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FINICKY appetite in any child is a danger signal. If your child is a poor eater-if he doesn't like plain, nourishing food and won't drink milk-if he picks indifferently at his meals

Don't wait and think he'll outgrow these bad habits later on. Now is the time he must have plenty of the proper kind of food in order to avoid the menace of malnutrition.

With Eagle Brand you can be sure your child gets the food elements he needs. Begin with this one corrective food which he won't be finicky about. For children love Eagle Brand.

What Eagle Brand does-and why Eagle Brand is now used in thousands of homes for building up underweight children of all ages.

Eagle Brand is effective in combating malnutrition for two reasons

(1) Children like it. It is just sweet enough to appeal to childish appetites.

Consider these alarming facts

6,000,000 children in our country -one out of every three-are suffering from undernourishment. Hardly a family-well-to-do and poor alike-escapes the menace of malnutrition.

Your own child may fall victim to this insidious evil- his whole mental and physical development handicapped-unless you, his mother, learn to protect him against malnutrition now. For it is during childhood that malnutrition accomplishes its most deadly work.

What every mother can do

(1) Learn all you can about malnutrition and how to treat it. You can get all this information in a set of 3 Little Books, published by the Borden Company

They will tell you how to recog nize malnutrition and how to over. come or prevent it by proper diet and health habits. They give you menus and recipes, calory and vi tamin tables, and valuable health rules for girls and boys of all ages.

Use the coupon below
Send for the 3 Little Books today.

(2) Check up on your child's daily health habits.

(3) Let your doctor examine him thoroughly for any organic defects.

(4) Order Eagle Brand from your grocer and start feedings at once.

Do these four things and you will protect your child against his worst enemy-malnutrition

If your child eats his Eagle Brand ration (2 tablespoonfuls) on bread or crackers, make sure he drinks

a full glass of water afterwards

(2) Children get from Eagle Brand exactly what they need. Milk-pure,safe, with its body and bone building properties, its vitamins. And sugar-the quickest source of energy.

Try it today

Order a supply of Eagle Brand from your grocer today. Serve two cups a day regularly between meals so as not to interfere with his regular food which he must have too. Mix two tablespoons of Eagle Brand in 2/3 cup of cold water. Pour the milk from the can to the spoon.

In very difficult cases

If your child has such an ingrained dislike of drinking milk that he even objects to drinking Eagle Brand, try giving it to him at first in other forms.

When everything else fails, children will eat it spread undiluted on bread or poured over cereal. Often they'll take it, too, mixed with prunes, dates or figs. Or as drink mixed with egg and various flavors, such as chocolate, vanilla or fruit juices. Certain valuable recipes for health foods, like custards made with Eagle Brand, are also given in Menus for Little People, one of the 3 Little Books mentioned elsewhere on this page.

The food value is the same in whatever form you give it.

The important thing is to see that your child gets his daily ration of Eagle Brand regularly.



Vol. IV. No. 6.

The Weekly News-Magazine


THE PRESIDENCY Mr. Coolidge's Week

I The Executive Offices were visited y the President of the National Asociation of Post-Office Clerks and the Secretary of the organization. They wanted to know how President Coolige stood on the question of a pay ncrease for Post-Office employes. The President declared that he favored an ncrease, if the proposal were scienifically drawn and if a means of raising he necessary revenue were provided. Last Spring, Mr. Coolidge vetoed the Edge Bill, which provided for a $68,00,000 pay increase for postal employes. He objected that it was not scientifically rawn and that it did not provide for evenue. Democrats and LaFollette Progressives suggested that the aproaching election has made the Presient see the error of his ways.

I Mr. Coolidge took up equestrian xercise, going on "sunrise" gallops with his son and Maj. James F. Coupal, White House physician, sucessor to Brig. Gen. Sawyer.

I To the victorious U. S. Olympic eam, returning home aboard the S. S. America, Mr. Coolidge addressed a mesage: "On field, on track and on water, the achievements of our athletes were without parallel and the impresiveness of the victories was glorified y the sports manly conduct which arned all admiration."

I The Coolidge Home Town Club, which claims a membership of more han 8,000, although there are only five ouses in Plymouth, Vt., is circulating terature to prove that the President is real dirt farmer. One Tuttle, Presient of the Club, said: "We are sendng out literature and stories about the arm life of Calvin Coolidge and his ncestry. We are trying to prove to e farmers throughout the land that resident Coolidge is a real dirt farmer, s were his father and his grandather before him. And the best thing bout it is that it is not bunk but the mple truth."

