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of Cleveland; Miss Fanny T. Cochran and Miss Juliana Wood, of Philadelphia; Joseph Lee, George Wigglesworth, Charles E. Mason, of Boston; Edward S. Harkness, George Foster Peabody, Paul D. Cravath (Chairman of Fisk's Board of Trustees, whose father was a Fisk founder and its President for 25 years), V. Everit Macy, Arthur Curtiss James, Dwight W. Morrow, James H. Post, all of Manhattan. Samuel Sachs, of Manhattan, a trustee, has established the Ella Sachs Piotz Memorial Professorship.

Citizens of Nashville organized to raise a supplementary $50,000, said to be the unprecedented contribution of a Southern city to Negro education.

Fisk was founded by Northerners in Nashville in 1866 as a school for emancipated slaves. A disused army barracks first sheltered its classes. General G. B. Fisk then Head of the Freedman's Bureau for Tennessee and adjoining States, took a lively interest in the founding; his friends named the school for him. In 1869, the American Missionary Association (sustained by Congregational churches in the North) took over the ownership and administration, is still in control. The charter as a university was issued in 1867.

There are now 20 buildings, valued at $500,000. There are a high school (enrolment 261) and a college (266)both co-educational. Tuition and board come to $82.50 for each of the four semesters into which the twelve months are divided. The curriculum includes: accounting, agriculture, banking, business law, insurance, manual arts, home economics, in addition to the usual classical subjects. Graduate work and the M. A. degree can be taken. is Fisk's President Dr. Fayette Avery McKenzie, Lehigh graduate, who has spent much of his time on the Red Indian as well as on the Negro problem.

"Most American"

What President Roosevelt called "the most American thing in America" began to happen again. What Philosopher James called "the best fruits of what mankind has striven for under the name of civilization for centuries"

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President of the Rockefeller Foundation, the annual program of Chautauqua Institution was launched upon the sylvan shores of Lake Chautauqua, N. Y.

It was the 50th anniversary of the coming together of a little band of people who studied the Bible together in a Summer camp in 1874. They had been invited by Dr. John H. Vincent, preacher, later bishop, and his friend Lewis Miller, mowing-machine maker. The little band reassembled the next year and the next and many more. Their numbers grew. The original program of religious contemplation grew, reached out into other fields of human interest-Music, Education, Art, Politics. Each year the object was to make Chautauqua a richer, more colorful, more "improving" experience. As decades passed, "Chautauqua" became a word of many meanings. It meant, as well as the parent gathering and the name of a lake, town and county in New York, a great many similar gatherings in all parts of the country. It meant a kind of rock, of that geologic period known as the Upper Devonian, outcroppings of which are plentiful at Chautauqua, N. Y. Most of all it meant the "Chautauqua idea"-Democracy's endeavor to educate itself, as now practiced by "well over 10,000,000

people" despite the mountains of odium that have been heaped upon it by intellectuals.

Said William James: "I went in curiosity for a day. I stayed for a week, held spellbound by the charm and ease of everything, by the middle-class paradise, without a sin, with out a victim, without a blot, without a tear. . . . You have culture, you have kindness, you have cheapness, you have equality. . . .

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At Christiania

At Christiania, Norway, the International Federation of University Women finished its Convention in the Grand Hall of Christiania University; the visiting educators set forth for their 19 respective countries. During their stay, the women had marched in solemn procession through the streets, to be welcomed at the Grand Hall as guests of the Norwegian Government; had been addressed on individual morals in politics by Fridtjof Nansen, famed explorer, scientist, statesman, author; had elected, as President of their Congress Virginia Gildersleeve,* Dean of Barnard College, Manhattan; had resolved to collect a $1,000,000 fund for international fellowships for university women; had been entertained by the American Legation, by Queen Maud at her country estate near Christiania, by the Christiania Municipality; had re ceived telegraphic congratulations from Charles E. Hughes, Ramsay MacDon ald, Lady Astor and many another.

