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don weekly newspaper (Democratic), said:

"Labor in this election is faced with a combination of interests, parties and newspapers which has never been known before in the history of political contests. It stands alone and, single-handed almost, fights its battle. This should win for it devoted support, not only from the working classes but from all who see in such combinations a menace to freedom of thought and independence of political action."

Posters. Almost within 48 hours after the dissolution of Parliament had been proclaimed (TIME, Oct. 20), the three big parties started to paste posters in the cities, towns and villages of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

"Bewildered Bolshies" are the subject of most of the Conservative placards. These usually show “a brutal Bolshevist with greed in his eye" stretching out for the money of "the good old British voter." The captions are: "It's your money he wants. The Socialists say he can have it. Don't let him vote Socialist"; "Russia already owes us £722,500,000. Don't vote another £40,000,000, but vote Unionist [Conservative]."

In music halls, British Money for the British, a quasi-patriotic song, became popular overnight.

A Conservative campaign poem reads: Bolshevik, Bolshevik, where have you been?

Over to England, where the Reds are still green.

The Labor cartoons ridicule those of the Conservatives and Liberals, mock them for calling up a fantastic Bolshevik spook. The captions: "The weather will be dreadful under Communism"; "The Communists will stab poor grandpa."

Oratory. The following are brief excerpts from speeches of prominent political leaders:

Premier MacDonald: "Tittle-tattle will play a great part in this election; and the trouble is that, being without a great and widely read press, we are going to be at the mercy of those who speak recklessly and tell what is not true."

Ex-Premier George, referring to the Laborites: "They have no more originality than the Chinese tailor who imitates the very patches on a garment."

Ex-Premier Asquith called one of Premier MacDonald's speeches a "rodomontade."

Ex-Premier Baldwin described the Labor Ministers as "cheap-jacks of politics, always full of enthusiasm but never doing anything."

Lord Wargrave, referring to the Premier, described him as the "standard-bearer of the white flag during the War and the red flag after it."

Foreign News [Continued]

Lord Birkenhead, speaking of the Premier, called him a "lachrymose pilgrim in a motor car and declared the Russian Treaty was an agreement to give "£40,000,000 of English money to a band of murderers who have already robbed us of £800,000,000!"

Winston Churchill, in an attack on Premier MacDonald, demanded: "What became of all these lofty lectures from the Socialists about the unfairness and immorality of rent and interest when they say, at the first opportunity, that the Prime Minister did not hesitate to become an important shareholder in a great manufacturing concern connected with the food of the people?"

Broadcasting. The British Broadcasting Co. put their equipment at the disposal of Premier MacDonald and ex-Premiers Baldwin and Asquith. Both Mr. McDonald and Mr. Asquith spoke into the instruments from an election platform; and the heckling and cheering was such that it made their speeches inaudible to millions of the radio-audiant. Mr. Baldwin was more successful. He hied him to the office of the Radio Co., sat him in a comfortable chair and talked quietly to millions. The keynote of his speech was an inversion of the late President Wilson's famous dictum about making the world safe for democracy. It left Mr. Baldwin's tobacco-hardened tongue as "making democracy safe for the world." Avoiding controversy, attacking nobody, he gave his listeners what he termed "a heart-to-heart talk." Said he: "You cannot all make speeches, thank God. . . . We are all going through a pretty bad time. Prices are high; jobs are few; and taxes are heavy. The country simply can't afford, at such times, experiments with either academic socialism or revolutionary mitigation. The Conservative Party is no patent medicine vendor. It does not profess to have a remedy for every evil, but it is the only Party which offers you the least hope and knows how to make democracy safe for the world."

Incidents. The most noteworthy of the incidents which befell candidates, during the past week, was the persistent bad luck which dogged Premier MacDonald. Dashing about the country in his now notorious automobile (TIME, Sept. 22), he was able to make many speeches too many; the result being that, at the end of the campaign's first week, he had lost his voice. He had said previously: "I was never so tired in my life."

At Wolverhampton, a woman dashed onto the platform and hit him over the head with a Union Jack crying: "This is the flag; never mind Russia." She was led away by police. The New York World wrote an editorial on the

incident calling
the flag-whacke
"Britain's Barbara Frietchie."