[ Incidentally, rumors persisted that

August 11, 1924


Mr. Coolidge may go away for a vacation. He has often denied this and is known to be impatient when the press continues to promulgate rumors which he has denied. The latest rumor was that he might visit Plymouth, Vt., for ten days. If he should go home for ten days to help his father bring in the hay, it would fit in admirably with the Home Town Club's propaganda.

Charles Edward Stowe, of Santa Barbara, who calls himself twin brother of Uncle Tom's Cabin because his mother, Harriet Beecher Stowe, produced him and the book at approximately the same time, sent to Coolidge Campaign Headquarters a quotation from Quintus Horatius Flaccus, famed Roman poet, which he applied to the President:

“The just man, tenacious of his pur


National Affairs
Foreign News

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The Theatre


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Education Science



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pose, is not shaken from his firm resolve by the frenzy of his fellow-citizens bidding what is wrong nor by the face of a threatening tyrant nor by the uncontrollable storms of the sea nor by the mighty hand of thundering Jove. If the vault of Heaven should break and crash upon him, he would stand amid its ruins undismayed."

The President and Mrs. Coolidge made a tour of parks and playgrounds of the Capital, including the War Department Cafeteria. They stopped at a golf course to watch; a golfer, becoming excited, dubbed his drive into the bushes. They stopped at baseball grounds to watch two League teams; a pitcher suddenly became wild and "walked" two batters in succession. They went into the kitchen of the War Department Cafeteria; Susan, the Negro cook, went up in a flurry, exclaiming: "Praise the Lord. It's the President of the United States !"

The President was scheduled to break ground for a new Methodist church in Washington by turning a spadeful of dirt. He appeared promptly, with the energy of a real dirt farmer turned, not one, but three spadefuls.

Continuing the Defense Day controversy begun a few days before (TIME, Aug. 4), Governor Bryan of Nebraska, Democratic nominee for Vice President, sent Mr. Coolidge a message of inquiry about the proposed "Day." The President consulted with the War Department, answered Governor Bryan's questions. Both messages were later made public in Nebraska (see Page 4).

President and Mrs. Coolidge sent a wreath to the Harding tomb at Marion, Ohio, on the first anniversary of President Harding's death.

THE CAMPAIGN Preliminaries

The beginning of the great battle of politics, which is scheduled for this Fall, is slow, because the generals are organizing their supplies and preparing their great drives.

The Republicans, during the past

National Affairs-[Continued]

week, did the least of all in the way of overt acts. With satisfaction, they watched grain prices, which continued upward, and the favorable quarterly report of the U. S. Steel Corporation. Good conditions in agriculture and the steel industries do not make Republican supporters, but at least such conditions do not make It is an Republican opponents. axiom of politics that the fewer dissatisfied people there are, the better it is for the party in power. That is why the Republicans were pleased.

The Democratic campaign was a little more active in appearance. John W. Davis addressed a letter of thanks to each and every one of the 2,500 delegates and alternates who attended the Democratic Convention.


was a tactful movement, typical of Mr. Davis, and doubtless will help to heal any little wounds still left by the titanic struggle of the Convention. Then, one morning, a pile of baggage suddenly appeared on the steps of the Murray Hill Hotel in Manhattan. At the bottom of the pile was a little pigskin suitcase marked: "J. W. D., New York," signifying that the candidate had returned from his rest in the woods of Maine to activity in the eastern centre. Shortly afterward, he issued a statement giving practical support to his running mate, Charles W. Bryan, who had attacked Defense Day as advocated by President Coolidge (see Page 4).

The Progressive ticket-or, rather, the La Follette Progressive ticket, as some of those who took part in the Roosevelt Progressive movement object to Mr. LaFollette's appropriation of the name-opened its attack at once. Senator La Follette issued a statement attacking the Tariff Commission for having spent 18 months in investigating the costs of producing sugar. He charged that the sugar interests were maneuvering for delay. Meanwhile, at Atlantic City, the Railway Brotherhoods and other LaFollette allies were maneuvering to get the support of the American Federation of Labor for the Progressive ticket (see Page 5).

For all political purposes, Candidates LaFollette and Wheeler got the Federation's support.


