have something to do with the Mexia oil field in Texas.


Union Suits

An eye for union suits, while not exactly a drawing-room asset, may, nevertheless, be useful to a servant of the U. S. In Paris, a doctor examined a group of Poles who had asked for visas

to come to the U. S. as immigrants. The physical examination showed them to be O. K.; but the doctor extended his examination to their undergarments and observed that they were all new and of the same make.

He spoke to other officials of the matter. The passports of the 50 Poles were reëxamined and found to be clever forgeries. It was discovered that the Poles had all bought their fake passports from a combine which gave away, as a premium with each purchase, a new union suit. Thus did an eye for union suits uncover a dastardly conspiracy.

consideration would a British Governor General receive were his domain to show a deficit for 25 years?

"Yet the economic resources of the Islands are inexpressibly and inexhaustibly rich. Indeed, they have what not only the United States, but every country needs for the cultivation of industry; valuable woods of various kinds, including, of course, the rubber tree; sugar plantations, coconut groves, orange, banana and pineapple farms. The waters teem with fish. Cattle are successfully raised. The land is fertile. The climate benign.

"Cecil Rhodes in South Africa and Hughes in Australia, pioneers, worked like Trojans for their government, but what American pioneer in the past

POLITICAL NOTES 25 years has received the backing of

"But Vote!"

The campaign to get out the vote for the November election is becoming picturesque. The National Association of Manufacturers is planning to have some 15 million pieces of literature sent out. One of them is a circular entitled: "Stockholders' Meeting of the U. S. A., Nov. 4. Attend and vote! Vote as you please, but vote!"

"By the Sword"

In Boston, Mayor James M. Curley vetoed the request of the Socialist Party for permission to hold a peace demonstration on Boston Common on Defense Day, Sept 12.

"As an American Mayor of an American city, interested in America, I am opposed to anything that savors of pacifist propaganda which, in my opinion, unless checked, may serve to deprive Americans of their present splendid heritage which was secured through use of the sword; and, so long as the governments of the world continue constituted as at present, they can only be preserved and perpetuated by the sword."

True Democracy

Congress received a neat roasting last week:

"The British Colonies are a source of revenue to the Crown. The Philippines have been in our possession for over 25 years; we have spent over $750,000,000 in developing them, but they have returned no revenue. How much

our government in the development of the Philippine Islands? In these days of over-burdening taxation is it not worth while to stop and consider how this enormous area could be made a source of revenue?

"It has been said that Congress is a national inquisitorial body for the purpose of acquiring valuable information, and then doing nothing about it. So it seems!"

Was it some bitter editorial writer or acrid political economist who penned these words? So it would seem. Not so. This was a paid advertisement, published by one of the large banks of Manhattan the Harriman National Bank.

It is extraordinary that such a traditionally conservative institution as a bank should choose such a mode of expression; and extraordinary that it should denounce such an established institution as the Congress of the U. S. Already one can hear radicals ejaculating: "We are accused of attacking our institutions but here is Wall Street,* the conservative banking interests, doing the same thing with impunity!" As a matter of fact, the radicals can have less honest objection to such a mode of procedure than if the Harriman National Bank spent its money in devious ways to buy influence at Washington or to subsidize the press to print its views vicariously. It is logical that, with the progress of Democracy, the "moneyed interests," like all other interests, should appeal to the voters for support. It is noteworthy, a true sign of Democracy, that even a beginning of such a thing should have taken place. When we have complete Democracy in the U. S., all business interests will directly advise and urge the people on political questions.

*The Harriman National Bank is situate on Fifth Avenue at 44th Street, about three miles from Wall Street.

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THE LEAGUE Assembly's Week

The Fifth Assembly of The League of Nations (TIME, Sept. 8) heard two speeches on security and disarmament. One was from the lips of Premier The Ramsay MacDonald of Britain. other was from Premier Eduard Herriot of France.

The contents of the speeches may be summed up philosophically in the words of Blaise Pascal, famed 17th Century mathematician and Cartesian philosopher par excellence: "Justice without Power is futility. Power without Justice is tyranny."