In Chicago

The Chicago Federation of Labor glowered at "intelligence tests" for children, adopted a report condemning their use in Chicago. To the Chicago Teachers' Federation this position seemed admirable; it, too, has.attacked the school board's methods, has filled whole newspaper pages with opposi tion.

Said the Laborites' report: "To place the suggestion of inferiority in the thought of a little child is in itself outrageous, and to do this in the public schools, through an alleged 'scientific system which shows more than 40% error, is a crime against childhood.

"The so-called 'intelligences test,' as an alleged means of measuring native ability and 'intelligence,' is of very re cent origin. . . . Group tests proved to be both cheap and speedy and were quickly injected into the public schools after the War."

*Miss Virginia Crocheron Gildersleeve Dean of been Professor of English and Barnard College since 1911. Born in 187 educated at Brearly School (Manhattan), shr received an A.B. degree at Barnard, an MA and a Ph.D. at Columbia, an LL.D. # Rutgers.


Wool Glands

There were days when Sir John Mandeville and Baron von Münchlausen told tales and people swallowed hem. People were no more credulous hen than now, but less was known of he geography of the world and of what strange things might be discovred in unknown parts. It was unwise o doubt too much for fear of being lamned later by the facts.

The average man today is in much he same position in regard to science. It is on this account that many tall stories about the miracles of glandransplanting have gained popular crelence.

The press recently broadcasted from Liége, Belgium, the announcement that Surgeon Serge Voronoff, famed French land-grafter, had stated that it was ossible to increase the wool crop of heep by gland-transplanting. He added hat he hoped, by repeating the process n several generations of sheep, to reate a special breed unusually woolroductive. He said that he was experimenting on a flock of 3,000 sheep in Algeria.

It has long been known that the growth of hair, plumage, etc., is largey a secondary sex characteristic—i.e., hat it is a sort of by-product of the But Dr. activity of the sex glands. Voronoff's claims-if, indeed, he has nade them-go a great deal further han this simple scientific knowledge uggests. At the present stage of maters, these claims are a press report10 more; and it is well to keep in mind hat the press's reports on scientific maters are generally about as reliable and liscriminating as a plumber's reports on pharmacy or a cook's reports on literature.

Einstein Again



The city of Chicago is flat. Around t the country is flat as it stretches way in all directions-except to the East, where there is fresh water. On his surrounding prairie, there lies a called Clearing. Here on ›iece of open ground, workmen have been busy laying a great amount of welve-inch water-mains. They are he most curious water-mains that ave ever been laid. There are 72,100 linear feet of them, connected with seven tons of lead to make the

joints air-tight. The labor of laying them alone is said to have cost $7,500. There is no water nearby nor anybody to use water. What is more, the pipe runs approximately in a rectangle 1,800 ft. long and 1,200 ft. wide, with mirrors in the corners and a double row of pipe on one of the short sides, to provide a check on the accuracy of the work. Pumps are provided to exhaust the air from the pipes.

The purpose of this great project is experiment-experiment that deals with the Einstein theory. Chicago University, endowed by John D. Rockefeller, has had the money to obtain the best equipment, both in men and material, for experimental purposes. One of the men is the famous Physics Prof. Albert Abraham Michelson, who not so long ago measured the star, Betelgeuse, although he has other equally famous research and theories to his credit.

The object of this new experiment is best explained in the words which one of the experimenting physicists used to simplify the idea of the experiment for the understanding of the press:

"The object of the experiment is to determine whether or not two beams of light, traveling in opposite directions around the rectangle, require exactly the same time to complete the circuit. The system of mirrors at the four corners of the rectangle constitutes an interferometer -which is one of the most celebrated inventions of Prof. Michelson-and will make it possible to compare the time required for the two beams of light to make the circuit.