This season finds America represented abroad by two leading lights of the Cabinet-Secretary Hughes and Secretary Mellon. Not since 1919,

when Woodrow Wilson was negotiating in Paris, have two such pertinent figures of American officialdom been presented on the European stage. Other members of the Cabinet have been abroad since 1919, but now appear there to use the European terms-the


Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Finance. And this happens at a time when diplomatic and economic questions are sputtering very lustily in the European pot. Who can say what important developments are not in the making?

When President Wilson was abroad everyone knew that America had her finger in the stew. Daily bulletins from Paris told how the world' was being reordered by the arbiters of destiny. But then the Democratic Party, the party of participation, was in power here. Now the Republican Party, the party of isolation, is in power, and accordingly one would expect matters to be very different, at least on the surface. This is, indeed, the case.

Secretary Mellon's visit, labelled causa sanitatis, has been very quiet. In exactly what important business he is engaged, the world does not know, but that it is important business hardly anyone can doubt. After all, isolation is largely a matter of form. Political isolation cannot restore the real isolation which was destroyed, not by the Wilson régime, but by peaceful commerce over a period of decades.

And Mr. Hughes? He went to Eng

land, technically, as President of the American Bar Association. But he already visited, besides, France, Be gium and Germany. As a Minister d Foreign Affairs, he is, of course, expected to say more than a Minister of Finance. He has said more, if we are the measure; but has said very lit more if significance is the criterion.

In Westminster Hall in London, M Hughes addressed the Internation gathering of lawyers, saying: "0 international contracts, none could be happier than this."

At the Hôtel de Ville in Paris, Hughes said: "We meet at a time distress and unrest, which followed as the natural result of the great upheava and economic dislocations incident the War. We know there is no cur for these conditions save as we m find it in the disposition of peoplestent upon the interests of peace."

In interviews, he expressed confider in the outcome of the Inter-Allied Ce ference in London, and when asked what he based his confidence, answere! "We must believe in the good sense the peoples."

In the Archepiscopal Palace at Mlines, Belgium, Mr. Hughes receive from Cardinal Mercier a degree Doctor of Laws from Louvain U versity, and said: "My visit to ye country will leave a very deep impre sion on me."

U. S. Ambassador Houghton rushe back to Germany in order to th charge of receiving Mr. Hughes, a though he had been home, on vacatio only 200 hours.

Said the Paris Matin: "Mr. Hughe public utterances have been confined safe philosophical reflections on the moral beauty of a lawyer's career."

But the fact remains that the t American Secretaries, Mellon Hughes, did have quiet little privat meetings with Ramsay MacDonal with Doumergue, with Herriot, w Millerand, with Poincaré, with Thes with Paul Hymans, with Chance Marx and other men who rule t destinies of Europe. And it is a sale bet for any intelligent American th Messrs. Hughes and Mellon did not to Europe just to exchange small with the notables of the world.



Retirement is one of the chief vertisements of Ambassadors and of the chief annoyances of Secretare of State. Last month came the rest

National Affairs—[Continued]

uct was watered.

Canned salmon: numbers of seizures, because a few of the smaller canners persist in putting up rotten sal


nation of Ambassador Woods at the fruit was decomposed or the prodTokyo. Last week Ambassador Warren, at Mexico City, formally handed in his resignation, which had been anticipated for some time. He pointed out that he had accepted the post only in order to assist in carrying out the treaty, which he helped to negotiate, whereby Mexico was again accorded diplomatic recognition. He considered that the problems which had induced him to take the post were solved and felt he was at liberty to retire.

Simultaneously and unofficially it was reported that Ambassador Herrick in Paris had signified to Secretary Hughes, now abroad, that he wished to be relieved.

If this is true, it is easy enough to understand, without the usual explanation: diplomatic ill - health. Myron T. Herrick will be 70 in October and his post is a trying one. He first served as Ambassador to Paris under President Taft, was again Irafted for that post by President Wilson. Since 1921, Mr. Herrick has ad only one leave of absence, which ame last year. He is much atached to the Paris post, but of late t has been a severe tax on his trength, with the result that he has ot been well. His resignation, if he reports are correct, will not be dden, but will read "to take effect the convenience of the Adminisation."

June 30, 1906"


Department of Agriculture, marged with administration of the ure Food and Drugs Act, recently mpleted its 12,000th seizure and cosecution under that law, since the actment in 1906. Thereupon it pubhed a general summary of its works, ting the chief kinds of malpractice hich it had been called upon to deal th.

