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German Invasion

For the first time since the conclusion of the War, the Germans made an invasion of England. Instead of being shelled by anti-aircraft guns and fired at by irate pilots in airplanes, they were housed at the British Government's expense in that Piccadilly house of King Alfonso of Spain, the Ritz Hotel. Chancellor Wilhelm Marx, Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann and 40 trusty officials formed the 1924 Germany army.

Welcome. At midday on a sunny Tuesday, the Allied and German representatives to the International (Premiers') Conference (TIME, June 30, et seq.) met in a spacious room of the British Foreign Office. Premier Ramsay MacDonald made a speech of welcome: "The Allied Governments have been meeting and have come to certain understandings which they wish to communicate to the German Government and, in so far as they require to have the assent of the German Government, they wish to discuss them with it. The sole business of the Conference is to deal with matters arising out of the application of the Experts' Report; and to that I must, as Chairman of the Conference, confine its attention. I hope that by the exercise of the desire and spirit of coöperation we may arrive speedily at agreement upon our business and so enable the London Conference of 1924 to mark a successful attempt to make possible friendly relations between the Governments of Europe."

Reply. Chancellor Marx replied: "The task which confronts us is of decisive and historical importance. We are convinced that upon the solution of this task the fate of Germany, the fate of Europe depends. We are equally convinced that this task can be achieved only if the spirit of peaceful agreement and strict fairness prevails. The German delegation will negotiate in that spirit."

Acceptance. The following day, the Germans, having studied the reports and resolutions passed by the Allies during the Conference, formally accepted the Experts' Plan. Two main reservations were, however, made in connection with the operation of the Plan:

1) That a definite date be fixed for the military evacuation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium;

2) That French and Belgian rail

waymen be withdrawn from Germany.

Plan. It was stated that the Experts' Plan will be put into effect on Oct. 5, the date being advanced by ten days at the request of the Ger


France. Premier Herriot found it necessary to rush to Paris in order to get his Cabinet's endorsement of his policies. While in the Capital he created much gossip by consulting with Marshal Foch, but, as the Premier said, he did not care to take final action without consulting the highest military authority in France.

The result of the Premier's hurried visit was reported as:

1) The Ruhr to be evacuated within twelve months of the Experts' Plan going into operation, provided that Germany loyally executes the terms of the plan;

2) Security to be discussed at the League and no longer to be connected with France's occupation of the Ruhr. It was understood that Marshal Foch had said that retention of the Ruhr by France was useless from a security viewpoint;

3) A conference to be called in the Fall to discuss interallied debts.

British Pledge. Premier MacDonald informed Premier Herriot that Britain would not evacuate the Cologne area, held since 1919, unless and until Germany had shown her good faith in discharging her obligations under the Experts' Plan.


(British Commonwealth of Nations)

A Plateful

When the Scotch say that a man has his plate full, they mean that his capacity is taxed to the limit. James Ramsay MacDonald, Prime Minister and His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, had his plate full last week.

It was common knowledge that the sluggish Anglo-Russian Conference (TIME, Apr. 28 et seq.) would one day be quickened into action and stir the world with "well, well's," or "I told you so's." First, news came that the negotiations had failed. The world said: "I told you so." Then Ramsay said: "This will never do." An understanding was patched up. The world said: "Well, well."

The reason for the collapse of negotiations was that the Russians were reported hostile to the surrendering of confiscated British property, while the British were just hostile to the Russians' keeping it. At no time was it admitted, however, by the British Foreign Office that all hope was lost, a fact which suggested a little Scotch stratagem on the part of Premier Mac

Donald to force the hands of the Russians.

In truth, at this juncture, Premier MacDonald took the job of negotiating with the Russians away from his coadjutor, Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs Arthur Ponsonby, and looked after the matter himself, with the result that an agreement was reached on the day following that of the breach.