At Leeds, the Premier spoke to the plebs from an improvised platform which he and 30 others stood. In th middle of his speech, the platform crlapsed, precipitating most of the or cupants, including the Premier, to the ground. After picking himself up, Mr. MacDonald resumed his speech from 1 part of the platform left intact. H said that the collapse was an example of the weight with which Labor woud! bring down its opponents.

Forecast. Lloyd's, the world's most catholic insurance company, offered odds of 2 to 1 that the Conservative Party would gain a majority over all other parties in the House of Commons. It was later reported, but not confirmed, that the odds had been lengthened to 10 to 1.

Everybody, including Liberals, forecast defeat for the Liberal Party; but Conservatives and Laborites each expected to make handsome gains.

It appeared probable, owing to the Conservative-Liberal arrangement of non-opposition in questionable constituencies, that the former would be returned with a majority.

It was considered as certain that the first Ministry of the next Parliament would be either Conservative or Conservative-Liberal, united on anti-Socialist policy.

The Visit

The progress of Lord Renfrew is continued:

At Detroit, the Prince was shown the factory whence thousands of flivvers emerge daily. He witnessed the rapid assembling of an automobile which was christened by Henry Ford "The Prince of Wales Special." The Baron then motored to the home of Edsel Ford; was royally entertained at a dinner and dance. Then he left for Toronto.

In Toronto, the Baron of Renfrew listened to words of greeting from the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario and the worshipful Mayor. He responded


the proffered welcome, dashed away to New Market, a few miles distant, took part in a hunt. His horse fell at one point and off shot the royal rider. He, however, gave chase to the nag, caught it, remounted, continued the hunt. In the evening, he was dined at the Ontario Government House; later, he danced.

The next day saw him in Ottawa, capital of the Dominion of Canada. At Government House, His Excellency General the Right Honorable Julian Hedworth George, Baron Byng of Vimy, Governor General of Canada, entertained the British Heir Apparent at

inner. The Baron spent the night at overnment House, left the following ay for Montreal.


Moroccan War

The war between Moorish rebels and Spain began to take a more hopeful urn, owing to the dissaffection of sevral tribes toward the rebel forces. Sevral battles were won by the Spaniards, out the position was not materially iltered.

King Alfonso appointed Director Primo Rivera, Marquis d'Estella, High Commissioner of the Spanish Directorate in Morocco and Commander-inChief of the armies there. He remained head of the Military Directorate which rules from Madrid.

FRANCE Recognize Russia?

One day, in Paris, it was mooted that France was going to recognize Russia. The next day, recognition was a sure thing. The day after, the date for the event was set; and, as minute succeeded minute and hours became days, the time for recognition of the Moscow autocrats became more imminent. At last, the great day dawned; but the French Government was silent. A hitch had occurred a decision would later be announced-only a brief delay-were the explanations given.

Thousands of Russian royalists in France became alarmed over the recognition rumors, thought they might be forced either to return to Russia or to become French citizens. Basile Maklakov, one time Russian Ambassador to France, called upon Premier Herriot and was assured by the latter that the status of Russians living on French soil would remain unaltered and would not, under any circumstances, become the subject of conversations between France and Soviet Russia.

Exits and Entrances

At a Cabinet meeting in Paris, many diplomatic changes were approved, one of the most important being the appointment of M. Emile Daeschner, Director of Administrative Affairs at the Quai d'Orsay (French Foreign Office), to succeed M. Jean Jules Jusserand as French Ambassador to the U. S. In accordance with diplomatic custom the French Government submitted for approval of the U. S. Government the name of M. Daeschner.

Foreign News [Continued]

Jean Adrien Antoine Jules Jusserand is 69 years of age and was


He diffuses integrity.

born at Lyon, the city of which Premier Herriot is mayor. It was his ambition to fight in the Franco-Prussian war, but being only 15 years of age he was unable to enlist. Struck by his ignorance of foreign countries he decided at that time to become a diplomat.

At the age of 21, or in 1876, he entered the diplomatic corps and after spending 22 years at the Quai d'Orsay and at the Embassy in London, he was appointed Minister to Denmark, which position he held for four years.

In March of 1903, when Theodore Roosevelt was President of the U. S., there appeared before him M. Jusserand, who thereupon presented his credentials as French Ambassador at Washington; he later became the dean of the diplomatic corps there. This honor will now devolve upon the Spanish Ambassador, Señor Riano, who has been in Washington since 1903.