The 12,000th case had to do with e shipment of 400 cases of eggs, me of them rotten, from Iowa to inois. The chief classes of offenses: Dairy products: more than 1,000 zures, having to do chiefly with but- lacking in butter-fat, watered milk, lk contaminated with bacteria. Eggs:

more than 600 seizures, stly because part of the eggs were


Flour: more than a hundred seiz-S. because unbranded, or shortght. or containing excessive mois

Tomatoes, canned, as catsup, etc.: y seizures, largely because part of

Olive oil: many seizures, because the product is adulterated with cottonseed oil, a wholesome but cheaper product.

Labeling of containers: hundreds of seizures because of wrong quantity labels.

Medicines: large numbers of cases of all kinds, because adulterated, impure, or because of false claims as to their virtues; "about everything from candy cathartics to pink-pellets-forpale-people and falsely-labeled so-called cures for cancer, tuberculosis and

scarlet fever."

The conclusion to which the Department came was that the grosser forms of adulteration and misbranding are disappearing, although new and more subtle machinations have in part taken their places-but in general a U. S. man can eat himself into surfeit with less danger from false and filthy food, and drug himself out of the surfeit with less risk of repairing straight to his coffin than he could in the years before the Act was passed.


Garvey Again

One cannot deny that the Negro race has creative imagination. Its gestures may be futile, but as a race it is a master of gesture.

Last week, there opened in Manhattan the Fourth Annual Convention of the Universal Negro Improvement Association.

This is quite a different organization from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The latter is an organization in which a number of prominent men (white as well as black) participate for improving the opportunities -civil, political, economic-of Negroes. It sets about this task in concrete ways.

The Universal Negro Improvement Association is purely Negro in inspiration and exercises its imagination enough to be "universal." It is Marcus Garvey's great organization-great not only in originality, but perhaps also in charlatanism. Garvey, fired with a West Indian imagination, "kindled" the idea. Just at present, he is out on bail, following conviction for using the mails to defraud (TIME, June 11, 1923), in connection with selling stock in the Black Star Line-a steamship company,

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Garvey, temporarily at large, still retains the confidence of those who did not take too hard the loss of their He money in the Black Star Line. himself opened the Fourth Annual Convention of his Universal Negro Improvement Association. He asserted that the Association has 30,000 members in New York City, 25,000 members in the rest of the U. S. and Great Britain. He welcomed its members to a grand confab and celebration to last "31 days and 31 nights."

Gathering his followers together-his Royal Guards, his Imperial Legion of Africa, his Sublime Order of the Nile, his Distinguished Order of Ethiopia, his Black Cross Nurses-he embarked once more, perhaps for the last time before visiting the penitentiary, on an exposition of his doctrines and his hopes.

But first, the 31 days and nights opened with a parade. There were 3,500 marchers. There were several regiments of officers of the Imperial Legion of Africa, representatives of the other orders, Black Cross Nurses, Negro Boy and Girl Scouts, members of the African Orthodox Catholic Church headed by Dean Toote. Every


was suitably attired, from the Legionaries in black and red uniforms with gold lace, to Dean Toote in a purple cassock with a shoulder-sash of white and pale blue carrying a placard: "Independent Church. The


Jews of the Judea Tribe of Israel, driven out of Judea into Abyssinia by the Gentiles." There were many other placards. One read: "By the science of perpetual motion, the Negro will conquer Africa."

There were eight bands of music and as many floats representing: "Pleading Africa's Cause Before the League of Nations," "The Ladies of the Royal Court of Ethiopa," etc. Everywhere fluttered the red, green and black flag of the African Republic.

In the reviewing-stand stood Marcus Garvey, President of the Provisional Republic of Africa, resplendent in a black uniform with red and gold trimmings. Around him shone a staff, clinking all over with sabres. There were Imperial Potentates, Assistant

National Affairs-[Continued]

President Generals, Grand Deputies, Chancellors, Auditor Generals, Ministers for every portfolio of the Republic's Cabinet.

The Convention was prepared to discuss a number of problems: 1) religious; 2) political; 3) industrial; 4) social; 5) commercial; 6) educational; 7) propaganda; 8) constitutional; 9) humanity each of which is to be "divided into appropriate subdivisions" which will be "exhaustively discussed."