The agreement was contained in two treaties, a commercial treaty and a general treaty. The commercial treaty granted reciprocal most-favored-nation treatment; that is, that each country agreed to grant to the nationals of the other the same commercial privileges granted to any other nation. Diplomatic immunity was extended to cover consulates and trade commissions. One curious, self-contradictory clause was that the Soviet Government is to assume responsibility for the transactions of Soviet trade delegations which are to be subjected to British Law, but, "in view of the responsibility of these transactions, which is assumed by the Government of the union, neither it nor its representatives will be called upon to give security for complying with orders of courts."

The general treaty either annulled or confirmed all previous Anglo-Russian treaties; recognized the three-milelimit of territorial waters; specified a fishing agreement; relegated to the stronghold of time all claims, counterclaims and debts relating to the period August, 1914, to February, 1924, when Soviet Russia was recognized by the British Government.

Two important articles in the general treaty need elucidation. The Soviet Government declined to withdraw its decree by which were re pudiated the debts of Imperial Russia's Government, but it agreed to satisfy British bondholders in all cases where the Imperial Russian Government's guarantee had been given. The second question dealt with compensation to be awarded to British nationals. The Soviet Government promised to negotiate with British owners and incorporate the agreements reached into a treaty. The British Government then agreed to "recommend to Parliament to enable it to guarantee interest and sinking fund of a loan" to Soviet Russia.

Now, although Premier Ramsay is 2 political polyglot-that is, he can speak three political languages: Conservatism, Liberalism and Socialism and is forced frequently to speak in a polit ically foreign tongue to quiet the socalled Tories or Liberals, he can at

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times speak with a decidedly Socialist accent. So, when ex-Premier George slashed the treaty as a thoroughly unbusinesslike agreement that left unsettled every single point in disputé between the two countries, the Prime Minister had to answer with a Socialist paraphrase of the Asquithian, "Wait and see."

But another storm arose-in fact, two storms. Some prying person discovered that the King's name was not mentioned in the treaties. Their legality was immediately questioned. Apparently, however, the legal advisers of the Foreign Office decided that this departure from precedent was justified by the fact that there is no head of Soviet Russia, and, therefore, to preserve balance in the treaties, King George was omitted. However, it seemed certain that the King must sign the treaties before they could become law. A writer in The Times, of London, said: "In any case, if even, by a further misfortune, these strange treaties should be ratified by Parliament, they would require ratification by the King before becoming law."

The other storm was when the House of Commons objected to allowing the Premier and his Under Secretary to sign a treaty without its sanction. To such presumptuousness Mr. MacDonald replied with spirit: "If one is engaged in very intricate negotiations, and then when they were finished it had to be 'Very well, good-day; nothing has been approved, nothing really has been settled,' nothing would be settled at all." He reminded the House that the treaties would be laid upon the table for 21 parliamentary days, and that the House would have an opportunity of amending them, passing them or rejecting them. "Is this not enough?" he inquired. The House thought so, and sustained the Premier against a motion for adjournment by 157 to 57 votes.

Ramsay MacDonald, now 58 years of age, is a curious man. His supporters say he has never changed, but he has. Once he used to wear a red necktie; he is not so fond of that color now.

He was a pacifist à tout outrance, as the French say. During the early days of the War he was the prime "conchie" (conscientious objector) of all Britain. His record during those days was anything but creditable, and he incurred the hatred of an enormous majority of his own class. But every man makes mistakes; no doubt Ramsay acknowledges his.

On the question of the Sudan, how

ever, the Premier has shown that he has a fighting spirit. Recently, in the House, he warned the Egyptians that Britain would not tolerate any hostile action by Egypt or the Egyptians in



They named him Ionweth Dywysog

the Sudan. Blunt words for a pacifist.

The King is a blunt man, too. He has a habit of pounding the table when he argues, and calling a spade a "b

shovel," as the costers say.

He once said, and allowed no secret to be made of it, that he would "rather talk to an intelligent navvy than to a dull duke."

He and Ramsay are the best of friends. Queen Mary is also very much attached to the Premier. Recently, at a State function, the King and Queen conversed with the Premier for so long that many guests were seen stifling their yawns.