President Roosevelt and M. Jusserand were often to be seen "hiking" in the environs of Washington. The former held the Ambassador in high esteem. "He diffuses an atmosphere of integrity," Mr. Roosevelt once exclaimed. And on another occasion: "The Ambassador has proved himself as able a servant of France as France has ever had in her long line of able servants. And he has proved himself as loyal a friend as ever France has provided."

Beside being an able ambassador, M. Jusserand is a scholar of great attainments. He is the author of many valuable studies in English literature and civilization. For the past 21 years, or since he first went to Washington, he has been engaged in writing A Literary History of the English People. He has also acted as general editor of Les

Grandes Ecrivains Français-a series of studies in the life, works and influence of principal French writers.


Emile Daeschner is 61 years of age and was born in Alsace. His diplomatic experience has earned for him the epithet of "best trained diplomat in the French service." He has held posts in the Embassies at London and Madrid and was Minister to Lisbon and Bucharest. In the Quai d'Orsay he has served under such eminent statesmen as Premiers Rouveer and Poincaré and the famed League of Nations champion, Senator Leon Bourgeois.

He is a Protestant, like President Doumerque, is married and has six children. Owing to having spent ten years in England he speaks English perfectly.

Other appointments made: M. de Fleuriau, Minister to Peking, to be Ambassador to Great Britain in place of Comte de Saint Aulaire; Senator René Besnard to be Ambassador to Italy, displacing M. Barrière, who for 27 years has represented France at Rome; M. Peretti della Rocca, Director of Political and Commercial Affairs at the Quai d'Orsay, to be Ambassador to Spain in room of M. de Fontenay; Comte Charles de Chambrun, Director of Press Service at the Quai d'Orsay, to be Minister at Athens; Deputy Jean Hennessy, ardent supporter of the League of Nations, to be Minister to Switzerland.

Religious Strife

In Paris, as in many other parts of France, particularly in Alsace and Lorraine, the religious question (TIME, Sept. 8) is a favorite topic for conversation. Men, and sometimes women, gather at their favorite café and after a preliminary garçon, une fine champagne, or un bock, s'il vous plaît, they lean forward over their tables and start the conversation with: Qu'est-ce que se passe en Alsace Lorraine; qu'est-ce que se passera? Herriot, que va-t-il faire là-bas?

What is happening in the two "longlost daughters of France"-Alsace and Lorraine?

Premier Herriot when he came into office last May saw in those provinces what his predecessors had seen, but, unlike them he did not approve. Here were two provinces being governed by German laws when they ought to be governed by French laws like the rest of France. The German laws permitted the Catholic religion to be taught in the public schools, which the French laws did not. And at the suggestion

(by Herriot) of abolishing the German laws and substituting those of France, there was a hue and cry raised throughout Alsace and Lorraine.

There has been trouble, then, for Herriot; and the Alsace-Lorraine side of the case may be stated: "In these two provinces, the general opinion is that, having been faithful to France through the German occupation (18701918), the people have a moral right to the free exercise of their religion, both in their Churches and in their schools."

Foreign News [Continued]

Last week, mayors of the Canton of Sarreguemines (Lorraine, near the Saar Valley) telegraphed Premier Edouard Herriot, protested against proposed changes in the laws of the provinces insofar as they affect Religion and religious teaching. They also requested the Premier to maintain the French Embassy at the Vatican.

Premier Herriot replied courteously, thanked the mayors for their frank telegram, told them that their chief objection was founded on a misunderstanding of the Government's intentions which, said he, do not interfere with the free exercise of Religion, but rather support religious liberty and national concord.* (He tactfully avoided the other issues.)

Another cause of dissatisfaction in Alsace and Lorraine is contained in the story of Les Soeurs de Ribeauville:

"From 1871 to 1918, Les Soeurs de Ribeauville, a society of Catholic Sisters, remained behind the cloistered walls of their convent in Alsace. They were French and French they remained throughout the German occupation. They also saw to it that the girls they taught were inculcated with French culture. It was due to their 47 years of ceaseless devotion to their country that a group of little girls caused France to weep by singing the Marseillaise as the first French soldiers into Strasbourg in 1918.

In Alsace and Lorraine, these religious societies have received the protection of the law; but now the anticlerical Herriot Government is firmly resolved to enforce the laws of congregations not only in France but progressively in Alsace and Lorraine (TIME, Sept. 8). This means that Les Soeurs de Ribeauville must hie them to foreign soil. Is such to be the reward of 47 years of magnificent patriotism? "No!" cry the Alsatians, the Lorrainers,

*There is a nice distinction: "religious liberty and national concord" connote separation of State and Church and, more impor tant, abolition of religious teaching in public schools, banishment of religious orders. This is precisely what does not suit Alsace and Lorra ne.