"The comparison will be brought down to within a fraction of the time required for light to make a single vibration. This time is exceedingly minute. The unit of time used in the experiment will be about 2,000,000 times 900,000 tirnes 256 times smaller than the second.

"An observer recording the play of light on the mirrors will be able to detect the slightest variation in the velocity of the beams through the longer and the shorter legs of the rectangle. If no difference in the time of the rival beams is perceived it will be apparent that light is not affected by the earth's rotation; in other words, that the ether rotates with the earth.

"It is at this point that the actual bearing of the experiment on the Einstein theory of relativity enters, for, according to that theory, one beam should travel around the circuit in slightly less time than the other. Generally speaking, proof that the ether rotates with the earth will be considered as contradicting the Einstein theory."

Synthetic Lumber

One result of the steady deforestation of the U. S. by timber-cutting concerns has been a steady rise in the price of lumber. The day was when few commodities in this country were as cheap as building-lumber. This condition has now become definitely a thing of the past.

Now the proposal is advanced to make synthetic lumber on a wholesale scale out of waste sugar-cane fibre and other such industrial by-products. B. G. Dahlberg of Chicago is the proponent of this idea and a frank enthusiast over its practical possibilities.

Synthetic lumber, according to Mr. Dalhberg, is actually superior to natural lumber in several ways. For one thing, it possesses superior insulating qualities; homes built of it would be cooler in Summer and warmer in Winter in consequence and coal bills would reduced. thereby be Secondly, it deadens sound and would thus make dwellings more comfortable and even more healthy. Finally, it is cheaper than natural timber, and being lighter as well, would incur lower transportation charges, which are an important element in lumber costs. As Mr. Dahlberg sees it, the rapid depletion of U. S. forests is bound to make of synthetic lumber manufacturing one of the world's greatest future industries.


On June 21, 1919, the German fleet lay at anchor in Scapa Flow. Its pride had long since been broken and it lay captive with only skeleton crews of Germans aboard. In accordance with a preconcerted plan, the Germans opened the sea cocks, let their High Seas Fleet sink to the bottom. There were some 74 ships at anchor at the time and many of them sank before the British could beach them.

Last week, the British Admiralty sold two battle cruisers, the Hindenburg and the Seydlitz, and 24 destroyerssold them as they lie upon the bottom. They went "cheap"-from $1,250 to $7,500 each, depending less upon the size of the vessel than on the depth at which it lies. Cox & Danks, the buyers, have the business of "unscuttling" the ships and junking them. The vessels lie in from 60 to 160 ft. of water. It is one of the greatest salvaging problems which have ever been undertaken.

To raise the destroyers, which is the easier task, Cox & Danks bought a floating marine dry-dock which formerly belonged to the Germans. This was remodeled to act as a double pontoon. By passing cables under the hull of a destroyer and attaching hooks, it was hoped that the destroyer could be lifted in two days. The first attempt was a failure. The cables

snapped after the destroyer had been lifted seven feet; the lifting-gear was badly damaged.

On another destroyer a different method is being used. Cables are attached to the sunken vessel and to floating barges. When the tide goes out, the cables are tightened; the incoming tide then lifts the barges and the vessel together. The whole group is thereupon towed into shallower water until the sunken vessel grounds-and the process is repeated.

say, this is slow work.

Needless to

The procedure with the large battle cruisers will be somewhat different. The Hindenburg lies in 66 ft. of water, on an even keel, with its upper works projecting above water. Divers have examined it. Seaweed has completely mantled its lower surfaces. The interior is fairly well intact, even to champagne bottles in the wardroom. Barnacles and muscles encrust the sides; mud and sand have drifted in. The divers will be called upon to shut the seacocks, to close all the openings with metal patches and concrete plugs. Then a six-foot pipe will be sunk through the decks; pumps having a lifting capacity of 5,000 tons of water an hour will be lowered. If everything is plugged up, the ship will become buoyant and rise to the surface. There are many "ifs" in the process, however. The divers may have great trouble in discovering all the openings. Bulkheads may be weak or damaged, may give way when pressure is put on them. It will be a great task.