Ramsay was for many years a close personal friend of the late Lord Morley (TIME, Oct. 1). Almost every Sunday that found MacDonald in "town" (London) also found him at Flowermead, Lord Morley's Wimbledon home. It is said that Ramsay acquired much of his political knowledge from "old John," as John Morley was known both before and after he accepted a Viscounty.

People distrusted MacDonald more because of his War record than any

thing else. But now the staunchest Con servatives have words of praise for him.

Premier MacDonald is a great reader and a good writer. He has, by the way, the greatest private Socialist library in existence. He is also a not mediocre Art critic, into the bargain (TIME July 21, ART). Iconoclast, who is now known to be Agnes Mary Hamilton, has written a good biography of the Premier. Perhaps it is a little flattering, but not much.


The Labor Party's chances of existence seem rosy, thanks to the remarkable Premier. No longer is Gilbert and Sullivan's song true:

Every boy and every girl
That's born into this world alive
Is either a little Liberal

Or else a little Conservative. The Laborites have won their place in the sun.


David, as the Prince of Wales is known to his family and a few intimates, went to Wales to attend this year's Eisteddfod.†

On his arrival, the Prince was greeted with musical honors, initiated into the bardic circle with customary rites. In a great ring formed by members of the Gorsedd‡, Edward P. was invested by Lady Treowen with a green robe, while the laurel-crowned Archdruid delivered himself of an address of welcome. The Prince was given the same title as that of his illustrious grandfather, Edward VII, when Prince of Wales, namely Ionweth Dywysog.

After the ceremony the Pragger Wagger (Oxford slang for Prince of Wales) was invited to witness the chief event of the Eisteddfod-the crowning

*J. RAMSAY MACDONALD, THE MAN OF TOMORROW-Iconoclast-Thomas Seltzer ($2.50).

†The Eisteddfod, which means a sitting, is the National bardic Congress of Wales. Its objects are to encourage bardism, music and Welsh literature, to preserve the language and customs of Wales and to cultivate Welsh patriotism among the people.

The Gorsedd (assembly) is an intrinsic part of the Eisteddfod; indeed, the latter grew from it. It is composed of the grad uated bards, who alone have power of call ing an Eisteddfod and conferring bardic de grees. It is iso very ancient, dating from many centuries before the Christian Era. At the time of the Druids, the Gorsedd had con siderable political importance, but afterward. when their political power was broken, it be came an institution for preserving the tradi tions, laws and doctrines of bardism-a func tion which it still fulfils.

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of the prize ode winner, Prosser Rhys of Aberystwith, editor of The Welsh Banner.



Margot, famed wife of ex-Premier Herbert Asquith, turned her pen to journalism. In the New York American, she explained "Why My Husband Made MacDonald Prime Minister." According to Margot, it was because a Conservative-Liberal fusion impossible, positively dishonorable, so her husband decided to throw thew eight of the Liberal Party behind the Laborites. Speaking for the Liberals, she concluded: "With courage and patience we hope to avoid what a Centre Party would certainly create the folly and danger of seeing all the rich pitted against the poor."


The following story is current in London with reference to the recent state visit of Ras Taffari, Crown Prince of Ethiopia, to King George and Queen Mary. All the time that the British Sovereign and his Queen were dispensing hospitality they were conscious that the Crown of Ethiopia reposed in a handsome glass case in the Victoria and Albert Museum. Ras knew it, too, but the subject was not touched upon. When the time came

for the Ethiopian Prince to pack his bags, he was received by King George at Buckingham Palace. "By the way," His Majesty is reported to have said, "I happen to have your cousin's* Crown. Sorry to have kept it so long. Please give it to the Empress with my love." Ras was hugely delighted, and was loud in the praise of the wellknown tact of the British Royal House.


In Berlin

In Berlin, one George P. Murdock, young American now circumambulating in Germany, summed up social and economic conditions as follows:

"The economic situation is appalling. Prices are much higher than in 1914 and wages much lower. No fine clothes are seen on the streets.

*Waizeru Zauditu is the present Empress of Ethiopia and is a daughter of Menelik II. Ras Taffari, virtually Regent of the land and heir to the throne, is a great-nephew of Menelik and first cousin, twice removed, of Empress Zauditu.