SWEDEN Branting Back

For reasons unstated, the Cabinet presided over by Premier Ernst Trygger, quondam Chief Justice of Sweden, resigned.

His Majesty King Gustav accepted the resignation and invited Dr. Hjalmar Branting, ex-Premier and leader of the Social-Democratic (Socialist) Party, to form a Cabinet. Although his party is in a minority of 32 in the lower house, it was considered possible that he would be able to effect an agreement with the Agrarians and so convert the minority into a majority of ten.

[blocks in formation]

Serbian soldiers are known, admired and respected for their bravery, even if it be accompanied with savage brutality. They are good fighters-and that is more than can be said for other Balkan soldiers.

Stefan Radich, leader of YugoSlavia's Croatian autonomists*, probably thinks the Serbian soldiers are "too good." Last week, he demanded as the price of supporting the Government that the Yugo-Slavian Army be reduced by one-half.

Premier Liouba Davidovitch, Chief of a shaky coalition Cabinet, felt himself unable to accede to Radich's demands, mainly because of the disaffection of General Hadjitch, Minister of War, who was reputed to represent King Alexander in the Ministry. The Premier, therefore, resigned.

It was not known whom the King would request to form a new Cabinet.


Rich Rabbi

Few countries have seen more violent anti-Semitic outbursts since the War than Rumania. Jews have acquired

*Croatia, formerly under Austria-Hungary, formed part of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Yugo-Slavia or country of the South Slavs). Under the leadership of Stefan Rad'ch, the Croatians have steadfastly demanded self-rule.

great strength in this nouveau rich country. A provocative incident:

Up in the hill town of Galatz t rabbi is rich. His daughter took a ltband. The rabbi celebrated. He n vited 10,000 guests, who filled the to At the great feast they consume among other things, 33 carcasses of beef, 210 sheep, 170 calves. A heav garrison preserved order.


In Mecca

The attack on Mecca, which was instrumental in forcing King Husein t Hejaz to resign (TIME, October 13 came to an end without a shot being fired. The warlike Wahabis, subject of the Emir of Nejd and Hasa, rode into the city, made straight for the great Mosque containing relics of Mohammed, rode seven times around it, dismounted, fell upon their knees and bowed their heads to the ground in re ligious homage at the shrine of Islam

Then they sent a message to their enemies, so the despatch ran, stated that the latter might return to the Holy City without fear. They did return and gave the invaders a hearty welcome. The only looting reported was at the royal palace and in the homes of the rich.

Meantime, King Ali of the Hejaz retired to Jeddah, near the sea, in order to prevent bloodshed. Future developments were uncertain.

The War


Dramatis Persona:

Super-Tuchun Chang of Manchuria, opposed in the North to SuperTuchun Wu.

Super-Tuchun Wu, head of the Peking forces opposing Chang.

Tuchun Chi of Kiangsu, aggressor against Shanghai, ally of Wu. General Chang Yung-ming, commander of Chi's army.

Tuchun Lu of Chekiang, defender of Shanghai, ally of Chang. Military Commissioner Ho, Lu's aide in Shanghai.

General Lu Tung-hsiang, commander of Lu's army.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen of Canton, "perpetual rebel," allied with Chang.

Fall of Shanghai. After a series of battles lasting over a month, the city and district of Shanghai, largest port in China, were surrendered by the

[blocks in formation]

Foreign News-[Continued]


The fall of Shanghai was, of course, a victory for Super-Tuchun Wu and left him free to concentrate his forces upon Super-Tuchun Chang in the North.

In the North. Minor battles took place along the Chihli-Manchurian border; no decisive results were obtained. A great battle was thought to have been started, but was only in its developing stages.

In the South. In Canton, where Dr. Sun holds precarious sway, days of street-fighting, between his socalled "Red Army" composed of laborers, and the "Merchant Fascisti," terminated in a disastrous defeat for the latter. As a result of the fighting, a large section of Canton was destroyed by fire, causing damage to the extent of $7,000,000. The position of Dr. Sun was obscure.