If the job is successful, the cruiser, when floated, will be relieved of its heavy upper parts and used as a pontoon for raising other ships.

Home from the Hill

The Mt. Everest Expedition of 1924 returned to humanity and civilization. Gen. Bruce, head of the expedition, who was forced to retire because of an attack of malaria (TIME, June 16) rode out of Darjeeling and met the returning party several miles in the country. When the party reached the town, Lady Lytton and her guests gave it a handsome welcome. Gen. Bruce and Lieut. Col. Norton settled down to wind up the affairs of the expedition before returning to Calcutta.

The returned men were generally in good health, particularly the native porters, who were professing they had enjoyed the trip as a sort of great picnic at high wages.

In the last of a series of articles for the London Times, Lieut. Col. Norton discussed several questions:

1) Should Everest be attempted? 2) Will Everest be reattempted? 3) Can Everest be climbed?

1) In reply to those who pointed out that seven porters lost their lives in the unsuccessful attempt of 1922 and

that Mallory and Irvine lost their lives this year, without the prospect of any material gain for either the climbers or the human race, he answered with a question: "Isn't it a goodish thing to run some risks, undergo some hardships for an ideal divorced from sordid considerations?"

2) As to the question of a second attempt, the financial backing, of course, depended on the Mt. Everest Committee. But the members of the expedition felt, on account of the loss of friends and the setbacks endured, that Everest must be climbed.

3) The last question, “Can Everest be climbed?" Colonel Norton answered with one word, "Assuredly." His reasons were that much more had been accomplished this year than in 1922 and many things had been learned. Only about 800 ft. of the mountain remained to be climbed. Indeeed, this may have been climbed by the two men who were lost. It was established that porters could carry the necessary equipment to nearly 27,000 ft. Under favorable conditions, he believed, a camp could be established at 27,300 ft. The main struggle was to have the party in good physical condition before making the last attempt. By making 250 ft. more on each of the two days before the final "dash," only about 1,800 ft. need be made on the last day. This year the parties made between 1,400 and 1,500 ft. on the last day, but their physical condition was poor because of earlier hardships. If the higher camps could be made more comfortable, as Col. Norton believed they could be, the climbers would be in better physical condition.

Deep-Sea Radio

A novelty, but hardly a stunt, in radiocasting was turned loose upon the air by Station WIP, the Gimbel Brothers store in Philadelphia. A diver was sent down to the ocean bottom at Atlantic City. A telephone in his helmet was attached to a cable connected with the shore. Here there was an amplifier connected by telephone with the broadcasting station in Philadelphia. From the scientific standpoint there was nothing very difficult in this achievement.

The diver on the sea bottom, 50 ft. down, described what he saw. As anybody knows who has been there, the sea bottom is no more interesting than an equal stretch of dry land, unless one is especially interested in seaweed or fish. The diver was on the bottom for only six or seven minutes, but he managed to find two sunken ships and several bottles of bootleg rum with the corks removed. The romance of the sea bottom is generally in inverse proportion to the extent of one's familiarity with it.


East vs. West

A writer for Newspaperdom, jou nalistic trade-sheet, compared new papers of the West and East, noted di ferences. He proposed that Easte editors learn from Westerners:

1) "Greater local pride and boost spirit." (Said he: "The booster spi of the Far West is familiar to ever one.")

2) "Greater attention to scho news."

3) "Higher subscription prices." That the West learn from the Eas 1) "More attention to the man s writes to the papers" (i.e., cinem sport, health, politics, joke fans.) 2) "Better sporting departments." 3) "Better first pages." 4) "Snappier news and writing."



The writer then closed, mellifluously "Papers everywhere are splendid! good."