The Crown of Ethiopia was captured in 1868 by Field-Marshal Lord Napier at Magdala in the Abysinnian or Ethiopian Expedition. The following year it was presented to the Victoria and Albert Museum by the 8th Duke of Argyll, Secretary of State for India under Gladstone.

Women are buying only gabardine suits and such things as are calculated to wear forever. The streets are positively crowded with beggars, a new phenomenon for Germany.

"The places of amusement are relatively empty. At the theatre, the one time I went, not more than 10% of the seats were occupied-and it was Sunday, the big night.

"The stores are empty. They are stocked up, but prices are so high people cannot buy. I went into Wertheim's, the big department store, one day during the rush hour. There were about 20 people in the store, and most of them looking around!

"The rate of business failures is naturally enormous. Here in Berlin there has been an average for several weeks of over 40 firms going into bankruptcy every day. One day last week, there were more than 70 fail


"A Berlin policeman gets 110 marks a month-about $25. He pays from 16 to 24 marks ($3.50 to $4.50) for the cheapest cotton shirt98 cents in any American department store, and other things in proportion. You can imagine how they live! And they are typical.

"Poverty, abject, miserable povAnd much erty-there you have it. unemployment, to make things worse. In addition to the flocks of beggars, there are many able-bodied men who are out of jobs, selling matches or newspapers on the streets for a few pfennigs.

"Only the Jews have money, and only a few of them. Anti-Semitism runs high. The old wealthy and middle-class people are practically wiped out. A few low-grade nouveaux riches take their place."

Einstein Out?

In Germany, there were repeated reports that Professor Albert Einstein was about to leave the Fatherland, go to Switzerland, become a Swiss citizen. The Neue Berliner Zeitung commented on the reports in an editorial headed: A DISGRACE:

"The ground for his resolve is the persecution which has been directed against one of the greatest Germans, and in which he was not only reviled but even threatened with death simply because his personality aroused antipathy among persons lacking the least conception of the value of his work-because he is a Jew.

"It is no wonder that under such circumstances one whom the whole world has honored turns his back in 'disgust upon his native heath, repelled

by machinations which do not reach above the soles of his shoes. But what a disgrace for Germany, where such things can happen!"


Benito Speaks Again

If the number of times he is quoted by the press has any significance, Benito is the greatest orator in Europe.

Last week, Benito gave the Romans a treat. He spoke to 50,000 of them from the balcony of the Palazzo Chigi, Italian Foreign Office in Rome. The speech was of special importance, intrinsically, because it was the first Benito had pronounced since the cloud of the Matteotti murder tarnished his shining armor (TIME, June 23); extrinsically, because it was to sound the tone of the vox populi.

The speech was forced upon the Italian Dictator by an impromptu parade of War veterans who, followed by a dense crowd of swarthy Italians, had come to swear undying fealty to Benito. With strong, rasping voices, the people called for him to appear. Tardy in obeying the wishes of the plebs, "caro Benit" drove the assembled populace into a frenzy. Drawing themselves up to their full height, the units of the crowds made a noise that would have shamed the efforts of a herd of wounded bulls.' Benito, unable to resist, dashed onto the balcony. Hats were thrown into the air, 50,000 gullets vibrated with applauding shouts, 100,000 hands gesticulated rapturous admiration, enthusiasm and loyalty. Said Benito:

"Thank you for your demonstration of sympathy, which I value the more for its being entirely unsolicited. Only two months ago, in this very place, I said: 'Let all parties, including ours, perish, provided Italy becomes strong and great.' We can say with clear consciences that we have sincerely striven with all our strength to live up to this ideal. But can the Opposition say the same?"

"No-0-0-0-0-0-0!" boomed the crowd "The Opposition is daily guilty of moral violence against Fascism by painting it as something which it absolutely is not. Fascism has given wonderful proofs of discipline in the face of overt provocations and will continue to remain disciplined. But I ask you, who were my companions in the War, in the trenches, on the Carso, where we suffered and bled and fought and won together: 'Can we turn back'?" "No, no, no, no, no, no!" quick-fired the plebs.