Garvey urged all Negroes to return to Africa, promised that an expedition would set out for Liberia in October, declared that the Black Star Line had gone out of existence, but that the Black Cross Navigation and Trading Co. would be organized to assist the movement. A new city is to be laid out in Liberia, to be known as "the New Palestine." Cablegrams are to be sent to all the crowned heads of Europe and to the League of Nations, requesting aid in setting up the African Republic-the "United States of Africa," with Liberia and Abyssinia as bases. Secretary Hughes will be formally asked to request Great Britain to contribute Sierra Leone and the former German West Africa, and France to give the Ivory Coast.

One of the meetings was held in Carnegie Hall, to which some 2,000 Negroes were admitted at from $1.10 to $2.65 a seat. The speeches were inspirational. Bishop George Alexander McGuire spoke on The Black Man of Sorrows, exhibited pictures of mulatto Christ crowned with thorns and of a Black Madonna. "If God is your Father, He must be the same color that you are!"

A second-Assistant President exclaimed: "If I could, by the use of some chemical, change my color to white, I would not do it!"

Garvey himself made several eloquent addresses:

"We are gathered here from all parts of the world, not because it is a holiday or a picnic, or from any desire to give vent to our emotions, but because we are charged with a responsibility to our race to enter on the vast duty of Empire building. We are here to redeem the 12,000,000 miles of our native land.

"When the white men were living in caves and were barbarous, we Negroes gave them a civilization they snatched away from us. We will rebuild a civilization on the banks of the Nile which will never pass away until Gabriel blows his horn. Darwin and Huxley said we were monkeys, but we're all men


"We will let the white men have

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"God tells us to worship a God in our own image. We are black, and to be in our image God must be black. Our people have been lynched and burned in the South because we have been worshiping a false God. But what can you expect when we have adopted the idolism of another race? We must create a God of our own and give this new religion to the Negroes of the world.

"Let them burn and lynch us in Georgia and Mississippi. They may be sorry for it yet. A stranger came to Africa 300 or 400 years ago and grabbed the black man and took him 4,000 or 5,000 miles from home to a new world and put him in the cotton fields. We are willing to give 300 years for eternity for now we will return to Africa and restore the ancient glories of Alexandria and Timbuctoo and we will give Negro salvation to the world in brotherhood."

The Federal Government celebrated the Convention of the Improvement Association by indicting Mr. Garvey on the charge of paying an income tax on $4,000 instead of on a real $10,000 of income in 1921. The Liberian Government also gave notice that none of the Garveyites might enter the Republic.


Defense of Defense Day

Every now and then military affai stumble over politics, or politics stum bles over military affairs, and then o or the other of them-in this country generally politics-explodes. This wa the case with Defense Day.

Last Fall the idea of Defense Day was conceived by the General Staff, of which General Pershing is the heat In that way it first was linked wi the General. The idea was that, inas much as our regular army is small (one-sixth of the nation's theoreticl military strength) it would be well have a test in which the auxiliary forces, national guard and reserves should assemble and go through the first steps of mobilization which would be undertaken in time of war. Civilians were to be invited to participate, just as if they were enlisting, except the in this case they would become affl ated with military organizations for only a day.

Politics. In the normal course d events it was expected that this pla would have aroused the antagonism of Pacifist organizations, but since these are generally rather severely in the minority, no great to-do was antio pated. The Pacifist protest came President Coolidge answered it, and ordinarily that would have closed the incident.

But this is a Presidential year. Governor Charles W. Bryan, Democratic candidate for Vice President, followe the Pacifists in objecting to Defense Day (TIME, Aug. 4) on the ground that, in his opinion, it would unwarrantedly take civilians away from ther daily occupations. He added paren thetically that we had "saved several wars by not being prepared." Whether or not Governor Bryan was trying to engender an issue, one cannot say. But there is no doubt that the greater part of the significance of Governor Bryan's protest resulted from his place on the Democratic ticket.

As a political issue, Defense Day will probably turn out to be a "dud," for gotten as soon as the day is past. Only a few other Governors, such as G ernor Sweet of Colorado, a progre sive Democrat, and Governor Blaine of Wisconsin, a LaFollette supporter, fell in behind Governor Bryan.

The War Department issued an a swer to Governor Bryan saying that no mobilization of civilians was tended. "Absolutely the only thing that has been asked for has been the vo

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