In Japan. The Japanese Government announced that, owing to the situation in China, it would keep troops at Port Arthur (Southern Manchuria) although it had intended to withdraw them. It was also announced that the military establishment in Korea (part of the Japanese Empire on the Asiatic mainland) would be maintained at full strength.

To Hell


"America is sending us to Hell." Because of this unfortunate state of affairs (arising from the U. S. Immigration Bill) Viscount Kentaro Kane


"America is sending us
to Hell!?

ko resigned as President of the America-Japan Society in Tokyo.

For many years Viscount Kaneko was active in promoting AmericanJapanese relations. At the age of 71 he reflects that he is a Harvard graduate, class of '78, that he has held many political and semi-political posts. In 1905, at the conclusion of the Russo-Japanese War, he was sent on a mission to the U. S. in the capacity of Financial Commissioner. It was during this first visit that he conceived a great admiration for President Roosevelt and it was likewise from that moment that he became active in fostering friendly relations between the U. S. and Japan.

It is recounted of him that, during the Great Earthquake (TIME, Sept. 10, 1923), he rushed into his burning house and rescued a picture of his Emperor and an autographed photograph of "Teddy" and that the rest of his effects were destroyed.

Now, because of the passage of the U. S. Immigration Bill, the Viscount has been converted into an Americanophobe.

LATIN AMERICA Mexican Oil Peace?

As result of Mexico's claiming title to all mineral and other subsoil deposits by virtue of Article 27 of the 1917 Constitution (TIME, May 5,

1923), a feud has existed between the Mexican Government and foreign oil interests.

During the past week the Mexican Government issued a statement: "An agreement has been reached on the fundamental points in the long-standing controversy between the oil companies and the Government." At the same time, Messrs. Chester Swain (counsel for the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey), General Avery De L. Andrews (U. S. representative of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. of Holland and Shell Trading and Transport Co. of London) and Dean Emery (counsel for the Pan-American Petroleum and Transport Co.) left Mexico City without issuing statements.

No official information concerning the new agreement was published, an authoritative source summed up the major points:

"1) Modification of the present taxation for the purpose of encouraging development and exploration of new fields where the quantity and quality of the petroleum deposits are uncertain.

"2) A mutually agreeable understanding for protection, in proposed oil legislation to regulate Constitutional Article 27, of rights to exploit petroleum deposits under lands acquired prior to the inception of the 1917 Constitution on which the owners or lessors had not previously undertaken or made contracts for petroleum exploration, nor manifested intention to do so."

Whether or not the agreement embraced a more sweeping settlement was not known. In Manhattan, Wall Street opined that the agreement, if ratified by President Obregon, or his successor, General Calles, and the oil companies, would pave the way for a rehabilitation of the oil industry in Mexico by making it possible, for the first time in seven years, for the investment of U. S. capital in the exploration and development of new fields.


President-elect Plutarco Calles of the United Mexican States*, speaking at the American Club at Paris, said that he would strive to make his country the equal of the United States of America. "Since," said he, "the interests of the two people are similar, equality will be the more easily attained."

According to the Mexican consulate in Manhattan, any one of the following appellations is correct: United Mexican States, United States of Mexico, Mexican Republic.


Koussevitsky Triumphant

Concerts are beginning to lose the careless informality of other days. Neither the performers nor the audience used to bother much about getting to them on time. It used to be long after the appointed hour before the conductor made his initial bow, and long after that before any appreciable portion of those to whom he was supposedly bowing began to trickle in. And it never used to be long before they started to trickle out again. All of which was a circumstance not particularly favorable to the perfect audition of orchestral music.

It is typical of this day of prompter and better music that Serge Koussevitsky, his orchestra and most of his audience were all in Symphony Hall on the occasion of his first appearance as conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. But it was due wholly to Mr. Koussevitsky's accomplished and masterful rendering of a program including Berlioz' overture, Roman Carnival, Brahms' Variations on a Theme by Haydn and, notably, Honegger's Pacific, 231, that the enthusiastic audience was still there practically en masse at the end of the program.

Honegger's arresting translation into musical terms of the progress of a powerful locomotive hurtling through the night met with a reception almost unprecedented for a modernist com


In Manhattan

The Philharmonic. Eager ears have finally been greeted by the first orchestral music of the season. The first to break the summer's silence was Mr. Van Hoogstraten with the Philharmonic. The major feature of the program was the Sinfonia Drammatica of Ottorino Respighi. Signor Respighi has hitherto been known as the composer of the agreeable Fontane di Roma. His latest offering, while it has never before been heard in Manhattan, actually was composed before the other, and shows it. It is an effective composition, but with traces of immaturity and it is unhappily reminiscent. There is Tchaikovsky in it, and Puccini, Strauss and, above all, Wagner. But it was well and carefully delivered and welcomed with enthusiasm by the audience. A little perplexity was caused by the fact that, obviously a piece of program music, no key was given to

its meaning. The orchestra itself is better than ever.