"I will remain at my post, to which

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I am bound not by caprice or by desire for power, but by a religious sense of duty. I will continue to do my duty, and I am certain that I can count on you to answer my call if at any time I shall need the people who are ready to sacrifice their lives for their country."

Benito then quickly withdrew. The crowd remained for half an hour to give renewed vent to their vociferous appreciation of Benito and all that appertains to him.


That U. S. Secretary of State Charles E. Hughes, traveling incognito in Europe as President of the American Bar Association, should have failed to pay tribute to Rome, home of Law, by paying it a visit mortified Italians and caused Il Mondo, Rome. journal, to write an angry editorial.



A fortnight ago, when the leaders of the old and new Europe were commemorating the tenth anniversary of the outbreak of the War, one voice that was not heard was that of War Lord Léon Trotzky, Commander-in-Chief of the All-Russian Bolshevik Army.

The Russian press recently divulged the fact that the War Lord had addressed Bolshevik students on Aug. 1, the anniversay of the date Germany declared war on Russia, in a noteworthy anti-American speech. The War Lord found it something of a paradox that "America, which is supported by its industries and which helped to crush Germany in order to keep out a solid competitor, emerged from it (the War) with a pacifist reputation."

He pointed a horny finger of scorn at the U. S. actively entering the seething cauldron of imperialist politics, and said: "While it has not yet learned to realize its own great power, it studies on Europe's flesh and bones how to use it;" adding: "The American capitalists cannot allow England, France and Germany to regain their markets, as they themselves need them."

Then, referring to a recent London speech of Secretary of State Charles E. Hughes to the Pilgrims, Mr. Trotzky continued his tirade:

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Ahmad Shah, seventh sovereign of the Kajâr dynasty, lost his job. No longer did Persians refer to him as Shâhinshah (King of Kings).

Then there came in an account of his baby son, undebauched, being made a Shâhlet (TIME, Mar. 31).

Then came a story that Valiahd (Crown Prince), His Royal Highness Muhammad Hasan Mirza was made Shâhinshah. To him were given the Imperial honors that once belonged to his elder brother, while that brother "walked around in circles, lamenting his fate in Oriental fashion" (TIME, Apr. 7).

All this the daily press printed with a fine disregard of fact. All this, TIME, having no staff correspondent in the land of Iran, ignorantly mistook for sound statements of fact. Not so.

From a high source, whose authority is unimpeachable, TIME last week 'discovered the facts: His Majesty Sultan

Ahmad Shah is still Shah; His Royal Highness Valiahd Muhammad Hasan Mirza is still Valiahd. There has been no change of ruler in Persia. Veritas praevalebit!



Except in "unusual cases," Turks are henceforth to be monogamous. That is the substance of a law recently passed by Parliament at Angora.

Most of the city Turks have for some years been monogamous, partly because of economic reasons. Even the last Calif had but one, wife, who bore him two babes. In the country, however, where a wife might be bought for payment in farmyard livestock, polygamy has been more generally in force.

The Koran permits a man four wives, but many a Turk has been guilty of concubinal cupidity and has excessively multiplied that number. Nevertheless, Turks have for long taken pride in pointing fingers of scorn at the prostitution of women in the Occident, which was a thing unknown to polygamous, Turkish Turkey.

The new law is the index finger of a new age in Turkey.

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LATIN AMERICA Mexican "Tiger"

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Into the U. S. came General Plutario Elias Calles (pronounced KaiYez) President-elect of Mexico in transit for a steamer which carried him away to Europe for a vacation.

While in the U. S. the "Tiger of Sonora," described as looking "bronzed and impassive. . . hard as nails both physically and mentally," made a number of statements:

In New Orleans. "I am traveling unofficially to Europe with my brother and members of our families, to rest from the strenuous seven months which we have gone through in Mexico and to make a survey of social, labor and economic conditions in Great Britain, France and perhaps. Germany, that I may apply my observations to the benefit of my country as far as the power is vested in me. Until the promulgation of the result of the Presidential election in Mexico, it would be manifestly imProper to speak in any official capacity."