Premier MacDonald took the contra stand on the first part of Pascal's aphorism. The gist of his speech went to support the thesis that Justice without Power is security. He pleaded for arbitration among nations based upon Right and Justice and not upon Might. He agreed that "Power without Justice is tyranny," but, losing himself in abstruse idealism, he wanted the annihilation of power by disarmament and the extirpation of tyranny by arbitration. Said he "Our position in this: We don't believe a military alliance is going to bring security. We believe a military alliance in an agreement for security, like the mustard seed, is small to begin with; and that this seed with the years will grow and grow, until at last the tree produced from it will overshadow the whole heavens; and we shall be back exactly at the military position at which we found ourselves in 1914.

This did not suit Premier Herriot. In theory he agreed with his British colleague, but in practice he accepted Pascal's famous pensée with a single addition: "Justice with power is security" meaning that arbitration backed by force was the only guarantee of security that would be accepted by France. Said he: "Arbitration is necessary, but arbitration is not sufficient. Arbitration, security, disarmament— those are three things inseparable. We must create something more than an abstract form of words. Arbitration shows good faith, but we must protect good faith. We must protect those states which show their good faith by accepting arbitration. When a nation has given an example by accepting freely and voluntarily the principle that all its disputes shall be dealt with by arbitration, then, whatever the size of that state, large or small, it has the right to security and the right to justice.

"Mr. MacDonald says arbitration is justice without passion, I agree. But

you cannot have justice without some force behind it. We must combine right and might. We must make what is mighty, just; and what is just, mighty. If we are to give to people what they desire, if we are to save them a repetition of their sufferings, we have got to provide for their security."

Premier Herriot was backed by all the small states of Europe. All thought that Premier MacDonald had put the cart before the horse-that is, that he had laid the emphasis upon arbitration and disarmament when it ought to have been on security.

The day following Premier Herriot's speech the Assembly passed unanimously, amid tremendous enthusiasm, a resolution which said, in effect:

"The Assembly, noting the declarations of the Governments represented, remarks with satisfaction that they contain a basis of understanding tending to establish and secure peace; and it decides as follows:

"1) To call an international conference on armaments at the earliest possible moment.

"2) To consider the material dealing with security and reduction of armaments.

"3) To examine, in view of possible amendments, articles in the League's Covenant and statutes establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice, in order to facilitate the work of the proposed conference."

In support of the resolution, Premier MacDonald was quoted: "If this Assembly could only be recorded in the pages of history as an Assembly which, for the time, did not give merely lip service to peace, but brain service, it would be distinguished above all gatherings of mankind that have met hitherto."

Premier Herriot hopefully declared: "Now begins the detailed study of the difficult questions which Premier MacDonald has already outlined-problems of mutual assistance and, above all, the great problem of international solidarity through the state which must yet be crossed. The road is long, but we must traverse it arm in arm, associating our efforts and our endeavors."

League officials declared that the Disarmament Commission would frame a treaty of security and mutual assistance to replace the old one (see below). The Commission is also to concern itself with questions relating to the convocation of a land disarmament conference which European Powers decided should

be held in Europe. It was hoped to call the new conference within a year.

Security was and is the paramount issue in international European politics. With the horrors of war no distant dream, the Continental states have demanded security against future aggressive warfare, but, lacking tangible guarantees, they have declined to reduce their armies to a strength below what they considered was indispensable to their national safety.

The establishment of the League of Nations provided no security for peace. The Washington Conference was not even a half-way measure, for it only restricted the number of capital ships in the Navies of the U. S., Britain, France, Italy and Japan; it was totally unconnected with land armaments and barely touched the problem of security. The Treaty of Mutual Assistance (TIME, Aug. 20, 1923) provided for reduction of land armaments and gave security to an attacked nation by stipulation for armed attack by all states in the region of the war on the aggressor nation. This treaty was, however, unacceptable to the U. S. and Britain, virtually because it smacked of armed alliance.

A new plan, called "the American Plan," was put forward recently by Prof. James T. Shotwell of Columbia University and General Tasker Howard Bliss, backed by a number of eminent U. S. experts (TIME, June 30). This plan, which is a modification of the League's Treaty of Mutual Guarantees, prescribes regular tri-annual meetings of a commission to "consider progressively the question of disarmament." Under this plan, aggressive warfare is to be outlawed as an international crime with specific sanctions to be taken against attacking nations. The plan engaged the attention of the League members at present in Geneva and was expected to form a basis in future discussions of disarmament and security problems.


New President

Max Huber, legal advisor to the Swiss Political Department, was elected President of the Permanent Court of International Justice.

Dr. André Weiss of France was elected Vice President. Both terms of office will run until 1927.

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