There are, obviously, exceptions t the rules thus laid down. What new? paper, save the Chicago Tribune, coul "boost" its home town with more it cessant ardor than the Brooklyn Da Eagle, the Baltimore Sun, the Bridg port Post, the Philadelphia Publ Ledger or the New York World What newspaper could, in fairness t its readers, carry more education news than that earnest sheet, the Chr tian Science Monitor? What new paper would dare charge more tha five cents, as do the New York Ea ning Post and that earnest sheet, th Christian Science Monitor?

Or, to face about, what could b "snappier" news writing than :

"They're digging up some of th wildest riding buckaroos that eve forked a Texas bronco right here New Orleans."-(New Orleans Item in a story on an American Legi rodeo.)

"State's Attorney Crowe and h staff of picked assistants, assigned prosecute the murderers of little Bobl Franks, jumped into their fight regalia last night and launched a doubis fisted attack upon the defense.”—Cki cago Tribune.

"There is one bootlegger in Oak land who will think twice hereafter be fore he calls prospective customers the telephone.

"Chief McSorley answered his priv ate telephone yesterday and was dem founded when a voice asked if h wanted those 'two cases of real, o Scotch today.'

"This is the Chief of Police.'

"Suffering cats! I've been double crossed again,' the man on the tele phone cried savagely, as he slamme


Well! If the girl did not look as if she d to be kidnapped! ow stood framed in ark background, her lightly parted, her in disorder after the on, the gleam not yet out of her glorious parkling eyes." Thus

Conrad paint the elusive Nina, the girl who married a white-trader mayer's Folly.

"Certain streets have an atmosphere

Begins The Arrow of Gold in a street of sunny southern France, e romance of Dona Rita.

Through the mesh of scattered hair her face looked like the
ace of a golden statue with living eyes. Her lips were composed
raceful curve, the upward poise of the half averted head gave to
hole person the expression of a wild defiance. Then she smiled.
re beautiful,' he whispered."-From the picture of a native prin-
hom blundering, voluptuous Willems discovers in the jungle dur-
wonderfully dramatic moment in An Outcast of the Islands.
His strength was immense, and in his great lumpy paws, bulging
ke brown boxing gloves on the end of furry forearms, the
st objects were handled like playthings."-Such was the ex-
inary boatswain who played his part in that drama in the China Sea as told in
on. Conrad's variety of vivid characters is one of the outstanding qualities of

This coast has been known for ages to the armed wanderers of these seas as
The Shore of Refuge. It has no name on the charts, but the wreckage of many de-
unerringly drifts into its creeks."-This was the strange spot of foreboding in the
Seas where the Travers yacht struck on a reef, and where Lingard fell in love with
autiful wife of the yachtsman in The Rescue.


rest opportunity is afforded you to discover this surprising writer through the PerEdition. This is the only Subscription set of Conrad on the market. It contains the ost compelling titles: The Arrow of Gold, Victory, Almayer's Folly, Lord Jim, Youth, tcast of the Islands, Typhoon, The Rescue, Chance, The Shadow Line. It contains ition the author's own prefaces, not found in any edition prior to this except the de lition. The binding is rich blue cloth, with gold stamping, gold tops, and reinforced ead and foot bands. A set worthy of its author! And at present offered as a great n, in order that you, too, may know love, and thrill with these marvelous Conrad Ask for a set to be sent for your inspection to-day.

oubleday, Page & Company, Dept, C-478, Garden City, New York Y

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up the receiver." - San Francisco Chronicle.


Publisher Hearst, mindful of the patrimony he must one day bequeath George, W. R. Jr., John Randolph and Elbert Hearst, bethought him the time had come when the eldest son should learn to tend his father's journalistic flocks. So George, aged 19, was marched into the offices of the San Francisco Examiner, and introduced as the new assistant publisher, acting chief. This was thought proper and fitting because the Examiner's clientele was the first flock Publisher Hearst himself tended as a youth. He had it from his father, even as George now has it from his. Whether or not the vast numbers of other Hearst sheep will be divided between W. R. Jr., John, Randolph and Elbert or entrusted to George alone, remains to be seen. others are 16, 14 and 8 (twins) respectively, still in school, may go to college. George, a student at the University of California, eloped in March, 1923, with Blanche Louise Wilbur a fellow student. (TIME, Apr. 7, 1923).