Manhattan Opera House. The Manhattan Opera House, last week, had the distinction of presenting two artists who give place to none in the position they hold in the eyes of the public.

First came Anna Pavlowa, for a "farewell season." The instrument of her return was a ballet based on Cervantes' Don Quixote, Mme. Pavlowa taking the dual role of the Barcelona innkeeper's daughter and Dulcinea del Toboso. When she made her initial entrance among more than 80 other performers, she was at once recognized; and the Manhattan audience shook with enthusiastic applause for five minutes.

The stage of the Manhattan was the scene also of the first appearance in the U. S., this season, of Feodor Chaliapin, incomparable Russian basso. He brought with him all his mannerisms, smiled irresistibly on his audience, wielded his lorgnette (with a gold handle) and his handkerchief and sang with dramatic power and genius which has never been equaled.

As usual, Mr. Chaliapin prepared no program in advance. Each song was announced by number from the stage, the numbers ostensibly corresponding to those in a printed word-book previously distributed. The excellence of his renditions was in no way marred by the fact that the numbers often failed to correspond.

Notable features of the selection were Schumann's Two Grenadiers, Schubert's Serenade, Sakhnovsky's Death Stalks Before Me.

Nearly 1,000 people had to be turned away from the theatre, whch was crowded even to the stage. The colossal Russian's next appearance will be on the stage of the Metropolitan in the first week of the operatic season, in the rôle of Boris Godounov-his masterpiece of impersonation.

Antics. Vladimir de Pachmann contrives to make music a thing to be seen as well as heard. He chats with his audience, gestures at them, boasts to them, giggles with them, pursues the final diminuendo of a Chopin Prelude under the piano, performs merry little antics for the benefit of a delighted public. Lawrence Gilman, critic for The New York Herald Tribune, speaks of "cretinous* capers."

As to the merit of Mr. de Pachmann

*From the noun cretin, meaning idiot or village fool. A cretin is a creature of nightmare, humanity's most loathsome being. The word, even in adjectival form, is seldom used jocularly by people of discrimination, since one is seldom called upon to refer with jocularity to the most abject embodi ment of mankind on earth.

in the practice of his art, critics differ There is a certain difficulty in estmating the proficiency of an agreeable old fellow who persists in distracting your attention by a rapid fire of chat, comment and sportive gesture. H work is uneven-varying from snatches of irresistible and unfamiliar beauty to heinous sins against the purest of arts. Anyway, he is worth watching.

Bach. An all-Bach program is a rare and alarming event. To attempt such a thing shows moral heroism and crowning self-confidence. To attempt it suc cessfully shows an amazing talent. a masterly technique. Harold Samu.! British apostle of Johann Sebastion Bach, showed all of those qualities at his first recital in Aeolian Hall.

His program was skillfully varied After all, Bach may be Bach, but there is nothing notably narrow about his range. And Mr. Samuel suddenly woke Bach up. He has slumbered too long under the smothering solemnity of his acolytes. He has been too much studied and too much feared. Mr. Samuel is not at all afraid of him, yet lacks not a jot of respect for the genius of Leipsig. He treats him with skill, with feeling, with sympathy.

The program included one of the seldom-heard English suites, selections from the Well-Tempered Clavichord. the Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue. There was even jollity in Mr. Samuel's rendition of the saraband of the English Suite.

In Frankfort

Germany regards herself as the home of opera. She rather resents any non-Teutonic effort. The very idea of an Anglo-Saxon operatic composition seems to her a little absurdcertainly far-fetched. For this reason no American has hitherto ventured with impunity to present the musical dramas of his making within her borders.

Simon Bucharoff, Chicagoan, is nevertheless preparing to beard the Teutonic lion in his own den. His opera, Sakahra, is about to be produced in Frankfort. The book, dealing with the familiar brother and sister who did not know they were kin until their affection had reached a stage neither brotherly nor sisterly, was written by Isabel Buckingham, also of Chicago.

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