In Manhattan, he denied that he was going to confer with British Premier MacDonald on Anglo-Mexican relations. Among his dicta: "The impression that I do not feel. kindly toward Americans in Mexico rests upon lies spread maliciously by my political enemies and people interested. The real people of Mexico and the Government consider me a real friend of America.

"Our Government is the same as yours. It has executive, legislative and judicial branches, and the lawmakers will decide regarding the land titles of foreigners. The rights of American and British oil property holders will be fully protected."

At Atlantic City. General Calles was the guest of Samuel Gompers and the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor at a luncheon. Said he to the assembled Laborites: "I have been elected President of Mexico through the expressed will of the working classes of my country, because ever since I began my political campaign I said clearly and without any equivocation, speaking of my country, that I would look for help only in the working classes and that I desired that in the political campaign the reactionary elements remain my enemies and be the ones to fight against my candidacy. I have won through the will of the workers, and my Government is due to them and will be helped by them as long as I fulfil my obligations.

After the Murder

The Body. The body of the recently murdered Mrs. Rosalie Evans (TIME, Aug. 11) was transferred to Mexico City. An American War Veteran draped the coffin with the


He is "America's friend"

Stars and Stripes, telephoned the Embassy that he had done so, said: "She was a good soldier and entitled to this." Britishers paid similar honors with the Union Jack-Mrs. Evans was an American citizen by birth and a British subject by marriage.

The Murderers. The Mexican Government ordered General Roberto Cruz to make every effort to apprehend the murderers. He gave the matter his personal attention. President Obregon sent his private secretary to Puebla to investigate the circumstances of the crime. Within 24 hours of receipt of instructions by General Cruz a number of arrests were made. Within another 48 hours Francisco Ruiz and Alejo Garcia confessed participation in the murder, I but claimed that one Perez had committed the crime. Next day the round-up was completed by the capture of Francisco Perez. Several more persons, denounced by the prisoners, were held in custody. One week after the murder, the trial, began. The motive of the crime was said to have been established as simple highway-robbery.

President Obregon. The President of Mexico made a long speech in an interview at Mexico City, in which

he stoutly defended the Agrarians from charges of engineering the murder. Said he:

"The wild charges that the murder of Mrs. Evans was the work of Agrarians have proved false. Three ignorant criminals are guilty in the case which moved the Mexican Republic.

. . The coincidence that the name of this unfortunate lady has been closely connected with the Cummins affair gave a singular aspect to the case. Moreover, the assassination of a woman advanced in age is a disgrace sincerely lamentable and has been felt by all public officials and the greater part of the Mexican family.

"Enemies are trying to use this case in order to damage the prestige of the Government. They have tried to incline the national conscience against the Agrarian Party, because this political and social party is the one most identified with the present Government. . . . Fortunately, the truth, with an eloquence superior to intrigue and perversity, has demonstrated to all the world that Mrs. Evans was killed by three miserable criminals without any other reason than to rob her of the money which she carried and that justice will soon pronounce sentence..

"The United States Embassy at Mexico City has brought the murder of Mrs. Evans to the notice of the Mexican Government and requested an immediate investigation with a view to the apprehension and punishment of the murderers, and the Mexican Government has replied that energetic measures were being taken to expedite the investigation and action for the apprehension of Mrs. Evans's assailants. The United States Embassy have suggested to the Mexican Government that it would be well to place a guard at Mrs. Evans's ranch to protect her house and its contents.

Ramsay MacDonald. In London, news of the Evans murder caused indignation. Questions were asked in Parliament. Premier MacDonald made the following statement:

"The British Consul at Mexico City informs me that Captain Hollecombe, an official of the British legation, who has been sent to the ranch to investigate, reports that the motive of the crime was not robbery, that the Mexican Government is acting energetically and have made a number of arrests and that he is obtaining all facilities.

"I have informed his Majesty's Ambassador at Washington that the Mexican Government should be made

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