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They buried Jimmy Lefkowitz yesterday, and all Pearl street was in mourning. When the hold-up men entered the place, each flourishing two guns, the telephone operator bravely remained at her post, making sure that all the guests had been aroused.

In scanty attire more than 100 men and women fled through the smokefilled halls and escaped to the street, while firemen battled with great sheets of flame that swept in from the open sea at a velocity of sixty miles an hour. At the suggestion of the mayor, however, the indorsement was made unanimous.

Searchers combed the entire countryside in an all-night hunt, but could only report that tens of thousands visited the beaches to obtain relief from the sultry weather.

She could no longer endure the mis

treatment of her stepmother, Jennie MEDICINI

said, and so she took $1.63 from her toy bank and was appointed Secretary of the Transit Commission after an acrimonious debate on the part that women

[blocks in formation]

(From a snapshot taken in 1907)

I will play in the national election. Conservative estimates placed the damage at $10,000. At the hospital the victim said his attention had been called to the assault shortly after the gangster had shot him down.

Climbing slowly to the dizzy height of the upper span while the breathless crowd watched in an agony of suspense, the man poised for a fleeting second and then plunged into a mass of correspondence which had accumulated during his absence. An immediate blood transfusion was decided on.

"I shot him because I loved him," the woman chuckled, according to the police, who found her loitering in the subway station with $15 in marked bills and a State bonus blank. She said it was the roughest voyage of her sixty years' experience in the North Atlantic. "And besides," she added with eyes atwinkle, "I never said that the Prince proposed to me."

The label on the bottle was marked "Cyanide," but despite the forty-minute tie-up, the speaker predicted an overwhelming majority in the event the prisoner was released on bail. There was no insurance.

Research Prohibited

The ordinary process when vicious disease is discovered is isolate and experiment with metho of control and cure. But there is a disease in which this method will a be used. The U. S. Government fo bids it, for what it regards as go and sufficient reasons. Not least these is that the disease is too vicu for study.

This disease is the hoof and mou disease. As a matter of fact, t disease is very old. It has be ravaging Europe for a great ma years, and has there been studied.

Secretary of Agriculture Walla last week denied a petition of Los Angeles County Medical Associ tion for an investigation of t disease. His reasons were five:

1) Only cursory study of t disease could be made in infect areas; because the U. S. has lot since adopted a policy of immediate slaughtering all infected animals;

2) Because of the long time th Europe has been experimenting the is little hope of finding a successf



3) The disease is so infection that it would be almost impossible keep it from spreading while resear was going on;

4) Undoubtedly if it becan known that research was going o many States would place embargo on all shipments of goods from t State in which the work was bein done;

5) If the research was to be su cessful it would probably have to b carried on for months if not year with the danger of the infection spreading throughout the entit period.

Experiments in other countrie have been uniformly unsuccessful.

In Germany the disease escape during experiments, and the Govern ment had to pay heavy damage England experimented aboard an ol war ship, but failed because it wa impossible to prevent the healthy con trol animals from contracting th disease. In France the effort wa also given up. Although specia buildings were built and every know precaution was taken, the disease re peatedly "jumped" out of control

It seems, definitely, that the hoo and mouth disease is the one thing in the world that is too dangerou to monkey with.

The question has been asked: Wha will happen if in the course of bar terial evolution an equally vicious an infectious human disease should de velop. Our humanitarian ideas would nd permit us to use the exterminativ method employed against the hoof an mouth disease. Fortunately such condition is not imminent.

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